Ohio History Journal

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"Survey of the Seven Ranges," Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 466-467.
... SURVEY OF THE SEVEN RANGES SURVEY OF THE SEVEN RANGES After the immigration into the Western Reserve of the advance columns of the Connecticut Land Company it was several years before the survey of the new Western Reserve Empire was completed The base lines of the survey were the western boundary of Pennsylvania as determined ten years before 1786 and the parallel 41 latitude north was now 1796 run for the first time and extending west from Pennsylvania 1 20 miles From this base line lines ...

Volume 56, Number 2, April, 1947, pp. 201-204.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR STATE AND LOCAL HISTORY S K Stevens President The Association is publishing a new quarterly journal titled American Heritage It will deal exclusively with the teaching of local community history in our schools historical societies museums and similar agencies throughout the United States and Canada The editor will be Miss Mary Cunningham well known for her work as editor of New York History and the New York State Historical Association's ...

"An Impression of Harding in 1916," Volume 62, Number 2, April, 1953, pp. 179-180.
... AN IMPRESSION OF HARDING IN 1916 AN IMPRESSION OF HARDING IN 1916 by DOROTHY V MARTIN Curator of Manuscripts Burton Historical Collection Detroit Public Library It was as the keynoter and permanent chairman of the sixteenth Republican national convention that the name of Warren G Harding became known nationally for the first time Harry M Daugherty Harding's political manager confessed that his aim at that convention was simply to bring his protege before the delegates in such a way that they ...

"A Hoover Vignette," Volume 91, , Annual, 1982, pp. 74-82.
... PHILLIP R PHILLIP R SHRIVER A Hoover Vignette Fifty years after his defeat for reelection by Franklin D Roosevelt Herbert Hoover remains one of America's most tragic presidents For many if not most his name continues to conjure up an aura of depression of frustration of failure Arthur M Schlesinger Jr historian of The Age of Roosevelt recalls one of the myriad jokes that fixed a nation's scorn upon FDR's unhappy predecessor in the early 1930s It has Hoover asking Andrew Mellon for the loan of ...

"Chase and the Election of 1860," by Donnal V. Smith. Volume 39, Number 3, July, 1930, pp. 769-844.
... CHASE AND THE ELECTION OF 1860 CHASE AND THE ELECTION OF 1860 BY DONNAL V SMITH Continued from July QUARTERLY CHAPTER IV THE CHASE BOOM On New Year's Day 1864 the New York World lamented that the dawn of the last year of the most mournfully memorable presidential term in the annals of the Nation should still find the country rent asunder by civil convulsions It gave no hint of support for the President and his Cabinet they would have to be enlightened by the unmistakable voice of the people ...

"The Failure of the Ohio Life Insurance and Trust Company, 1857," Volume 57, Number 3, July, 1948, pp. 247-265.
... THE FAILURE OF THE OHIO LIFE INSURANCE THE FAILURE OF THE OHIO LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY 1857 by MORTIMER SPIEGELMAN Most writers on the economic history of the United States refer to the Ohio Life Insurance and Trust Company as the institution whose failure precipitated the panic of 1857 The failure is usually attributed to depreciated railroad investments and the losses stated in amounts as high as 7000000 dollars1 A search into the history of this institution that played a leading ...

Volume 55, Number 4, October-December, 1946, pp. 407-412.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies ALLEN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Mrs Harry B Longsworth Secretary The society is making a drive for the collection of old family records Bible records diaries account books journals and correspondence ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF NEGRO LIFE AND HIISTORY William F Savoy State Director The general program is to collect and preserve the valuable documents of the Negro's history to form intercultural study groups for the proper intergrated study ...

"Salmon P. Chase, First Historian of the Old Northwest," by Frederick J. Blue. Volume 98, , Winter-Spring, 1989, pp. 52-69.
... FREDERICK J FREDERICK J BLUE Salmon P Chase First Historian of the Old Northwest The name of Salmon Portland Chase rarely comes to mind when early historians of the Old Northwest are recalled Yet in 1833 as a struggling young attorney of twenty-five he produced a succinct account of Ohio's history which served as a valuable guide for several decades Not surprisingly the young writer's study reflected his own social standing and political ideology as well as contemporary attitudes In recounting ...

"'Strangers and Exiles': Assistance Given by the Religious Society of Friends to the Separatist Society of Zoar in 1817-1818," by Donald F. Durnbaugh. Volume 109, , Winter-Spring, 2000, pp. 71-92.
... DONALD F DONALD F DURNBAUGH Strangers and Exiles Assistance Given by the Religious Society of Friends to the Separatist Society of Zoar in 1817-1818 The Religious Society of Friends popularly known as Quakers has rarely been ranked among the leading denominations when measured by membershipl Despite their lack of numbers Friends have enjoyed notable recognition and exerted influence out of proportion to their size Several reasons can be given for this For one thing from their inception in ...

Volume 58, Number 1, January, 1949, pp. 117-118.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Territorial Papers of the United States Compiled and edited by Clarence E Carter Vol XIII The Territory of Louisiana-Missouri 1803-1806 Washington Government Printing Office 1948 xi 641p 350 This is the first of three volumes devoted to what the editor calls for lack of a simpler name the Territory of LouisianaMissouri-the part of the Louisiana Purchase to the north of the present state of Louisiana called officially the District of Louisiana 1804-5 the Territory ...

