... GOVERNOR JOHN GREINER AND CHASE'S BID FOR THE GOVERNOR JOHN GREINER AND CHASE'S BID FOR THE PRESIDENCY IN 1860 by EARL W WILEY Professor of Speech Ohio State University Old Abe--Hon Abraham Lincoln will address the people of Columbus either at the State House or City Hall today Friday Mr Lincoln has the reputation of being one of the ablest stumpers of the day--Columbus Gazette September 16 1859 This was all there was to the announcement made by the Columbus Gazette a conservative opposition ...
... compiled by compiled by PATRICIA B GATHERUM Checklist of Major Research Projects Initiated in 1973 and Completed Masters and Doctors Degrees on Topics Relating to Ohio 1973 REFERENCE WORKS GUTGESELL STEPHEN C Union Guide to Ohio Newspapers Chief Cataloger Ohio Historical Society LEVSTIK FRANK R Guide to State Archives at the Ohio Historical Society Assistant State Archivist Ohio Historical Society PIKE KERMIT J Guide to the Manuscripts in the
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Jacksonian Persuasion Politics and Belief By Marvin Meyers Stanford Calif Stanford University Press 1957 vii234p appendices bibliography and index 500 This slim volume is the latest in the recent series of attempts to discern the elusive meaning behind that deceptive textbook phrase Jacksonian democracy Professor Meyers' monograph will not win a Pulitzer prize be chosen as a book-club selection or reappear in paper-bound dress as a layman's treat It will for years ...
... A Salvation Army Prelude The Christian A Salvation Army Prelude The Christian Mission in Cleveland Ohio By HERBERT A WISBEY JR At the corner of North Fourth and Oxford streets in Philadelphia a small inconspicuous plaque in the sidewalk declares Here on Sunday October 5 1879 was begun the work of the Salvation Army in the United States Although Philadelphia may be credited as the birthplace of the Salvation Army in America Salvation Army work actually was introduced in the United States at ...
... THE NAGA AND THE LINGAM OF INDIA AND THE THE NAGA AND THE LINGAM OF INDIA AND THE SERPENT MOUNDS OF OHIO BY ALEXANDER S WILSON M D Kodaikanal Madura District India WITH INTRODUCTION BY G FREDERICK WRIGHT INTRODUCTION About the middle of the last century Mr Lewis Morgan a distinguished citizen of Rochester New York became interested in the manner of reckoning family relationships among the Iroquois Indians of central New York The system was very complicated and complete As many as 237 ...
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies DELAWARE COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Delaware Wilbur Main President The society has been holding regular monthly meetings on the third Monday of each month At the meeting in February R B Powers gave a paper on genealogy Mrs John J Swickheimer spoke at the March meeting on the early history of Radnor Township In April the first number of a mimeographed bulletin was published for the purpose of publicizing the society by describing its aims and ...
... 420 Ohio Arch 420 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Birchard to Buckland Buckland to Hayes thence to Spiegel Grove where the following program and exercises were carried out by the Odd Fellows in dedication of their memorial window in the Hayes Memorial Library and Museum The Noble Grand G L Roach as chairman opened the exercises with prayer by W D Pearce Vice Grand of the lodge and he not being present the prayer was read by J E Courtney Chaplain of the lodge which is as follows ...
... AN EARLY PROPOSAL FOR A STATE AN EARLY PROPOSAL FOR A STATE POLYTECHNIC SCHOOL BY ROSCOE H ECKELBERRY Assistant Professor Dept of History of Education Ohio State University The proposal by Governor Ethan Allen Brown of Ohio on January 8 1819 for the establishment of a state polytechnic school must have been one of the earliest in this country The early governors of Ohio like those of many of the other states were far ahead of the legislatures in their educational vision and their conviction of ...
... THE SECRET SIX THE SECRET SIX AN INQUIRY INTO THE BASIC MATERIA MEDICA OF THE THOMSONIAN SYSTEM OF BOTANIC MEDICINE By PHILIP D JORDAN PHD Perhaps no single man of medicine exerted a greater popular influence during the hectic days of scientific thought in the nineteenth century than did Dr Samuel Thomson Although the intimate details of his professional career did not always coincide with the stories which Thomson himself told1 the general biographical facts are rather well established The ...
... CALEB ATWATER CALEB ATWATER AS HISTORIAN by PHILIP SKARDON Caleb Atwater whose A History of the State of Ohio Natural and Civil published in 18381 was the first lengthy survey of Ohio's development has remained relatively obscure to this day despite a multi-faceted career with several exceptional achievements He has been credited variously with producing the earliest systematic and well authenticated account of the prehistoric Indian remains in the Ohio Valley2 and with being a founder of ...
