Ohio History Journal

Full Text Results For crawford

"Restless Americans: The Geographic Mobility of Farm Laborers in the Old Midwest, 1850-1870," Volume 89, Number 1, Winter, 1980, pp. 25-45.
... REBECCA A REBECCA A SHEPHERD Restless Americans The Geographic Mobility of Farm Laborers in the Old Midwest 1850-1870 Groups of people moving westward with their families and belongings were a common sight for residents of the Midwest in the nineteenth century Observers and diarists commented on the westward movement at the time and it later became an important consideration in historians' study of the frontier There were many motives for people joining the westward-moving stream increased ...

"Major Caleb Stark in Ohio," Volume 17, Number 2, April, 1908, pp. 150-159.
... MAJOR CALEB STARK IN OHIO MAJOR CALEB STARK IN OHIO GEORGE H TWISS A biography of Governor Lucas and the outlining of an important and fiercely contested case through the Courts of Ohio in the form of a petition to the legislature by the plaintiff Major Caleb Stark appears in this issue of the Quarterly They appear in conjunction since they both came from the same source and are unquestionably of the same authorship The unique character and vigorous ability the distinguished and valuable ...

"Lafayette's Visit to Ohio Valley States," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 29, Number 3, July, 1920, pp. 163-266.
... LAFAYETTE'S VISIT TO OHIO VALLEY STATES LAFAYETTE'S VISIT TO OHIO VALLEY STATES BY C B GALBREATH The fame of those who rose to eminence in the American Revolution is secure Time has not dimmed the luster of their achievements or our gratitude for their patriotic service The monument reared to them in the hearts of the American people has withstood the test of the critic the sneer of the cynic and the hammer of the iconoclast This is well If they have been idealized and idolized it is not to ...

"Agricultural Trains: An Innovative Educational Partnership Between Universities and Railroads," by Virginia E. and Robert W. McCormick. Volume 94, , Winter-Spring, 1985, pp. 34-45.
... VIRGINIA E VIRGINIA E AND ROBERT W MCCORMICK Agricultural Trains An Innovative Educational Partnership Between Universities and Railroads The handbill said 110 PM Thursday October 26 19111 but by one o'clock a crowd had collected and was greeting each farm wagon or buggy as neighbors arrived A stranger might have described the gathering as festive not the exuberance of a 4th of July celebration but an expectant air akin to a farm auction or the county fair Beside the Hocking Valley Railroad ...

"Henry T. Hunt and Civic Reform in Cincinnati, 1903-1913," Volume 62, Number 2, April, 1953, pp. 146-161.
... HENRY T HENRY T HUNT AND CIVIC REFORM IN CINCINNATI 1903-1913 by LANDON WARNER Associate Professor of History Kenyon College One April day in 1903 two law students were watching with interest and curiosity the voting processes during a municipal election in their native city Cincinnati1 Stationed near a polling booth in one of the notorious precincts along the river front they witnessed a long line of Negro voters shuffle from the Silver Moon flophouse through the polling place and with ...

"Finney's Fight Against the Masons," by Charles C. Cole, Jr.. Volume 59, Number 3, July, 1950, pp. 270-286.
... FINNEY'S FIGHT AGAINST THE MASONS FINNEY'S FIGHT AGAINST THE MASONS by CHARLES C COLE JR Assistant Dean Columbia College Columbia University Mention antimasonry and the historian and scholar think immediately of the famous Morgan affair of 1826 The story of the abduction of William Morgan a bricklayer of Batavia New York after he had published a book revealing the secrets of Freemasonry is a familiar one in American history The resultant wave of ill-feeling against Masons which culminated in ...

