Ohio History Journal

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Volume 69, Number 1, January, 1960, pp. 78-102.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Teach the Freeman The Correspondence of Rutherford B Hayes and the Slater Fund for Negro Education 1881-1887 Edited by Louis D Rubin Jr Baton Rouge Louisiana State University Press 1959 Two volumes lv236302p index 1000 Through the philanthropy of a textile manufacturer of Norwich Connecticut the John F Slater Fund for the Education of Freedmen was established for the purpose of uplifting the lately emancipated population of the Southern States and their posterity by ...

"Documentary Data: Manuscript Catalog, ABB-Camp," by Bertha E. Josephson. Volume 55, Number 1, January-March, 1946, pp. 44-67.
... DOCUMENTARY DATA DOCUMENTARY DATA BY BERTHA E JOSEPHSON The effort to catalog the manuscript collections in this department thoroughly according to the unit card method has proceeded slowly with the following collections now completed MANUSCRIPT CATALOG ABB TO CAMP 1 Abbott Mary--Scrapbook Mechanicsburg O--1889 Miscellaneous collection of short stories and poems from newspapers and magazines 1914--4 2 Abstractor's Records--Property Titles Columbus O-- 1840's to 1870's Will of Henry Patch etc ...

"A History of Banking and Currency in Ohio Before the Civil War," Volume 24, Number 3, July, 1915, pp. 235-539.
... ...

"The Correspondence of George A. Myers and James Ford Rhodes, 1910-1923," edited by John A. Garraty. Volume 64, Number 1, January, 1955, pp. 1-29.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 64 NUMBER 1 JANUARY 1955 The Correspondence of George A Myers and James Ford Rhodes 1910-1923 Edited by JOHN A GA RR ATY In the eighteen eighties when James Ford Rhodes was still a Cleveland ironmaster he was in the habit of being shaved and having his formidable Picadilly Weepers trimmed by a young Negro barber named George A Myers Later after Rhodes had retired from business to take up his distinguished career as a historian ...

"Rarey, The Horse's Master and Friend," by Sara Lowe Brown. Volume 25, Number 4, October, 1916, pp. 487-539.
... RAREY THE HORSE'S MASTER AND FRIEND RAREY THE HORSE'S MASTER AND FRIEND BY SARA LOWE BROWN It is one of the honors of Franklin county Ohio that early in the second quarter of the Nineteenth century it produced in the person of John Solomon Rarey a man who bore to all the world the message that in kindness there is power Ralph Waldo Emerson said of him that he had turned a new leaf in civilization while William Lloyd Garrison testified to his fitness to teach the world a great and everywhere ...

"Address of Judson Harmon" (Jamestown Exposition) Volume 17, Number 2, April, 1908, pp. 180-185.
... 180 Ohio Arch 180 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications dience wherein were many of our martyred President's intimate friends the full significance of the rendition of his loved hymn The orator of the day was the Hon Judson Harmon of Cincinnati whose address is herewith given ADDRESS OF JUDSON HARMON There are no States at whose celebrations Ohio is not a fitting guest From those older than herself came the men and women who opened her soil to the sunshine and replaced the shifting wigwams ...

Volume 48, Number 2, April, 1939, pp. 164-179.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Old Northwest as the Keystone of the Arch of American Federal Union A Study in Commerce and Politics By A L Kohlmeier Bloomington Indiana The Principia Press Inc 1938 257p This interesting if somewhat tedious monograph is a study of the economic or commercial development and political importance of the Old Northwest down to the Civil War The Old Northwest with its vast expanse of fertile soil and its other resources soon attracted a large population In the course ...

"Development of the Teaching of Physiology in Ohio," Volume 60, Number 4, October, 1951, pp. 355-368.
... DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEACHING OF PHYSIOLOGY DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEACHING OF PHYSIOLOGY IN OHIO by C I REED Professor of Physiology University of Illinois Chicago Professional Colleges In order to bring the subject into perspective it is necessary to go back to the year 1726 when the first curricular representation of physiology was accorded by the University of Edinburgh in appointing Andrew Sinclair professor of the institutes of medicine As applied later this title very often covered much more ...

Volume 107, , Winter-Spring, 1998, pp. 116-120.
... Book Notes Book Notes Connected Thoughts A Reinterpretation of the Reorganization of Antioch College in the 1920's By Stephen R Herr Lanham Maryland University Press of America 1997 xii 282 p tables endnotes bibliographic essay index In the long history of Antioch College two presidents have been revered Horace Mann for his liberal educational policies in the 1850s which introduced females and minorities and Arthur E Morgan for his work-study concept in the 1920s The work-study co-op program ...

"Ohio Canals: Public Enterprise on the Frontier, The," by Chester E. Finn. Volume 51, Number 1, January-March, 1942, pp. 1-40.
... THE OHIO CANALS PUBLIC ENTERPRISE THE OHIO CANALS PUBLIC ENTERPRISE ON THE FRONTIER By CHESTER E FINN On July 4 1825 the little town of Newark Ohio celebrated the grandest and most glorious fourth of its history The notables of the State and of other States were congregated there and a momentous event in the history of Ohio was about to take place After suitable celebrations in the town the group adjourned to Licking Summit escorted by brilliantly uniformed troops of militia and followed by ...

