Ohio History Journal

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"Fort Meigs," Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 625-626.
... Minutes of Forty-second Annual Meeting 625 Minutes of Forty-second Annual Meeting 625 Front Inscription To General Anthony Wayne who organized the 'Legion of the United States' by order of President Washington and defeated Chief Little Turtle's Warriors here at Fallen Timbers August 20 1794 This victory led to the Treaty of Greenville August 3 1795 which opened much of the present State of Ohio to white settlers Left Inscription In memory of the white settlers massacred 17831794 Back ...

"Canton and the Great Steel Strike of 1919: A Marriage of Nativism and Politics," by William E. Scheuerman. Volume 93, , Winter-Spring, 1984, pp. 68-87.
... WILLIAM E WILLIAM E SCHEUERMAN Canton and the Great Steel Strike of 1919 A Marriage of Nativism and Politics Prior to 1900 the production of iron and steel in the United States was primarily the domain of the skilled English-speaking worker1 By the turn of the century however the skilled worker was becoming extraneous Technological innovations in the production of steel deskilled the labor force and immigrants from southern and eastern Europe flocked to America's steelmills to assume the bulk ...

"Report of the Building Committee for the Library and Stack-Room Addition the Hayes Memorial Building, Spiegel Grove State Park, Fremont, Ohio," Volume 31, Number 4, October, 1922, pp. 623-627.
... Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting 623 Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting 623 diers of Ohio who served in the World War also a similar resolution adopted October 18 1921' The approval of the State Architect has been secured to this partial construction Bids for the erection of this building are being opened at 1000 A M today Plans for the completed building and for that portion to be built at once are submitted for the inspection of the Society Studies for the proposed sculptural features of the front ...

"A New Serpent Mound in Ohio," by George Frederick Wright. Volume 18, Number 1, January, 1909, pp. 1-12.
... OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS A NEW SERPENT MOUND IN OHIO GEORGE FREDERICK WRIGHT We herewith reproduce with permission from the SeptemberOctober 1908 bi-monthly number of The Records of the Past published at Washington D C an article by the Editor of that publication George Frederick Wright the distinguished traveler scholar and author professor of harmony of sciences and religion Oberlin College Ohio and now President of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society ...

"Antecedent Experience of William Maxwell, Ohio's First Printer," by Douglas C. McMurtrie. Volume 41, Number 1, January, 1932, pp. 98-103.
... ANTECEDENT EXPERIENCE OF WILLIAM ANTECEDENT EXPERIENCE OF WILLIAM MAXWELL OHIO'S FIRST PRINTER BY DOUGLAS C McMURTRIE The facts regarding the first printing in Ohio are well known and clearly established William Maxwell set up a printing office in Cincinnati and published the first issue of the Centinel of the North-Western Territory on November 9 17931 But where Maxwell came from and what his previous experience was are points of information which have never been dealt with in any of the ...

"The Mingo Captive and the Wyandot Maiden and the Neutral Ground," by H. C. Cochran. Volume 13, Number 4, October, 1904, pp. 453-455.
... The Black Hand The Black Hand 453 tablet that was as a guide to their faith and then put the hand on the rock pointing to the place of his burial THE MINGO CAPTIVE AND THE WYANDOT MAIDEN AND THE NEUTRAL GROUND H C COCHRAN An Indian sat at the door of a settler's cabin and told this story Many years ago the red men in the eastern part of the state were at war with those in the middle and northwestern part Chief among the former were the Mingos and among the latter the Wyandots In one of the ...

"Panisciowa-Jean Baptiste Ducoigne," Volume 29, Number 4, October, 1920, pp. 465-468.
... Reviews Notes and Comments Reviews Notes and Comments 46 5 This quotation is a gem and the reader will thank the author for including it A wrong impression is left on page 288 by the statement that the senate finally voted 'yea' unanimously on this bill Seven senators at one time voted against it including Senator Brown from Ohio who opposed it in a speech While the author uses the correct spelling of the name of Lafayette she makes a mistake in the spelling of another name that occurs very ...

