Ohio History Journal

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Volume 105, , Winter-Spring, 1996, pp. 94-115.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Indiana History A Book of Readings Compiled and edited by Ralph D Gray Bloomington Indiana University Press 1995 xiv 442p index 3995 cloth 2295 paper None of the states of the Old Northwest has more persistently embodied the Midwestern middle-class ideal of small towns and commercial agriculture than Indiana Unlike Ohio Illinois Michigan or Wisconsin Indiana did not develop a huge industrial center No Chicago Cleveland Milwaukee Detroit or Cincinnati emerged in the ...

Volume 104, , Summer-Autumn, 1995, pp. 187-224.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Between Indian and White Worlds The Cultural Broker Edited by Margaret Connell Szasz Norman University of Oklahoma Press 1994 xii 386p illustrations maps notes bibliography index 4500 Frontier history has been redefined within the last fifteen years Between Indian and White Worlds The Cultural Broker is a reflection both of emerging interests and shifting perspectives within the field In 1893 Frederick Jackson Turner described the American frontier as the westward ...

Volume 77, Number 4, Autumn, 1968, pp. 164a-170a.
... 164 OHIO HISTORY 164 OHIO HISTORY A key maneuver in Hayes's attempt to implement his Southern policy was the appointment of Frederick Douglass as Marshal of the District of Columbia--a move which seems to have reconciled both white and black to the Hayes administration82 Hayes himself chose to look upon the appointment of Douglass as symbolic of an intention to upgrade the Negro in the eyes of the nation83 Douglass caused quite a stir after a bare month in office when he made a speech in ...

"Abstract of the Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the OSAHS Held April 20, 1937," Volume 46, Number 3, July, 1937, pp. 290-292.
... 290 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY 290 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY DR WITTKE Are there any further announcements or further business to come before the meeting Then a motion to adjourn will be in order MR MILLER I move that we adjourn This motion was seconded by Mr Fisher and carried ABSTRACT OF THE MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY HELD APRIL 20 1937 The regular annual meeting of the ...

"Mary Dean Vincent Mound," by A. B. Coover. Volume 17, Number 1, January, 1908, pp. 36-43.
... MARY DEAN VINCENT MOUND MARY DEAN VINCENT MOUND A B COOVER Mr Coover is a Life Member of The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society and has assisted Prof W C Mills in many of the archaeological explorations made by the Society Mr Coover acted as Curator of the Museum of the Society during the absence of Prof Mills while in charge of the Society's exhibit at the Jamestown Exposition It was during this time that Mr Coover made the explorations herein described - EDITOR Under directions ...

"River Namesakes of the State of Ohio," by Capt. Frederick Way, Jr.. Volume 60, Number 3, July, 1951, pp. 283-291.
... RIVER NAMESAKES OF THE STATE OF OHIO RIVER NAMESAKES OF THE STATE OF OHIO by CAPT FREDERICK WAY JR It is quite probable that no one will know precisely how many steamboats of the western rivers were named to honor the state of Ohio A share at least of those named Ohio honor the river they plied and not the state Actually in only one isolated case is it possible to be sure the state of Ohio was honored and not the river That is the steam towboat Ohio built in 1930 for the Standard Unit ...

"Story of an Old Dutch Chest," by C. S. Van Tassel. Volume 37, Number 1, January, 1928, pp. 101-106.
... STORY OF AN OLD DUTCH CHEST STORY OF AN OLD DUTCH CHEST BY C S VAN TASSEL The ordinary student of the world's history knows more or less of the story of the Spanish Armada-- how that majestic maritime wonder of the sixteenth century sailed from Corunna in July in the year 1588 in all its splendor and heralded invincibility intent upon crushing the English Dynasty and changing the map of Europe Instead of success however the great fleet met with almost annihilation only a bleeding and sadly ...

"Genealogy of William McKinley," Volume 10, Number 2, October, 1901, pp. 236-242.
... 236 Ohio Arch 236 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications GENEALOGY OF WILLIAM McKINLEY BY REV A STAPLETON The following genealogical sketch of President McKinley was prepared by the Rev A Stapleton of Carlisle Pa We give it as it was originally published in the New York Sun-EDITOR It should be a matter of regret to all true historians that the campaign histories of President McKinley were erroneous in several important genealogical details The data herein given may be relied on as correct as ...

"The Michigan-Indiana-Ohio Museums Association," edited by Harlow Lindley. Volume 44, Number 2, April, 1935, pp. 273-289.
... THE MICHIGAN-INDIANA-OHIO MUSEUMS THE MICHIGAN-INDIANA-OHIO MUSEUMS ASSOCIATION Edited by HARLOW LINDLEY In the autumn of 1927 at the invitation of Mr George R Fox of the Chamberlain Memorial Museum of Three Oaks Michigan a small group of museum workers from Northern Indiana and Southern Michigan met in Three Oaks for a conference and round table discussion Mr Charles E Brown chief of the Wisconsin Historical Museum at Madison was in attendance and led some of the discussions At the close of ...

"The Death and Funeral of President William Henry Harrison," Volume 37, Number 4, October, 1928, pp. 605-612.
... THE DEATH AND FUNERAL OF PRESIDENT THE DEATH AND FUNERAL OF PRESIDENT WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON BY REV EDWARD S LEWIS One of the most notable campaigns for the presidency of the United States was that of 1840 in which Martin Van Buren and William Henry Harrison contended for that high office This was perhaps the most picturesque of the presidential campaigns The Democrats were strong and confident Harrison the Whig candidate was ridiculed by them as being only a western soldier living in a log ...

