Ohio History Journal

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"Late Nineteenth Century Courthouse Architecture in Northwestern Ohio," Volume 88, Number 3, Summer, 1979, pp. 311-326.
... DORAMAE O'KELLEY DORAMAE O'KELLEY Late Nineteenth Century Courthouse Architecture in Northwestern Ohio As one drives through northwestern Ohio the most impressive object to be seen on the skyline of many communities might be the massive towered form of the county courthouse Often the city's largest and most distinguished example of architecture these courthouses were all built in the last thirty years of the nineteenth century The importance these structures held for the people of the county ...

"Salmon P. Chase, First Historian of the Old Northwest," by Frederick J. Blue. Volume 98, , Winter-Spring, 1989, pp. 52-69.
... FREDERICK J FREDERICK J BLUE Salmon P Chase First Historian of the Old Northwest The name of Salmon Portland Chase rarely comes to mind when early historians of the Old Northwest are recalled Yet in 1833 as a struggling young attorney of twenty-five he produced a succinct account of Ohio's history which served as a valuable guide for several decades Not surprisingly the young writer's study reflected his own social standing and political ideology as well as contemporary attitudes In recounting ...

Volume 50, Number 4, October-December, 1941, pp. 388-408.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Constitutional History of the United States 1826-1876 A More Perfect Union By Homer C Hockett New York Macmillan Company 1939 405p 300 The first volume of this series The Blessings of Liberty was reviewed in the QUARTERLY XLIX 1940 292-94 In it Professor Hockett discussed the colonial background the Revolutionary Period and the first third of a century under the new Constitution Here he treats of the slavery controversy but to minimize the boredom of readers who ...

"Rise of Medical Colleges in the Ohio Valley," by Otto Juettner. Volume 22, Number 4, October, 1913, pp. 481-491.
... RISE OF MEDICAL COLLEGES IN THE OHIO VALLEY RISE OF MEDICAL COLLEGES IN THE OHIO VALLEY BY OTTO JUETTNER M D F R S M ENGL Author of Daniel Drake and His Followers Secretary of the Western Association for the Preservation of Medical Records Cincinnati O Read at the sixth annual meeting of the Ohio Valley Historical Society at Miami University Oxford Ohio November 6 1912 In telling the story of early medical education in the Ohio Valley or for that matter in the West the account must properly ...

Volume 72, Number 4, October, 1963, pp. 324-340.
... BOOK REVIEWS ULYSSES S GRANT CHRONOLOGY By John Y Simon Introduction by Bruce Catton Columbus Ohio Historical Society for the Ulysses S Grant Association and the Ohio Civil War Centennial Commission 1963 39p Paper 150 Historians long have experienced difficulty assessing Ulysses S Grant's true role in American history A complex man Grant was a product of his times a man possessed of both the strengths and the weaknesses of the age For years the fame of Lincoln and Lee overshadowed that of the ...

Volume 57, Number 4, October, 1948, pp. 331-397.
... TEACHING OF ANATOMY IN OHIO 331 TEACHING OF ANATOMY IN OHIO 331 Mendel Thomas Huxley Ernst Haeckel Johann Meckel Georges Cuvier and Sir Richard Owen This period witnessed also the founding of the science of anthropology which was a definite outgrowth of the biologic and evolutionary thinking of the nineteenth century The biological aspect of anatomy nurtured in European and especially in German universities was brought to the United States during the latter years of the nineteenth century by ...

"The Place of the Ohio Valley in American History," Volume 20, Number 1, January, 1911, pp. 32-47.
... THE PLACE OF THE OHIO VALLEY THE PLACE OF THE OHIO VALLEY IN AMERICAN HISTORY FREDERICK JACKSON TURNER Professor of History University of Wisconsin Mr Turner until the fall of 1910 was professor of American History in the University of Wisconsin He is now professor of Western American History at Harvard University and the past year 1910 was president of the American Historical Association He delivered the address herewith published at the meeting of the Ohio Valley Historical Association held ...

"James Fairchild Baldwin, M. D., 1850-1936," by George M. Curtis. Volume 56, Number 4, October, 1947, pp. 374-378.
... JAMES FAIRCHILD BALDWIN M JAMES FAIRCHILD BALDWIN MD 1850-1936 by GEORGE M CURTIS MD James Fairchild Baldwin surgeon extraordinary was born in the little village of Orangeville New York on February 12 1850 He died at Columbus Ohio on January 20 1936 approximately 86 years of age He had practiced almost sixty years and nearly forty of these as a surgeon A master of his craft this rugged individualist was finally conquered by one of the surgical diseases of which the least was then known i e ...

"Children's Hospital (Delivered September 15, 1922)," by James Edwin Campbell. Volume 34, Number 1, January, 1925, pp. 53-56.
... Recent Addresses of James Edwin Campbell 53 Recent Addresses of James Edwin Campbell 53 neath rest those whom we call The Dead but they are not dead And dare ye call that dying The dignity sublime Which gains a furlough from the grave and then reports to time Doth the earth give up the daisies to a little sun and rain And keep at their roots the heroes while weary ages wane Sling up thy trumpet Israel Sweet bugler of our God For nothing waits thy summons beneath this broken sod The deadest of ...

Volume 63, Number 1, January, 1954, pp. 68-76.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Organizations ALLEN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Lima James A MacDonell President A Shay engine built by the Lima Locomotive works in 1925 and used at the National Lime and Stone Company quarry until 1947 has been renovated by the Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton Corporation It is to be placed on a concrete foundation on the society's property as a permanent exhibit Contracts have been awarded for construction of the Allen County Museum building to be located at ...

