Ohio History Journal

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"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 34, Number 3, July, 1925, pp. 426-433.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR ANNIVERSARY OF VISIT OF LAFAYETTE TO OHIO CELEBRATED IN CINCINNATI One great city in the United States at least appropriately celebrated the centenary of Lafayette's visit to America The city of Cincinnati under the leadership of Mrs Lowell F Hobart Ohio Regent of the D A R Mrs Charles A Meyers Regent of the Cincinnati chapter of this organization Mrs Thomas Kite ...

"Obstacles to Plan Implementation in the Age of Comprehensive City Planning: Cincinnati's Experience," by Robert A. Burnham. Volume 105, , Summer-Autumn, 1996, pp. 157-173.
... ROBERT A ROBERT A BURNHAM Obstacles to Plan Implementation in the Age of Comprehensive City Planning Cincinnati's Experience During the period from roughly 1915 to 1945 when city planning became institutionalized in the United States efforts to rationalize the city through comprehensive city planning often met with only measured success1 This stemmed in part from the nature of planning itself in that planning at one level was just that planning a vision to guide the future development of the ...

"Young Woman in the Midwest: The Journal of Mary Sears, 1859-1860, A," edited by Daryl E. Jones and James W. Pickering. Volume 82, Numbers 3 & 4, Summer-Autumn, 1973, pp. 215-234.
... Edited by Edited by DARYL E JONES JAMES H PICKERING A Young Woman in the Midwest The Journal of Mary Sears 1859-1860 Born in Greenwich Massachusetts on March 31 1838 and trained as a music teacher Mary E Sears was twenty years old in the winter of 1859 when she began keeping a journal of her daily thoughts and activities while emigrating West to join family members in Ohio and Illinois During the following two years she recorded a multitude of experiences which span both distance and social ...

"General Arthur St. Clair," Volume 43, Number 3, July, 1934, pp. 255.
... 255 255 GENERAL ARTHUR ST CLAIR The Columbus Dispatch contained the following editorial in its issue of April 5 1934 Tuesday was the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of a man closely connected with the early history of Ohio whose life was a pitiable tragedy--Gen Arthur St Clair governor of the Northwest Territory when Ohio formed the body of it He was born in Scotland April 3 1734 and came to America in his young manhood With ability as a soldier he served with the British forces in ...

"Report of the Committee on Necrology," Volume 32, Number 4, October, 1923, pp. 691-693.
... Minutes of the Annual Meeting 691 Minutes of the Annual Meeting 6 91 An aye and nay vote being taken the Chairman was in doubt as to the result and called for a standing vote The result of this vote was Aye 16 nay 11 The resolution was duly adopted Colonel Hayes moved and it was seconded that a committee be appointed to revise the constitution The Chairman being in doubt as to result of an aye and nay vote called for a standing vote The vote resulted as follows Aye 7 nay 14 The motion was ...

"A Century of Voting in Three Ohio Counties," by I. Ridgway Davis. Volume 69, Number 2, April, 1960, pp. 121-156.
... A Century of Voting A Century of Voting In Three Ohio Counties By I RIDGWAY DAVIS BECAUSE VOTING IS OF KEY IMPORTANCE in a democracy analyses of voting behavior on the national and state levels in the United States have been of major interest to students of history and government Comparatively little research however has been forthcoming on the local level In this study the voting records of three Ohio counties Ross Pike and Scioto have been examined for the period 1859-1959 a century of ...

"William Chambers in America, 1853," by W. H. G. Armytage. Volume 59, Number 2, April, 1950, pp. 139-149.
... WILLIAM CHAMBERS IN AMERICA 1853 WILLIAM CHAMBERS IN AMERICA 1853 by W H G ARMYTAGE University of Sheffield America through British eyes has thrown up an enormous amount of comment and historical writing since the times of Mrs Trollope and the waspish Captain Basil Hall The recent reissue of an anthology bearing that title1 affords an excuse for adding yet a few more pages to that subject by calling attention to a work which is very often ignored when the subject is being studied It is a ...

