Ohio History Journal

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"Presbyterians in the Ohio Temperance Movement of the 1850's," by Donald K. Gorell. Volume 60, Number 3, July, 1951, pp. 292-296.
... PRESBYTERIANS IN THE OHIO TEMPERANCE PRESBYTERIANS IN THE OHIO TEMPERANCE MOVEMENT OF THE 1850's by DONALD K GORRELL The agitation for the abolition of slavery which pervaded the Ohio scene during the decade preceding the Civil War was accompanied by other reform movements one of which sought to curb intemperance In that age no other cause with the exception of abolition was pressed more by moralists than that of temperancel and no other group was more prominent among the advocates of ...

"Tribute of Ex-Gov. J. B. Foraker (Ohio Battle Flags)," Volume 28, Number 2, April, 1919, pp. 248-249.
... 248 Ohio Arch 2 48 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications such service varies but never ceases And it must come from its citizens themselves if our Republic is to live Sincerely yours JUDSON HARMON TRIBUTE OF EX-GOV J B FORAKER APRIL II 1917 DEAR MR LIGGITT I have your letter of April 9th and sincerely thank you for the privilege you give me of saying something about the Battle Flags to be incorporated in the Memorial Book you are intending to publish If I were in better health I would no ...

"Thomas Jefferson and the Removal of Governor St. Clair in 1802," by Randolph Chandler Downes. Volume 36, Number 1, January, 1927, pp. 62-77.
... THOMAS JEFFERSON AND THE REMOVAL OF THOMAS JEFFERSON AND THE REMOVAL OF GOVERNOR ST CLAIR IN 1802 BY RANDOLPH CHANDLER DOWNES M A Instructor in History and Economics Marietta College While going through the papers of Thomas Jefferson at the Library of Congress and the Territorial Papers in the State Department last summer seeking to determine the relationship of Jefferson to the political situation in the Northwest Territory from 1800-1802 I obtained among other things copies of several ...

Volume 61, Number 3, July, 1952, pp. 301-310.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies ALLEN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Lima James A MacDonell President The meeting of the society in March was addressed by Rabbi Milton Schulman who spoke on The Clothing Industry in the Midwest 1850-1870 in April a former resident of Allen County James O Montague now of Milwaukee Wisconsin spoke on Seventy Years In and Out of Allen County The April issue of the Reporter included an article on Bicycling in Lima 1880-1894 by Ferne M Longsworth It ...

"A New Deal in History: An Abstract of Address Given," by John W. Oliver. Volume 43, Number 3, July, 1934, pp. 324-326.
... 324 Ohio Arch 324 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications ing them without political compromise our cooperation in return for greater consideration on their part Encourage Columbus-Franklin County membership approximately one-third of our total to serve as a nucleus of interest and activity these being close at hand can and do avail themselves of the Museum and Library and should be amenable to further interest provided something worth-while is provided for them Utilize these nearby members ...

"The Establishment of Dermatology and Syphilology as Medical Specialties in Northern Ohio: Dr. William T. Corlett and the 'Renaissance' of the 1890's," by Willard L. Marmelzat. Volume 57, Number 4, October, 1948, pp. 378-386.
... THE ESTABLISHMENT OF DERMATOLOGY AND SYPHILOLTHE ESTABLISHMENT OF DERMATOLOGY AND SYPHILOLOGY AS MEDICAL SPECIALTIES IN NORTHERN OHIO1 Dr William T Corlett and the Renaissance of the 1890's by WILLARD L MARMELZAT MD Department of Dermatology and Syphilology University Hospitals of Cleveland The rise of dermatology as a medical specialty in Ohio is of particular medico-historical interest for the evolution of the treatment of skin diseases with which this paper deals is not only of local and ...

"Salmon P. Chase," Volume 1, Number 2, September, 1887, pp. 111-126.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical QUARTERLY SEPTEMBER 1887 SALMON P CHASE THE careful study of a grand and successful life like that of Chief Justice Chase cannot fail to be interesting whether viewed with regard to the position reached by one who from a farmer's boy in moderate circumstances came to be United States Senator twice Governor of Ohio Secretary of the Treasury and finally Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States or whether it be considered with regard to the ...

