Ohio History Journal

Full Text Results For shaker medicines

"Warren Gamaliel Harding," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 32, Number 4, October, 1923, pp. 554-570.
... 55 4 WARREN GAMALIEL HARDING WARREN GAMALIEL HARDING BY C B GALBREATH Since the founding of our government six Presidents of the United States have died in office Three of these were native sons of Ohio and one William Henry Harrison when elected to that high office was and for twenty-six years had been a citizen of this state Three of the six fell at the hands of assassins and two of these Garfield and McKinley were Ohioans The passing of all these was attended with widespread and sincere ...

"Report of William C. Mills, Secretary Building Committee" (Dedication of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Museum and Library Building:) Volume 23, Number 4, October, 1914, pp. 358-361.
... 358 Ohio Arch 358 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications REPORT OF WILLIAM C MILLS Secretary Building Committee I trust as Secretary of the Building Committee of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society that a brief history of the building including its cost as it now stands will be of interest at this time The appropriation of 100000 for this building was made by the 79th General Assembly 1911 It was presented to the assembly through the Auditor of State's office and acted upon ...

Volume 48, Number 4, October, 1939, pp. 347-350.
... SUBJECT AND TITLE INDEX TO VOL SUBJECT AND TITLE INDEX TO VOL XLVIII For Index of Authors see Contents page iii PAGE ANTHROPOLOGY--STUDY AND TEACHING Gillin John Some Unfinished Business in Cultural Anthropology 4452 BACKUS FAMILY Phillips Mrs J E Ohio's Deep Roots in Connecticut 7482 The Beginning of Formal Dental Education at Bainbridge O by Edward C Mills 243-256 Benjamin F Wade and the Atrocity Propaganda of the Civil War by Harry Williams 3343 BIOGRAPHY Weisenburger F P The Personal ...

"Some Local History," by Lucy Elliot Keeler. Volume 20, Number 1, January, 1911, pp. 57-60.
... SOME LOCAL HISTORY SOME LOCAL HISTORY LUCY ELLIOT KEELER Miss Keeler of Fremont Ohio has been a valued contributor to the QUARTERLY The following from her pen is a delightful bit of historic sentiment which originally appeared in Scribner's Magazine - EDITOR I have watched numberless persons walk around a great stone-a round stone with a hollow in the top filled with water where the birds come to drink-and dilate learnedly after this fashion Think how it was carried for thousand of years on ...

"Waiting for the War's End: The Letter of an Ohio Soldier in Alabama After Learning of Lincoln's Death," edited by Louis Filler. Volume 74, Number 1, Winter, 1965, pp. 55-62, notes 75-76.
... waiting for waiting for THE WAR'S END the letter of AN OHIO SOLDIER IN ALABAMA after learning of LINCOLN 'S DEATH edited b y LOUIS FILLE R Holiday Ames was a forty-three-year-old blacksmith in Ashland Ohio when he answered President Lincoln's call of July 1 1862 for three hundred thousand three years troops1 Made a second lieutenant in Company B of the newly organized One Hundred and Second Ohio Volunteer Infantry and promoted to first lieutenant before the year ended he served with his ...

"Negro Rights and White Backlash in the Campaign of 1920," by Randolph C. Downes. Volume 75, Numbers 2 & 3, Spring and Summer, 1966, pp. 85-107, notes 184-185.
... NEGRO RIGHTS AND WHITE BACKLASH IN THE CAMPAIGN OF 1920 by RANDOLPH C DOWNES I believe in equality before the law You can't give rights to the white man and deny them to the black man But while I stand for that great great principle I do not mean that the white man and the black man must be forced to associate together in the acceptance of their rights Harding address in Oklahoma City October 9 1920 as reported in The Daily Oklahoma October 10 1920 The greatest indignity suffered by Harding in ...

