Ohio History Journal

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"Launching The Ship," by Ida Eckert-Lawrence. Volume 10, Number 1, July, 1901, pp. 46-48.
... 46 Ohio Arch 46 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications LAUNCHING THE SHIP BY IDA ECKERT-LAWRENCE This poem was written by Mrs Lawrence and read by her as she stood by President McKinley upon the occasion of the launching of the Ohio at San Francisco May 18 1901 Mrs Lawrence is a native of Richland county Ohio and now a resident of Toledo She is the author of the well-known little volume of poems entitled Day Dreams I Oh Star of empire thou that went before The pilgrim in the misty days of yore ...

Volume 62, Number 4, October, 1953, pp. 409-435.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Woodland Sites in Nebraska By Marvin F Kivett Nebraska State Historical Society Publications in Anthropology No 1 Lincoln Nebraska State Historical Society 1952 102p 30 plates maps and bibliography Paper 200 This is a report on previously unpublished excavations in sites generally assignable to the Woodland Pattern in Nebraska as well as a discussion and summary of existing evidence on the place of Woodland in the Plains area The presence of Woodland manifestations in ...

"A New Letter of Hiram Powers," by Thomas B. Brumbaugh. Volume 65, Number 4, October, 1956, pp. 399-402.
... A New Letter of Hiram Powers A New Letter of Hiram Powers By THOMAS B BRUMBAUGH Make me as I am Mr Powers and be true to nature always and in everything Andrew Jackson reportedly told the sculptor Hiram Powers 1805-1873 born in Vermont trained as a young man in Watson's clock factory in Cincinnati and later employed by Dorfueille's Western Museum scarcely needed such advice for on the road to making High Art he had also been a maker of writhing wax figures controlled by automatic insides for ...

"The Expedition of Celoron," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 29, Number 4, October, 1920, pp. 331-334.
... THE EXPEDITION OF CELORON THE EXPEDITION OF CELORON BY C B GALBREATH The journals of Celoron and Bonnecamps with the paper by O H Marshall are here published in order to bring together in convenient form the accounts of this remarkable expedition sent by the Marquis de la Galissoniere Governor-General of New France and the Country of Louisiana to establish more firmly the French claims to the Ohio country particularly that portion of it which lies within the present boundary of our state A ...

"Report of the Committee on Mound City Park," Volume 35, Number 1, January, 1926, pp. 274-277.
... 274 Ohio Arch 274 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MOUND CITY PARK Mr A C Spetnagel Chairman of the Committee read the following report The Committee appointed to supervise the restoration of the Mound City Group of prehistoric earthworks and the construction of a state park from the tract on which they are located offers the following brief report Foreword For the benefit of those who may not be informed it may be stated that the Mound City group of ...

"Minutes of the Meeting of the Ohio Academy of History, Columbus, April 8, 1961," Volume 70, Number 3, July, 1961, pp. 254-256.
... Minutes of the Meeting of the Minutes of the Meeting of the Ohio Academy of History Columbus April 8 1961 T HE OHIO ACADEMY o f History held its twenty-eighth annual meeting at the Ohio State Museum on April 8 1961 Two concurrent sessions were held in the morning and two in the afternoon Robert L Gilmore of Ohio University presided over the Latin American history section at which Father Charles E Ronan SJ of Xavier University delivered a paper entitled Clavigero Eighteenth Century Voice of ...

"The Motivation of a Radical Republican: Benjamin F. Wade," by Hans L. Trefousse. Volume 73, Number 2, Spring, 1964, pp. 63-74, notes 126-127.
... THE MOTIVATION OF A RADICAL REPUBLICAN BENJAMIN F WADE by HANS L TREFOUSSE As David Donald the biographer of Charles Sumner has so clearly pointed out in the historiography of the Civil War and Reconstruction there is no group which has been traduced more consistently than the radical Republicans1 Called Jacobins and Vindictives cold-blooded demagogs and irresponsible self-seekers they have been accused of sins ranging from rabble rousing to incitement to murder from near treason to ...

"Agriculture, Christian Stewardship, and Aesthetics: Ohio Farmers' Opposition to Coal Surface Mining in the 1940s" Chad Montrie. Volume 111, , Winter-Spring, 2002, pp. 44-63.
... Montrie Winter-Spring 2002 pp 44-63 Copyright 2002 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved This article is presented page by page with footnotes according to the original print version If a sentence seems to end abruptly scroll down to continue with the next page Agriculture Christian Stewardship and Aesthetics Ohio Farmers' Opposition to Coal Surface Mining in the 1940s By Chad Montrie In the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries more than a few American farmers took up coal ...

"Dr. John Locke, Early Ohio Scientist (1792-1856)," Volume 55, Number 4, October-December, 1946, pp. 346-373.
... DR DR JOHN LO CKE EARLY OHIO SCIENTIST 1792-1856 by ADOLPH E W AL LER Associat e P rofessor and Curator of the Botan ic Gard en Oh io S ta te University The nineteenth century in the United States suddenly swung into its expanding programs of research and education No one was prepared for the impact of the increasing realization of the power over nature which man now possessed The illusion of the perfectibility of all men through knowledge stretched undimmed The inherent weaknesses of man and ...

Volume 52, Binding Supplement, , 1943, pp. 385-408.
... GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME LII GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME LII Abbreviations to Centinel Index 218 American Association for the AdvanceAbolition 153 ment of Science 325 328 332 343 Abrading stones 17 18 American Association of Dental Schools Academy in Columbus 1817 p 72 364 Accessions Catalogue to Society's MSS American Association of Museums Coun211 cil of the 208 Acquisitions to Society's Library 210 American Dental Association 364 Adams C T 366 368 American Historical Association 86 209 Adams ...

