Ohio History Journal

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"Shull's Road," by John William Scholl. Volume 55, Number 3, July-September, 1946, pp. 293-294.
... SHULL'S ROAD SHULL'S ROAD The following letter addressed to the Editor by John William Scholl professor emeritus in the University of Michigan contains enough of historical data to warrant its publication as a matter of record ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN April 6 1946 Dear Sir I have before me a Road Map of Montgomery County Ohio made revised in 1936 by Victor C Smith then County Engineer which contains an especially interesting error Near the northeast corner of the county in Wayne Township there is a ...

Volume 51, Binding Supplement, , 1942, pp. 357-381.
... GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME LI GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME LI ABBREVIATION use of by Americans 106 American Colonization Soc Shunk Abolition and abolitionists 1837 in E W Ohio in Africa79-88 Ill 53 hinder Ohio in Africa American Journal of Dental Science 295 plan 87 American Journal of Dental Surgery 296 Academies in early Ohio 93 American Library Assoc 194 Accessions to Society's Library pamAmerican Medical Assoc 290 phlets periods and vols 216 American Medical Botany 313 Accommodations of travel in ...

"Ohio Agriculture in History," by Robert Leslie Jones. Volume 65, Number 3, July, 1956, pp. 229-258.
... Ohio Agriculture in History Ohio Agriculture in History By ROBERT LESLIE JONES The history of agriculture in Ohio is on the surface a subject prosaic enough Indeed only once and that long ago did it ever possess anything of the implausibly romantic Timothy Flint tells us that the New England settlers who came in the beginning to the lands of the Ohio Company were attracted not only by the unparalleled fertility of the soil but according to the wags of the day by springs of brandy and flax that ...

"Ohio Democracy and the Crisis of Disunion, 1860-1861, The," by Eric J. Cardinal. Volume 86, Number 1, Winter, 1977, pp. 19-40.
... ERIC J ERIC J CARDINAL The Ohio Democracy and the Crisis of Disunion 1860-1861 One of the least understood political groups in American history has been the northern Democratic party during the Civil War Their contemporary Republican foes vilified them as traitors and subsequent historians have for the most part agreed with that verdict1 Political partisanship ideological conflicts and wartime passions account for the original animus it is less clear why scholars have tended to follow so ...

"Rediscovering the Old Northwest," by Christopher B. Coleman. Volume 39, Number 3, July, 1930, pp. 637-656.
... Report of the 44th Annual Meeting 637 Report of the 44th Annual Meeting 637 associated with not only academic work but state historical work in years past an officer of the Indiana Historical Society and editor of the Indiana Magazine of History who for a time left the state of Indiana and was engaged in educational work in one of the colleges of Pennsylvania It was an opportunity that came to me a few years ago when leaving the state historical work in Indiana to recommend Dr Coleman as my ...

Volume 88, Number 2, Spring, 1979, pp. 244-245.
... ROBERT L ROBERT L DAUGHERTY Book Notes The Overland Journal of Amos Piatt Josselyn Zanesville Ohio to the Sacramento Valley April 1849 to September 11 1849 Edited by J William Barrett II Baltimore Gateway Press 1978 129 p illustrations appendices bibliography index The principal value of this brief work is that Josselyn was one of the few forty-niners to record his experiences As told through his journals and letters Josselyn's description of his three-year affliction with gold fever recounts ...

"Robert Hamilton Bishop, Pioneer Educator," Volume 44, Number 1, January, 1935, pp. 92-102.
... ROBERT HAMILTON BISHOP1 ROBERT HAMILTON BISHOP1 PIONEER EDUCATOR By JAMES H RODABAUGH One hundred and twenty-five years ago in 1809 the Legislature of the State of Ohio granted the charter which led to the organization of Miami University at Oxford Ohio This institution was built on lands granted in trust by the Federal Government to the State of Ohio for use primarily by the inhabitants of the John Cleves Symmes' Purchase For fifteen years after its founding Miami University remained ...

Volume 67, Number 2, April, 1958, pp. 152-157.
... Historical News Historical News A NATIONAL ASSEMBLY of the President's Civil War Centennial Commission was held in Washington DC on January 14-15 1958 Major General U S Grant 3d chairman of the commission presided at the sessions and Dr Bell I Wiley the distinguished Civil War historian of Atlanta Georgia made the keynote address The purpose of the commission is to lead the nation in a fitting celebration of the centennial of the Civil War At the meeting a thirteen-point program was outlined ...

"Town Promotion in the Progressive Era: The Case of Newark, Ohio," by G. Wallace Chessman. Volume 87, Number 3, Summer, 1978, pp. 253-275.
... G G WALLACE CHESSMAN Town Promotion in the Progressive Era The Case of Newark Ohio On July 8 1910 an angry mob stormed the county jail at Newark Ohio seized a young white dry detective being held there carried him off to the courthouse square and lynched him1 That violent act stunned local leaders who had long promoted their booming industrial town in Licking County as the best place in Ohio to live and work At the same time it dramatized the inter-city struggle that had long engaged business ...

"Editorialana," Volume 13, Number 4, October, 1904, pp. 558-567.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY On August 19 1904 a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was held in the conference room of the Public Library with the following members present Mr Geo F Bareis Col John W Harper Prof B F Prince Hon D J Ryan Secretary E O Randall and Mr E F Wood representing Mr S S Rickly Letters of regret on account of inability to attend were received from Mr W H Hunter Chillicothe Hon ...

