Ohio History Journal

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"A Salvation Army Prelude: The Christian Mission in Cleveland, Ohio," Volume 64, Number 1, January, 1955, pp. 77-81.
... A Salvation Army Prelude The Christian A Salvation Army Prelude The Christian Mission in Cleveland Ohio By HERBERT A WISBEY JR At the corner of North Fourth and Oxford streets in Philadelphia a small inconspicuous plaque in the sidewalk declares Here on Sunday October 5 1879 was begun the work of the Salvation Army in the United States Although Philadelphia may be credited as the birthplace of the Salvation Army in America Salvation Army work actually was introduced in the United States at ...

"Economic Basis of Ohio Politics, 1820-1840," by Harold E. Davis. Volume 47, Number 4, October, 1938, pp. 288-318.
... ECONOMIC BASIS OF OHIO POLITICS 1820-1840 ECONOMIC BASIS OF OHIO POLITICS 1820-1840 By HAROLD E DAVIS The Geographic Basis Ohio was destined by her geographic characteristics to be the scene of conflicting economic interests and hence of conflicting political interests The land has in some respects a natural unity but in many respects that unity is lacking By far the greater part of the area of the state lies in the valley of the Ohio River so that geographically economically and politically ...

Volume 51, Number 4, October-December, 1942, pp. 259-340.
... OHIO MEDICAL HISTORY 1835-1858 OHIO MEDICAL HISTORY 1835-1858 FURTHER ASPECTS CONTRIBUTION OF OHIO PHYSICIANS TO THE MEXICAN WAR By LEON GOLDMAN MD One of the wars least interesting to and least popular with the people of the United States was of course the Mexican War of 1846 Yet this war should be of some interest to the physician for it was at this time that in spite of great difficulties definite advances were made by medical officers in the army Their conduct in the field went far to ...

"Ohio Waterpowered Sawmills," by Donald A. Hutslar. Volume 84, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter-Spring, 1975, pp. 5-56.
... DONALD A DONALD A HUTSLAR Ohio Waterpowered Sawmills Introduction The reduction of large timber into useful sizes for woodworking is an ancient process beginning long before the written word Metal tools were not necessary Before the advent of metal axes in North America the Indians were accustomed to felling trees by alternately charring the trunk with fire and breaking away the burned surface-presumably with large stone axes Dugout canoes were also hollowed out in this fashion Splitting is ...

"Contrasts in 150 Years of Publishing in Ohio," Volume 51, Number 3, July-September, 1942, pp. 184-194.
... CONTRASTS IN 150 YEARS OF PUBLISHING CONTRASTS IN 150 YEARS OF PUBLISHING IN OHIO BY CHARLES M THOMAS Nathaniel Willis the publisher of the Scioto Gazette found it necessary to cut the size of his paper to half a sheet in the latter part of the year 1 8 02 He explained the reason for this by the following paragraph which is found in his issue for November 13 By reason of the Menongehalia river not having been navigable for some time past we have been disappointed in receiving a supply of paper ...

Volume 106, , Winter-Spring, 1997, pp. 117-120.
... Book Notes Book Notes The Liberty Line The Legend of the Underground Railroad By Larry Gara Lexington The University Press of Kentucky 1996 xiv 201p index Appropriately titled when originally published in 1961 this seminal work on one of America's most enduring legends is finally available in paperback edition Having researched written and lectured on this topic for nearly 50 years Professor Gara skillfully distinguishes fact and faction while chronicling the colorful and frequently misstated ...

Volume 50, Binding Supplement, , 1941, pp. 417-431.
... GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME L GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME L Aberdeen O 118 American Periodical Literature Index Abolitionists 262 to Early 316 Aboriginal Man 141-4 American Philosophical Society336 Ackley Horace 340 American Public Health Association Adams Co250 365 382 Adams John 58 American Republicans 20 Adams John Quincy 21 American Revolution 4 17 25 31 33 Adams Randolph G12 47 99 36 37 44 60 66 71 72 74 85 86 87 Adams Samuel 186 88 244 274 Adena Mounds 203 American State Papers 317 Adena Plain ...