"Dr. John Locke, Early Ohio Scientist (1792-1856)," Volume 55, Number 4, October-December, 1946, pp. 346-373.
... DR DR JOHN LO CKE EARLY OHIO SCIENTIST 1792-1856 by ADOLPH E W AL LER Associat e P rofessor and Curator of the Botan ic Gard en Oh io S ta te University The nineteenth century in the United States suddenly swung into its expanding programs of research and education No one was prepared for the impact of the increasing realization of the power over nature which man now possessed The illusion of the perfectibility of all men through knowledge stretched undimmed The inherent weaknesses of man and ...

"Milan Canal, The," by Charles E. Frohman. Volume 57, Number 3, July, 1948, pp. 237-246.
... THE MILAN CANAL THE MILAN CANAL by C HAR LES E FROHMAN Few people today know that Milan Ohio was once a great shipping port and that its enterprise during the days when schooners sailed the Great Lakes resulted in the digging of a three-mile canal from Milan to a point in the Huron River where deep water and wide bends made passage safe The heyday of this undertaking came during the earliest days of the railroad and during that period when canals and politics made more than conversation The ...

"The History of Educational Legislation in Ohio From 1851 to 1925," by Nelson L. Bossing. Volume 39, Number 1, January, 1930, pp. 78-219.
... THE HISTORY OF EDUCATIONAL LEGISLATHE HISTORY OF EDUCATIONAL LEGISLATION IN OHIO FROM 1851 TO 1925 BY NELSON L BOSSING PHD CHAPTER I INFLUENCES AFFECTING EDUCATIONAL LEGISLATION IN OHIO FROM 1851 TO 1925 The history of education in Ohio from 1851 to 1925 cannot be fully understood without a knowledge of those economic social and political factors both contemporary and past which determined the trend of educational movements within the state It is equally important that the educational progress ...

"Was There a 'New' Harding? Warren G. Harding and the World Court Issue, 1920-1923," by Robert D. Accinelli. Volume 84, Number 4, Autumn, 1975, pp. 168-181.
... ROBERT D ROBERT D ACCINELLI Was There a New Harding Warren G Harding and the World Court Issue 1920-1923 In the past ten years a revised more flattering image of Warren G Harding and his administration has appeared in historical writing1 Although many historians still hold the Harding presidency in low esteem a group of revisionists has sought to upgrade its reputation These revisionists do not agree in all respects about either Harding or his administration but they have produced more ...

Volume 61, Number 1, January, 1952, pp. 86-96.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies AMERICAN STUDIES ASSOCIATION Washington D C Carl Bode Chairman Steering Committee The sponsoring committee of the association held its first meeting at the Library of Congress on March 22 1951 and adopted a constitution for the association The organization has as its aim the encouragement of the study of American civilization by improving communications across those disciplines which deal with phases of American civilization and by fostering ...

Volume 66, Number 3, July, 1957, pp. 314-337.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Men of the Western Waters The Taking of Americas First West 17811794 By Dale Van Every Boston Houghton Mifflin Company 1956 x244p maps illustrations appendices bibliography and index 400 This volume will be of great interest both to that portion of the general public which enjoys reading history and also to the student who pursues history as a vocation It is based upon a wide reading of the best works of scholars in the field and makes no pretense of having delved ...

"Index to the Minutes of the Forty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society and the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees," Volume 39, Binding Supplement, , , pp. 872-873.
... INDEX TO THE MINUTES OF THE FORTYINDEX TO THE MINUTES OF THE FORTYFOURTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY AND THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Annual meeting Discussion on notificaEaton Starling L 624 tion of 634 Fallen Timbers Battlefield of 630 Archaeology Department of 623 Archaeology Department of 623 First suggestion of change in name of Armstrong Jeremiah 617 Society 626 Society 626 Armstrong Minter 617 Armstrong Minter 617 Fitch engine ...

by A. A. Graham. Volume 2, Number 3, December, 1888, pp. 430-440.
... PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED UNDER this caption each quarter will be acknowledged all books and periodicals received All such works will be deposited in the library A A GRAHAM Secretary CALENDAR OF THE VIRGINIA STATE PAPERS Six volumes Published by authority of the State under direction of the Superintendent of Public Printing Volume I printed in 1875 begins with a Land Pattent to Henry Palin and John Swingleton issued December 6th 1652 by I Richard Bennett Efq Governour and ...

"Bellamy Nationalism in Ohio 1891 to 1896," Volume 58, Number 2, April, 1949, pp. 152-170.
... BELLAMY NATIONALISM IN OHIO 1891 TO 1896 BELLAMY NATIONALISM IN OHIO 1891 TO 1896 by WILLIAM F ZORNOW Instructor in History Case Institute of Technology One aspect of the Progressive movement which is of special interest is the growth of native radicalism as distinct from imported Marxism In this movement Edward Bellamy became one of the chief spokesmen He was a utopian socialist who believed in planning regimentation efficiency and the nationalization of all industry but he also hoped to ...

"History of Serpent Mound," Volume 15, Number 2, April, 1906, pp. 285-286.
... Editorialania Editorialania 285 mortal enemies Five of their chief Werowances came aboard us and crossed the bay in their barge The picture of the greatest of them is signified in the mappe The calfe of whose leg was three-quarters of a yard about and all of the rest of his limbs so answerable to that proportion that he seemed the goodliest man we ever beheld His hayre the one side was long the other close shore with a ridge over his crown like a cockes comb His arrows were five quarters long ...