"Annual Address of F. C. Sessions, President of the Society. Read in the Senate Chamber, at the Fourth Annual Meeting, Thursday Evening, January 31, 1889" Volume 2, Number 4, March, 1889, pp. 548-558.
... ANNUAL ADDRESS OF F ANNUAL ADDRESS OF F C SESSIONS PRESIDENT OF THE SOCIETY Read in the Senate Chamber at the Fourth Annual Meeting Thursday Evening January 31 1889 ALMOST one year ago this Society went to Marietta O to celebrate the one hundredth anniversary of the settlement by Americans of the Northwest Territory of which Ohio is an integral part and of which she is the oldest State and one of the most powerful of American commonwealths The settlement was hence the first by Americans in ...

"The Ohio Delegation at the National Republican Convention of 1888," Volume 56, Number 3, July, 1947, pp. 228-241.
... THE OHIO DELEGATION AT THE THE OHIO DELEGATION AT THE NATIONAL REPUBLICAN CONVENTION OF 1888 by EVERETT WALTERS Instructor Department of History Ohio State University When Governor Joseph Benson Foraker of Ohio arrived at Chicago on June 16 1888 to attend the National Republican Convention he found his fellow delegates in confusion Despite the Ohio delegation's commitment to Senator John Sherman by the state convention of 1887 there was evidence that certain delegates might break their pledge ...

"The Medical Training of Matthew Simpson, 1830-1833," by Robert D. Clark. Volume 61, Number 4, October, 1952, pp. 371-379.
... THE MEDICAL TRAINING OF MATTHEW SIMPSON THE MEDICAL TRAINING OF MATTHEW SIMPSON 1830-1833 by ROBERT D CLARK Assistant Dean College of Liberal Arts University of Oregon Among the sources which give some insight into the medical and general education of the early Ohio physician are the papers of Matthew Simpson Simpson after a brief period as a physician became in the middle of the nineteenth century a bishop in the Methodist Episcopal Church and one of the most eloquent pulpit and platform ...

"Lincoln in Ohio," by John H. Cramer. Volume 54, Number 2, April-June, 1945, pp. 149-168.
... LINCOLN IN OHIO LINCOLN IN OHIO BY JOHN H CRAMER I The Cincinnati Speech of September 1859 Did Dayton Hear It First The words which Abraham Lincoln spoke in Cincinnati upon the seventeenth of September 1859 are well known to careful students of his addresses and writings They were the words of one of the most important speeches which the famous Illinoisan made upon his brief but important excursion into Ohio The address was given in answer to a previous speech made by the then more noted ...

"Joseph Tosso, the Arkansaw Traveler," by Ophia D. Smith. Volume 56, Number 1, January, 1947, pp. 16-45.
... JOSEPH TOSSO THE ARKANSAW TRAVELER JOSEPH TOSSO THE ARKANSAW TRAVELER by OPHIA D SMITH The man who made Arkansaw Traveler famous was not an ordinary country fiddler He was a courtly Italian gentleman a musical genius who might have become one of the great violinists of all time The melody as well as the story of the Arkansaw Traveler was attributed to Joseph Tosso over and over in the Cincinnati press during the sixty years he lived in that city He was renowned for his inimitable rendition of ...

"The Corwin Amendment in the Secession Crisis," by R. Alton Lee. Volume 70, Number 1, January, 1961, pp. 1-26.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 70 NUMBER 1 J A N U A R Y 1961 The Corwin Amendment In the Secession Crisis By R ALTON LEE THE ELECTION of a Republican president in November 1860 on a platform opposed to further extension of slavery sparked the secession of South Carolina from the United States Between December 20 1860 and February 1 1861 the other six cotton states followed South Carolina out of the Union Never since the world began was there a more ...

