Ohio History Journal

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"The History and Prospects of the Society," Volume 1, Number 4, March, 1888, pp. 332-340.
... THE HISTORY AND PROSPECTS OF THE THE HISTORY AND PROSPECTS OF THE SOCIETY ANNUAL ADDRESS BEFORE THE OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY FEBRUARY 23 1887 F C SESSIONS FIRST VICE PRESIDENT OF THE SOCIETY THE Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society now closes its second year and begins its third May it not be profitable to take in retrospect a view of what has been done and in prospect of what may be done The Society owes its origin to the impulse given to historical study by the great ...

"Equipment, Instruments and Drugs of Pioneer Physicians of Ohio, The," by Howard Dittrick. Volume 48, Number 3, July, 1939, pp. 198-210.
... THE EQUIPMENT INSTRUMENTS AND DRUGS OF THE EQUIPMENT INSTRUMENTS AND DRUGS OF PIONEER PHYSICIANS OF OHIO BY HOWARD DITTRICK MD In the equipment instruments and drugs of the Ohio physicians prior to 1835 there was exhibited a wide divergence depending on differences in training financial means and on contact with medical supplies as well as with educational stimulation Nor is this strange the same factors operate today in the same directions it is only a question of degree Those few pioneer ...

"Some Ohio Bowlders," Volume 15, Number 2, April, 1906, pp. 155-162.
... SOME OHIO BOWLDERS SOME OHIO BOWLDERS E L TAYLOR In the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly July 1905 Mr Basil Meek gave an interesting sketch of A Rock With a History This bowlder is found in Sandusky county seven miles southwest of the city of Fremont The article referred to has induced me to give a short account of three large granite bowlders found in Franklin county and near the city of Columbus The first of these is located in the bottom of a ravine or rather the bed of a ...

"An Economic History of the Jackson County Iron Industry," Volume 42, Number 2, April, 1933, pp. 133-238.
... AN ECONOMIC HISTORY OF THE JACKSON AN ECONOMIC HISTORY OF THE JACKSON COUNTY IRON INDUSTRY A THESIS PRESENTED FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS BY VERNON DAVID K E ELER AB LLB INTRODUCTION The Cyclops here their heavy hammers deal Loud strokes and hissings of tormented steel Are heard around the boiling waters roar And smoky flames through fuming tunnels soar --Vergil In early Biblical times according to the fourth chapter of Genesis Tubal Cain born in the seventh generation of Adam was an ...

"Reading of Memorials: George F. Bareis, Edward Orton, George Wells Knight,General J. Warren Keifer," Volume 41, Number 3, July, 1932, pp. 567-582.
... Report of the Forty-sixth Annual Meeting 567 Report of the Forty-sixth Annual Meeting 567 During the past year two colleges have observed Centennial occasions--Hiram and Denison University--and Oberlin College and Wooster College are now preparing for historical celebrations this year It is quite noticeable the way communities over the state are waking up to the opportunities offered by Centennial occasions and to the value of the Pageantry as a means of portraying history and building ...

"Ode for Stanton Day," by George C. S. Southworth. Volume 15, Number 4, October, 1906, pp. 404-405.
... 404 Ohio Arch 404 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications ory of a mind equipped with rare accomplishments and of a character whose influence could not cease with his demise Yes the grave hath quenched that eye and Death's relentless frost Withered that arm but the unfading fame the remembrance With which the happy spirit contemplates Its well-spent pilgrimage on earth Shall never pass away ODE FOR STANTON DAY Written by Prof George C S Southworth and read at the celebration at Kenyon College ...

"Property and Power: Women Religious Defend Their Rights in Nineteenth-Century Cleveland" by Leslie Liedel. Volume 112, pp. 68-86, Summer-Autumn, 2003, pp. 68.
... Liedel Summer-Autumn 2003 pp 68-86 PDF of this article CONTENTS of this issue Copyright 2003 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved Property and Power Women Religious Defend Their Rights in Nineteenth-Century Cleveland By Leslie Liedel During the first half of the nineteenth century Catholics fought over concerns of power and authority in the local church that often appeared in debates addressing the ownership of church property In the early history of American Catholicism church ...

