Ohio History Journal

Full Text Results For crawford

"Reminiscences of A Surveyor," Volume 45, Number 2, April, 1936, pp. 151-160.
... REMINISCENCES OF A SURVEYOR1 REMINISCENCES OF A SURVEYOR1 By JAMES T WEED In November 1888 I was elected county surveyor of Gallia County Ohio and on the first Monday of January 1889 I assumed the duties of the office In the forty-five years since then I have done a great deal of surveying of land and city lots and highways and a little in mines Most of this work has been in Gallia County though I have practiced a little in the adjoining counties of Jackson and Vinton in nearby West Virginia ...

"The Wisconsin Archaeological Society, State Field Assembly, July 29-30, 1910," by Charles E. Brown. Volume 19, Number 4, October, 1910, pp. 333-359.
... THE WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGICAL SOCIETY THE WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGICAL SOCIETY STATE FIELD ASSEMBLY July 29-30 1910 REPORT BY CHARLES E BROWN CURATOR Several years ago the Wisconsin Archaeological Society adopted the plan of holding summer field meetings of its members in various sections of Wisconsin which were known to be rich in prehistoric Indian remains The purpose of these annual gatherings was doubly that of extending their acquaintance with the features of the local archaeological field and ...

"Importance of the Study of Archaeology in Ohio," Volume 1, Number 1, June, 1887, pp. 55-60.
... IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDY OF ARCHAEOLOGY IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDY OF ARCHAEOLOGY IN OHIO IN no State of the Union are there more objects of archaeological interest than in Ohio and never before were we so well prepared to study them successfully as at the present time Pre-eminently is it the case with such objects as our earthworks that they need to be studied by comparison with other such works the world over Their treasures of knowledge cannot be rendered by themselves nor even with all the ...

"Research in State History: Its Problems and Opportunities," by Asa Earl Martin. Volume 40, Number 4, October, 1931, pp. 565-589.
... RESEARCH IN STATE HISTORY ITS RESEARCH IN STATE HISTORY ITS PROBLEMS AND OPPORTUNITIES By DR ASA EARL MAR TIN INTRODUCTORY REMARKS The purpose of my paper is to discuss some of the problems connected with state history I assume that my audience is composed of those who have more than a passing interest in this topic and that they are primarily concerned with the questions which history teachers historical writers and the local historical societies face every day For that reason I have made no ...

"Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 43, Number 3, July, 1934, pp. 315-327.
... MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY The Board of Trustees of The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society met in annual session in the Trustees' Room of the Museum and Library Building at 1 o'clock p m Tuesday April 24 1934 The following trustees were present Mr Arthur C Johnson Sr President Messrs Goldman Eagleson Miller Goodman Florence Sater and Mrs Dryer Director Shetrone ...

"Marcus A. Hanna and Theodore E. Burton," by Wilbur Devereux Jones. Volume 60, Number 1, January, 1951, pp. 10-19.
... MARCUS A MARCUS A HANNA AND THEODORE E BURTON by WILBUR DEVEREUX JONES Instructor in History University of Georgia The tempestuous career of Marcus A Hanna during the triumphant days of the Republican party at the turn of the century is still the object of considerable interest to the historian While his importance is generally recognized possibly even exaggerated the available biographical material on Hanna is not very satisfactory partly because the accounts tend to be biased partly because ...

"Randall, Archaeologist and Historian," by James E. Campbell. Volume 29, Number 2, April, 1920, pp. 93-96.
... Emilius Oviatt Randall Emilius Oviatt Randall 93 Mr Williams in presenting Gov James E Campbell said Conspicuous as Mr Randall was in many different and varied activities there is one field in particular where he stood pre-eminent and that was the field of archaeology Fine as he was in literary ability he there had his rivals happy as he was as an after-dinner speaker and toastmaster others there ventured to challenge his superiority but in knowledge of the early history of Ohio and of its ...

"Winthrop B. Smith: Creator of the Eclectic Educational Series," by Mauck Brammer. Volume 80, Number 1, Winter, 1971, pp. 45-59.
... MAUCK BRAMMER MAUCK BRAMMER Winthrop B Smith Creator of the Eclectic Educational Series William Holmes McGuffey 1800-1873 is generally credited with the phenomenal spread of moral eclecticism throughout the United States during the middle third of the nineteenth century Much of the credit should go however to his canny publisher Winthrop B Smith who was the first to recognize the evocative magic of the word eclectic as an advertising device He also wrested complete ownership of the McGuffey ...

"Honorary and Life Members of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 16, Number 4, October, 1907, pp. 513-517.
... Editorialana Editorialana 5 13 salient features and constructive powers in logically linking events with one another carries the reader through this volume and its period without permitting his interest to flag or his enjoyment to diminish The numerous and beautiful illustrations and the plentiful accompanyment of maps and charts greatly add to the pleasure and profit derived therefrom by the reader We still pronounce it the most complete reliable and readable history of our country yet ...

"William Davis Gallagher," by W. H. Venable. Volume 1, Number 4, March, 1888, pp. 358-375.
... WILLIAM DAVIS GALLAGHER WILLIAM DAVIS GALLAGHER BY W H VENABLE WILLIAM DAVIS GALLAGHER poet editor and public official was born in Philadelphia August 21 1808 His father Bernard Gallagher familiarly called Barney was an Irishman a Roman Catholic a participant in the rebelli on that in 1 80 3 cost Robert Emmett his life Barney Gallagher migrated to the United States landing at the city of brotherly love where by the aid of John Binns editor of the Shamrock he obtained work Some time afterward ...

