Ohio History Journal

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"The Centennial Celebration at Marietta, April Seventh, 1888," Volume 2, Number 1, June, 1888, pp. 1-12.
... MARIETTA CENTENNIAL NUMBER MARIETTA CENTENNIAL NUMBER OHIO Archaeological and Historical QUARTERLY Vol II JUNE 1888 No 1 THE CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION AT MARIETTA APRIL SEVENTH 1888 PRELIMINARY MOVEMENTS THE Washington County Pioneer Association as early as their annual meeting held April 7th 1881 decided to undertake a Centennial Celebration of the first organized and permanent settlement of the Territory Northwest of the River Ohio to be observed in Marietta April seventh 1888 Further attention ...

"Report of the Local Historical Societies," Volume 49, Number 3, July, 1940, pp. 239-241.
... OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 239 OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 239 moved that the members of the Society assembled in annual business meeting memorialize the members of the General Assembly and the members of the Finance Committee in particular to make a more careful study of the needs and requirements of the Society and give the biennial budget presented more adequate consideration and approval The motion was unanimously carried The Nominating Committee unanimously recommended ...

"The Development of the Judicial System of Ohio," by F. R. Aumann. Volume 41, Number 2, April, 1932, pp. 195-236.
... THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE JUDICIAL THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM OF OHIO By PROF F R AUMANN Ohio State Unive r sity Before Statehood--Any attempt to discuss the growth of the judicial system of this State would carry us back to the time when Ohio as a part of the Northwest Territory was controlled by the Federal Government On July 13 1787 the Congress of the United States passed the Ordinance for the Government of the Territory of the United States Northwest of the River Ohio Although ...

"The Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio" Volume 54, Number 2, April-June, 1945, pp. 89-95.
... THE HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY THE HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO By LEE SHEPARD In the space of a short sketch it is impossible to write a comprehensive history of this 113-year-old society When it is realized that the first effort to form a historical society in Ohio was made in 1822 only 27 years after the signing of the Treaty of Greenville one can only wonder at the temerity of the scattered residents whose ambitions at that time were doomed to failure Ohio was ...

"Addresses Before the Ohio State Archaeological Society," Volume 6, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1898, pp. 430-463.
... ADDRESSES BEFORE THE OHIO STATE ADDRESSES BEFORE THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY The public meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was held in the House of Representatives Columbus Ohio at eight o'clock p m March 3 1898 General Brinkerhoff presiding ADDRESS OF GENERAL BRINKERHOFF LADIES AND GENTLEMEN-Before introducing the speakers of the evening it is proper for me as chairman perhaps to say a few words in regard to the origin and purpose of the Ohio State ...

"Judge James Hall: A Literary Pioneer of the Middle West," by David L. James. Volume 18, Number 4, October, 1909, pp. 468-483.
... JUDGE JAMES HALL JUDGE JAMES HALL A Literary Pioneer of the Middle West DAVIS L JAMES In the preparation of this sketch acknowledgment should be made of the writer's indebtedness to the Beginnings of Literary Culture in the Ohio Valley by our fellow member Dr W H Venable This volume published in 1891 is of the greatest importance and value to the student of early literary history and an indispensable book of reference It is a matter for much regret that it is out of print and only to be found ...

"Dedication of Memorial Building: Over the Grant Cottage at State Fair Grounds," Volume 31, Number 3, July, 1922, pp. 289-294.
... DEDICATION OF MEMORIAL BUILDING DEDICATION OF MEMORIAL BUILDING OVER THE GRANT COTTAGE AT STATE FAIR GROUNDS The Grant Memorial Building enclosing the Grant cottage at the State Fair Grounds was dedicated September 3 1896 This ceremony had been planned for the forenoon of that day but a heavy rain made it necessary to postpone the program until the afternoon when fair weather greeted the large crowd assembled estimated at over four thousand people The program included addresses by Governor ...

"An Example of Political Oratory in 1855," by Mrs. Arthur G. Beach. Volume 39, Number 4, October, 1930, pp. 673-682.
... AN EXAMPLE OF POLITICAL ORATORY IN AN EXAMPLE OF POLITICAL ORATORY IN 1855 BY MRS ARTHUR G BEACH Mr Albert Beveridge has painted a vivid picture of the decade 1850-1860 as a background to his study of Abraham Lincoln There have been preserved at Marietta Ohio a border town some letters and papers written during those years by a student at Marietta College Search through them brought to light an account of one of the stump speeches of Mr Henry A Wise of Virginia which furnishes evidence that ...

