Ohio History Journal

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"William McKinley," Volume 10, Number 2, October, 1901, pp. 243-249.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA WILLIAM McKINLEY Elsewhere in this Quarterly we report at some length the interesting ceremonies held on Ohio Day July 18 at the Pan-American Exposition Little did we suspect on that joyful day that in two brief months a terrible tragedy would transform the bright banners bedecking the buildings into the trappings and suits of woe On Friday September 6 President McKinley attended the Exposition and in the afternoon while holding a public reception in the Temple of ...

"Salmon P. Chase, First Historian of the Old Northwest," by Frederick J. Blue. Volume 98, , Winter-Spring, 1989, pp. 52-69.
... FREDERICK J FREDERICK J BLUE Salmon P Chase First Historian of the Old Northwest The name of Salmon Portland Chase rarely comes to mind when early historians of the Old Northwest are recalled Yet in 1833 as a struggling young attorney of twenty-five he produced a succinct account of Ohio's history which served as a valuable guide for several decades Not surprisingly the young writer's study reflected his own social standing and political ideology as well as contemporary attitudes In recounting ...

"Race and Realism in the Fiction of Charles W. Chesnutt," Volume 81, Number 2, Spring, 1972, pp. 122-130.
... CARY D CARY D WINTZ Race and Realism in the Fiction of Charles WChesnutt In this day of increased awareness of the role blacks have played in American history and culture it is somewhat surprising that Charles W Chesnutt is only recently being recognized by students of history and literature He played an important part in the development of black American literature during the last decade of the nineteenth century and also helped to lay the foundation for the Negro Renaissance of the 1920's ...

"Address at the Grave of Johnny Appleseed," Volume 50, Number 1, January-March, 1941, pp. 45-46.
... ADDRESS AT THE GRAVE OF JOHNNY APPLESEED ADDRESS AT THE GRAVE OF JOHNNY APPLESEED By ROBERT C HARRIS Here in the Archer graveyard at the north edge of Fort Wayne Indiana is the grave of Johnny Appleseed whose real name was John Chapman born September 26 1774 died March 18 1845 Johnny Appleseed won renown by a few simple and helpful acts 1 He was a peacemaker between the Indians and white settlers 2 He was a missionary for the church of New Jerusalem founded by Emanuel Swedenborg 3 Perhaps the ...

"Nationality Groups in Cleveland Politics," by Wellington G. Fordyce. Volume 46, Number 2, April, 1937, pp. 109-127.
... NATIONALITY GROUPS IN CLEVELAND POLITICS NATIONALITY GROUPS IN CLEVELAND POLITICS By WELLINGTON G FORDYCE The importance of the immigrant in the political life of Cleveland was recognized at an early date both by their own leaders and by native born politicians The foreigner realizes the value of team play and may organize for spoils but he has frequently shown independence and has voted a split ticket With the increase in naturalization which has taken place since the war the foreign vote has ...

Volume 61, Number 1, January, 1952, pp. 97-109.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Miracle at Kittyhawk The Letters of Wilbur and Orville Wright Edited by Fred C Kelly New York Farrar Straus and Young 1951 ix482p frontispiece illustrations and index 600 The publisher of this volume of letters has chosen to call Wilbur and Orville Wright two of the greatest and most fabulous figures of modern times Those who have been closest to the lives and the work of these men will probably approve that characterization for history can identify few notable ...

"The Miami Canal," by John J. George, Jr.. Volume 36, Number 1, January, 1927, pp. 92-115.
... THE MIAMI CANAL THE MIAMI CANAL BY JOHN J GEORGE JR Much of the politics and planning of the early decades of the nineteenth century centered around internal improvements a topic made possible and popular by the expansion of the West This expansion and development the tidewater political leader recognized the representative of the frontier capitalized it Fruitless appeals for aid were made to a central government whose executive laboring under strict construction denied the constitutionality ...

"Memorial Building (Dedication of Hayes Memorial), The," Volume 25, Number 4, October, 1916, pp. 475-484.
... Dedication of the Hayes Memorial Dedication of the Hayes Memorial 475 THE MEMORIAL BUILDING The Memorial Building a beautiful structure of classic architecture stands among the great trees to the north of the Hayes Residence facing the entrance from Hayes Avenue It is of light grey Ohio sandstone from the Amherst quarries and of ample proportions Broad steps between bronze pedestals bearing ornamental lights lead up to the pillared portico and great bronze doors Upon entering the building the ...

"Address of Hon. George W. Long, (Laying Corner Stone of The Society's Building)" Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 424-425.
... 424 Ohio Arch 424 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications pass through the Governor's office for he holds the veto power and we are equally indebted therefore to good Governor Judson Harmon who has long been a member of our Society and taken a deep and active interest in its proceedings We had a very delightful and successful voyage through the Governor's office Governor Harmon is not able to be present in person but we are greatly favored in having with us his good Secretary Honorable George ...

"Casualties of Battle of Fallen Timbers," Volume 41, Number 3, July, 1932, pp. 527-530.
... CASUALTIES OF BATTLE OF FALLEN CASUALTIES OF BATTLE OF FALLEN TIMBERS In order to determine as far as possible the casualties at the Battle of Fallen Timbers in January 1931 Mr W B Davis of Washington D C was employed to consult the records of the War Department This he did In his letter of transmittal he says among other things I find a great many records covering the period of August 20 1794 are missing When the British burned the White House many of the records were stored there and were ...

