... THE CHINESE QUESTION 143 THE CHINESE QUESTION 143 gent of California which in the form finally adopted by the House on June 17 recommended that the President open negotiations with China to secure a change or abrogation of existing treaties that permitted the unlimited immigration of its citizens 29 Evarts had to await the arrival of two Chinese ministers in Washington Chen Lan Pin and Yung Wing on September 21 before he could even act upon the demands of Congress Then he hesitated until ...
... ANDREW R ANDREW R L CAYTON The Failure of Michael Baldwin A Case Study in the Origins of MiddleClass Culture on the TransAppalachian Frontier In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries it became fashionable to publish massive volumes detailing the histories of individual Midwestern counties Very often these books were the products of the cooperative efforts of several county residents who employed a topical rather than a chronological approach to their subject With the obvious goal ...
... WILLIAM BARLOW AND DAVID 0 WILLIAM BARLOW AND DAVID 0 POWELL Homeopathy and Sexual Equality The Controversy Over Coeducation at Cincinnati's Pulte Medical College 1873-1879 The number of women physicians in the United States increased dramatically during the late nineteenth century From a mere 200 or less in 1860 their ranks swelled to over 7000 by 19001 In Ohio the number of female doctors grew from 42 to 451 in the last three decades of the century2 Although reliable statistics are not ...
... JOHN BROWN AT HARPER'S FERRY AND JOHN BROWN AT HARPER'S FERRY AND CHARLESTOWN A LECTURE BY S K DONOVAN This lecture by Colonel S K Donovan was delivered a number of times in Ohio but was never before printed The original manuscript is in the possession of his sister Miss Sallie Donovan of Delaware Ohio by whose permission it is now published Colonel Donovan once stated to the writer that he was the first newspaper correspondent to reach Harper's Ferry after the raid began When he arrived there ...
... LETTER OF HON LETTER OF HON GEORGE B LORING READ AT THE C ELE BRATION BY R R DAWES WASHINGTON D C April 5 1888 SIR I have been requested by His Excellency Gov ernor Ames of Massachusetts to represent that Commonwealth at the Centennial Celebration of the first settlement of the Northwest Territory under the Ordinance of 1787 at Marietta Ohio I regret exceedingly that at a late hour I am compelled to deny myself the pleasure of being present on the occasion I feel it to be my duty however to ...
... SYMMES' THEORY SYMMES' THEORY JOHN WELD PECK ATTORNEY-AT-LAW CINCINNATI OHIO I want if I can to carry you back to the day when the West was new when the outposts of the nation were on the Mississippi when the boundless forests were scarred but here and there with clearings when Cincinnati the thriving town between Third street and the river was the undoubted and unrivaled Queen City of the West Those were the days of strong men The War of 1812 was just over The pioneer the pathfinder the ...
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS PREHISTORIC EARTHWORKS IN WISCONSIN A B STOUT University of Wisconsin In presenting this subject it seems best to the writer to treat somewhat in detail the various classes of earthworks and then to give a summary for the state as a whole with a brief discussion of the archaeological area to which it belongs With this plan in view the various artificial earthen structures in Wisconsin of prehistoric origin at least the greater number are ...
... SIMEON PORTER OHIO ARCHITECT by ERIC JOHANNESEN Of the many carpenters and master builders who gave the Western Reserve villages in northern Ohio their characteristic look of colonial New England in the first decades of the nineteenth century only a handful are known today Similarly the architects of the great era of urban growth in the United States during the two decades before the Civil War are largely anonymous Yet a few known builders belonged to both periods and spanned the transition ...
... PRESS NOTICES OF GOVERNOR CLINTON'S PRESS NOTICES OF GOVERNOR CLINTON'S VISIT TO OHIO COLUMBUS GAZETTE JULY 14 1825 Governor Clinton left here on Friday morning last accompanied by Governor Morrow several of the canal commissioners ex-Governor Brown and a number of our fellow citizens and arrived at Springfield in the evening He dined at Dayton on Saturday where he would remain until Monday From thence he would proceed to Cincinnati by way of Hamilton and etc where he would arrive on Tuesday ...
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Wilderness For Sale The Story of the First Western Land Rush By Walter Havighurst New York Hastings House 1956 xii372p end paper maps abridged bibliography and index 450 Mr Havighurst who has already given us Upper Mississippi Land of Promise and other studies of the old Northwest now adds a sparkling new volume to his series It is a timely and welcome book The old America seems to be breaking up and moving West said Morris Birbeck an English emigrant in the year 1817 ...
