Ohio History Journal

Full Text Results For crawford

"Simon Kenton-Thomas W. Cridland, Pioneers," by Walter D. McKinney. Volume 34, Number 1, January, 1925, pp. 117-131.
... SIMON KENTON -- THOMAS W SIMON KENTON - - THOMAS W CRIDLAND PIONEERS BY WALTER D MCKINNEY Today it is my great privilege to place in the custody of this Society the framed portrait of a man This I might do in short form which would be forgotten at the conclusion of the ceremony but the subject of the portrait and the portrait itself -- and the maker of the frame and the frame itself -- are deserving of greater consideration by the society and myself The subject of the portrait is Simon Kenton ...

"Picture of a Young Copperhead," by Carl M. Becker. Volume 71, Number 1, January, 1962, pp. 3-23, notes 76-78.
... PICTURE OF A YOUNG COPPERHEAD by CARL M BECKER As he pursued his contentious course during the Civil War the great Copperhead Clement Laird Vallandigham drew around himself in Dayton Ohio a circle of political supporters and personal admirers Local politicians and newspaper editors followed in his wake and nameless men identified themselves as votaries of Val These supporters often embraced Copperheadism out of conviction but no doubt the strength and firmness of their faith were tinctured by ...

"Tablet on Serpent Mound," Volume 10, Number 4, April, 1902, pp. 492-494.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA TABLET ON SERPENT MOUND It will be recalled that during the visit of Prof F W Putnam of Harvard University to the meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science held in Columbus August 1899 that gentleman stated to the officers of our Society that if we would accept repair and suitably preserve and guard the property known as Serpent Mound then in the possession of the Peabody Museum that the trustees of that institution would transfer to us said ...

"Auto Trip Over the Old National Road," by Albert Douglas. Volume 18, Number 4, October, 1909, pp. 504-512.
... AUTO TRIP OVER THE OLD NATIONAL ROAD AUTO TRIP OVER THE OLD NATIONAL ROAD ALBERT DOUGLAS Member Congress Trustee Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society When the extra session of the 61st Congress adjourned on the 5th of August we had bought our railroad tickets reserved berths in the sleeping car and expected to proceed home to Chillicothe by the conventional railroad train but when I suggested to my wife that instead of shipping our motor car we should ride home in it over the old ...

"Collections of the Rutherford B. Hayes State Memorial," Volume 71, Number 2, July, 1962, pp. 51-157.
... DIARY OF IMPRISONMENT 51 DIARY OF IMPRISONMENT 51 Saturday 29 Very cold night--heavy frost No ax to be had My mess tried to make an apology for last nights treatment but I told them that I had been with my friend--out upon such selfishness Such is the action of a large portion of the prisoners Cannot send letters through without a CS stamp on them Wrote yesterday to wife but am waiting to get a stamp Lt Thos Hare gave me a stamp and I put the letter in the box Slept with Lt Anderson 3rd Iowa ...

"A Survey of Publications on the History and Archaeology of Ohio, 1971 to 1972," Volume 80, Numbers 3 & 4, Summer-Autumn, 1971, pp. 272-279.
... compiled by compiled by HELEN M THURSTON A Survey of Publications on the History and Archaeology of Ohio 1971 to 1972 ARCHAEOLOGY Central States Archaeological Journal 1971 published by several archaeological societies CERAM C W The First American A Story of North American Archaeology New York Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Inc 1971 357p Ohio archaeology MILLER JEFFERSON J II and LYLE M STONE Eighteenth-Century Cer a mics fr om Fort Michilimackinac A Study in Historical Archaeology Washington DC ...

Volume 52, Binding Supplement, , 1943, pp. 385-408.
... GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME LII GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME LII Abbreviations to Centinel Index 218 American Association for the AdvanceAbolition 153 ment of Science 325 328 332 343 Abrading stones 17 18 American Association of Dental Schools Academy in Columbus 1817 p 72 364 Accessions Catalogue to Society's MSS American Association of Museums Coun211 cil of the 208 Acquisitions to Society's Library 210 American Dental Association 364 Adams C T 366 368 American Historical Association 86 209 Adams ...

"Remarks of Governor James E. Campbell" (Gallipolis Centennial) Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 161-163.
... Remarks of Gov Remarks of Gov James E Campbell 161 REMARKS OF GOVERNOR JAMES E CAMPBELL It was a long-deferred pleasure one year ago on the 19th of October to make my first visit here I learned after arriving that it was an auspicious day being the ninety-ninth anniversary of the landing upon the banks of yonder river of the little band of French settlers who founded this handsome and flourishing city During an address to the people who gathered on that occasion to hear the political ...

"Travels of President Rutherford B. Hayes," by Kenneth E. Davison. Volume 80, Number 1, Winter, 1971, pp. 60-72.
... KENNETH E KENNETH E DAVISON Travels of President Rutherford B Hayes In a predominantly newspaper age long before the advent of radio and television Ohio's President Rutherford B Hayes spent much of his four-year term traveling throughout the United States Beset by critics in both the political arena and the press he strove to put his cause and himself directly before the American people While many of his trips were avowedly nonpolitical they definitely helped to project a favorable image of ...

"The Central Ohio Valley Historical Conference," Volume 17, Number 1, January, 1908, pp. 99-103.
... Editorialana Editorialana 99 A daughter of Mr Nichols the anti-slavery man is yet living and gives in a letter to me interesting facts She says My father and mother became earnest anti-slavery advocates in 1841 and from that time until the war the colored people knew my parents as friends and our home was a refuge When old enough probably about the year '48 or '49 I became greatly interested in the black people who came quietly to our kitchen door after dark and left before daylight often we ...

