Ohio History Journal

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"Burke Aaron Hinsdale," by Harold E. Davis. Volume 41, Number 2, April, 1932, pp. 241-283.
... BURKE AARON HINSDALE BURKE AARON HINSDALE BY HAROLD E DAVIS HIRAM COLLEGE Burke Aaron Hinsdale came of pioneer stock For generations his ancestors had been pioneers If his pioneering was of a different sort it was nevertheless pioneering Gifted with a rugged constitution he had an unbounded capacity for work and tireless energy which kept his pen busy through an eventful life as the bibliography of his published works shows A voracious mind and a certain independence of judgment-- a pioneer ...

"Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 43, Number 3, July, 1934, pp. 315-327.
... MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY The Board of Trustees of The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society met in annual session in the Trustees' Room of the Museum and Library Building at 1 o'clock p m Tuesday April 24 1934 The following trustees were present Mr Arthur C Johnson Sr President Messrs Goldman Eagleson Miller Goodman Florence Sater and Mrs Dryer Director Shetrone ...

Volume 98, , Summer-Autumn, 1989, pp. 201-218.
... Index Index COMPILED BY LAURA RUSSELL ABOLITIONISM 150 Aboriginal inhabitants of Ohio 101-130 passim Abuse and neglect of orphans 18 19 Adam Robert 132 Adams County Ohio 104 Adams John Quincy 54 Adena Mound 109 illustrations 11 Adjutant General OM 148 149 Adjutant General's Annual Report OM 149 163 Advisory Council on Historic Preservation 124 Agassiz Louis Congregationalists and Evolution Asa Gray and Lolis Agassiz by C George Fry and Jon Paul Fry 96 Agricultural Distress in the Midwest Past ...

Volume 93, , Summer-Autumn, 1984, pp. 209-221.
... Index Index COMPILED BY LAURA RUSSELL ABSTRACT of Book I and Book A Hamilton County Ohio Probate Records 1829-1834 89 Adams family Descent From Glory Four Generations of the John Adams Family by Paul C Nagel rev 97-98 Adams John Quincy 166 167 AFL See American Federation of Labor Ake Harvey 81 82-83 Alcott Amos Bronson Amos Bronson Alcott An Intellectual Biography by Frederick C Dahlstrand 184 Alexander Charles C book rev 109-10 Allen Charles C 173-74 Amalgamated Association of Iron Steel and ...

"Robert Hamilton Bishop, Pioneer Educator," Volume 44, Number 1, January, 1935, pp. 92-102.
... ROBERT HAMILTON BISHOP1 ROBERT HAMILTON BISHOP1 PIONEER EDUCATOR By JAMES H RODABAUGH One hundred and twenty-five years ago in 1809 the Legislature of the State of Ohio granted the charter which led to the organization of Miami University at Oxford Ohio This institution was built on lands granted in trust by the Federal Government to the State of Ohio for use primarily by the inhabitants of the John Cleves Symmes' Purchase For fifteen years after its founding Miami University remained ...

"Industrial Beginnings in Ohio," Volume 55, Number 3, July-September, 1946, pp. 242-253.
... INDUSTRIAL BEGINNINGS IN OHIO INDUSTRIAL BEGINNINGS IN OHIO By WILLIAM ALEXANDER MABRY The abundance of fertile land was unquestionably the lodestone which attracted most of the early settlers to the Ohio Country But along with the pioneer farmers came numbers of skilled mechanics to build the boats and erect the little mills and shops that were so much needed to furnish those necessities that could not be profitably brought from the East No tariff was necessary to protect the infant ...

"Patriotic Ohio and Patriotic Marion," by James E. Campbell. Volume 31, Number 4, October, 1922, pp. 404-407.
... 404 Ohio Arch 404 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications the crowds cheered and waved their hats and handkerchiefs until the automobiles bearing the president and his party passed out of the grounds The evening of the Fourth was observed by a dazzling display of fireworks witnessed by thousands The likenesses of President Harding Eber Baker and General Pershing were reproduced in fireworks display The morning program of the Fifth of July was presided over by George B Christian Sr The first ...

"Origin of the Cleveland Clinic, The," by Howard Dittrick. Volume 56, Number 4, October, 1947, pp. 331-348.
... THE ORIGIN OF THE CLEVELAND CLINIC THE ORIGIN OF THE CLEVELAND CLINIC by HOWARD DITTRICK MD Editorial Director the Cleveland Clinic Cleveland At the request of Dr Jonathan Forman I have prepared an historical resume of the origin of the Cleveland Clinic beginning with the time when the founders began to work together professionally and ending with the opening of the institution which they created Much will be said about a figure that drew the first founders together and after that events will ...

"Tribute to Dr. W. O. Thompson: Resolutions of Sympathy to his Surviving Relatives (At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society)," Volume 43, Number 1, January, 1934, pp. 110-111.
... 110 Ohio Arch 110 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications TRIBUTE TO DR W O THOMPSON RESOLUTIONS OF SYMPATHY TO HIS SURVIVING RELATIVES At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Secretary Galbreath concluded a tribute to Dr W O Thompson as follows After retirement from the presidency of the Ohio State University November 5 1925 Dr Thompson became president emeritus of that institution In that position there was no diminution of the widening ...

Volume 74, Number 2, Spring, 1965, pp. 132-142.
... BOOK REVIEWS JAMES HALL SPOKESMAN OF THE NEW WEST By Randolph C Randall Columbus Ohio State University Press 1964 xvi371p illustrations bibliography and index 750 Randolph Randall's account of the life of James Hall 1793-1868 to whom Herman Melville acknowledged a literary debt in The Confidence-Man provides an interesting panorama of the larger life of the eastern and Ohio Valley frontier during the years of explosive change and growth that came between the War of 1812 and the War between the ...