"William Chambers in America, 1853," by W. H. G. Armytage. Volume 59, Number 2, April, 1950, pp. 139-149.
... WILLIAM CHAMBERS IN AMERICA 1853 WILLIAM CHAMBERS IN AMERICA 1853 by W H G ARMYTAGE University of Sheffield America through British eyes has thrown up an enormous amount of comment and historical writing since the times of Mrs Trollope and the waspish Captain Basil Hall The recent reissue of an anthology bearing that title1 affords an excuse for adding yet a few more pages to that subject by calling attention to a work which is very often ignored when the subject is being studied It is a ...

"The Michigan-Indiana-Ohio Museums Association," edited by Harlow Lindley. Volume 44, Number 2, April, 1935, pp. 273-289.
... THE MICHIGAN-INDIANA-OHIO MUSEUMS THE MICHIGAN-INDIANA-OHIO MUSEUMS ASSOCIATION Edited by HARLOW LINDLEY In the autumn of 1927 at the invitation of Mr George R Fox of the Chamberlain Memorial Museum of Three Oaks Michigan a small group of museum workers from Northern Indiana and Southern Michigan met in Three Oaks for a conference and round table discussion Mr Charles E Brown chief of the Wisconsin Historical Museum at Madison was in attendance and led some of the discussions At the close of ...

"President Harding and His Cabinet," by Robert K. Murray. Volume 75, Numbers 2 & 3, Spring and Summer, 1966, pp. 108-125, notes 185-188.
... PRESIDENT HARDING AND HIS CABINET by ROBERT K MURRAY Among the many controversial facets involving the life of the twenty-ninth president of the United States few have prompted more conjecture and analysis than the choosing of his cabinet The fact that one of his selections achieved the distinction of being the only cabinet officer to go to jail that another resigned under a cloud of suspicion and still a third narrowly missed criminal conviction places Warren Gamaliel Harding in a unique ...

"State Library and its Founder, The," by Daniel J. Ryan. Volume 28, Number 1, January, 1919, pp. 98-107.
... 98 Ohio Arch 98 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications and employment in the State Library based only upon recognized qualification and efficient service Following this excellent address remarks were made by Hon E O Randall reporter of the Supreme Court of Ohio and Secretary of the State Archaeological and Historical Society Hon J H Newman former State Librarian Mr John J Pugh libbrarian of the Columbus Public Library Miss Olive Jones librarian of the Ohio State University Miss Julia W ...

"Was There a 'New' Harding? Warren G. Harding and the World Court Issue, 1920-1923," by Robert D. Accinelli. Volume 84, Number 4, Autumn, 1975, pp. 168-181.
... ROBERT D ROBERT D ACCINELLI Was There a New Harding Warren G Harding and the World Court Issue 1920-1923 In the past ten years a revised more flattering image of Warren G Harding and his administration has appeared in historical writing1 Although many historians still hold the Harding presidency in low esteem a group of revisionists has sought to upgrade its reputation These revisionists do not agree in all respects about either Harding or his administration but they have produced more ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 37, Number 1, January, 1928, pp. 190-204.
... REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR VERILY THE WORLD DO MOVE Under this caption the Lancaster Daily Eagle of September 13 1927 publishes the following editorial In another portion of this paper we reproduce possibly for the twentieth time a resolution supposed to have been passed by a Lancaster School Board away back a hundred years ago in 1828 These records of the school board of that period are not obtainable and even though they were this resolution denying ...

"Our Patriotic Sires," by W. L. Curry. Volume 17, Number 2, April, 1908, pp. 187-188.
... Ohio Day at the Jamestown Exposition Ohio Day at the Jamestown Exposition 187 An honored picture his who built so fair The soldier-statesman who in days of stress Toiled 'midst the brave high-hearted pioneers To make a garden of the wilderness From old Virginia he blessed with her dower Of courage high Could nobler gift be given 'Twas on her shore that our fair freedom's flower Raised its first bravely shining bud toward heaven Ah those who went to brave the Western wilds To fell the forest ...

"The Anti-Gallows Movement in Ohio," Volume 54, Number 2, April-June, 1945, pp. 104-112.
... THE ANTI-GALLOWS MOVEMENT IN OHIO THE ANTI-GALLOWS MOVEMENT IN OHIO By ALBERT POST The criminal codes of colonial America were based on those of England but in the New World where the social structure and traditions were less binding these codes were modified by reducing the number of capital crimes In England during the eighteenth century over two hundred felonies were capital while in the North American colonies the average number was about twelve With the publication in 1764 of the Essay on ...

"Learning and Piety in Ohio Colleges, 1865-1900," by Sherman B. Barnes. Volume 69, Number 4, October, 1960, pp. 327-352.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 69 NUMBER 4 OCTOBER 1960 Learning and Piety in Ohio Colleges 1865-1900 By SHERMAN B BARNES BECAUSE IN THE Gilded Age a flood of new knowledge was received into the collegiate curriculum the question often arises whether traditional Protestant piety impeded or hastened the adoption of new curricular offerings in science history psychology philosophy fine arts and modern languages Excellent histories of a number of Ohio colleges ...

"The Contribution of Local History to the Community," by Henry Clyde Hubbart. Volume 58, Number 3, July, 1949, pp. 298-304.
... THE CONTRIBUTION OF LOCAL HISTORY TO THE THE CONTRIBUTION OF LOCAL HISTORY TO THE COMMUNITY by HENRY CLYDE HUBBART Professor of History Ohio Wesleyan University As we all know the day of the supremacy of political or national history has passed instead we have many historical categories The mighty torrent of history has been sluiced into various channels the economic the social the constitutional the international or diplomatic and more recently the intellectual the regional the local This is ...