"The Black Hand," Volume 13, Number 4, October, 1904, pp. 444-459.
... THE BLACK HAND THE BLACK HAND JOHN D II M KINLEY The Licking river the Pataskala of the Indians as it draws near the eastern boundary of Licking county Ohio flows in a winding course for a distance of about two miles through a narrow and picturesque sandstone gorge known as the Licking Narrows High hills border upon both banks their rocky sides exposed in many places to a height of fifty to sixty feet almost continuously on the north bank and often rising out of the bed of the stream Just at ...

Volume 57, Number 2, April, 1948, pp. 197-204.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF NEGRO LIFE AND HISTORY Columbus William F Savoy State Director The Columbus branch of the association observed the 23d annual celebration of Negro History Week during the second week in February Radio speakers were Dr James H Rodabaugh Mrs Julia Burrell Charles Allen Dr William Utterbeck Dr John Bennett Dr Allen Griffen Chester Gray and William F Savoy state director of the association Dr Rodabaugh and Mr Savoy ...

"OHS Committee Report: Spiegel Grove," Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 577-579.
... Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting 577 Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting 577 end of the biennium but the improvement of the grounds has not yet been started We wish at this time to submit the following extract from the deed of conveyance to the Society from Miss Clarissa C Moor of the tract referred to above Provided always and these presents are upon this express condition that the premises hereby conveyed shall be used for a park and monument site and approaches Said grantee its successors and assigns ...

"Journal of Cyrus P. Bradley," Volume 15, Number 2, April, 1906, pp. 207-270.
... JOURNAL OF CYRUS P JOURNAL OF CYRUS P BRADLEY INTRODUCTORY NOTE BY GEORGE H TWISS A history in the co m mon acceptation of the term means a relation of facts and important dates a chronological record of battles sieges revolutions coronations and rebellions while no account is generally looked for of the moral and mental condition of the people whose action form the s u bject of the work and an account would doubtless if introduced be thought irrelevant out of place This is not as it should be ...

"Index to Minutes of Fortieth Annual Meeting of the Society and the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees," Volume 35, , Binding Supplement, , pp. 689-692.
... INDEX TO THE MINUTES OF THE FORTIETH INDEX TO THE MINUTES OF THE FORTIETH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SOCIETY AND THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Alexander T B 228 278-280 Cockerell Mrs Clinton 228 Alexander Mrs T B 228 278-2 Cole W H 228 260-261 Allen William 234 269 Constitution of Society Amendments to Architect State 230 254-258 262 suggested 232 read and adopted 277Armaments Limitation of 282 278 Armstrong Carl 237 Co-operation with Ohio State University Artifacts from Seip Mound ...

"Press Notices of Governor Clinton's Visit to Ohio," Volume 34, Number 1, January, 1925, pp. 100-108.
... PRESS NOTICES OF GOVERNOR CLINTON'S PRESS NOTICES OF GOVERNOR CLINTON'S VISIT TO OHIO COLUMBUS GAZETTE JULY 14 1825 Governor Clinton left here on Friday morning last accompanied by Governor Morrow several of the canal commissioners ex-Governor Brown and a number of our fellow citizens and arrived at Springfield in the evening He dined at Dayton on Saturday where he would remain until Monday From thence he would proceed to Cincinnati by way of Hamilton and etc where he would arrive on Tuesday ...

"The Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society Annual Reports," Volume 52, Number 3, July-September, 1943, pp. 205-216.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL REPORTS Due to the fact that the annual meetings of the various Ohio educational conferences usually held the first week in April and the meetings of the Columbus Genealogical Society and the Committee on Medical History and Archives were not held this year the annual History Conference was cancelled for 1943 and arrangements were made only for the annual business meeting of the Society scheduled ...

"Minutes of the Meeting of the Ohio Academy of History, Columbus, April 2, 1955," Volume 64, Number 3, July, 1955, pp. 328-332.
... Minutes of the Meeting Minutes of the Meeting of the Ohio Academy of History Columbus April 2 1955 The annual spring meeting of the Ohio Academy of History was held at the Ohio State Museum April 2 1955 Two sessions were scheduled for 10 A M The chairman of one Wilfred E Binkley of Ohio Northern University introduced Charles B Forcey of Miami University who presented a paper entitled Progressivism Forerunner of Fascism Remarks were offered by Louis Filler of Antioch College and Thomas LeDuc of ...

"Joseph Green Butler, Jr." Volume 37, Number 1, Janaury, 1928, pp. 193-198.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 193 Reviews Notes and Comments 193 owners through whose hands it has passed in the long period since it was originally written They have recorded in it quaint receipts accounts and other matters of little or no value today For a time it appears to have been used as a copy-book It is however in spite of these insertions a venerable interesting and legible document which throws strong sidelights on the activities of the frontier army during this interesting period ...

"Thomas Corwin and the Sectional Crisis," by Norman A. Graebner. Volume 86, Number 4, Autumn, 1977, pp. 229-247.
... NORMAN A NORMAN A GRAEBNER Thomas Corwin and the Sectional Crisis Thomas Corwin viewed the sectional crisis of 1860 with consternation but scarcely with surprise For a dozen years this conservative Ohio politician had warned Americans that the sectional struggle over slavery in the territories would one day propel the nation into a bloody civil war In his dramatic speech to the Senate of February 11 1847 he had predicted that the annexation of Mexican territory would unleash sectional forces ...