"Pursuing Peace: Arthur Morgan and Ohio's League to Enforce Peace, 1915-1920," by Aaron D. Purcell. Volume 109, , Winter-Spring, 2000, pp. 24-46.
... AARON D AARON D PURCELL Pursuing Peace Arthur Morgan and Ohio's League to Enforce Peace 1915-1920 From the beginning of World War I in 1914 until the United States entered the war in 1917 a significant number of domestic peace societies emerged These organizations raised funds influenced politicians cultivated public interest and by the end of the war in many cases rallied for President Woodrow Wilson's League of Nations proposal During the war years the largest most effective and best ...

"Ohio in Knee Pants," by Virginius C. Hall. Volume 56, Number 1, January, 1947, pp. 1-15.
... OHIO IN KNEE PANTS OHIO IN KNEE PANTS by VIRGINIUS C HALL Director Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio Mr Chairman Ladies and Gentlemen Here in Columbus on December 31 1831 there was formed the first historical society west of the mountains That Society the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio later removed to Cincinnati So in coming to Columbus as the representative of that Society I am coming back to the birthplace back to the old home town back to our raising It seemed to ...

"Annie Wittenmyer and the Women's Crusade," edited by Jack S. Blocker, Jr.. Volume 88, Number 4, Autumn, 1979, pp. 419-422.
... edited by edited by JACK S BLOCKER JR Annie Wittenmyer and the Women's Crusade The Women's Temperance Crusade a spontaneous non-violent movement against the saloon involved at least 56000 women in 912 places in 26 states 5 territories and the District of Columbia It came to a focus in the creation of the National Woman's Christian Temperance Union in Cleveland Ohio 18-20 November 1874 At that convention Annie Turner Wittenmyer also spelled Wittenmeyer of Philadelphia was elected the ...

"Harding Administration and Recognition of Mexico," Volume 75, Numbers 2 & 3, Spring and Summer, 1966, pp. 137-148, notes 190-192.
... HARDING ADMINISTRATION HARDING ADMINISTRATION AND RECOGNITION OF MEXICO by EUGENE P TRANI A long period of turmoil in Mexico temporarily came to an end in December 1920 with the assumption of the presidency by General Alvaro Obregon It thus seemed to be a ripe time for the reopening of diplomatic relations between Mexico and the United States and settlement of American claims against the Mexican government President Woodrow Wilson however by this time in his lame-duck period in office reacted ...

Volume 62, Number 1, January, 1953, pp. 77-86.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies AM ERICAN JEWISH ARCHIVES Cincinnati Jacob R Marcus Director An archival expedition to the West Indies was made by the American Jewish Archives in July 1952 The research group was composed of Rabbi and Mrs Theodore S Levy of Huntington West Virginia Dr Ferdinand M Isserman of St Louis and Dr Jacob R Marcus director of the archives There were a number of Jewish settlements in the West Indies in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and the ...

"Rio Grande College-Rev. J. M. Davis, President," Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 164-167.
... 164 Ohio Arch 164 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications VOL 3 RIO GRANDE COLLEGE-REV J M DAVIS PRESIDENT When asked but a few hours ago to take part in the exercises of this forenoon I gladly consented for in my opinion no interest that has been developed in Gallia county in the first century of its settlement is more worthy of being brought to remembrance and notice than its educational interests and my connection for a number of years with Rio Grande college enables me to set forth briefly ...

"Exploration of the Wright Group of Pre-Historic Earthworks," by H. C. Shetrone. Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 341-358.
... EXPLORATION OF THE WRIGHT GROUP OF EXPLORATION OF THE WRIGHT GROUP OF PRE-HISTORIC EARTHWORKS BY H C SHETRONE CURATOR OF ARCHAEOLOGY The Wright Group of Earth-works is located in Perry Township IFran-kli County Ohic one mile northeast of the vill ag e of Dubl in The three uni l s composing the group --a rectangular and two circular enclosures - lie mostly upon the land of Samuel M Wright whose name in recognition of examination privileges and personal assistance accorded by him is hereby given ...