"Seven Prehistoric Sites in Northern Ohio," by Emerson F. Greenman. Volume 44, Number 2, April, 1935, pp. 220-237.
... SEVEN PREHISTORIC SITES IN NORTHERN OHIO SEVEN PREHISTORIC SITES IN NORTHERN OHIO By EMERSON F GREENMA N Description of the Sites In the summer of 1 929 during excavation of the Reeve village site near Willoughby1 other sites were located mapped and examined Some were found by the use of William C Mills' Archaeological Atlas of Ohio Columbus Ohio 1914 while others have not been mentioned heretofore in archaeological literature Four of these sites are on the tops of hills and the occupied areas ...

"Ohio Farmstead: Farm Buildings as Cultural Artifacts, The," by Donald A. Hutslar. Volume 90, Number 3, Summer, 1981, pp. 221-237.
... DONALD A DONALD A HUTSLAR The Ohio Farmstead Farm Buildings as Cultural Artifacts Ohio's rural landscape though dwindling constitutes a significant area of the state some 17 million acres largely in the central and western counties1 However Ohio's agrarian past is still evident in the urban centers where an occasional farm building remains on-site often adapted to some commercial use such as a dairy store or carry-out-an ignominious end at best The barn in particular has become a romantic ...

"Wahkeena: Natural History Preserve," (The Society's State Memorials) by David H. Stansbery. Volume 73, Number 1, Winter, 1964, pp. 47-48.
... THE SOCIETY'S STATE MEMORIALS WAHKEENA NATURAL HISTORY PRESERVE by DAVID H STANSBERY OVER 200000000 years ago coarse sand and gravel from a slowly eroding mountain range were washed into a shallow sea that covered what is now south-central Ohio During the millions of years that followed the huge beds of sand that formed along the edge of this ocean were first compressed into solid rock then were slowly lifted above the sea level This rock formation the Blackhand Sandstone forms the bedrock ...

"Explorations of the Campbell Island Village Site and the Hine Mound and Village Site," Volume 32, Number 3, July, 1923, pp. 434-467.
... 434 EXPLORATIONS OF THE CAMPBELL ISLAND VILEXPLORATIONS OF THE CAMPBELL ISLAND VILLAGE SITE AND THE HINE MOUND AND VILLAGE SITE BY H C SHETRONE Curator of Archaeology TRANSMITTAL OF REPORT JUNE 11 1923 PROFESSOR WILLIAM C MILLS Director Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Museum MY DEAR PROFESSOR MILLS I have the honor to submit for your approval a condensed report of the examination of the Campbell Island Village Site and Hine Mound and Village Site located near Hamilton Butler County ...

"Ohio Day at Pan-American Exposition, July 18, 1901," Volume 10, Number 2, October, 1901, pp. 123-145.
... Ohio Day at Pan-American Exposition Ohio Day at Pan-American Exposition 123 OHIO DAY AT PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION JULY 18 1901 Never was the Rainbow City more radiant attractive or active than on Ohio Day July 18 1 901 when thousands of Buckeyes made pilgrimage from their native state to Buffalo and proudly participated in the ceremonies and festivities of the formal dedication of the Ohio Building OHIO BUILDING The Ohio Building one of the finest and most admired state edifices on the ground ...

"A Detailed Account of Mound Openings Done During the Months of July and August 1888" by Warren K. Moorehead and Clinton Cowen. Volume 2, Number 4, March, 1889, pp. 534-540.
... A DETAILED ACCOUNT OF MOUND OPENING A DETAILED ACCOUNT OF MOUND OPENING Done During the Months of July and August 1888 by Warren K Moorehead and Clinton Cowen IT occurred to me a number of times last year to spend the summer in opening mounds I had done considerable of this work in several counties of our State but had never spent more than one continuous week in the field When the Cincinnati Centennial Exposition opened in July and I was free from my duties having been actively engaged in ...

