Ohio History Journal

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"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 42, Number 2, April, 1933, pp. 239-244.
... REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR LIFE OF A NOTABLE SCHOLAR AND UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT William Watts Folwell The Autobiography and Letters of a Pioneer of Culture Edited by Dr Solon J Buck The University of Minnesota Press Minneapolis Minnesota 1933 An autobiography of more than usual interest and value has recently come to our library It is entitled William Watts Folwell The Autobiography and Letters of a Pioneer of Culture It is edited by the wellknown ...

"Oration of Hon. John Randolph Tucker, LL.D." (Marietta Centennial) Volume 2, Number 1, June, 1888, pp. 64-87.
... ORATION OF HON ORATION OF HON JOHN RANDOLPH TUCKER LL D The last decades of our century bristle with centennial anniversaries the landmarks of human progress in the free institutions of a Christian civilization The Old World with its crowded populations with its social orders and castes and its despotic forms of government was stagnant and unhealthful Commerce reached forth its bold and eager arms for new fields for human enterprise and a larger and freer civilization Motives of gain mingled ...

"The Fugitive Slave Law in the Eastern Ohio Valley," Volume 72, Number 2, April, 1963, pp. 116-128, notes 170-171.
... THE FUGITIVE SLAVE LA W in the Eastern Ohio Valley by LARRY GARA The fugitive slave law of 1850 was an essential part of the sectional compromise of that year1 As such it had ramifications that went far beyond the mere question of returning runaway bondsmen to their southern claimants At times the symbolic significance of the enactment overshadowed its real impact on the lives of those whom it touched Nevertheless there were some Americans of the 1850's who viewed the law as concerned ...

"Some Experiences in Making a State Historical Survey," by W. D. Overman. Volume 43, Number 3, July, 1934, pp. 307-314.
... Report of the Forty-eighth Annual Meeting 307 Report of the Forty-eighth Annual Meeting 307 SOME EXPERIENCES IN MAKING A STATE HISTORICAL SURVEY By W D OVERMAN The Historical Survey now in progress in Pennsylvania was started in December 1933 and is under the direction of the State Archivist The survey was carried on as a state CWA project until March 29 1934 and since that time has been continued with a greatly reduced quota of workers as a project under the FERA At its inception the director ...

"A Cleveland Drug Store of 1835," by Howard Dittrick. Volume 55, Number 4, October-December, 1946, pp. 338-345.
... A CLEVELAND DRUG STORE OF 1835 A CLEVELAND DRUG STORE OF 1835 by HOWARD DITTRICK MD Editorial Director the Cleveland Clinic Cleveland This presentation outlines many activities of an early Cleveland druggist with some mention of contemporary patrons and customs The information is based upon a manuscript volume which was presented recently to the Howard Dittrick Museum of Historical Medicine in the Cleveland Medical Library Written in long hand the book deals with drugs medicine and a number of ...

"'The Family System of Common Farmers': The Early Years of Ohio's Reform Farm, 1858-1884," by Robert M. Mennel. Volume 89, Number 2, Summer, 1980, pp. 279-322.
... ROBERT M ROBERT M MENNEL The Family System of Common Farmers The Early Years of Ohio's Reform Farm 1858-1884 In late January 1858 the Hocking Cottage the first family building of the Ohio Reform Farm was pronounced perfectly dry and ready for occupancy Soon thereafter Acting Commissioner Superintendent Charles Reemelin escorted the first inmates nine of the better disposed boys from the Cincinnati House of Refuge to the Lancaster institution1 The school proposed to reform juvenile delinquents ...

Volume 61, Number 4, October, 1952, pp. 440-459.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Preliminary Inventory Record Group 10 Indian Affairs Compiled by Manuscript Division Public Archives of Canada Ottawa King's Printer and Controller of Stationery 1951 14xiiip appendices and index The manuscript division of the Public Archives of Canada has launched a series of inventories to describe in some detail all its collections Each of the publications will be concerned with a particular section of the manuscripts in the public archives Record Groups are ...

"Original Bridges on the National Road in Eastern Ohio," by Harley J. McKee. Volume 81, Number 2, Spring, 1972, pp. 131-144.
... HARLEY J HARLEY J McKEE Original Bridges on the National Road in Eastern Ohio The approach to this subject is purely descriptive and is based on observations made during 1971 while the author was inspecting structures which had been recorded by the Historic American Buildings Survey1 Among the records in question were a number of photographs of bridges on the old National Road taken late in 1933 for which the locations had not been as clearly given as HABS standards require A part of the ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 93, , Winter-Spring, 1984, pp. 88-89.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries Joe L Dubbert 43 Professor of History at Muskingum College died September 27 1983 after a valiant fight against cancer Born in Laurens Iowa Dr Dubbert pursued a fascination for rural American culture at Parsons College BA 1962 and the University of Minnesota PhD 1967 He joined the history department of Muskingum College in 1967 and has been credited with re-animating the study of American history at that institution Noted for his fairness his common sense ...

"Subterranean Hideaways of the Underground Railroad in Ohio: An Architectural, Archaeological and Historical Critique of Local Traditions," by Byron D. Fruehling and Robert H. Smith. Volume 102, , Summer-Autumn, 1993, pp. 98-117.
... BYRON D BYRON D FRUEHLING AND ROBERT H SMITH Subterranean Hideaways of the Underground Railroad in Ohio An Architectural Archaeological and Historical Critique of Local Traditions During the decade that preceded the Civil War the underground railroad became increasingly active in Ohio and elsewhere in the north1 Although underground originally may have had much the same figurative connotation that it has today in expressions such as underground newspaper it was almost inevitable that the term ...