"The Politics of Sinophobia: Garfield, the Morey Letter, and the Presidential Election of 1880," by Ted C. Hinckley. Volume 89, Number 4, Autumn, 1980, pp. 381-399.
... TED C TED C HINCKLEY The Politics of Sinophobia Garfield the Morey Letter and the Presidential Election of 1880 Looking backward from the 1890s and ruminating on the almost dozen presidential contests with which he had been familiar Charles Francis Adams Jr reflected So far as the country as a whole is concerned the grand result would in the long run have been about the same whether at any particular election-with the exception of 1864-the party I sympathized with had won the day or whether ...

"Cleveland's Johnson: The Cabinet," Volume 66, Number 4, October, 1957, pp. 375-390.
... Cleveland's Johnson The Cabinet Cleveland's Johnson The Cabinet By EUGENE C MURDOC K Anyone who studies the life of Tom L Johnson always is impressed by the close ties of love and loyalty that bound his co-workers to him Even stout enemies conceded that Johnson had a compelling personal appeal Tempestuous Charles A Otis Jr who spent over a million dollars trying to unseat the mayor recalls Johnson's thrilling personableness You couldn't know him without liking him Otis observed William R ...

"Explorations of the Campbell Island Village Site and the Hine Mound and Village Site," Volume 32, Number 3, July, 1923, pp. 434-467.
... 434 EXPLORATIONS OF THE CAMPBELL ISLAND VILEXPLORATIONS OF THE CAMPBELL ISLAND VILLAGE SITE AND THE HINE MOUND AND VILLAGE SITE BY H C SHETRONE Curator of Archaeology TRANSMITTAL OF REPORT JUNE 11 1923 PROFESSOR WILLIAM C MILLS Director Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Museum MY DEAR PROFESSOR MILLS I have the honor to submit for your approval a condensed report of the examination of the Campbell Island Village Site and Hine Mound and Village Site located near Hamilton Butler County ...

"In Memoriam," Volume 94, , Winter-Spring, 1985, pp. 75-76.
... In Memorium In Memorium Eugene H Roseboom a distinguished scholar of American presidential elections and Ohio history died on September 19 1984 near Columbus Ohio He was age 92 A professor emeritus of history at The Ohio State University where he taught for 42 years Professor Roseboom introduced several generations of Ohio students to the excitement and intrigue of US political campaigns and elections Born in 1892 in Frankfort Ohio Roseboom who was of Dutch ancestry attended The Ohio State ...

"The Admission of Ohio to the Union," by Benjamin H. Pershing. Volume 63, Number 3, July, 1954, pp. 240-253.
... THE ADMISSION OF OHIO TO THE UNION THE ADMISSION OF OHIO TO THE UNION by BENJAMIN H PERSHING BRUTAL TRUTH DISCOVERED NEAR 150TH BIRTHDAY OHIO ASKS STATEHOOD With this alarming headline a metropolitan Ohio newspaper on January 14 1953 announced the most unique episode in the history of the admission of territories into the federal Union The article stated that congress had taken no action on the constitution prepared at Chillicothe in 1802 Consequently Ohio had legally been a territory and ...

"Dr. James H. Salisbury and the Salisbury Diet," by Clyde L. Cummer. Volume 59, Number 4, October, 1950, pp. 352-370.
... DR DR JAMES H SALISBURY AND THE SALISBURY DIET by CLYDE L CUMMER MD The life of James H Salisbury should be of interest to the historically minded for three reasons The first and least is that he devised and popularized a dietary regimen still remembered almost half a century after his death The second is that he was a pioneer exponent of the germ theory of disease and carried out laborious and painstaking investigations The third and tragic one is that had he persisted in his researches for ...