"John Brown's Ohio Environment," Volume 57, Number 1, January, 1948, pp. 24-47.
... JOHN BROWN'S OHIO ENVIRONMENT JOHN BROWN'S OHIO ENVIRONMENT by MARY LAND Graduate Student Western Reserve University The stormy years John Brown spent in Kansas and the insurrection at Harper's Ferry have all but obscured the 38 years of his life spent in northern Ohio In 1805 when he was five years old he was brought from Connecticut to Hudson Ohio a small town near Akron He continued to live in the vicinity of Akron except for a decade in Pennsylvania two years in Springfield Massachusetts ...

"Editorialana," Volume 22, Number 3, July, 1913, pp. 470-480.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA The recent appointments to the Board of Trustees of the Society have added strength and dignity to that body Governor Cox on June 24 1913 appointed ex-Governor Myron T Herrick of Cleveland and ex-Governor James E Campbell of Columbus for the terms of three years from the date of their appointment Mr Herrick was originally appointed by Governor Harmon The high character of the personnel of the Board has been unbroken in the twenty-eight years of its history This is ...

"The MacGahan Monument: A Dedication at New Lexington," Volume 21, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1912, pp. 215-244.
... THE MACGAHAN MONUMENT THE MACGAHAN MONUMENT A DEDICATION AT NEW LEXINGTON MacGahan was preparing to attend and write up the International Congress at Berlin when declining to abandon a sick friend at Constantinople he was himself attacked with the malignant fever that had prostrated his friend and died after a few days' illness June 9 1878 In the year 1884 his remains at Constantinople were disinterred and brought by the United States steamer Powhatan to this country In New York city the ...

"Homeopathy and Sexual Equality: The Controversy Over Coeducation at Cincinnati's Pulte College, 1873-1879," by William Barlow and David O. Powell. Volume 90, Number 2, Spring, 1981, pp. 101-113.
... WILLIAM BARLOW AND DAVID 0 WILLIAM BARLOW AND DAVID 0 POWELL Homeopathy and Sexual Equality The Controversy Over Coeducation at Cincinnati's Pulte Medical College 1873-1879 The number of women physicians in the United States increased dramatically during the late nineteenth century From a mere 200 or less in 1860 their ranks swelled to over 7000 by 19001 In Ohio the number of female doctors grew from 42 to 451 in the last three decades of the century2 Although reliable statistics are not ...

"Ohio, the First Child of the Northwest" (Pan-American Exposition) by Charles W. Baker. Volume 10, Number 2, October, 1901, pp. 128-132.
... 128 Ohio Arch 128 Ohio Arch and His Society Pub li cations the citizens of all the states and the republics to the south of us may spend many pleasant hours and may find rest and comfort It is my duty to turn our building over to the Pan-American and in doing so I express the sincere hope that your exposition may have the great success which always should accompany efforts so earnest so able and so magnificent and wonderful in results as are those made by the officials of the exposition and ...

Volume 73, Number 3, Summer, 1964, pp. 188-195.
... BOOK REVIEWS INDEX TO THE WILLIAM McKINLEY PAPERS The Library of Congress Presidents' Papers Index Series Washington Manuscript Division Reference Department Library of Congress 1963 x482p introduction and appendices 325 An index often is thought of as merely a finding list but this one functions in numerous ways Its most important functions are three-fold it testifies it terrifies and it teaches First as to its testimony It testifies to a growth in recognition of historical needs --by ...

"Address at Marietta, Ohio, 1858, by Hon. Thomas Ewing," Volume 28, Number 2, April, 1919, pp. 186-207.
... ADDRESS AT MARIETTA OHIO 1858 ADDRESS AT MARIETTA OHIO 18581 BY HON THOMAS EWING EDITED BY C L MARTZOLFF ATHENS OHIO Ladies and GentlemenWe meet to celebrate the seventieth anniversary of the first landing of our Pioneer Fathers on the shores of the Ohio in the North Western Territory An age-the full age allotted to men has elapsed since that hardy band of brave men and brave women fresh from the war of the Revolution a few of the boldest and most adventurous of the relics of that war through ...