Ohio History Journal

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Volume 57, Binding Supplement, , 1948, pp. 449-476.
... INDEX INDEX The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly Volume 57 ABB UT FRANCIS E LL IN sGWOO U article on American AgrictulItrist Langstroth conin Northwest Ohio Quarterly 434 tributed to 154 Abbotts' Bridge 238 American Anti-Slavery Society 29 and Abell Aaron I 182 coalition sith abolition forces 165-166 Abolition and abolitionists 2 165-174 opposed to formation of abolition party 177-178 in Western Reserve 24-47 167 the Presbyterian Church and 120 121 American Ble Jotritl cited ...

"Index to Minutes of Fortieth Annual Meeting of the Society and the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees," Volume 35, , Binding Supplement, , pp. 689-692.
... INDEX TO THE MINUTES OF THE FORTIETH INDEX TO THE MINUTES OF THE FORTIETH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SOCIETY AND THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Alexander T B 228 278-280 Cockerell Mrs Clinton 228 Alexander Mrs T B 228 278-2 Cole W H 228 260-261 Allen William 234 269 Constitution of Society Amendments to Architect State 230 254-258 262 suggested 232 read and adopted 277Armaments Limitation of 282 278 Armstrong Carl 237 Co-operation with Ohio State University Artifacts from Seip Mound ...

"Logan, Tecumseh, the Shawano Indians," by Warren K. Moorehead. Volume 36, Number 1, January, 1927, pp. 78-91.
... LOGAN TECUMSEH THE SHAWANO INDIANS LOGAN TECUMSEH THE SHAWANO INDIANS BY WARREN K MOOREHEAD Mr Chairman Ladies and Gentlemen I esteem it both an honor and a privilege to appear before you and speak briefly upon the lives of two great characters Logan and Tecumseh and also tell you a little concerning the Shawano Indians commonly called the Shawnees whose villages were in this part of our State We are assembled on a very historic spot historic not merely because the cabin of the earliest ...

"Joseph Badger, The First Missionary to the Western Reserve," by Byron R. Long. Volume 26, Number 1, January, 1917, pp. 1-42.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS JOSEPH BADGER THE FIRST MISSIONARY TO THE WESTERN RESERVE BY BYRON R LONG A preliminary word to the writing of this document is not unlike that which I wrote to the last article furnished for publication in this historical record In the sketch of Isaac N Walter printed in the April number of 1915 I dwelt at some length on the story of the Christian denomination with which he labored for many years as a minister My own personal connection ...

"The Ohio Indians: Address at Franklinton Centennial by Col. E. L. Taylor, September 15, 1897," Volume 6, Number 1, January, 1898, pp. 72-94.
... 72 Ohio Arch 72 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications THE OHIO INDIANS ADDRESS AT FRANKLINTON CENTENNIAL BY COL E L TAYLOR SEPTEMBER 15 1897 We are engaged to-day in celebrating an event of a hundred years ago which was then apparently unimportant but which has led on to great and permanent results A hundred years ago a few intelligent and determined white men settled here in the then unbroken wilderness which settlement soon became and has ever since remained the center of a far-pervading ...

"De Celoron's Expedition to the Ohio in 1749," by O. H. Marshall. Volume 29, Number 4, October, 1920, pp. 424-450.
... DE CELORON'S EXPEDITION TO THE OHIO IN 1749 DE CELORON'S EXPEDITION TO THE OHIO IN 1749 BY 0 H MARSHALL The extensive territory lying between the Ohio River and Lake Erie has been the theatre of many remarkable historical changes Its earliest inhabitants left no record of their origin or history save in the numerous tumuli which are scattered over its surface bearing trees of the largest growth not distinguishable from the adjacent forest Measured by the extent and character of those vast ...

"Camp Charlotte Site Marked," Volume 37, Number 4, October, 1928, pp. 615-617.
... CAMP CHARLOTTE SITE MARKED CAMP CHARLOTTE SITE MARKED A granite monument erected near the site of Camp Charlotte bears a bronze tablet with the following inscription CAMP CHARLOTTE Near this spot -- the famous Treaty was made between Lord Dunmore Governor of Virginia and Chief Cornstalk of the Shawnees and Allied Tribes in October -- 1774 This Camp was named Charlotte after the Queen of England Erected by the Pickaway Plains Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution 1774 1928 This monument ...