Volume 60, Number 2, April, 1951, pp. 208-220.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Ohio Newspapers A Living Record By Robert C Wheeler Columbus Ohio History Press Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society 1950 257p 650 Ohio Newspapers A Living Record is a fascinating new approach to the history of Ohio By facsimile reproduction of newspapers dating from 1690 to 1946 we are given an intimate view of history in the makingday by day impressions of common life and of the reactions of the people to social and political phenomena One hundred and ...

"An Ohio Surgeon in Paris, 1835-1836," by Philip D. Jordan. Volume 49, Number 3, July, 1940, pp. 268-275.
... 268 OHIO ARCHEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY 268 OHIO ARCHEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY with difficulty that we refrain from being surprised at ourselves And our culture dwarfs that of our fathers to insignificance We cannot be expected to judge values according to the standards of a culture which to us appears so naive so childlike so unintelligent and emotionally unstable But sometimes when our present world is a bit too much with me the strident voice of the news broadcaster comes ...

"George Rogers Clark Monument," report by H. R. McPherson. Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 628-629.
... 628 Ohio Arch 628 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Preble County Historical Society due to his removal from Preble County but predicts continued growth and development of Fort St Clair Park in the days to come H R MCPHERSON Columbus Ohio September 26 1927 GEORGE ROGERS CLARK MONUMENT During the year the committee has sought to care for and improve the grounds The monument is located on high ground overlooking the Mad River Valley with a rather steep slope to the south and west Before ...

"Crawford County 'Ez Trooly Dimecratic': A Study of Midwestern Copperheadism," Volume 76, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter and Spring, 1967, pp. 33-53, notes 93-95.
... CRAW FO RD COUNTY A Study of Midwestern Copperheadism by THOMAS H SMITH The Copperhead movement in the Middle West during the Civil War was not the simple case of pro-Southern sympathy and treason that the Republican propagandist charged but rather it was a complex of social economic and political antagonism to the Lincoln administration As diverse as its motives was the geographic heterogeneity of the movement no one specific locality or region held its nucleus Its strongest support however ...

"Mark Hanna's Goal: American Harmony," by Gerald W. Wolff. Volume 79, Numbers 3 & 4, Summer-Autumn, 1970, pp. 138-151.
... GERALD W GERALD W WOLFF Mark Hanna's Goal American Harmony 'A man who won't meet his men half-way is a G d fool' declared Mark Hanna one day in 1894 He was referring to the Pullman strike and the fact that troops had been sent to end it That terse profane comment tells a great deal about Hanna He was above all else a pragmatist with a canny ability to successfully adjust to changing conditions Twenty years previously when his coal mines were struck troops had been brought in--with disastrous ...

"'Go and Sin No More': Maternity Homes in Cleveland, 1869-1936," Volume 93, , Summer-Autumn, 1984, pp. 117-146.
... MARIAN J MARIAN J MORTON Go and Sin No More Maternity Homes in Cleveland 1869-1936 In 1869 the Woman's Christian Association of Cleveland founded the Retreat the first of the city's maternity homes and refuges for women who had lost the glory of their womanhood1 Its founders sought to emulate Christ's injunction to Mary Magdalen Woman sin no more thy faith hath saved thee2 As its name suggests the Retreat was a shelter a refuge in which the fallen woman both victim and sinner could be saved ...

"National Negro Convention, 1848, The," by Howard H. Bell. Volume 67, Number 4, October, 1958, pp. 357-368.
... The National Negro Convention 1848 The National Negro Convention 1848 By HOWARD H BELL ON SEPTEMBER 6 1848 a small but determined group of men gathered at Cleveland Ohio to discuss the peculiar problems facing them and to lay plans for improving their position in the land of their birth They were mainly men of the Old Northwest but there were also representatives from Canada where the escaped slave was finding a haven of refuge in ever increasing numbers1 They were carpenters editors barbers ...

Volume 55, Number 4, October-December, 1946, pp. 413-422.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Amphibians of Ohio Part I The Frogs and Toads Order Salientia By Charles F Walker Ohio State Museum Science Bulletin Vol I No 3 Columbus Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society 1946 109p 100 Teachers students naturalists and herpetologists will be glad to know that this much needed paper on the frogs and toads of Ohio has at last made its appearance Although the numbers of kinds of this Order of tailless amphibians Salientia native to Ohio are very limited ...

