Ohio History Journal

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"Edward Livingston Taylor," Volume 19, Number 3, July, 1910, pp. 322-325.
... 322 Ohio Arch 322 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications and the other the officers of the American fleet of Commodore Perry and the British fleet of Captain Barclay The day's outing was delightfully closed by a steam-yacht trip from Port Clinton to Put-in-Bay where a short stop was made and a glimpse taken of the proposed site of the monument to be erected in September 1912 commemorative of Perry's encounter on Lake Erie EDWARD LIVINGSTON TAYLOR An innumerable host of admiring acquaintances ...

"Bread and Doctrine at Oberlin," by Robert Samuel Fletcher. Volume 49, Number 1, January, 1940, pp. 58-67.
... BREAD AND DOCTRINE AT OBERLIN BREAD AND DOCTRINE AT OBERLIN By ROBERT SAMUEL FLETCHER Reform is manifold and yet it is one declared President Asa Mahan of the Oberlin Collegiate Institute in an address before the American Physiological Society in Boston in 1839 The true Christian reformer he said was a universal reformer seeking the correction of all evils No man could consistently be a temperance advocate and not an opponent of slavery nor an enemy of war and not a sponsor of moral reform He ...

"Life Among the Lowly: An Early View of an Ohio Poor House," edited by Frank P. Levstik. Volume 88, Number 1, Winter, 1979, pp. 84-88.
... edited by edited by FRANK R LEVSTIK Life Among the Lowly An Early View of an Ohio Poor House The care of the poor in Ohio during the early nineteenth century was largely based on English legislation of the sixteenth seventeenth and eighteenth centuries In 1795 statutes of the Northwest Territory provided a means whereby the poor could be employed through a system of annual farming-out to the lowest bidder The farmers were thus authorized to keep the poor at moderate labor For the next two ...

"Marcus A. Hanna," by Charles Dick. Volume 13, Number 3, July, 1904, pp. 355-374.
... MARCUS A MARCUS A HANNA CHARLES DICK Address delivered by United States Senator Pick in the Ohio House of Representatives at the Memorial Services held April 20 1904 in honor of Senator Hanna Marcus A Hanna was born September 24 1837 in New Lisbon Columbiana County Ohio and died in Washington February 5 1 90 4 in the discharge of his duties as Senator from his native State Standing in the presence of this splendid representation of the citizenship of Ohio impressed with the deep significance ...

"List of Members of the Ohio Valley Historical Association," Volume 18, Number 4, October, 1909, pp. 464-467.
... 464 Ohio Arch 464 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Honorary members-persons of note in the local historical field 4 Corresponding members--persons not residing in the Ohio Valley but interested in the work of this Association All members including societies shall be elected at the regular meeting of the Association upon recommendations of the Executive Committee 4 The officers of the Association shall consist of a president four Vice Presidents a Recording Secretary and Curator a ...

"Judge Tourgee and Reconstruction," by Russel B. Nye. Volume 50, Number 2, April-June, 1941, pp. 101-114.
... JUDGE TOURGEE AND RECONSTRUCTION JUDGE TOURGEE AND RECONSTRUCTION By RUSSEL B NYE Albion Winegar Tourgee Ohioan novelist political thinker soldier editor jurist and diplomat was a man whose comments upon the political and social questions of the late nineteenth century form an interesting chapter in the development of American thought Born in Williamsfield Ohio in 1838 of Huguenot German and Yankee stock he spent a normal boyhood amid the farms and villages of northern Ohio1 After study at ...

"Address of Judge W. B. Crew" (Big Bottom Monument) Volume 15, Number 1, January, 1906, pp. 27-29.
... Big Bottom and Its History Big Bottom and Its History 27 This was the first massacre and the principal one during the Indian war then just opening Marietta had been settled two years before and Big Bottom as this place was then known was an overflow from that place and comprised altogether thirty-six persons The year before several other settlements were established from Marietta but thus far this was the most remote No state in the Union was settled by a more worthy or enterprising class of ...

"Story of the Maumee Valley International Historical Convention, The," by M. M. Quaife. Volume 50, Number 1, January-March, 1941, pp. 6-12.
... THE STORY OF THE MAUMEE VALLEY INTERNATHE STORY OF THE MAUMEE VALLEY INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL CONVENTION By M M QUAIFE Several years ago Mr George Macdonald of Windsor Ont and the present writer attended the joint historical conference of the New York and Ontario historical societies held at Niagara Falls N Y and Niagara Falls Ont The conference was a great success and we came home imbued with the desire to bring about a similar gathering in Detroit and vicinity of the historical societies and ...

"Immigrant Colonies in Cleveland," by Wellington G. Fordyce. Volume 45, Number 4, October, 1936, pp. 320-340.
... IMMIGRANT COLONIES IN CLEVELAND IMMIGRANT COLONIES IN CLEVELAND By WELLINGTON G FORDYCE In any discussion of the social political religious and economic problems of the United States as related to its immigrant population the cities of New York Chicago and Detroit are usually the principal cities mentioned Little Italy The Ghetto or Chinatown are more apt to provoke visions of the settlements in New York and Chicago than those of any other city The foreign districts of New York are generally ...

"Ohio's Monument to General Anthony Wayne Unveiled: Address of H. C. Shetrone," Volume 38, Number 4, October, 1929, pp. 591-596.
... Monument to General Anthony Wayne Unveiled 591 Monument to General Anthony Wayne Unveiled 591 tried paths the kind of courage by which we can maintain our self-respect after it is restored and by which we can defend it from behind the walls of a new Fort Defiance Sustained by such courage we can go on and on invincible against whatever evil may be lurking in a new Fallen Timbers Let us then accept this bronze figure which you are soon to see as a symbol of civic courage--this figure of Anthony ...