"Unpublished Letters of Dr. Daniel Drake," by Alice McGuffey Ruggles. Volume 49, Number 2, April, 1940, pp. 191-212.
... UNPUBLISHED LETTERS OF DR UNPUBLISHED LETTERS OF DR DANIEL DRAKE By ALICE MCGUFFEY RUGGLES In the winter of 1847-48 Dr Daniel Drake then professor at the Louisville Medical Institute dashed off late at night after strenuous days of teaching and research the Reminiscential Letters to His Children published in 1879 in the Ohio Valley Historical Series under the title Pioneer Life in Kentucky This little book is the most vivid first-hand account of a pioneer boyhood in that region ever written ...

"Speech of Richard Douglas, Esq., of Chillicothe: Delivered before the Whig Convention, Held in Columbus, February 22 and 23, 1836," Volume 22, Number 3, July, 1913, pp. 381-408.
... SPEECH OF RICHARD DOUGLAS ESQ SPEECH OF RICHARD DOUGLAS ESQ OF CHILLICOTHE DELIVERED BEFORE THE WHIG CONVENTION HELD IN COLUMBUS FEBRUARY 22 AND 23 1836 Richard Douglas who describes himself in the letter herewith as in birth a Yankee in habit a Sailor in adoption a Buckeye in profession an Old CourtCircuitizer in occasional circumstance a Blovian in principal a Whig etc was born in New London Connecticut September 10th 1785 From early youth like many other New London boys he followed the sea ...

"Northern Businessman Opposes the Civil War: Excerpts from the Letters of R. G. Dun, A," edited by James D. Norris. Volume 71, Number 2, July, 1962, pp. 138-147, notes 200.
... A Northern Businessman A Northern Businessman Opposes the Civil War EXCERPTS FROM THE LETTERS OF R G DUN edited by JAMES D NORRIS A number of rather prominent northern businessmen opposed the Civil War and the Lincoln administration for both sound business reasons and personal political commitments Robert Graham Dun's letters to his family and friends in Ohio during the Civil War present an excellent portrait of one such businessman Imbued with a deep-seated hostility toward both Lincoln and ...

"Boers in Ohio, The," Volume 9, Number 1, July, 1900, pp. 139-141.
... Comments Notes and Reviews Comments Notes and Reviews 139 heartedness Many incidents occurred during his stay to evidence the gentleness of his nature and the breadth of his sympathy with the unfortunate and the oppressed THE BOERS IN OHIO On Monday evening June 12 but a few days after the departure of Admiral Dewey the city for a few hours was the host as Mr Dooley would say inofficially of two other distinguished guests namely Messrs Wessells and Fischer Boer representatives of the Transvaal ...

"Rufus Putnam House at the Campus Martius Museum, The," (Collections and Exhibits) by Daniel R. Porter. Volume 73, Number 3, Summer, 1964, pp. 183-187.
... COLLECTIONS AND EXHIBITS the RUFUS PUTNAM HOUSE at the Campus Martius Museum by DANIEL R PORTER THE RUFUS PUTNAM house at the Campus Martius Museum State Memorial is the most outstanding architectural combination of New England tradition and frontier necessity preserved in Ohio today The house exemplifies as well the military and domestic challenges which faced the pioneers who established Marietta the first authorized United States settlement in the Old Northwest It was natural that New ...

Volume 74, Number 2, Spring, 1965, pp. 132-142.
... BOOK REVIEWS JAMES HALL SPOKESMAN OF THE NEW WEST By Randolph C Randall Columbus Ohio State University Press 1964 xvi371p illustrations bibliography and index 750 Randolph Randall's account of the life of James Hall 1793-1868 to whom Herman Melville acknowledged a literary debt in The Confidence-Man provides an interesting panorama of the larger life of the eastern and Ohio Valley frontier during the years of explosive change and growth that came between the War of 1812 and the War between the ...

"Introduction," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 32, Number 1, January, 1923, pp. 1-6.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS INTRODUCTION A wide interest attaches to everything that is said or written of Abraham Lincoln Ohioans will be pleased to review the authentic historic record that links his name and fame with the Buckeye state The monograph on the following pages presents for the first time in chronological order Lincoln's contact with Ohio and the relation of our state and its prominent public men to the crisis through which our Nation passed in the Civil ...