"Letter from Greene County, Ohio, December 28, 1817, A," Volume 51, Number 4, October-December, 1942, pp. 341-342.
... DOCUMENTS DOCUMENTS A LETTER FROM GREENE COUNTY OHIO DECEMBER 28 1817 Among recent acquisitions to the Manuscript and Archives collections in the Library of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society is the following letter which describes pioneer conditions in Greene County Ohio in the year 1817 The letter was addressed to Nathan Fisher Mendon Worcester County Massachusetts and was postmarked at Xenia December 31 It evidently reached its destination January 18 1818 The postage was ...

"Thomas J. Brown," Volume 22, Number 4, October, 1913, pp. 550-551.
... 550 Ohio Arch 550 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications THOMAS J BROWN Thomas J Brown a life member of this Society died at his home in Waynesville Warren county Ohio early on Wednesday morning April 2nd 1913 He was born near the village of Bellbrook Greene county Ohio August 16th 1833 thus at the time of his death being but a few months under eighty years of age Mr Brown's entire life was spent in the immediate vicinity of the place of his birth and the home of his boyhood Thomas J Brown ...

"Society-a Half Century of Progress, The," by John F. Carlisle. Volume 44, Number 3, July, 1935, pp. 375-390.
... PROCEEDINGS 375 PROCEEDINGS 375 Mr Sherman a musical program of three numbers was given by Mr Franklin Price of Circleville He sang Until by Sanderson Lift Thine Eyes by Logan and To Horse to Horse by Stephens Following the musical program Mr John F Carlisle gave the following address appropriate to the occasion his subject being The Society--a Half Century of Progress There are doubtless persons in this audience who have gathered here as to their father's house They salute their Society on ...

"Seed Humbuggery Among the Western Farmers, 1850-1888," by Earl W. Hayter. Volume 58, Number 1, January, 1949, pp. 52-68.
... SEED HUMBUGGERY AMONG THE WESTERN FARMERS SEED HUMBUGGERY AMONG THE WESTERN FARMERS 1850-1888 by EARL W HAYTER Professor of Social Sciences Northern Illinois State Teachers College The development of American agriculture as it unfolded from the pioneer subsistence level to that of a diversified enterprise was marked by the general characteristic of change-change from old practices to new ones There were several factors responsible for this inconstancy one of which was a growing necessity for ...

"'Sunset' Cox, Ohio's Champion of Compromise in the Secession Crisis of 1860-1861," by David Lindsey. Volume 62, Number 4, October, 1953, pp. 348-367.
... SUNSET COX OHIO'S CHAMPION OF COMPROMISE IN SUNSET COX OHIO'S CHAMPION OF COMPROMISE IN THE SECESSION CRISIS OF 1860-1861 by DAVID LINDSEY Associate Professor of History Baldwin-Wallace College Among the political leaders of the blundering generation of 1860-61 no one deplored the tragic drift of events toward armed conflict more than Samuel Sullivan Cox of Ohio Son of a pioneer printer from New Jersey Cox had been born and reared in Zanesville and schooled at Ohio University and Brown ...

"Construction of the Wabash and Erie Canal," by Lee Newcomer. Volume 46, Number 2, April, 1937, pp. 199-207.
... CONSTRUCTION OF THE WABASH AND ERIE CANAL CONSTRUCTION OF THE WABASH AND ERIE CANAL By LEE NEWCOMER Perhaps the most important event in the early history of northwestern Ohio was the opening in 1843 of the Wabash and Erie Canal from Toledo to Lafayette Indiana During the brief period between that date and the coming of the railroads this canal was responsible for opening up a large and important agricultural area Immigrants from the East poured into the Maumee Valley farms were cleared and ...

"Ethnicity and American Agriculture," Volume 89, Number 3, Summer, 1980, pp. 323-344.
... ROBERT P ROBERT P SWIERENGA Ethnicity and American Agriculture Ethnic Patterns in Land Settlement Rural America was never as ethnic as urban America The vastness of the agricultural hinterland and the traditional family farm both worked against the formation and survival of ethnic communities Nevertheless ever since Americans populated the land every national and denominational group in greater or lesser degree is represented in the farming population Rural America especially the Upper Middle ...

"Othniel Looker," Volume 31, Number 2, April, 1922, pp. 215-217.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 215 Reviews Notes and Comments 215 OTHNIEL LOOKER For many years the biographies that have appeared from time to time of Governor Othniel Looker have been far from satisfactory The text of the sketch which has appeared in many publications is reproduced in the note below As will be seen it is incorrect in almost every particular The editor recently learned that Governor Looker died in the village of Palestine Illinois A very obliging correspondent was found in the ...

"The Ohio Delegation at the National Republican Convention of 1888," Volume 56, Number 3, July, 1947, pp. 228-241.
... THE OHIO DELEGATION AT THE THE OHIO DELEGATION AT THE NATIONAL REPUBLICAN CONVENTION OF 1888 by EVERETT WALTERS Instructor Department of History Ohio State University When Governor Joseph Benson Foraker of Ohio arrived at Chicago on June 16 1888 to attend the National Republican Convention he found his fellow delegates in confusion Despite the Ohio delegation's commitment to Senator John Sherman by the state convention of 1887 there was evidence that certain delegates might break their pledge ...

"Langstroth, the 'Bee Man' of Oxford," Volume 57, Number 2, April, 1948, pp. 147-164.
... LANGSTROTH THE BEE MAN OF OXFORD LANGSTROTH THE BEE MAN OF OXFORD by OPHIA D SMITH A revolution in beekeeping began on a summer day in 1838 when Lorenzo Lorraine Langstroth saw a large glass globe filled with honey on the parlor table of a friend He was so fascinated by the beautiful sight that he went with his friend to visit his bees in an attic chamber In a moment all the intense curiosity of his childhood and boyhood seemed to burst into full flame When he went home that evening he took ...