"Rescue Headquarters House at Camp Sherman," Volume 39, Number 4, October, 1930, pp. 712-716.
... RESCUE HEADQUARTERS HOUSE AT CAMP RESCUE HEADQUARTERS HOUSE AT CAMP SHERMAN Mr Louis H Warner Chairman of the Pueblo Lands Board in a contribution to the February issue of the National Republic writes Did you ever consider how closely we associate men and events with certain buildings and structures To think of one is to recall the other This seems always to have been so Can you think of the temples of Old Jerusalem the Parthenon of Ancient Greece or the Roman Forum without at once being ...

"Daniel Drake and the Origin of Medicine in the Ohio Valley," Volume 44, Number 4, October, 1935, pp. 451-468.
... DANIEL DRAKE AND THE ORIGIN OF MEDICINE IN DANIEL DRAKE AND THE ORIGIN OF MEDICINE IN THE OHIO VALLEY1 By DAVID A TUCKER JR Biographical Sketch This is the story of a man of whom few of you have heard Such is fame For Daniel Drake was in his day the greatest physician of the West the founder of sound medical education in the Ohio Valley and one of the most unique and picturesque figures in the history of American medicine He was born on a farm in New Jersey October 20 1785 His parents were ...

"The Birthplace of President Hayes: A Study in Oral Tradition," Volume 61, Number 2, April, 1952, pp. 167-172.
... THE BIRTHPLACE OF PRESIDENT HAYES THE BIRTHPLACE OF PRESIDENT HAYES A STUDY IN ORAL TRADITION by C E VAN SICKLE Professor of History Ohio Wesleyan University and JAMES T MAY The people of Delaware Ohio have long pointed with pride to the fact that their city is the birthplace of President Rutherford B Hayes A Delaware tradition so old that no one now living seems to remember anything about its origin marks as his birthplace a two-story brick house which it asserts his father had built and ...

"Fort Ancient, An Outline Description," Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 313-315.
... Military Posts in the State of Ohio Military Posts in the State of Ohio 313 FORT ANCIENT AN OUTLINE DESCRIPTION The accompanying map from the survey made under my direction by Messrs Fowke and Cowen will acquaint the reader with the hillsides and the embankments The walls run in very crooked lines always following the brink of deep ravines twisting and turning in the directions which would afford best protection The following briefly narrated facts regarding the embankments should be carefully ...

"Ohio's Madonna of the Trail," by Lida Keck-Wiggins. Volume 41, Number 2, April, 1932, pp. 161-166.
... OHIO'S MADONNA OF THE TRAIL OHIO'S MADONNA OF THE TRAIL BY MRS LIDA KECK-WIGGINS Ohio's Pioneer Mother Statue-- the Madonna of the Trail is located three miles west of Springfield on the grounds of the State Masonic Home The statue is a warm pink in color and is moulded of Missouri granite as the main aggregate in the poured mass of algonite stone The foundation upon which it stands is two feet above ground and the monument is 18 feet tall The design is of a pioneer mother clad in garb ...

"Science and Democracy: A History of the Cincinnati Observatory, 1842-1872," by Stephen Goldfarb. Volume 78, Number 3, Summer, 1969, pp. 172-178, notes 222-223.
... Science and Democracy Science and Democracy A History of the Cincinnati Observatory 1842-1872 by Stephen Goldfarb The Spy Glass out on the hill Is now enti re ly finished Th e distance t w ixt u s and th e moon Is s ensibly diminished When Mitchel looks it comes near He sees th e h ills and tr ees Which most conclusively doth prove That 'tis no t made of cheese --Cincinnati Enquirer 18451 The Cincinnati Observatory housing an eleven-and-one-half-inch refractor telescope was opened for viewing ...