Ohio History Journal

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"Stone Graves in Brown County, Ohio," by Gerard Fowke. Volume 9, Number 2, October, 1900, pp. 193-204.
... STONE GRAVES IN BROWN COUNTY OHIO STONE GRAVES IN BROWN COUNTY OHIO BY GERARD FOWKE On both sides of the Ohio river from Manchester Ohio to Dover Kentucky a distance of twenty-five miles were formerly many stone graves or cairns A few stood at varying intervals for some miles below Dover and as far up the river as Huntington West Virginia and some remain along North Fork of Licking river in Mason county Kentucky They were most abundant from Manchester to Ripley on the Ohio side of the river ...

"The Ludlow Line," Volume 13, Number 2, April, 1904, pp. 278-280.
... THE LUDLOW LINE THE LUDLOW LINE R W MCFARLAND It is well known that Virginia claimed most of the territory northwest of the Ohio river by reason of the grants made by the sovereign of England to the colonists In 1784 in accordance with a formal request made by Congress in 178 0 Virginia ceded to the United States all her claims to the territory reserving only the lands between the Scioto and the little Miami rivers This tract is usually called the Virginia Military District It was reserved for ...

"Agricultural Trains: An Innovative Educational Partnership Between Universities and Railroads," by Virginia E. and Robert W. McCormick. Volume 94, , Winter-Spring, 1985, pp. 34-45.
... VIRGINIA E VIRGINIA E AND ROBERT W MCCORMICK Agricultural Trains An Innovative Educational Partnership Between Universities and Railroads The handbill said 110 PM Thursday October 26 19111 but by one o'clock a crowd had collected and was greeting each farm wagon or buggy as neighbors arrived A stranger might have described the gathering as festive not the exuberance of a 4th of July celebration but an expectant air akin to a farm auction or the county fair Beside the Hocking Valley Railroad ...

"Woodbridge-Gallaher Collection, The," by Harlow Lindley. Volume 44, Number 4, October, 1935, pp. 443-450.
... THE WOODBRIDGE-GALLAHER COLLECTION THE WOODBRIDGE-GALLAHER COLLECTION BY HARLOW LINDLEY Introductory The Library of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society recently secured a very unusual collection of material consisting of letters manuscripts journals account books maps pamphlets and books The manuscript collection consists of about 1100 items the most notable of which is the Woodbridge-Blennerhassett collection of approximately 600 items A word of explanation concerning the ...

"Mary White: Autobiography of an Ohio First Lady," Volume 82, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter-Spring, 1973, pp. 63-87.
... MARY L MARY L WHITE Mary White Autobiography of an Ohio First Lady As I hurriedly dressed I could hear the commotion downstairs while outside the National Guard was forming with appropriate commands and the neighing of horses It was Inauguration Day in Columbus Ohio January 12 1931--my father would soon be Governor George White Because of the recent death of Mother I was at the age of twenty-four to be Father's official hostess and First Lady of Ohio Full of determination to take the time to ...

"Ohio Waterpowered Sawmills," by Donald A. Hutslar. Volume 84, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter-Spring, 1975, pp. 5-56.
... DONALD A DONALD A HUTSLAR Ohio Waterpowered Sawmills Introduction The reduction of large timber into useful sizes for woodworking is an ancient process beginning long before the written word Metal tools were not necessary Before the advent of metal axes in North America the Indians were accustomed to felling trees by alternately charring the trunk with fire and breaking away the burned surface-presumably with large stone axes Dugout canoes were also hollowed out in this fashion Splitting is ...

Volume 62, Number 2, April, 1953, pp. 192-210.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Life and Times of Daniel Lindley 1801-80 Missionary to the Zulus Pastor of the Voortrekkers Ubebe Omhlope By Edwin W Smith New York Library Publishers 1952 xxx456p illustrations end-paper maps biographical table glossary and index 550 This is a record of the colorful and adventurous career of one of the first American missionaries in South Africa The name of Daniel Lindley has been perpetuated in the name of a town in South Africa and a large airplane has been ...