Volume 86, Binding Supplement, , 1977, pp. 307-318.
... Index Index COMPILED BY NANCY SUMMERS ACCINELLI Robert D on Harding 113 Colonial Frontiersman Explorer and Adams and Jefferson A Revolutionary Indian Agent rev 138-39 Dialogue by Merrill D Peterson 136 Bain George W book rev 204-05 Adams Charles Francis 242-44 246 Bancroft Thomas Chief Inspector of Adams John Quincy 157 165-66 167n Mines 17 Agricultural Adjustment Administration Barefoot Preacher The comp by Mrs 272 N E Lamb and revised by J F BurAgricultural and Mechanical College The nett ...

"John Brown's Last Letter," by Clarence S. Gee. Volume 40, Number 2, April, 1931, pp. 185-189.
... JOHN BROWN'S LAST LETTER JOHN BROWN'S LAST LETTER BY CLARENCE S GEE John Brown of Harper's Ferry fame sat in his prison cell in Charlestown Virginia now West Virginia on the morning of December 2nd 1859 well aware that he had not long to live His trial had resulted in a verdict against him and he was sentenced to die on this date In papers recently restored to the files of the Circuit Court in Charlestown we find the original verdict We the Jury find the defendant John Brown the prisoner at ...

"The German Pioneers: Address by Bernard Peters" (Marietta Centennial) Volume 2, Number 1, June, 1888, pp. 55-63.
... THE GERMAN PIONEERS THE GERMAN PIONEERS ADDRESS BY BERNARD PETERS OF BROOKLYN N Y LADIES AND GEN TL EMEN By the committee who have had the arrangements for these centennial exercises in charge I have been requested to speak on this occasion of the German pioneers who settled in this county during the first half of the present century The Governor of Ohio who has just introduced me as a native of this city must stand corrected in this particular I am not a native of this city nor of this State ...

Volume 68, Number 3, July, 1959, pp. 307-333.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews American Minds A History of Ideas By Stow Persons New York Henry Holt and Company 1958 xii467p suggestions for further reading and index 750 Here is a book with which all who are interested in American social and intellectual history should be acquainted It is designed partly as a text and partly as an interpretive essay a duality which since Parrington has become almost standard practice witness the work of Curti Gabriel and Schneider As the most recent effort to ...

Volume 66, Number 2, April, 1957, pp. 200-228.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Government and Administration of Ohio By Francis R Aumann and Harvey Walker American Commonwealth Series edited by W Brooke Graves New York Thomas Y Crowell Company 1956 xiv489p frontispiece appendix bibliography and index 595 Students of Ohio's government have had their task greatly facilitated in the 1950's by the publication of two volumes In 1953 Professor Albert Rose of the University of Dayton published his Ohio Government State and Local In 1956 Professors ...

"John Sherman," by George U. Harn. Volume 17, Number 3, July, 1908, pp. 309-336.
... JOHN SHERMAN JOHN SHERMAN GEORGE U HARN Mr Harn is a native Ohioan having been born at Wooster where he was trained in the printing and journalistic profession When a mere lad he became the Columbus correspondent for the Cincinnati TimesChronicle now the Times-Star Later he became one of the owners of the Mansfield Herald with the business and editorial control of which he was connected for many years Under President McKinley Mr Harn was agent of the United States Internal Revenue Commission ...

"Three Vallandigham Letters, 1865," contributed by Charles H. Coleman. Volume 43, Number 4, October, 1934, pp. 461-464.
... THREE VALLANDIGHAM LETTERS 1865 THREE VALLANDIGHAM LETTERS 1865 CONTRIBUTED BY CHARLES H COLEMAN Associate Professor of History The Eastern Illinois State Teachers College at Charleston The two letters from Clement L Vallandigham to Horace Greeley editor of the New York Tribune are from the Greeley Papers in the New York City Public Library The letter to James W Wall prominent New Jersey Peace Democrat is from the manuscript collection of the library of the New York Historical Society The ...