"Special Crops in Ohio before 1850," by Robert L. Jones. Volume 54, Number 2, April-June, 1945, pp. 127-142.
... SPECIAL CROPS IN OHIO BEFORE 1850 SPECIAL CROPS IN OHIO BEFORE 1850 BY ROBERT LESLIE JONES A noteworthy aspect of agriculture in Ohio before 1850 was the attention paid to a number of minor crops--rice cotton hemp flax clover seed white beans castor beans hops madder mustard broom corn cow cabbage sugar beets Rohan potatoes and tobacco The farmers were actually carrying on an American tradition for their colonial ancestors had experimented with most of these special crops and with others ...

"Greatest Man-An Ohioan, The," Volume 12, Number 1, January, 1903, pp. 105-106.
... Editorialana Editorialana 105 the people as one might suppose it to have been in the days of the tenth century The author carries the credulity of his reader to the very limit For instance he fully describes the girls' and boys' schools at Lekin the name which he gives to the present site of Newark in the vicinity of which there still stand to-day vast and complete earth-works of those long lost tribes These people as General Beatty pictures them with a graphic pen reached a stage of ...

"In Search of the Mound Builders: The State Archaeological Association of Ohio, 1875-1885," by Terry A. Barnhart. Volume 107, , Summer-Autumn, 1998, pp. 125-170.
... TERRY A TERRY A BARNHART In Search of the Mound Builders The State Archaeological Association of Ohio 1875-1885 If the State Archaeological Association of Ohio is at all remembered today it is as the forerunner of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society That organization emerged from the wreckage of the earlier state archaeological association on March the 12th and 13th 1885 and has been known as the Ohio Historical Society since 1954 The significance of Ohio's first state ...

"Relic Department of the Centennial" (Marietta Centennial) Volume 2, Number 1, June, 1888, pp. 245-252.
... RELIC DEPARTMENT OF THE CENTENNIAL RELIC DEPARTMENT OF THE CENTENNIAL ONE of the interesting and attractive features of the celebration was the display of historical relics It was a matter of great regret to the Committee that a list and catalogue of the articles with the names of owners and exhibitors could not be prepared before the celebration The following is a complete list of articles displayed The value of the list would be greatly enhanced could the name of the owner of each of the ...

Volume 57, Number 2, April, 1948, pp. 205-213.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Bibliography of Ohio Archaeology By Richard G Morgan and James H Rodabaugh Columbus The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society 1947 v 189p Paper 250 This bibliography is by far the best of its kind the reviewer has seen The number of entries will come as a surprise to those who think of the archaeology of a state area as including a few titles or even perhaps a hundred titles The number of published references available will be surprising even to those who ...

"Sixteenth Annual Report of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society to the Governor of the State and the Membrs of the Society," by E. O. Randall. Volume 9, Number 4, April, 1901, pp. 383-402.

"Provincial Basis of Patriotism, The," by Archer Butler Hulbert. Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 664-676.
... 664 Ohio Arch 664 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications AFTERNOON SESSION AUDITORIUM OF THE MUSEUM AND LIBRARY BUILDING 130 O'CLOCK The addresses delivered at the afternoon session of the meeting were of an unusually high order Members of the Society and their friends came in large numbers to hear the two noted speakers on the program They soon filled the auditorium to the limit of its capacity and a number were turned away for lack of room The high anticipations of the audience were not ...

"What An Historical Library Building Should Do For Pittsburgh," by Reuben Gold Thwaites. Volume 22, Number 1, January, 1913, pp. 106-111.
... 106 Ohio Arch 106 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications historical library building at Pittsburgh though delivered for the promotion of a purely local enterprise are so replete with information and suggestion pertinent to historical libraries in general that we take pleasure in producing them in full WHAT AN HISTORICAL LIBRARY BUILDING SHOULD DO FOR PITTSBURGH BY REUBEN GOLD THWAITE S LL D Superintendent of the Wisconsin Historical Society and Lecturer in American History in the University ...

"The Coxey Movement in Ohio," by Osman C. Hooper. Volume 9, Number 2, October, 1900, pp. 155-176.
... THE COXEY MOVEMENT IN OHIO THE COXEY MOVEMENT IN OHIO BY OSMAN C HOOPER The Coxey movement of 1894 was a fantastic expression at a critical moment of the industrial unrest prevalent for a period centering about that date It was an Ohio product sprung from a Western seed Named for its Ohio patron Jacob S Coxey its real author and promoter was Carl Browne a lieutenant of Denis Kearney in the days of sand-lot politics The number of unemployed men was large and discontent was widespread so that ...

"The Chieftan Wacousta, the Young Lahkopis, and the Maiden Ahyomah," by Mrs. David Gebhart. Volume 13, Number 4, October, 1904, pp. 455-457.
... The Black Hand The Black Hand 455 the rock was in mute appeal and forcibly reminded the wayfarer in a way at once forcible as it was poetical that thus far and no farther should the waves of unglutted vengeance roll The hand marked the portal of a sanctuary which was sacred to the savage whose lust for blood rose above every other consideration in his narrow but intense isolated but eventful life THE CHIEFTAIN WACOUSTA THE YOUNG LAHKOPIS AND THE MAIDEN AHYOMAH MRS DAVID GEBHART An unremembered ...