Volume 55, Number 4, October-December, 1946, pp. 413-422.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Amphibians of Ohio Part I The Frogs and Toads Order Salientia By Charles F Walker Ohio State Museum Science Bulletin Vol I No 3 Columbus Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society 1946 109p 100 Teachers students naturalists and herpetologists will be glad to know that this much needed paper on the frogs and toads of Ohio has at last made its appearance Although the numbers of kinds of this Order of tailless amphibians Salientia native to Ohio are very limited ...

"Thomas A. Edison Visits His Birthplace," Volume 32, Number 4, October, 1923, pp. 630-633.
... THOMAS A THOMAS A EDISON VISITS HIS BIRTHPLACE The village of Milan Erie County Ohio has acquired nation-wide and world-wide fame as the birthplace of one of the great inventors of the age Thomas Alva Edison was born there February 11 1847 A more extended sketch of this famous son of Ohio is reserved for the future It is the purpose here to record briefly a recent visit of Edison to the place of his birth on Saturday August 11 1923 He came in company with Henry Ford and Harvey S Firestone the ...

"Saving Mothers and Babies: The Sheppard-Towner Act in Ohio, 1921-1929," by Kriste Lindenmeyer. Volume 99, , Summer-Autumn, 1990, pp. 105-134.
... KRISTE LINDENMEYER KRISTE LINDENMEYER Saving Mothers and Babies The Sheppard-Towner Act in Ohio 1921-1929 In 1985 the year for which the latest statistics are available 106 American babies died for every 1000 live births in the United States This is a dramatic improvement over the country's 1921 infant mortality rate of 76 per 1000 but as in 1921 the United States' rate continues to compare poorly with many other industrialized countries In 1921 the United States rate ranked seventeenth out of ...

"Relation of New England to the Ohio Valley, The," by Carl Russell Fish. Volume 22, Number 1, January, 1913, pp. 119-125.
... Ohio Valley Hist Ohio Valley Hist Ass'n Fifth Annual Meeting 119 of its officers which is confined to matters purely historical I congratulate the Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania upon its wonderful opportunities It has a fertile field of operations hitherto but little cultivated it has enlisted an interest in its reorganization which is almost national it is surely destined to a prosperous and brilliant future THE RELATION OF NEW ENGLAND TO THE OHIO VALLEY BY CARL RUSSELL FISH PH D ...

"The Sage of Athens: Charles H. Grosvenor and Presidential Politics in Ohio in 1908," by Leonard Schlup. Volume 105, , Summer-Autumn, 1996, pp. 145-156.
... LEONARD SCHLUP LEONARD SCHLUP The Sage of Athens Charles H Grosvenor and Presidential Politics in Ohio in 1908 Now largely forgotten by Ohioans Charles H Grosvenor 1833-1917 was an important political figure in Ohio during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries An Athens lawyer and veteran of the Civil War Grosvenor entered state politics in 1873 upon his election to the Ohio House of Representatives where he served as speaker from 1876 to 1878 He reached the pinnacle of his ...

"Checklist of Major Research-in-Progress and Completed Masters and Doctors Degrees on Topics Relating to Ohio," Volume 81, Number 1, Winter, 1972, pp. 51-60.
... compiled by compiled by PATRICIA B GATHERUM Checklist of Major Research-in-Progress and Completed Masters and Doctors Degrees on Topics Relating to Ohio REFERENCE WORKS AR NOLD G ARY J An Inventory to the Microfilm Edition of the Washington Gladden Papers at the Ohio Historical Society MSS Processor Ohio Hist Society CHACE LAURA L and ALICE M VESTAL Guide to Manuscripts at the Cinci nn ati Histo ri cal Society Librarians Cincinnati Hist Society DITTBRENNER CURTIS H and PAU L D YON Guide to ...