"Exploration of the Wright Group of Pre-Historic Earthworks," by H. C. Shetrone. Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 341-358.
... EXPLORATION OF THE WRIGHT GROUP OF EXPLORATION OF THE WRIGHT GROUP OF PRE-HISTORIC EARTHWORKS BY H C SHETRONE CURATOR OF ARCHAEOLOGY The Wright Group of Earth-works is located in Perry Township IFran-kli County Ohic one mile northeast of the vill ag e of Dubl in The three uni l s composing the group --a rectangular and two circular enclosures - lie mostly upon the land of Samuel M Wright whose name in recognition of examination privileges and personal assistance accorded by him is hereby given ...

"History of the Astronomical Pier at Miami University," by Robert White McFarland. Volume 41, Number 2, April, 1932, pp. 321-324.
... PROFESSOR ROBERT WHITE McFARLAND'S PROFESSOR ROBERT WHITE McFARLAND'S HISTORY OF THE ASTRONOMICAL PIER AT MIAMI UNIVERSITY A recent issue of the Alumni News Letter of Miami University published the history of the Astronomical Pier at Miami University Oxford Ohio as it was written by Professor Robert White McFarland with a quill pen in 1904 and sent to Dr Clyde Fisher an alumnus of that institution and now curator of astronomy and visual instruction at the American Museum of Natural History New ...

Volume 64, Number 2, April, 1955, pp. 214-237.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Howells and the Age of Realism By Everett Carter Philadelphia and New York J B Lippincott Company 1954 307p index 500 Mr Carter's scholarly study of William Dean Howells and his fellow realists is a sound valuable chapter in our literary and social history It is not a definitive biography such as Leon Edel's Henry James or Dixon Wecter's Sam Clemens of Hannibal but an intellectual portrait of Howells drawn by careful analysis and interpretation Mr Carter ...

"James R. Garfield: The Making of a Progressive," Volume 74, Number 2, Spring, 1965, pp. 79-89, notes 143-145.
... James R Garfield the making of a progressive by JACK M THOMPSON One of the leaders in the movement to bring Theodore Roosevelt back to the presidency in 1912 was a now rather obscure Ohioan named James R Garfield The second son of President James A Garfield he was Roosevelt's secretary of the interior from 1907 to 1909 and the Progressive candidate for governor of Ohio in 1914 A prominent figure on the Ohio and national scenes at the height of the progressive movement he found the ascent to ...

"Ohio's Monument to General Anthony Wayne Unveiled: Address of H. C. Shetrone," Volume 38, Number 4, October, 1929, pp. 591-596.
... Monument to General Anthony Wayne Unveiled 591 Monument to General Anthony Wayne Unveiled 591 tried paths the kind of courage by which we can maintain our self-respect after it is restored and by which we can defend it from behind the walls of a new Fort Defiance Sustained by such courage we can go on and on invincible against whatever evil may be lurking in a new Fallen Timbers Let us then accept this bronze figure which you are soon to see as a symbol of civic courage--this figure of Anthony ...

"Blast-Furnaces Operated by the Separatist Society of Zoar, Ohio," by E. J. Bognar. Volume 39, Number 3, July, 1930, pp. 503-513.
... BLAST-FURNACES OPERATED BY THE BLAST-FURNACES OPERATED BY THE SEPARATIST SOCIETY OF ZOAR OHIO BY E J BOGNAR A most important contribution to the success of the Separatist Society of Zoar was iron ore The village of Zoar was founded in 1817 by 300 or more Separatists who had embarked early that spring from Wurtemburg1 Germany The party was led by one Joseph M Bimeler2 and the desire for religious freedom brought them to this country where they settled in the inviting wooded region of the ...

