Ohio History Journal

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"Relief for Soldier's Families in Ohio During the Civil War," by Joseph E. Holliday. Volume 71, Number 2, July, 1962, pp. 97-112, notes 194-196.
... AN ACT AN ACT For the r e li e f of the families of volunteers in the State or United States service SE CTION 1 Be it enacted by t h e General Assembly of the State of Tax levied Ohio That for the reli ef of the necessities of the families of volunthree-fifths of a teers who now are or hereafte r may be in the service of this st at e mill on the or the United S tates there be and hereby is levied and assessed for dollar valuathe ye a r 1862 three-fifths of one mill on the dollar v aluation on ...

"The Mississippi Squadron," by James Edwin Campbell. Volume 34, Number 1, January, 1925, pp. 56-62.
... 56 Ohio Arch 56 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications These swarming hordes of careless unclean illy housed and frequently immoral people make the conservation of the health of the children a moral question with which religionists as well as humanitarians must deal Let us not forget that while we are doing something for the children they are doing a great deal for us Those who freely give out love and service and sacrifice get much that is of inestimable value in return The reflex action ...

"Thomas Kelsey, Hardluck Entrepreneur," by Daniel Preston. Volume 104, , Summer-Autumn, 1995, pp. 127-141.
... DANIEL PRESTON DANIEL PRESTON Thomas Kelsey Hardluck Entrepreneur In the years following the close of the War of 1812 a wave of economic speculation swept through the West The Treaty of Ghent which ended the war offered nothing in concrete terms beyond a much desired peace But if the United States had not won the war against the powerful British Americans could at least revel in the knowledge that they had not lost it either They quickly forgot the many near-disasters that the nation ...

"William T. Coggeshall: 'Booster' of Western Literature," by William D. Andrews. Volume 81, Number 3, Summer, 1972, pp. 210-220.
... WILLIAM D WILLIAM D ANDREWS William T Coggeshall Boosterof Western Literature Students of nineteenth-century America have long been familiar with a type of person that intellectual historian Daniel Boorstin precisely labeled the booster1 Typically he was a small-town midwestern newspaper editor or dry-goods entrepreneur anxious to make a killing for himself and a reputation for his town--the order of his desires was never clear Promotion was his method the most insignificant occurrence in his ...

Volume 103, , Summer-Autumn, 1994, pp. 222-237.
... Index Index COMPILED BY LAURA RUSSELL Abernethy Thomas P Western Lands and the American Revolution 153 Abolition movement 57-70 passim 179 Absentee Ownership and Business Enterprise in Recent Times The Case of America by Thorstein Veblen 152 Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 38 Adams George W Doctors in Blue 6970 Adams John 54n22 Adams Mary Ann 185-186 African-American Mosaic A Library of Congress Resource Guide for the Study of Black History and Culture The compiled and edited by ...

"SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY, ARCHAEOLOGY, AND NATURAL HISTORY, A," "August 1946-July 1947," compiled by James H. Rodabaugh and S. Winifred Smith. Volume 56, Number 4, October, 1947, pp. 404-441.
... A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY ARCHAEOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY AUGUST 1946--JULY 1947 Compiled by JAMES H RODABAUGH and S WINIFRED SMITH AGRICULTURE ALEY Howard C First Hundred Years the Centennial History of the Mahoning County Agricultural Society Youngstown Ohio the Author 1946 113p BEACH F H The First 100 Years for the Ohio Horticultural Society in Ohio Farmer CXCIX No 6 March 15 1947 22-23 BROMFIELD Louis The Farm New York Harper Brothers c1946 382p ...

"A History of Flood Control in Ohio," Volume 34, Number 4, October, 1925, pp. 474-503.
... A HISTORY OF FLOOD CONTROL IN OHIO A HISTORY OF FLOOD CONTROL IN OHIO BY ARTHUR E MORGAN AND C A BOCK The great ice cap which covered northeastern North America during the Glacial period is estimated to have been about two miles thick in the region north-east of the Great Lakes The weight of this great mass caused it to creep gradually toward the ocean on the east and toward the south where the pressure was less In this relentless advance it ground off the hill tops and filled up the valleys ...

"Milan Canal, The," by Charles E. Frohman. Volume 57, Number 3, July, 1948, pp. 237-246.
... THE MILAN CANAL THE MILAN CANAL by C HAR LES E FROHMAN Few people today know that Milan Ohio was once a great shipping port and that its enterprise during the days when schooners sailed the Great Lakes resulted in the digging of a three-mile canal from Milan to a point in the Huron River where deep water and wide bends made passage safe The heyday of this undertaking came during the earliest days of the railroad and during that period when canals and politics made more than conversation The ...

"Explorations of the Westenhaver Mound," by William C. Mills. Volume 26, Number 2, April, 1917, pp. 227-266.
... EXPLORATIONS OF THE WESTENHAVER MOUND EXPLORATIONS OF THE WESTENHAVER MOUND BY WILLIAM C MILLS The Westenhaver Mound is located in Wayne township Pickaway county Ohio on the west bank of the Scioto river The land on which the mound is situated is owned by Mr and Mrs George E Roth and lies about six miles southwest of Circleville and three miles north of the village of Yellow Bud The site of the earthwork is a level plateau comprising the first bottom of the Scioto river which at this point is ...