"Sketch of Cornstalk, 1759-1777," Volume 21, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1912, pp. 245-262.
... SKETCH OF CORNSTALK SKETCH OF CORNSTALK 1759-1777 The following sketch of Cornstalk is from the Draper MSS Border Forays 3 D Chap XVIII in the possession of the Wisconsin Historical Society Madison Wisconsin It is herewith published for the first time through the courtesy of Dr Reuben GoldThwaites Secretary of the Wisconsin Historical Society-EDITOR The early history of Cornstalk1 is involved in obscurity During those eventful years of Indian attack and massacre between 1754 and 1763 there can ...

"Buffalo Child Long Lance Visits Ohio," Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 516-526.
... BUFFALO CHILD LONG LANCE VISITS OHIO BUFFALO CHILD LONG LANCE VISITS OHIO The visit of Buffalo Child Long Lance to Ohio and his address before the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society will long be remembered by those who were so fortunate as to hear and greet him He had been invited to speak on Ohio History Day at Logan Elm Park It was found however that by coming a few days earlier he could be present at the annual meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society to ...

"Plowshares and Pruning Hooks for the Miami and Potawatomi: The Journal of Gerald T. Hopkins, 1804," Volume 88, Number 4, Autumn, 1979, pp. 361-407.
... edited by edited by JOSEPH E WALKER Plowshares and Pruning Hooks for the Miami and Potawatomi The Journal of Gerard T Hopkins 1804 Post-Revolutionary War Americans saw in the lands west of the Appalachian Mountains the means to redress the economic ills inherited from the war and its interruptions of trade Settlement west of Pittsburgh was handicapped during much of the 1790s by the hostility and military success of the midwestern Indian tribes Yet as Curtis P Nettels wrote in that decade as ...

"Beginnings of Lutheranism in Ohio," Volume 23, Number 3, July, 1914, pp. 268-283.
... BEGINNINGS OF LUTHERANISM IN OHIO BEGINNINGS OF LUTHERANISM IN OHIO BY PROFESSOR B F PRINCE PH D By the treaty of Fort Stanwix made with the Iroquois Indians in 1768 a large tract of land was opened to settlement in Western Pennsylvania and other regions reaching as far south as Eastern Tennessee The lands in Western Pennsylvania were opened to purchase in 1769 They were much sought for by residents of the eastern part of the State and by adventurers from Maryland and Virginia There were also ...

"Old Fort Sandoski of 1745 and the 'Sandusky Country,'" by Lucy Elliot Keeler. Volume 17, Number 4, October, 1908, pp. 357-430.
... OLD FORT SANDOSKI OF 1745 AND THE SANDUSKY OLD FORT SANDOSKI OF 1745 AND THE SANDUSKY COUNTRY LUCY ELLIOT KEELER My story will be confined to the sixteen miles which separate Fort Stephenson at the Lower Falls of the Sandusky river now Fremont from the banks of Lake Erie at the mouth of the Portage river Port Clinton the point visited by all Indians and French in coming from or going to Detroit and the northwest and later the point from which General Harrison's army left American soil to ...

"Presentation Speech of Mrs. Howard Jones" (Dedication of Logan Elm) Volume 22, Number 2, April, 1913, pp. 286-288.
... 286 Ohio Arch 286 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications The program began at 2 o'clock Hon E O Randall presided and after a very brief preliminary address introduced Mrs Jones who read the following paper PRESENTATION SPEECH OF MRS HOWARD JONES One hundred and thirty-eight years ago this October momentous events were happening in this beautiful valley of the Scioto and history was being made in this fertile Pickaway plain-land East of us about seven miles at Camp Charlotte were about fifteen ...