Volume 81, Number 4, Autumn, 1972, pp. 302-308.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Papers of Ulysses S Grant Volume III October 1 1861-January 7 1862 Edited by JO HN Y SIMON Carbondale Southern Illinois University Press 1971 xxv 479p chronology maps illustrations calendar and index 1500 The Papers of Ulysses S Grant Volume IV January 8-March 31 1862 Edited by JOHN Y SIMON Carbondale Southern Illinois University Press 1972 xxv 520p chronology maps illustrations calendar and index 1500 Like their subject these volumes of Ulysses S Grant's personal ...

"Minutes of the Ninth Annual Meeting," Volume 4, Annual, January, 1896, pp. 403-413.
... MINUTES MINUTES OF THE NINTH ANNUAL MEETING STATE LIBRARY ROOM STATE CAPITOL COLUMBUS OHIO February 20 1894 The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society met in annual session with the President Gen Roeliff Brinkerhoff in the chair The following members were present Gen Roeliff Brinkerhoff President Mansfield Rev Wm E Moore Vice President Columbus S S Rickly Treasurer Columbus E O Randall Secretary Columbus Prof Geo F W right Oberlin Judge W J Gilmore Columbus George F Bareis Canal ...

"Writing of History in Ohio, 1935-1945, The," by Francis P. Weisenberger. Volume 54, Number 3, July-September, 1945, pp. 230-246.
... THE WRITING OF HISTORY IN OHIO 1935-1945 THE WRITING OF HISTORY IN OHIO 1935-1945 By FRANCIS P WEISENBURGER Ten years ago in recognition of the 50th anniversary of the organization of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society an endeavor was made by the present writer to summarize what had been accomplished in Ohio in the field of historical writing during that half century of the life of the Society 188519351 Now at the end of another decade it seems fitting to carry through the ...

"Logan and the Logan Elm," by Howard Jones. Volume 32, Number 2, April, 1923, pp. 314-327.
... a 314 LOGAN AND THE LOGAN LEM LOGAN AND THE LOGAN LEM BY DR HOWARD JONES I have been asked to tell you something about this piece of land upon which we have assembled today and what this meeting commemorates This is easy and yet difficult easy because the subject is replete with interesting history difficult because the time allotted is too short to treat the subject in a very comprehensive or even an understandable manner It was in 1911 that I made the proposal to Mrs Wallace to purchase ...

"Lydia Finney and Evangelical Womanhood," by Catherine M. Rokicky. Volume 103, , Summer-Autumn, 1994, pp. 170-189.
... CATHERINE M CATHERINE M ROKICKY Lydia Finney and Evangelical Womanhood In May of 1835 Lydia Andrews Finney bade farewell to her husband as he headed for his first look at Oberlin College in Oberlin Ohio Mrs Finney and their three children would stay in Cleveland with her parents until the Reverend Charles Grandison Finney settled himself as the professor of theology in Oberlin1 Separation between the couple was far from a new experience because of the position of the Reverend Finney as the ...

"Samuel Medary, Journalist and Politician, 1801-1864," by Helen P. Dorn. Volume 53, Number 1, January-March, 1944, pp. 14-38.
... SAMUEL MEDARY--JOURNALIST AND SAMUEL MEDARY--JOURNALIST AND POLITICIAN 1801-1864 BY HELEN P DORN Ohio has produced some of the most interesting and challenging and certainly the most virile journalists in the United States Nevertheless the memory of man is short and prominent figures are soon forgotten unless their achievements are recreated by future generations Samuel Medary was such a man He was born of Quaker parents in Montgomery County Pennsylvania at the beginning of the nineteenth ...

"State Library and its Founder, The," by Daniel J. Ryan. Volume 28, Number 1, January, 1919, pp. 98-107.
... 98 Ohio Arch 98 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications and employment in the State Library based only upon recognized qualification and efficient service Following this excellent address remarks were made by Hon E O Randall reporter of the Supreme Court of Ohio and Secretary of the State Archaeological and Historical Society Hon J H Newman former State Librarian Mr John J Pugh libbrarian of the Columbus Public Library Miss Olive Jones librarian of the Ohio State University Miss Julia W ...