"General Joseph Kerr," by William E. Gilmore. Volume 12, Number 2, April, 1903, pp. 164-166.
... GENERAL JOSEPH KERR GENERAL JOSEPH KERR BY WM E GILMORE CHILLICOTHE OHIO The following article from the pen of Mr Gilmore appeared in the columns of The Daily Scioto Gazette of March 21 1903 As this article presents the history of Senator Kerr no where else to be found it is thought sufficiently valuable to deserve permanent preservation and is therefore herewith republishedE O R At length my inquiries and correspondence begun in 1886 for the purpose of recovering something of the personal ...

"Ulysses A. Plyley," Volume 40, Number 2, April, 1931, pp. 200-205.
... ULYSSES A ULYSSES A PLYLEY BY FRANK WARNER M D COLUMBUS OHIO On the 19th of May 1930 Ulysses A Plyley died at the age of 85 years He was born in the house in which he died This house is located on Plyley's Ridge a few miles west of Chillicothe Ohio on the pike leading to Greenfield He was the last child to occupy this old homestead of his father William Plyley who had lived there through his entire married life and had raised eight children The eldest child Clinton was born there June 20 1827 ...

"Remarks of R. D. Marshall, Esq." (Gallipolis Centennial) Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 172-174.
... 172 Ohio Arch 172 Ohio Arch and His Society Pub li ca ti ons VoL 3 REMARKS OF R D MARSHALL ESQ Your presiding officer has called on me owing to some delay in the arrival of trains which has delayed the forming and moving of the procession to address you for a few minutes and has charged me with being a speaker of some note and as he has placed me on trial before you on that charge I feel pretty certain that when you have heard me you will promptly acquit me of the charge as it was not my ...

"Orson Brainard: a soldier in the ranks," edited by Wilfred W. Black. Volume 76, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter and Spring, 1967, pp. 54-72, notes 95-100.
... edited by WILFRED W BLACK The Fifty-First Ohio Volunteer Infantry a Tuscarawas County regiment was organized in September and October of 1861 at Camp Meigs near Canal Dover More than one-half of its members were citizens of the county and Companies A B C E G and K were composed almost exclusively of Tuscarawas County men The Fifty-First had re-enlisted on January 1 18641 and following a furlough it returned to the front at Blue Springs near Cleveland Tennessee where on April 10 it was ...

"The American Historical Association," Volume 14, Number 2, April, 1905, pp. 219-221.
... Editorialana Editorialana 219 they have been exterminated by war disease and failure of accustomed food supply consequented upon the advent of the whites The simple and primitive existence and the peculiar characteristics of these children of the forest are entertainingly depicted This chapter is followed by a valuable and full appendix of statistics concerning the Indians-treaties of the United States with the tribes the cost to the government in the case of these aboriginal wards the ...

"Randall, Son of the American Revolution," by W. L. Curry. Volume 29, Number 2, April, 1920, pp. 99-102.
... Emilius Oviatt Randall Emilius Oviatt Randall 99 ican Revolution and of the Benjamin Franklin the local chapter He served as an officer in both organizations and spoke upon many occasions on patriotic subjects at their meetings and banquets Col W L Curry a charter member of the State Society a Past President and for many years State Registrar and an active executive of the Society will speak RANDALL SON OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION BY COL W L CURRY Emilius Oviatt Randall to whom we pay tribute ...

Volume 64, Number 2, April, 1955, pp. 214-237.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Howells and the Age of Realism By Everett Carter Philadelphia and New York J B Lippincott Company 1954 307p index 500 Mr Carter's scholarly study of William Dean Howells and his fellow realists is a sound valuable chapter in our literary and social history It is not a definitive biography such as Leon Edel's Henry James or Dixon Wecter's Sam Clemens of Hannibal but an intellectual portrait of Howells drawn by careful analysis and interpretation Mr Carter ...