"Sandusky Forts, The," by Charles A. Hanna. Volume 22, Number 2, April, 1913, pp. 322-325.
... THE SANDUSKY FORTS THE SANDUSKY FORTS BY CHARLES A HANNA NEW YORK Several addresses on Old Fort Sandusky and the inscriptions on the monument erected last spring near the site of one Sandusky Fort were printed in the October 1912 number of the Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society's Qu arterly Some of these addresses and inscriptions are so full of inaccuracies misleading statements and incorrect inferences that they should be corrected The bronze tablet on the west face of the ...

"Account of the Voyage on the Beautiful River Made in 1749, Under the Direction of Monsieur de Celoron, by Father Bonnecamps," Volume 29, Number 4, October, 1920, pp. 397-423.
... ACCOUNT OF THE VOYAGE ON THE BEAUTIFUL RIVER ACCOUNT OF THE VOYAGE ON THE BEAUTIFUL RIVER MADE IN 1749 UNDER THE DIRECTION OF MONSIEUR DE CELORON BY FATHER BONNECAMPS MONSIEUR It was not possible for me last year to give you an account of my voyage on the Beautiful River All the vessels had left Quebec when I reached it I could it is true have written you by way of New England but I had many things to say to you which prudence would not allow me to send through the hands of the English ...

Volume 96, , Summer-Autumn, 1987, pp. 181-192.
... Index Index COMPILED BY LAURA RUSSELL ADDRESS to the People of the Western Country An by Daniel Drake 10 Adena 143-144 illustration 145 African Colonization Society 151 Albrecht Carl W bk notes 93 Allen William 149 Aller Kenneth P 135 Allison Col C W B 38 41 42 43 America Enters the World A People's History of the Progressive Era volume seven by Page Smith rev 77-79 American Academy of Arts and Sciences 105 American Art Its Awful Attitude by John Frankenstein 8 16 23 American Philosophical ...

"Indians in Union County," by W. L. Curry. Volume 21, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1912, pp. 263-271.
... INDIANS IN UNION COUNTY INDIANS IN UNION COUNTY BY COLONEL W L CURRY In 1797 before a white settler had found a home in the tract of country now forming the county of Union a town was laid out on a large scale in what is now Darby Township on the south side of Big Darby Creek by Lucas Sullivant who named it North Liberty Doubtless Mr Sullivant expected his town would at some not distant day be a busy metropolis but he ruined its prospects by laying out in August of the same year 1797 the town ...

"SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY, A," "August 1960-July 1961," compiled by S. Winifred Smith. Volume 70, Number 4, October, 1961, pp. 343-354.
... A Survey of Publications A Survey of Publications In Ohio History and Archaeology August 1960 - July 1961 Compiled by S WINIFRED SMITH AGRICULTURE HENLEIN Paul C Early Cattle Ranges of the Ohio Valley Agricultural History XXXV 1961 150-154 The Jackson Cut-Off Northwest Ohio Quarterly XXXII 1960 187-191 A ditch in Wood County to drain the Black Swamp built in 1878 and 1879 RHOADES Rendell ed Some 'Memoranda of the Locust Season in Ohio 1855' Ohio Historical Quarterly LXX 1961 152-156 ...

"Historic Address" (Fort Jefferson Dedication) by James I. Allread. Volume 17, Number 2, April, 1908, pp. 120-128.
... 120 Ohio Arch 120 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications tablets in the city of Greenville Ohio commemorating the establishment of the fort there in 1793 the first treaty with the Indians August 3 1795 and the second treaty July 22 1814 together with statues of General St Clair General Anthony Wayne and General William H Harrison the hero of the victory of the battle of the river Thames which resulted in the death of Tecumseh and the restoration of a permanent peace with the Indians This ...

"Ohio's Squatter Governor: William Hogland of Hoglandstown," by Randolph C. Downes. Volume 43, Number 3, July, 1934, pp. 273-282.
... OHIO'S SQUATTER GOVERNOR WILLIAM OHIO'S SQUATTER GOVERNOR WILLIAM HOGLAND OF HOGLANDSTOWN BY RANDOLPH C DOWNES What student of Ohio history would have dreamed that it would eventually be proved that Arthur St Clair was not the first resident governor to exercise the duties of that high office over the white inhabitants of the territory that now forms the domain of the Buckeye State Who would have thought that for almost one hundred and fifty years there has existed in the columns of the ...