"The Strategic Background of the Northern Solomons Campaign," by John Miller. Volume 58, Number 3, July, 1949, pp. 274-285.
... THE STRATEGIC BACKGROUND OF THE THE STRATEGIC BACKGROUND OF THE NORTHERN SOLOMONS CAMPAIGN by JOHN MILLER Assistant Chief Pacific Unit Historical Division Department of the Army Behind nearly every military operation of the second World War lay months of careful planning In the South Pacific for example the preparations for the seizure of New Georgia a battle in which Ohio's 37th Division distinguished itself occupied the planning staffs of several army and navy headquarters for six months The ...

"James E. Campbell Honored," Volume 32, Number 4, October, 1923, pp. 634-637.
... JAMES E JAMES E CAMPBELL HONORED On July 7 1923 Honorable James E Campbell by general consent was hailed as the first citizen of Columbus on the occasion of the celebration of the eightieth anniversary of his birth Throughout the day he was the recipient in his office of many congratulatory greetings and messages from other states and nations In the evening a banquet was given in his honor at the Scioto Country Club by about 250 of his friends Honorable Claude Meeker of Columbus formerly ...

"The Report of the Forty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 43, Number 3, July, 1934, pp. 283-314.
... THE REPORT OF THE FORTY-EIGHTH THE REPORT OF THE FORTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY The forty-eighth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was called to order by President Arthur C Johnson Sr on April 24 1934 with sixty members present MR JO H NSON This is a business meeting of the Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society I promise not to keep you long this morning because I know ...

"Address of Mayor George W. Kinney" (Hayes Dedication) Volume 25, Number 4, October, 1916, pp. 437-439.
... Dedication of the Haves Memorial Dedication of the Haves Memorial 437 Bless we pray the Republic of which we are a part Be with all who are in places of leadership Guide the Nation through all dangers to a safe harbor Help us to become to all nations the truest expression of the divine program for human government We ask all in the name of Jesus Christ who has given us the ideals upon which all lasting human civilizations must stand Amen The Star Spangled Banner was then sung by the Col George ...

"An Iron Workers' Strike in the Ohio Valley, 1873-1874," by Herbert G. Gutman. Volume 68, Number 4, October, 1959, pp. 353-370.
... An Iron Workers' Strike in An Iron Workers' Strike in The Ohio Valley 1873-1874 By HERBERT G GUTMAN DURING THE EAR L Y MONTHS of the depression of 1873 a serious strike of iron workers took place in the Ohio Valley The stoppage affected iron mills in southern Ohio and northern Kentucky and in Indiana Illinois Missouri and Tennessee as men left work in mills in large cities like Cincinnati Indianapolis and St Louis and in smaller industrial towns like Ironton and Portsmouth Ohio Newport and ...

Volume 56, Number 2, April, 1947, pp. 205-214.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Journey Through My Years An Autobiography By James M Cox Simon and Schuster New York 1946 xi 463p 450 When the youthful James M Cox left his job with the Cincinnati Enquirer to become the private secretary of a Congressman his initiation into public life had begun Cleveland was one of his first heroes and the debates of the Fifty-third Congress which he followed closely were his equivalent for a university course At 28 Cox acquired his first newspaper In Taft's ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 105, , Summer-Autumn, 1996, pp. 192-194.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Spring meeting of the Ohio Academy of History will be held April 4th and 5th 1997 at Malone College in Canton Ohio The historical Encyclopedia of African American Associations is seeking scholars interested in contributing assigned entries This single-volume reference work will include associations established by African Americans and interracial groups working in the interest of African Americans For a list of entries and further information please ...

Volume 49, Number 2, April, 1940, pp. 216-219.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS In Winter We Flourish By Anna Shannon McAllister New York Longmans Green and Co 1939 398p 350 Outstanding in the civic and charitable enterprises of early Cincinnati was Sarah Worthington King Peter of whom Anna Shannon McAllister has written in her new book In Winter We Flourish Daughter of Thomas and Eleanor Swearingen Worthington the former at one time governor of Ohio Sarah was from childhood accustomed to the assumption of leadership Following what was for that ...

"In Search of the Mound Builders: The State Archaeological Association of Ohio, 1875-1885," by Terry A. Barnhart. Volume 107, , Summer-Autumn, 1998, pp. 125-170.
... TERRY A TERRY A BARNHART In Search of the Mound Builders The State Archaeological Association of Ohio 1875-1885 If the State Archaeological Association of Ohio is at all remembered today it is as the forerunner of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society That organization emerged from the wreckage of the earlier state archaeological association on March the 12th and 13th 1885 and has been known as the Ohio Historical Society since 1954 The significance of Ohio's first state ...

Volume 106, , Winter-Spring, 1997, pp. 91-116.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Historic Contact Indian People and Colonists in Today's Northeastern United States in the Sixteen Through Eighteenth Centuries By Robert S Grumet Norman amp London University of Oklahoma Press 1995 xxx 514p illustrations maps appendix conspectus bibliography index 4750 cloth The process of cultural contact between Europeans and North America's native peoples has become the focus of a growing body of recent historical and anthropological scholarship The publication of ...

"The Toledo Chevrolet Strike of 1935," by Sidney Fine. Volume 67, Number 4, October, 1958, pp. 326-356.
... The Toledo Chevrolet Strike of 1935 The Toledo Chevrolet Strike of 1935 By SIDNEY FINE IN THE SPRING OF 1935 at a time when the fortunes of the automobile workers organized into American Federation of Labor federal locals were at a low ebb a strike at the Toledo plant of the Chevrolet Motor Company brought Chevrolet production all over the United States to a standstill caused the great General Motors Corporation to retreat from its policy of refusing to negotiate with strikers and resulted in ...