"Index to Zeisberger's History of the Northern American Indians," Volume 19, Numbers 1 & 2, January-April, 1910, pp. 174-189.
... INDEX I NDEX A hunters 57 hunted in the spring 57 love of nuts 57 skins of little value Aboriginal Races of North America The 57 King of 58 fond of pigs 58 see Drake seized women and children 58 more Account of the History Manners and common in Iroquois country 58 and Customs of the Indian Nations An panther fight 60 sacrificed to dead see Heckewelder 140 Achewilens a rich man 146 Beard pulled out 12 Achsunnami1unschi Delaware name for Beaver season 13 described 61 scarce sugar maple 48 in ...

"Foreword," Volume 40, Number 1, January, 1931, pp. 25-29.
... FOREWORD FOREWORD BY DR WM W PENNELL As a native of Holmes County and one of its residents for many years my earliest recollections cling to the things that claimed the attention of its people at a very interesting period Among these were the threat of war between the North and South if Lincoln should be elected president runaway slaves and the story Uncle Tom's Cabin These were not peculiar to that county conditions there could have been duplicated a thousand times The threat had no deterring ...

Volume 72, Number 4, October, 1963, pp. 324-340.
... BOOK REVIEWS ULYSSES S GRANT CHRONOLOGY By John Y Simon Introduction by Bruce Catton Columbus Ohio Historical Society for the Ulysses S Grant Association and the Ohio Civil War Centennial Commission 1963 39p Paper 150 Historians long have experienced difficulty assessing Ulysses S Grant's true role in American history A complex man Grant was a product of his times a man possessed of both the strengths and the weaknesses of the age For years the fame of Lincoln and Lee overshadowed that of the ...

Volume 53, Number 1, January-March, 1944, pp. 64-81.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Crigler Mounds Sites Be 20 and Be 27 and the Hartman Mound Site Be 32 Boone County Kentucky By William S Webb With Chapter on Physical Anthropology By Charles E Snow University of Kentucky Reports in Anthropology and Archaeology Vol V no 6 Lexington University of Kentucky 1943 74p 20 figs 10 tables This new report on the Adena Complex in Kentucky is the sixth in a series of eight bulletins describing mound explorations of an important prehistoric Indian culture ...

"A Half Century of the Writing of History in Ohio," Volume 44, Number 3, July, 1935, pp. 326-352.
... A HALF CENTURY OF THE WRITING OF HISTORY A HALF CENTURY OF THE WRITING OF HISTORY IN OHIO By FRANCIS P WEISENBURGER Slightly more than a century ago Mrs Frances Trollope returned to her home in England after two years of residence in Cincinnati Thereupon she published her Domestic Manners of the Americansl a somewhat ironical commentary upon life in the United States Thus she became one of the earliest representatives of a ubiquitous tribe of Europeans that from time to time has contrasted the ...

"The Charity School of Kendal," edited by Harlow Lindley. Volume 55, Number 2, April-June, 1946, pp. 183-188.
... THE CHARITY SCHOOL OF KENDAL THE CHARITY SCHOOL OF KENDAL Edited by HARLOW LINDLEY The discovery of an Agreement between Adam W Heldenbrand and the Charity School of Kendal dated November 27 1863 has aroused interest to learn more about this Ohio educational institution and the unique contract enacted there In the winter of 1810-11 one Thomas Rotch left Hartford Connecticut and explored Ohio as far south and west as Cincinnati Springfield and Urbana On this trip Rotch made notes about the ...

"John Brough," by Osman Castle Hooper. Volume 13, Number 1, Janaury, 1904, pp. 40-70.
... JOHN BROUGH JOHN BROUGH OSMAN CASTLE HOOPER John Brough is generally thought of as the last of Ohio's war governors the sturdy Union man who as a candidate for the executive office in 1863 defeated Clement L Vallandigham by the then unheard of majority of more than 100000 votes He was all that but he was more than that and it is the duty as well as the pleasure of Ohioans to recognize it If ever a masterful man sat in Ohio's executive chair it was John Brough No general in the field was more ...

"The Indian as a Diplomatic Factor in the History of the Old Northwest," by Isaac Joslin Cox. Volume 18, Number 4, October, 1909, pp. 542-565.
... THE INDIAN AS A DIPLOMATIC FACTOR IN THE THE INDIAN AS A DIPLOMATIC FACTOR IN THE HISTORY OF THE OLD NORTHWEST1 PROF ISAAC JOSLIN COX Department of American History University of Cincinnati One merely asserts a truism when he states that the North American Indian is the predominant factor in the early history of the Northwest and that in no other field is this more apparent than in its diplomacy It is true that one may well hesitate to apply such a dignified title to a policy often ...

"Southern Strategy of the Liberty Party, The," by Stanley C. Harrold, Jr.. Volume 87, Number 1, Winter, 1978, pp. 21-36.
... STANLEY C STANLEY C HARROLD JR The Southern Strategy of the Liberty Party The great debate among American abolitionists prior to the Civil War centered upon the question of the proper method of ending slavery How was a movement with negligible support outside of the northern states to abolish an institution that existed in the southern states The alternatives appeared to be convince southerners to voluntarily give it up take federal action against it or use indirect methods to make ...

"The Problem of the Historic Indian in the Ohio Valley: The Historian's View," Volume 63, Number 2, April, 1954, pp. 172-180.
... THE PROBLEM OF THE PROBLEM OF THE HISTORIC INDIAN IN THE OHIO VALLEY THE HISTORIAN'S VIEW by DWIGHT L SMITH Sometime early in the morning of October 12 land having been sighted a party debarked for shore Presently they descried people who were naked Possession of the island was taken in the presence of witnesses from the ship and a number of the people of the island who had collected there1 As I saw that they were very friendly to us and perceived that they could be much more easily converted ...