"General Edward Orton, Jr.," Volume 41, Number 2, April, 1932, pp. 337-351.
... GENERAL EDWARD ORTON JR GENERAL EDWARD ORTON JR In 1865 Dr Edward Orton and his family came to Yellow Springs Ohio where he had accepted the position of Professor of Natural History in Antioch College From that date until the year 1932 a period of sixty-seven years the name Edward Orton has become widely known in Ohio and has stood for worthy effort and eminent achievement None has continuously and longer held a more honorable place in the public esteem and in the educational scientific and ...

"Old Northwest to Eastern Eyes, The," by Beverly W. Bond, Jr.. Volume 38, Number 3, July, 1929, pp. 542-556.
... 542 Ohio Arch 542 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications small colleges and that some of our best citizenship found its inspiration in these institutions All of these colleges have had men and women of more than usual rank and standing in our commonwealth and I am proud to recognize their contribution to Ohio citizenship They have not been very exclusive in this because they have always exported their best to other colleges We have present Professor Beverly W Bond Jr from the University of ...

"Ohio's History in the Place of Our National Development: Abstract of an Address," by John W. Bricker. Volume 50, Number 1, January-March, 1941, pp. 89-90.
... OHIO'S HISTORY IN THE PLACE OF OUR OHIO'S HISTORY IN THE PLACE OF OUR NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Abstract of an Address by HON JOHN W BRICKER Governor John W Bricker in an excellent address which unfortunately had not been reduced to a manuscript closed the program of the Convention It brought out the great historical significance of the Maumee Valley in relation to the United States He said that few events in our American history had more effect upon the country's welfare than the defense of Fort ...

"Whistle-Stopping Through Ohio," by Richard O. Davies. Volume 71, Number 2, July, 1962, pp. 113-123, notes 196-197.
... WHISTLE-STOPPING Through Ohio by RICHARD O DAVIES Ohio played an important role in returning Harry S Truman to the White House in 1948 Prior to the election he had been foredoomed to defeat by all reputable political seers Ohio was seen as being safely within the Republican fold and was supposedly prepared to take part in a nationwide Republican blitz Elmo Roper for example quit taking samples of voter preference as early as September 9 with the comment that only a political convulsion could ...

"Doings of the Executive Committee," Volume 15, Number 3, July, 1906, pp. 386-390.
... 386 Ohio Arch 386 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications who with two sons now grown to manhood Philip C and Wm J survive the decease of husband and father His demise was universally and sincerely mourned by his fellow-citizens for he had done much for the commercial and intellectual advancement of Chillicothe Ohio's honored first capital His funeral was attended by all classes of citizens and he was buried on Friday morning June 22 in the beautiful little cemetery upon the hill where lie the ...

"Address of Hon. W. E. Touvelle (Unveiling of Fort Recovery Monument)," Volume 22, Number 3, July, 1913, pp. 427-435.
... Unveiling of Fort Recovery Monument Unveiling of Fort Recovery Monument 427 whose loss was unusually great but also to the British who stood as sponsors to the movements of the tribesmen for the British were not only redoubling their assistance to the tribes supplying them with arms and munitions but were in their own behalf taking bold measures of offensive warfare For it was at this time April 1794 that under the orders of Governor Simcoe three British companies commanded by Colonel Richard ...

"The History and Prospects of the Society," Volume 1, Number 4, March, 1888, pp. 332-340.
... THE HISTORY AND PROSPECTS OF THE THE HISTORY AND PROSPECTS OF THE SOCIETY ANNUAL ADDRESS BEFORE THE OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY FEBRUARY 23 1887 F C SESSIONS FIRST VICE PRESIDENT OF THE SOCIETY THE Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society now closes its second year and begins its third May it not be profitable to take in retrospect a view of what has been done and in prospect of what may be done The Society owes its origin to the impulse given to historical study by the great ...

"Vatralsky's Tribute to MacGahan," Volume 9, Number 1, July, 1900, pp. 141-147.
... Comments Notes and Reviews Comments N otes and Reviews 141 the contrary A shade of pathetic and almost tragic sadness was cast over the proceedings of the of the meeting by the fact that only a few short hours before the wires across the wide waters had flashed the news that General Roberts with the British troops had occupied Pretoria meaning that it was the beginning of the end for the plucky but all too rash Dutch descendants in the African republic and that England's star of empire was ...

"Attack on Fort St. Clair," Volume 16, Number 3, July, 1907, pp. 419-420.
... Editorialana Editorialana 419 his trustees that he would not serve unless they would pledge themselves to raise an endowment fund They decided to start at once The financial committee which will have charge of raising the fund consists of L P Baldwin D Z Norton and W S Hayden Its power to name other members is unlimited Until the endowment fund is raised the museum will be supported as for the past two years in part on its guarantee fund and in part from the proceeds of a lecture course The ...

"Bull Moose" Rabbi: Judaism and Progressivism in the Life of a Reform Rabbi," by Amy Hill Shevitz. Volume 108, , Winter-Spring, 1999, pp. 6-25.
... AMY HILL SHEVITZ AMY HILL SHEVITZ Bull Moose Rabbi Judaism and Progressivism in the Life of a Reform Rabbi When he spoke Mrs R told me it was just like the voice of God This is how one of his congregants described Rabbi Isador Philo almost fifty years after his death His successor in the pulpit of Reform temple Rodef Sholom in Youngstown Ohio eulogized Philo in 1948 with similar words He was blessed with a rich resonant voice and a keen analytical mindhis entire dignified physical appearance ...