"Centennial Celebration of the Adoption of Ohio's First Constitution," Volume 12, Number 1, January, 1903, pp. 1-24.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION OF THE ADOPTION OF OHIO'S FIRST CONSTITUTION The Centennial of the adoption of the Constitution of Ohio was celebrated at Chillicothe Saturday November 29 1 902 by the unveiling of a tablet marking the site of the first state house of Ohio which is the site of the present court house The weather was very inclement snow and rain interfering with the ceremonies to the extent at least that the audience was small and the ...

"Echoes Out of the Past," Volume 54, Number 2, April-June, 1945, pp. 143-148.
... ECHOES OUT OF THE PAST ECHOES OUT OF THE PAST BY CAROLINE M ZIMMERMAN The museum of the Clark County Ohio Historical Society houses many objects worthy of song or story many objects around which cluster a wealth of romantic lore fit to inspire a modern saga of great worth and beauty Of all these objets d'art there is doubtless none that carries a greater feminine appeal than a quaint little piano more than a century old the first in fact to have been brought into the county There it stands ...

"Ohio's Congressmen and the War of 1812," by William R. Barlow. Volume 72, Number 3, July, 1963, pp. 175-194, notes 257-259.
... by WILLIAM R BARLOW By the spring of 1812 the little delegation of three that represented Ohio in the national congress could easily have agreed with ex-President John Adams that a black Cloud of War with England hangs over us1 Senator Thomas Worthington had thought war probable for some time and after the twelfth congress was called into early session in November 1811 to deal with weighty foreign problems he was convinced that hostilities were almost inevitable2 Yet when the fateful decision ...

Volume 57, Number 4, October, 1948, pp. 431-439.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies ALLEN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Lima Mrs Harry B Longsworth Secretary The society recently acquired the record book of the Lima Recruiting Club for 1864 It contains bounty records for 1864 for Ottawa Township which then included the town of Lima James A MacDonell president of the society has donated a Webster wire recorder It will be used for recording talks and lectures and in interviewing older people who find it difficult to write their ...

"Address of Hon. S. D. Fess (Centennial of Croghan's Victory)," Volume 23, Number 1, January, 1914, pp. 22-30.
... 22 Ohio Arch 22 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications A centennial means a hundred years and does seem a long stretch of time and rather strangely I have heard accounts given by Major Croghan at only second hand for it happened that in 1845-6 when my father the late General Thomas J Wood U S A who graduated from West Point in 1845 was serving on the staff of General Zachary Taylor in the Mexican War Major Croghan at that time Colonel and Inspector General was also on the staff of General ...

Volume 65, Number 1, January, 1956, pp. 86-110.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Social Ideas of the Northern Evangelists 1826-1860 By Charles C Cole Jr New York Columbia University Press 1954 268p bibliography and index 425 Charles C Cole Jr has written an objective and well-balanced account of the relation between leading evangelical clergymen and the reform movements which characterized the several decades before the Civil War The author recognizes that the evangelists were above all concerned with the problem of individual salvation Their ...

"OTHER BOOKS OF INTEREST," Volume 81, Number 4, Autumn, 1972, pp. 309-310.
... Other Books of Interest Other Books of Interest Teachers for the Prairie The University of Illinois and the Schools 1868-1945 By HENRY C JOHNSON JR and ERWIN V JOHANNINGMEIER Urbana University of Illinois Press 1972 xx 508p bibliography and index 1500 Conception A History of the First Century of the Conception Colony 1858-1958 A History of the First Century of Conception Abbey 1873-1973 A History of New Engelberg College Conception College and the Immaculate Conception Seminary 1886-1971 By ...

"The History of Popular Education on the Western Reserve," by B. A. Hinsdale. Volume 6, Number 1, January, 1898, pp. 35-58.
... Popular Education on the Western Reserve Popular Education on the Western Reserve 35 THE HISTORY OF POPULAR EDUCATION ON THE WESTERN RESERVE AN ADDRESS DELIVERED IN THE SERIES OF EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCES HELD IN ASSOCIATION HALL CLEVELAND SEPTEMBER 7 AND 8 1896 B A HINSDALE PH D LL D PROFESSOR OF THE SCIENCE AND THE ART OF TEACHING IN THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN It is peculiarly appropriate that the programme of the Centennial Commemoration of the founding of the City of Cleveland and of the ...

"Fugitive Slave Cases in Ohio Prior to 1850," by Leo Alilunas. Volume 49, Number 2, April, 1940, pp. 160-184.
... FUGITIVE SLAVE CASES IN OHIO PRIOR TO 1850 FUGITIVE SLAVE CASES IN OHIO PRIOR TO 1850 By LEO ALILUNAS Background of the Fugitive Slave Question Before the subject of fugitive slave cases in Ohio prior to the passage of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 can be developed it is necessary to consider a few aspects of the antislavery movement in Ohio A number of questions arise What was the antislavery sentiment of the people of Ohio before 1850 What was the legislative policy of the State legislature ...

"The Explorations of the Edwin Harness Mound," by William C. Mills. Volume 16, Number 2, April, 1907, pp. 113-193.
... THE EXPLORATIONS OF THE EDWIN HARNESS THE EXPLORATIONS OF THE EDWIN HARNESS MOUND WILLIAM C MILLS The Edwin Harness Mound is the largest of the fourteen mounds which are located within the earthworks of the Harness groupl and in close proximity to them and it would equal in dimensions more than all the other mounds of this group combined and perhaps the largest mound in the Scioto Valley proper although not equal in size to the great Hopewell Mound located on the north fork of Paint Creek and ...