... LINCOLN IN OHIO LINCOLN IN OHIO BY JOHN H CRAMER I The Cincinnati Speech of September 1859 Did Dayton Hear It First The words which Abraham Lincoln spoke in Cincinnati upon the seventeenth of September 1859 are well known to careful students of his addresses and writings They were the words of one of the most important speeches which the famous Illinoisan made upon his brief but important excursion into Ohio The address was given in answer to a previous speech made by the then more noted ...
... Brief Biography of William Henry Holmes 513 Brief Biography of William Henry Holmes 513 Holmes to the log and skin the bear The only note regarding the adventure found in my report of the day's doing was my bear skin is a beauty AN ADVENTURE WITH THE INDIANS AUGUST 4TH AND 5TH 1 875 BY W H HOLMES August 4th Moved 14 miles down the San Juan Valley in south-western Colorado within a few miles of our western line -- 109 30' Passed by the mouth of the Montezuma a deep valley with a dry bed but ...
... FOLK MUSIC ON THE MIDWESTERN FRONTIER 1788-1825 FOLK MUSIC ON THE MIDWESTERN FRONTIER 1788-1825 by HARRY R STEVENS Duke University Since the days when Frederic L Ritter and Oscar G T Sonneck established modern musicology in the United States between 1883 and 1910 two simple but rigid traditions have dominated the writing of American musical history One is made up of the lives of composers and performers and descriptions of their work The second and more important one is the chronicle of ...
... Journal of Cyrus P Journal of Cyrus P Bradley 211 'Society to him Is blithe society who fills the air With gladness and involuntary song' Of his evenings at home he also quotes lines from Wadsworth strangely and beautifully coincident with his own experience of the howling wind outside But let him range round he does not harm We build up the fire we're snug and warm Untouch'd by his breath see the candle shines bright And burns with a clear and steady light Books have we to read hush that ...
... Editorialana Editorialana 3 29 and that the meeting could then adjourn to such time or in such way that it could be reconvened for the further business of the Annual Meeting After some discussion of this matter a resolution was offered that when the present meeting concludes such business as is necessary for its present consideration and is prepared to recess that it recess to a second session which is to be called at such date and place as shall be determined by the present President and ...
... THE OHIO VALLEY HISTORIC INDIAN CONFERENCE THE OHIO VALLEY HISTORIC INDIAN CONFERENCE PAPERS READ AT ITS FIRST MEETING NOVEMBER 20-21 1953 In 1951 the board of trustees authorized the staff of the state historical society to set up a project to be known as the Ohio Historic Indian Center As a part of the work of this project a research associate was assigned to a study of the Indians and the campaigns of the Indian Wars 1790-95 The Anthony Wayne Parkway Board has cooperated with the society in ...
... PRE-HISTORIC EARTHWORKS OF RICHLAND PRE-HISTORIC EARTHWORKS OF RICHLAND COUNTY BY A J BAUGHMAN Secretary Richland County Historical Society Here stand mounds erected by a race Unknown in history or in poets' songs In our own county we see evidences of a pre-historic people whose origin and fate are unknown We know of them only by the monuments they reared in the form of earth-works and as these principally are mounds we call the people who made them Mound Builders The term is not a ...
... J J DAVID GRIFFIN Historians and the Sixth Article of The Ordinance of 1787 Writing in the North American Review in 1876 William F Poole concluded that in the whole range of topics in our national history there is none which has been more obscure or the subject of more conflicting and erroneous statements than the Ordinance of 1787 When one makes even cursory examination of a small sample of the literature that has dealt with the Ordinance he is very likely to conclude that the statement must ...
... Reviews Notes and Comments 193 Reviews Notes and Comments 193 owners through whose hands it has passed in the long period since it was originally written They have recorded in it quaint receipts accounts and other matters of little or no value today For a time it appears to have been used as a copy-book It is however in spite of these insertions a venerable interesting and legible document which throws strong sidelights on the activities of the frontier army during this interesting period ...
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR A LIFE OF WILLIAM ALLEN William Allen A Study in Western Democracy By Reginald C McGrane Columbus Ohio The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society 1 925 279 p William Allen was one of those political luminaries who never quite attained the brilliance of a star of the first magnitude in the political firmament of his state and nation Very nearly but never ...