"The Centennial Ode," by J. M. Harding. Volume 12, Number 2, April, 1903, pp. 182-184.
... THE CENTENNIAL ODE THE CENTENNIAL ODE BY J M HARDING Columbia's pride Ohio grand and fair Where wealth and beauty are beyond compare Where labor truth and knowledge have control Thy name is peer upon the honor roll Ohio first-born of the great Northwest Nursed to thy statehood at the Nation's breast And taught wisdom of the Ordinance RuleNo slav'ry chain but e'er the public school Ohio name for what is good and grand With pride we hail thee as our native land With jealous pride we sing our ...

"Miss Newcomb and the Talking Machine," Volume 67, Number 2, April, 1958, pp. 148-151.
... Miss Newcomb and the Talking Machine Miss Newcomb and the Talking Machine Edited by ROBERT M WARNER ON THE MORNING OF MAY 25 1878 the girls of the female seminary at Painesville Ohio interrupted their normal school routine to bark mew crow and tell Mother Goose rhymes to a most unusual auditor--a strange looking machine which listened patiently to all their confidences and then performed the amazing feat of repeating them all back again to the intrigued listeners For the first time in their ...

"Arnold Henry Dohrman," Volume 23, Number 3, July, 1914, pp. 227-231.
... ARNOLD HENRY DOHRMAN ARNOLD HENRY DOHRMAN BY A J MORRISON TOLEDO The following extracts1 will explain themselves and will serve to throw light upon the circumstances of the grant by the Old Congress to Arnold Henry Dohrman of a township in the southeastern part of Tuscarawas County 1780 I Report of Committee of Foreign Affairs June 21 1780 to whom was referred a letter of 23rd May from Mr P Henry late governor of Virginia to-wit Arnold Henry Dohrman hath expended large sums of money in ...

"William T. Coggeshall: 'Booster' of Western Literature," by William D. Andrews. Volume 81, Number 3, Summer, 1972, pp. 210-220.
... WILLIAM D WILLIAM D ANDREWS William T Coggeshall Boosterof Western Literature Students of nineteenth-century America have long been familiar with a type of person that intellectual historian Daniel Boorstin precisely labeled the booster1 Typically he was a small-town midwestern newspaper editor or dry-goods entrepreneur anxious to make a killing for himself and a reputation for his town--the order of his desires was never clear Promotion was his method the most insignificant occurrence in his ...

"John Butler Tytus: Inventor of the Continuous Steel Mill," Volume 76, Number 3, Summer, 1967, pp. 132-145, notes 176-177.
... John Butler Tytus Inventor of the Continuous Steel Mill by GEORGE C CROUT and WILFRED D VORHIS The continuous rolling mill which produces an unending ribbon of steel to meet the needs of modern world-wide industrial societies was developed by an Ohioan John Butler Tytus While many men at the American Rolling Mill now the Armco Steel Corporation with home offices at Middletown helped in the development of this revolutionary process of steel production it was Tytus who never wavered in his ...

"The Educational Lessons of This Hour," Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 168-171.
... 168 Ohio Arch 168 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications VOL 3 THE EDUCATIONAL LESSONS OF THIS HOUR REV H A THOMPSON I appreciate the high honor done me by your Chairman in the invitation which he has extended me to speak for a few moments I must tell you in advance that I am not on the program for the day that I have no speech prepared for your listening ears I am here as a member of the Ohio Historical Society whose members are the guests of your committee I am here for the first time in ...

Volume 74, Number 3, Summer, 1965, pp. 203-207.
... BOOK REVIEWS HAYES OF THE TWENTY-THIRD THE CIVIL WAR VOLUNTEER OFFICER By T Harry Williams New York Alfred A Knopf 1965 xviii324vip illustrations maps and index 595 I have a subjective judgment on this book and I may as well make it now as later the first two chapters I liked very much the other fourteen I found tedious In Chapter I The Golden Years Williams deals in a general way with the background of Rutherford B Hayes and offers some very shrewd insights on his Civil War career Chapter II ...

"President McKinley's Final Attempt to Avoid War With Spain," by John Offner. Volume 94, , Summer-Autumn, 1985, pp. 135-138.
... McKinley's Attempt to Avoid War 135 McKinley's Attempt to Avoid War 135 tional sovereignty22 In effect Spain still clung to sovereignty over Cuba and autonomy for the island At the same time that McKinley was dealing with the Spanish minister he made a final attempt to get the Cuban Junta to cooperate Rubens later explained that just before McKinley's message went to Congress the president's emissary told him that if the Cubans agreed to the armistice McKinley would place a reference to Cuban ...

"A Brand From the Critics' Fire: Or A Word for Whitlock," by Winthrop Tilley. Volume 60, Number 2, April, 1951, pp. 145-154.
... A BRAND FROM THE CRITICS' FIRE OR A WORD FOR A BRAND FROM THE CRITICS' FIRE OR A WORD FOR WHITLOCK by WINTHROP TILLEY Associate Professor of English University of Connecticut Now in midcentury when so much badly needed revaluation of America's literary product is going forward seems an appropriate time to speak a word for Brand Whitlock The new Literary History of the United States by Spiller and others mentions Whitlock only as a single-taxer a humanitarian and an early realist and adds that ...

"Address of Dr. W. O. Thompson (Laying Corner Stone of The Society's Building)," Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 426-427.
... 426 Ohio Arch 426 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications ADDRESS OF DR W O THOMPSON Mr Chairman my election to a position in this Archaeological and Historical Society was accepted as a distinct honor I therefore rejoice in the hour that is now here with all the other members of the Archaeological and Historical Society For indeed this is an hour of genuine rejoicing It gives the Society as we hope a permanent place in the history of the State I happen in the fortune of life to be here as the ...