"Lewis D. Campbell and the Know-Nothing Party in Ohio," Volume 76, Number 4, Autumn, 1967, pp. 202-221, notes 270-273.
... Lewis D Lewis D Campbell and the Know-Nothing Party in Ohio b y WILLIAM E VAN HORNE The period of the late 1840's and early 1850's was one of confusion in the The period of the late 1840's and early 1850's was one of confusion in the ranks of the two old established parties a situation which resulted in large part from the controversy over the status of slavery in the territories acquired by the United States during the decade 1840-1850 Even the Free Soil party formed on the basis of ...

"The Introduction of Farm Machinery into Ohio Prior to 1865," Volume 58, Number 1, Janaury, 1949, pp. 1-20.
... THE INTRODUCTION OF FARM MACHINERY INTO OHIO THE INTRODUCTION OF FARM MACHINERY INTO OHIO PRIOR TO 1865 by ROBERT LESLIE JONES Professor of History Marietta College Ohio agriculture in the fifth decade of the twentieth century is a highly mechanized industry with almost every farmer having a heavy investment in devices ranging from tractors to milking machines and pressure sprayers Contemporary mechanization however is less the product of recent innovations than it is the culmination of a long ...

"Outdoor Guiding in History and Prehistory," by Carl E. Guthe. Volume 41, Number 3, July, 1932, pp. 583-595.
... AFTERNOON SESSION AFTERNOON SESSION ADDRESS OF PROFESSOR CARL E GUTHE Chairman Sater called the meeting to order at 2 p m After a few well chosen remarks he introduced Prof Carl E Guthe University Museums of the University of Michigan who delivered an address which was heard with the closest attention entitled Outdoor Guiding in History and Prehistory Professor Guthe spoke as follows OUTDOOR GUIDING IN HISTORY AND PREHISTORY BY CARL E GUTHE The phrase outdoor guiding if considered in the ...

"Thomas Kirkby: Pioneer Aeronaut in Ohio," by Tom D. Crouch. Volume 79, Number 1, Winter, 1970, pp. 56-61.
... TOM D TOM D CROUCH Thomas Kirkby Pioneer Aeronaut in Ohio The decade of the 1830's marked the dawn of American aeronautical history Although the first American balloon ascent had been made on June 24 1784 when Edward Warren a thirteen year old Baltimore lad made a captive flight in a homemade balloon the citizens of the young republic remained aloof from so impractical an enterprise as free ballooning1 The American tour of Jean Pierre Blanchard in 1793 demonstrated that even a highly ...

"A Socioeconomic Study of Veterans of the 103rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment After the Civil War," by Lawrence A. Kreiser, Jr.. Volume 107, , Summer-Autumn, 1998, pp. 171-184.
... LAWRENCE A LAWRENCE A KREISER Jr A Socioeconomic Study of Veterans of the 103rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment After the Civil War In the closing days of the Civil War Major General William Tecumseh Sherman declared to Union soldiers preparing to muster out his belief that as in war you have been good soldiers so in peace you will make good citizens1 Many scholars neglect the second half of Sherman's appeal generalizing about the adjustments that soldiers made to peacetime society rather ...

"Ohio Generals and Field Officers in the Civil War," by W. L. Curry. Volume 23, Number 3, July, 1914, pp. 306-311.
... OHIO GENERALS AND FIELD OFFICERS IN THE OHIO GENERALS AND FIELD OFFICERS IN THE CIVIL WAR BY COLONEL W L CURRY In every crisis through which our Nation has passed since the firing of that shot at Concord April 19 1775 that was heard around the world there seem to have been men born to meet every emergency statesmen and men of military genius called from the walks of civil life to carry the ship of State safely through both in peace and war Therefore when the first gun of the War of the ...