Volume 65, Number 4, October, 1956, pp. 415-418.
... Historical News Historical News The Steubenville Herald-Star celebrated its 150th birthday on June 7 Founded as the Western Herald by William Lowry and John Miller it was operated for thirty years--from 1815 to 1845--by James Wilson the paternal grandfather of President Woodrow Wilson and by his son Robert who succeeded him It is the second oldest newspaper in continuous existence in Ohio the oldest being the Chillicothe Gazette It is a member of the BrushMoore chain Earle W Newton former ...

"Samuel Robinson: Champion of the Thomasonian System," by Philip D. Jordan. Volume 51, Number 4, October-December, 1942, pp. 263-270.
... SAMUEL ROBINSON CHAMPION OF THE SAMUEL ROBINSON CHAMPION OF THE THOMSONIAN SYSTEM By PHILIP D JORDAN PHD Thomsonian medicine as a system of medical botany created a decided stir both among physicians and the laity during the nineteenth century when so many curious panaceas were being sponsored by scientific groups and by social organizations The Thomsonian school was represented in Ohio not only by scores of physicians but also by medical journals dedicated to the dictum that the flora of our ...

"Faith vs. Economics: The Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad, 1845-1883," by John E. Pixton, Jr.. Volume 66, Number 1, January, 1957, pp. 1-10.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 66 NUMBER 1 J ANUARY 1957 Faith vs Economics The Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad 1845-1883 By JOHN E PIXTON JR In the 1850's Cincinnati was Queen of the American West and eastern railroad builders pressed eagerly toward the prize of her commerce1 And even before the rails reaching westward from New York Philadelphia and Baltimore breached the Appalachian barrier Ohio promoters were building lines to connect with them By 1857 ...

"Colonel Charles Parrott," Volume 9, Number 4, April, 1901, pp. 532-533.
... 532 Ohio Arch 532 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications Ulysses S Grant born April 27 1822 at Point Pleasant Clermont Co Nominated from Illinois at Chicago May 20 1868 Inaugurated March 4 1869 Renominated Philadelphia June 5 1872 Inauguarted March 4 1873 Died at Mount Gregor N Y July 23 1885 Buried Riverside Park New York August 8 1885 Rutherford B Hayes born October 4 1822 Delaware Delaware Co Nominated at Cincinnati June 14 1876 Inaugurated March 5 1877 Died Fremont Ohio January 17 1893 ...

"Report of the Committee on Serpent Mound," Volume 35, Number 1, January, 1926, pp. 260-261.
... 260 Ohio Arch 260 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications believing that the people should be accommodated The well is not quite finished The number of people who visit the fort on the Sabbath day runs from 1500 to 2000 Even on last Sabbath dark and gloomy and rainy there were one hundred automobiles present perhaps with five hundred people Our Society must take care of them in the best possible way The present graveled road was built about twenty-five years ago when only poky horses drawing ...

"'I Would Go Wherever Fortune Would Direct': Hannah Huntington and the Frontier of the Western Reserve," by Lois Scharf. Volume 97, , Winter-Spring, 1988, pp. 5-28.
... LOIS SCHARF LOIS SCHARF I Would Go Wherever Fortune Would Direct Hannah Huntington and the Frontier of the Western Reserve My mind is now in the situation you wish whenever you think a removal will be for our mutual happiness wrote Hannah Huntington to her husband in October 17981 Samuel Huntington was a young partner in the Connecticut Land Company formed in 1795 by fortynine prominent individuals to purchase settle and sell lands in the Western Reserve of Connecticut Unlike many of his ...

"Salmon P. Chase, Nativism, and the Formation of the Republican Party in Ohio," by William E. Gienapp. Volume 93, , Winter-Spring, 1984, pp. 5-39.
... WILLIAM E WILLIAM E GIENAPP Salmon P Chase Nativism and the Formation of the Republican Party in Ohio Accounts of the formation of the Republican party traditionally emphasize the political upheaval of 1854 In this year the party first took shape in Michigan and Wisconsin and in several other states fusion anti-Nebraska coalitions which are often viewed as protoRepublican organizations contested the fall elections1 Certainly the momentous political events of that year unleashed forces that ...