"The Cincinnati Municipal Election of 1828," Volume 20, Number 3, July, 1911, pp. 255-268.
... THE CINCINNATI MUNICIPAL ELECTION OF 1828 THE CINCINNATI MUNICIPAL ELECTION OF 1828 MARY BAKER FURNESS CINCINNATI Cincinnati began its existence as a city under its first charter March 1 1819 By an act of the General Assembly passed January 26 1827 a new charter was granted which superseded the old one and did away with all the legislation which had been enacted under it According to this second charter the city boundaries began with the Ohio River at the east corner of partial section No 12 ...

"New Laws of Interest to the Society," Volume 32, Number 3, July, 1923, pp. 550-551.
... 550 Ohio Arch 550 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications LITTLE LOGAN ELMS Sometime early in the current year it was suggested that possibly under the spreading branches of the Logan Elm might be found some seedling baby Logan Elms that with proper care would grow up through the years into sturdy trees like the parent The little park surrounding the Elm is mown every year and the young seedlings fall before the scythe Upon investigation however a number of stubs were found with good live ...

"Specimens of Ante-Bellum Buckeye Humor," by George Kummer. Volume 64, Number 4, October, 1955, pp. 424-437.
... Specimens of Ante-Bellum Specimens of Ante-Bellum Buckeye Humor By GEORGE K UM MER Native American humor that is humor which by reason of its subject matter and technique possesses an emphatic native quality1 flourished vigorously in the backwoods of the United States for several decades before the Civil War Produced by the folk and recorded by rural doctors lawyers preachers and journalists it portrayed the comedy of character and background as seen in various parts of the country From it ...

"Prevailing Manners and Customs on the Frontier: The Memoirs of Irene Hardy," edited by Louis Filler. Volume 86, Number 1, Winter, 1977, pp. 41-53.
... edited by edited by LOUIS FILLER Prevailing Manners and Customs on the Frontier The Memoirs of Irene Hardy Irene Hardy schoolmistress poet and early Stanford University professor was born July 22 1841 in Eaton Ohio the eldest daughter of Kentucky and Virginia parents Her father Walter Buell Hardy was a schoolteacher of culture whose four daughters-he also had a son Lewis-all taught school successfully Irene was so named from a character in Edward Bulwer-Lytton's novel Rienzi with conscientious ...

"An Eddy in the Western Flow of American Culture: The History of Printing and Publishing in Oxford, Ohio, 1827-1841," Volume 44, Number 1, January, 1935, pp. 103-127.
... AN EDDY IN THE WESTERN FLOW OF AMERICAN AN EDDY IN THE WESTERN FLOW OF AMERICAN CULTURE The History of Printing and Publishing in Oxford Ohio 1827-1841 By JESSE H SHERA 103 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS It is I am well aware not customary to append to a study as brief as this a lengthy list of acknowledgments Nevertheless there are in this instance certain major obligations the public recognition of which I am convinced is not an act of supererogation Accordingly I would express my ...

"Trial of William Bebb," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 36, Number 1, January, 1927, pp. 48-61.
... TRIAL OF WILLIAM BEBB TRIAL OF WILLIAM BEBB BY C B GALBREATH For many years an interesting bit of literature has been going the rounds that has in many instances gained currency as a chapter in the history of the governors of Ohio Under the caption A Story of William Bebb it has found its way into the schools and the public and private libraries of the state Here it is without omission or addition If you should visit the State House in Columbusand look among the pictures of the governors of ...

"Woman's Suffrage in the Constitutional Convention of Ohio," by D. C. Shilling. Volume 25, Number 2, April, 1916, pp. 166-174.
... 166 Ohio Arch 166 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications to live before he has had a chance for self-realization Why cut off a man's opportunities in his youth Why rob him of the holy right to live and to make the best of himself There are doubtless moments of exhiliration and glory in the dangers of battle but these are as nothing when balanced against the wholesale slaughter of men Herein then lies the secret of our anti-war spirit Not that we would not fight if necessary No people is more ...