Volume 98, , Winter-Spring, 1989, pp. 91-96.
... Book Notes Book Notes William McKinley A Bibliography By Lewis L Gould and Craig H Roell Westport Connecticut Meckler Corporation 1988 xvi 238p illustration chronology bibliography indexes Published as part of Meckler's Bibliographies of the Presidents of the United States 1789-1989 edited by Carol Bondhus Fitzgerald this book represents the first attempt to assemble a comprehensive guide to writing on McKinley's life and his years in office In this ambitious series Meckler Corporation has ...

"Lincoln and the Ohio Printmakers," by Harold Holzer. Volume 89, Number 4, Autumn, 1980, pp. 400-419.
... HAROLD HOLZER HAROLD HOLZER Lincoln and the Ohio Printmakers Much has been written about the engraved and lithographed portraiture of Abraham Lincoln a pictorial genre that did much to benefit the nation's sixteenth president both politically and historically1 These crude and homely portrayals helped introduce the little-known Lincoln to American voters following his unexpected nomination to the presidency in 1860 Later engravings and lithographs provided audiences with the first ...

"Cleveland's Johnson: First Term," Volume 67, Number 1, January, 1958, pp. 35-49.
... Cleveland's Johnson First Term Cleveland's Johnson First Term By EUGENE C MURDOCK BACK IN THE EIGHTEEN FORTIE S a number of railroads had purchased from the city of Cleveland a strip of lakefront land one hundred and fifty feet wide between East Ninth Street and the Cuyahoga River In the decades that followed a valuable area of made land was built up on the lake side of the original strip The Union Depot erected in Civil War times and the adjacent railroad yards were located on this made land ...

"Captain James Riley and Antislavery Sentiment in Ohio, 1819-1824," by Donald J. Ratcliffe. Volume 81, Number 2, Spring, 1972, pp. 76-94.
... DONALD J DONALD J RATCLIFFE Captain James Riley and Antislavery Sentiment in Ohio 1819-1824 Captain James Riley had an unusually powerful reason for hating slavery he had himself been a slave Riley was born in 1777 in Middletown Connecticut the fourth child of a humble farming family Between the ages of eight and fourteen he attended common school while earning his keep by working for local farmers At the age of fifteen tired of hard work on the land he decided to turn to a seafaring life ...

"The Professional Education of Pioneer Ohio Physicians," Volume 48, Number 3, July, 1939, pp. 189-197.
... THE PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION OF PIONEER THE PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION OF PIONEER OHIO PHYSICIANS By FREDERICK C WAITE PHD The early location of physicians for practice in Ohio was coincident with the establishment of settlements and since these settlements began on the Ohio River it was in that region that were found the first resident physicians late in the eighteenth century The northern part of the state was settled somewhat later the northwestern area last of all In the Western Reserve of ...

"Report of the Committee on Historical Societies," Volume 35, Number 1, January, 1926, pp. 263-266.
... Fortieth Annual Meeting 263 Fortieth Annual Meeting 263 healthy condition even though it carries the scars of the damage caused by storm three years ago The General Gibson Grove that was planted a year ago is growing with few losses and they are being replaced Thousands of people continue to visit this historic old tree annually On October 4th the Ohio History Day Association held its annual meeting at the Park and with most unfavorable weather conditions had more than 3000 people present Mr ...

"Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 10, Number 1, July, 1901, pp. 72-97.
... SIXTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE SIXTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY It has been usual heretofore to delay the printing of the proceedings of the annual meeting for the yearly report of the secretary to the Governor and the Society made at the end of the calendar year But hereafter the report of the annual meeting will appear in the succeeding issue of the QUARTERLYSEC'Y The Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and ...

Volume 53, Binding Supplement, , 1944, pp. 413-441.
... GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME LIII GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME LIII ABBEY ROBERT 185 Altenburg Clarence E A Modern ConAbolition and abolitionists 7 8 9 33 T quistador in South America rev by Morris 15 N S Townshend elected G M Potts 408 to legislature by 359 Alton Ill 12 disturbances 8 Aborigines American 97 Alton O 145 Academic Institute 128 Alum Creek 58 137 138 145 155 Academy conducted by Nathaniel Holmeaning 139 ley 130 Alva Okla 54 Academy for boys A Kinmont's 122 Amalthea see Central College ...

"The Akron Centennial: July 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 1925," by Edwin W. Brouse. Volume 34, Number 4, October, 1925, pp. 522-547.
... THE AKRON CENTENNIAL THE AKRON CENTENNIAL JUL Y 1 8 19 20 21 22 23 1925 BY EDWIN W BROUSE The plans for the Centennial found their first public expression in the appointment of an executive committee of seven men and women by Mayor D C Rybolt The Mayor was selected chairman of this committee This Committee spent much time in constructive work both in formulating plans and in digesting the multifarious suggestions which were offered to them As a result of this preliminary work two additional ...

"David Kellogg Cartter," by Ruth Gertrude Curran. Volume 42, Number 1, January, 1933, pp. 105-115.
... DAVID KELLOGG CARTTER DAVID KELLOGG CARTTER BY RUTH GERTRUDE CURRAN Naming the oldest son David Kellogg has been a custom of the Cartter family for five generations The second David Kellogg Cartter was born in Jefferson County New York June 22 1812 four days after the declaration of war on the part of the United States against England He was the son of David K Cartter a prominent and well-to-do carpenter and Elizabeth Hollister Cartter The father died when David was ten years old and in ...