"The Two Lives of Frances Dana Gage," by Carol Steinhagen. Volume 107, , Winter-Spring, 1998, pp. 22-38.
... CAROL STEINHAGEN CAROL STEINHAGEN The Two Lives of Frances Dana Gage In the year before her death Frances Dana Gage 1808-1884 wrote an autobiographical sketch for Woman's Journal the organ of the American Woman Suffrage Association1 It seems appropriate that the infirm and isolated veteran of so many antebellum woman's rights campaigns would want to create a link to the younger generation of reformers and to mark her place in the history of nineteenth-century reform movements Gage might have ...

"The Finns in Ohio," Volume 43, Number 4, October, 1934, pp. 452-460.
... THE FINNS IN OHIO THE FINNS IN OHIO BY EUGENE VAN CLEEF The United States has been developed by motley groups of peoples from numerous divergent lands principally from European countries Among the representatives from these foreign nations are stalwart migrants from fascinating Finland In the course of a century or more the Finns have settled largely in our northern tier of states Their numbers today including those born in this country but of foreign or mixed parentage total 320536 Slightly ...

by A. A. Graham. Volume 2, Number 3, December, 1888, pp. 430-440.
... PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED UNDER this caption each quarter will be acknowledged all books and periodicals received All such works will be deposited in the library A A GRAHAM Secretary CALENDAR OF THE VIRGINIA STATE PAPERS Six volumes Published by authority of the State under direction of the Superintendent of Public Printing Volume I printed in 1875 begins with a Land Pattent to Henry Palin and John Swingleton issued December 6th 1652 by I Richard Bennett Efq Governour and ...

"The Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio: Its Resources," (Collections and Exhibits) Volume 71, Number 3, October, 1962, pp. 254-261.
... THE HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO ITS RESOURCES by LOUIS LEONARD TUCKER PICTURE A VICTORIAN structure with dingily lighted rooms which are filled with antiquated display cases containing such items as Grandma Wiggins' dress of 1872 a piece from the keelboat that transported Ebenezer Smith our town's first settler a fire helmet worn by a volunteer who fought our town's greatest fire in 1867 Fill out this scene with two or three woman curators of octogenarian vintage who have an ...

"Favorable Action of the General Assembly on Budget of the Society," Volume 32, Number 3, July, 1923, pp. 530-541.
... FAVORABLE ACTION OF THE GENERAL ASFAVORABLE ACTION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY ON BUDGET OF THE SOCIETY The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society is gradually coming into full recognition as one of the important educational agencies of the state Evidence of this fact is found in the recognition accorded it by the General Assembly of the state at its last regular session Its place among the institutions of the state was recognized when the trustees of the Ohio State University granted ...

"John Brown's Ohio Environment," Volume 57, Number 1, January, 1948, pp. 24-47.
... JOHN BROWN'S OHIO ENVIRONMENT JOHN BROWN'S OHIO ENVIRONMENT by MARY LAND Graduate Student Western Reserve University The stormy years John Brown spent in Kansas and the insurrection at Harper's Ferry have all but obscured the 38 years of his life spent in northern Ohio In 1805 when he was five years old he was brought from Connecticut to Hudson Ohio a small town near Akron He continued to live in the vicinity of Akron except for a decade in Pennsylvania two years in Springfield Massachusetts ...

Volume 88, Number 3, Summer, 1979, pp. 351-352.
... ROBERT BUTLER ROBERT BUTLER Book Notes The Life and Adventures of Daniel Boone By Michael A Lofaro Lexington University Press of Kentucky 1978 x 141p map illustrations bibliography This brief biography part of the Kentucky Bicentennial Bookshelf provides an easily-read introduction to Boone and his times Besides the standard account of his life Lofaro adds numerous anecdotes such as the fact that James Fenimore Cooper used Boone as a model for many of his fictional frontiersmen The author's ...

"Marcus A. Hanna and Theodore E. Burton," by Wilbur Devereux Jones. Volume 60, Number 1, January, 1951, pp. 10-19.
... MARCUS A MARCUS A HANNA AND THEODORE E BURTON by WILBUR DEVEREUX JONES Instructor in History University of Georgia The tempestuous career of Marcus A Hanna during the triumphant days of the Republican party at the turn of the century is still the object of considerable interest to the historian While his importance is generally recognized possibly even exaggerated the available biographical material on Hanna is not very satisfactory partly because the accounts tend to be biased partly because ...

"A Life of Charles Hammond: The First Great Journalist of the Old Northwest," Volume 43, Number 4, October, 1934, pp. 337-427.
... OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY Vol XLIII OCTOBER 1934 No 4 COLUMBUS OHIO THE F J HEER PRINTING CO 1934 PREFACE PREFACE Charles Hammond as a lawyer politician and editor was a commanding figure in the life of the pioneer West Under his direction the Cincinnati Gazette was one of the most influential newspapers in the country An able journalist of a later period asserted that among all the editors of Ohio--indeed of the Great West--he is the chief object of ...

"Sergeant Stanley Nagorka," Volume 29, Number 3, July, 1920, pp. 294-297.
... 294 Ohio Arch 294 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications The Captain has given his native town and state wide and honorable publicity His book is a lively modest straightforward statement of his services in the World War as full of thrills as his daring exploits It is written in attractive form and excellent spirit and deserves a place in every American library-especially those of Ohio Captain Rickenbacker's native state In this connection it may be proper to say a number of Captain ...