"Young Charley Dawes Goes to the Garfield Inauguration: A Diary," edited by Robert H. Ferrell. Volume 70, Number 4, October, 1961, pp. 332-342.
... Young Charley Dawes Goes to the Young Charley Dawes Goes to the Garfield Inauguration A Diary Edited by ROBERT H FERRELL CHARLES GATES DAWES vice president of the United States under Calvin Coolidge 1925-29 was a youth of fifteen when he left his home in Marietta Ohio and with his father--just elected to congress--went off to Washington early in 1881 to see James A Garfield inaugurated as president Young Charley was impressionable His interests were properly those of a person of his years ...

"The Millerite Movement in Ohio," Volume 81, Number 2, Spring, 1972, pp. 95-107.
... N N GORDON THOMAS The Millerite Movement in Ohio A most spectacular and dramatic nineteenth century religious movement in America developed from the preaching of William Miller This was the culmination of the pronouncement that Christ's Second Coming would occur in October 1844 Preaching in a forceful manner and with convincing sincerity Prophet Miller delivered hundreds of lectures in years 1831 to 1844 His message was one of emotion and terror It was often sensationalized as well as ...

"Prehistoric Earthworks in Wisconsin," by A. B. Stout. Volume 20, Number 1, January, 1911, pp. 1-31.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS PREHISTORIC EARTHWORKS IN WISCONSIN A B STOUT University of Wisconsin In presenting this subject it seems best to the writer to treat somewhat in detail the various classes of earthworks and then to give a summary for the state as a whole with a brief discussion of the archaeological area to which it belongs With this plan in view the various artificial earthen structures in Wisconsin of prehistoric origin at least the greater number are ...

"Movement for Coal Mine Safety in Nineteenth-Century Ohio, The," by K. Austin Kerr. Volume 86, Number 1, Winter, 1977, pp. 3-18.
... K K AUSTIN KERR The Movement for Coal Mine Safety in Nineteenth-Century Ohio In the nineteenth century Ohioans as other Americans faced a host of new situations arising from the industrial revolution As the level of industrial production increased unique forms of occupational organization emerged which often confronted workers or the public with unaccustomed hazards creating demands that government begin regulating the affairs of private industry By the 1860s state government began addressing ...

"The Historical Paintings of William Henry Powell," by Michael J. Devine. Volume 89, Number 1, Winter, 1980, pp. 65-77.
... MICHAEL J MICHAEL J DEVINE The Historical Paintings of William Henry Powell In 1865 the Ohio General Assembly commissioned William Henry Powell to paint a large historic picture depicting the heroic naval victory of Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry and his men over the British in the Battle of Lake Erie in 1813 A former resident of Cincinnati Powell had won fame in the eastern urban centers of the United States as well as European capitals and his majestic Perry's Victory hung in Ohio's capitol ...

"Attempts to Preserve National Cultures in Cleveland," Volume 49, Number 2, April, 1940, pp. 128-149.
... ATTEMPTS TO PRESERVE NATIONAL CULTURES ATTEMPTS TO PRESERVE NATIONAL CULTURES IN CLEVELAND By WELLINGTON G FORDYCE Historically the social activities of the foreign born in Cleveland present a somewhat confused picture Certain of their activities represent an attempt to preserve their native culture Some of these have the active support of native Americans for the purpose of exploiting the wealth of culture represented in the various nationality groups in the city A second purpose of this ...

"Civil War Letters of Darwin Cody," Volume 68, Number 4, October, 1959, pp. 371-407.
... Civil War Letters of Darwin Cody Civil War Letters of Darwin Cody Edited by STANLEY P WASSON CLEVELAND TOOK ITS RECRUITING SERIOUSLY in August 1862 after Lincoln had issued his second call for 300000 men Ohio's quota was 74000 Each county was to provide its portion of soldiers before September 1 when Governor David Tod was to draft the remainder To encourage recruiting stores closed early during August local bounties were offered Regiments seeking to fill their rosters advertised in newspapers ...

"Roosevelt and Taft: How the Republican Vote Split in Ohio in 1912" Volume 110, , Summer-Autumn, 2001, pp. 121-135.
... Haverkamp Summer-Autumn 2001 pp 121-135 Copyright 2001 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved This article is presented page by page with footnotes according to the original print version If a sentence seems to end abruptly scroll down to continue with the next page Roosevelt and Taft How the Republican Vote Split in Ohio in 1912 By Michael Haverkamp click to view full image We stand at Armageddon and we battle for the Lord Teddy Roosevelt told supporters outside the Republican ...

"Roosevelt and Taft: How the Republican Vote Split in Ohio in 1912" Michael Haverkamp. Volume 110, , Summer-Autumn, 2001, pp. 121-135.
... Haverkamp Summer-Autumn 2001 pp 121-135 Copyright 2001 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved This article is presented page by page with footnotes according to the original print version If a sentence seems to end abruptly scroll down to continue with the next page Roosevelt and Taft How the Republican Vote Split in Ohio in 1912 By Michael Haverkamp click to view full image We stand at Armageddon and we battle for the Lord Teddy Roosevelt told supporters outside the Republican ...

Volume 50, Number 3, July-September, 1941, pp. 293-303.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Three Virginia Frontiers By Thomas P Abernethy University La Louisiana State University Press 194 0 96p 150 In recent years various historical writers including Louis Hacker Benjamin F Wright Jr Murray Kane and Fred A Shannon have challenged or minimized the importance of Frederick Jackson Turner's famous interpretation of the democratizing influence of the frontier upon American life and institutions Professor Abernethy's short volume is an additional contribution to ...