... THOMAS CORWIN AND THE CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN THOMAS CORWIN AND THE CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN REACTION 1858-1861 by DARYL PENDERGRAFT Assistant Professor of History Iowa State Teachers College By the year 1858 it had become apparent to many of the leaders of the young Republican party that the party's future success required a stronger appeal to the conservative elements of the North The taint of radicalism that was attached to the new party was plainly frightening many of the property-owning ...
... Ohio Valley Hist Ohio Valley Hist Ass'n Fifth Annual Meeting 1 11 believe unique in receiving an annual appropriation 5000 from the city government to aid in its educational propaganda In truth there is no reason whatever why this example should not generally be followed by large American cities Exactly the same argument used in behalf of the school system can and should be urged for the historical society But such a society state or local can lay slight claim to official aid if it be not ...
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS American Political Parties Their Natural History By Wilfred E Binkley New York Alfred A Knopf 19 43 389p 375 This book presents a keen and careful analysis of American political parties from the development of Federalism to the Republican prospects in 1944 It is not a history of politics and elections Indeed one finds not very much about national conventions events of campaigns Congressional debates and White House preand post-election politics The red-fire the horse ...
... INDEX INDEX COMPILED BY LAURA RUSSELL ABOLITIONISM at Oberlin 87 Abraham Lincoln by Ehrgott Forbriger amp Co 413 illustration 412 Abraham Lincoln Late President of the US Assassinated April 14th 1865 by Gibson amp Co 413-414 417 illustration 413 Abraham Lincoln Writing the Emancipation Proclamation by David Gilmour Blythe 404-406 illustrations cover Autumn 1980Number 4 404 Adams Charles Frances Jr 381 Adams Henry 381 Admission Age Quartiles 1859-79 Ohio Reform Farm table 289 Aesculapius 232 ...
... A CHRONOLOGY A CHRONOLOGY By WILLIAM D OVERMAN 1822--First effort at organizing a historical society in Ohio 1831--Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio 1875--Ohio Archaeological Society founded at Mansfield 1885--OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY organized Allen Granberry Thurman president Albert Adams Graham secretary 18 87--Francis Charles Sessions second president publication of the first QUARTERLY in June 1888--Centennial Celebration at Marietta April 7 1889--Society ...
... EXPLORATIONS OF THE WESTENHAVER MOUND EXPLORATIONS OF THE WESTENHAVER MOUND BY WILLIAM C MILLS The Westenhaver Mound is located in Wayne township Pickaway county Ohio on the west bank of the Scioto river The land on which the mound is situated is owned by Mr and Mrs George E Roth and lies about six miles southwest of Circleville and three miles north of the village of Yellow Bud The site of the earthwork is a level plateau comprising the first bottom of the Scioto river which at this point is ...
... MICHAEL J MICHAEL J DEVINE The Historical Paintings of William Henry Powell In 1865 the Ohio General Assembly commissioned William Henry Powell to paint a large historic picture depicting the heroic naval victory of Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry and his men over the British in the Battle of Lake Erie in 1813 A former resident of Cincinnati Powell had won fame in the eastern urban centers of the United States as well as European capitals and his majestic Perry's Victory hung in Ohio's capitol ...
... A Northern Businessman A Northern Businessman Opposes the Civil War EXCERPTS FROM THE LETTERS OF R G DUN edited by JAMES D NORRIS A number of rather prominent northern businessmen opposed the Civil War and the Lincoln administration for both sound business reasons and personal political commitments Robert Graham Dun's letters to his family and friends in Ohio during the Civil War present an excellent portrait of one such businessman Imbued with a deep-seated hostility toward both Lincoln and ...
... Editorialana Editorialana 499 HONORARY AND LIFE MEMBERS OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY HONORARY MEMBERS Baird Prof S F Washington D C Bancroft Hon Hubert Howe San Francisco Cal De Reune Mrs Mary Augusta Ga Gladden Washington D D LL D Columbus Howe Henry Columbus Nicholson Jno P Pittsburg Pa Putnam Prof F W Cambridge Mass Smucker Isaac Newark Winslow Rev Dr Wm Copley Boston Mass Whittlesey Col Chas Cleveland LIFE MEMBERS Anderson Judge Jas HColumbus Ohio Andrews John W ...
... THE CINCINNATI MUNICIPAL ELECTION OF 1828 THE CINCINNATI MUNICIPAL ELECTION OF 1828 MARY BAKER FURNESS CINCINNATI Cincinnati began its existence as a city under its first charter March 1 1819 By an act of the General Assembly passed January 26 1827 a new charter was granted which superseded the old one and did away with all the legislation which had been enacted under it According to this second charter the city boundaries began with the Ohio River at the east corner of partial section No 12 ...