Volume 71, Number 2, July, 1962, pp. 164-192.
... BOOK REVIEWS SCHLIEMANN IN INDIANAPOLIS Edited by Eli Lilly Indianapolis Indiana Historical Society 1961 ix95p illustrations appendix and index 500 Heinrich Schliemann is known to all lovers of ancient Greece for his excavations of the site of ancient Troy and for other diggings which established his reputation as the first modern archaeologist Relatively few however know of his visits to the United States and his sojourn in Indianapolis The latter is the main theme of the diary and letters ...

"Simeon Porter: Ohio Architect," by Eric Johannesen. Volume 74, Number 3, Summer, 1965, pp. 169-190, notes 210-212.
... SIMEON PORTER OHIO ARCHITECT by ERIC JOHANNESEN Of the many carpenters and master builders who gave the Western Reserve villages in northern Ohio their characteristic look of colonial New England in the first decades of the nineteenth century only a handful are known today Similarly the architects of the great era of urban growth in the United States during the two decades before the Civil War are largely anonymous Yet a few known builders belonged to both periods and spanned the transition ...

"Road to Boston: 1860 Travel Correspondence of William Dean Howells, The," edited by Robert Price. Volume 80, Number 2, Spring, 1971, pp. 85-154.
... edited by edited by ROBERT PRICE The Road to Boston 1860 Travel Correspondence of William Dean Howells Young William Dean Howells' travel letters written for two Ohio newspapers during the summer of 1860 and collected here for the first time record the weeks immediately preceding one of the most oft-retold incidents in the story of American letters The time was the first week of August the place Boston's famed Parker House James Russell Lowell editor of the Atlantic Monthly was hosting a ...

"Colonel William Leontes Curry," Volume 36, Number 3, July, 1927, pp. 486-490.
... 486 Ohio Arch 486 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications where they fell at the hands of the Indians This I think should be one of the first things to be done by the Commissioners The pioneer history of Ohio is filled with soul-stirring events and I know our posterity will read with grateful hearts the story of the builders of the great foundation on which now stands in high esteem in all lands of the world our great State of Ohio Good-night COLONEL WILLIAM LEONTES CURRY Colonel William ...

Volume 106, , Winter-Spring, 1997, pp. 91-116.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Historic Contact Indian People and Colonists in Today's Northeastern United States in the Sixteen Through Eighteenth Centuries By Robert S Grumet Norman amp London University of Oklahoma Press 1995 xxx 514p illustrations maps appendix conspectus bibliography index 4750 cloth The process of cultural contact between Europeans and North America's native peoples has become the focus of a growing body of recent historical and anthropological scholarship The publication of ...

"Benjamin F. Wade and the Atrocity Propaganda of the Civil War," Volume 48, Number 1, January, 1939, pp. 33-43.
... BENJAMIN F BENJAMIN F WADE AND THE ATROCITY PROPAGANDA OF THE CIVIL WAR By HARRY WILLIAMS The atrocity propaganda issued in the North during the Civil War flowered in bewildering abundance from a variety of persons and agencies Heads of governmental departments semi-official bodies editors members of Congress and private individuals devoted their efforts to the dissemination of tales of cruelties and barbarisms practiced by the Confederate Government and its soldiery1 Although these ...

"The Hayes Bequests," Volume 24, Number 4, October, 1915, pp. 591-599.
... THE HAYES BEQUESTS THE HAYES BEQUESTS When future generations shall make their pilgrimages to the historic scenes of Fremont Ohio they will ask What means this beautiful park with its winding roads through a forest of gigantic trees and this artistic building of stone at its northern entrance with this commodious but simple brick mansion in the background and what is this magnificent collection of building in a spacious field outside approached by well-worn roads and pathways The answer will ...

"Ohio's Birth Struggle," by William T. McClintock. Volume 11, Number 1, July, 1902, pp. 44-70.
... OHIO'S BIRTH STRUGGLE OHIO'S BIRTH STRUGGLE BY WM T M'CLINTOCK CHILLICOTHE O The story of the controversy between General Arthur St Clair the Governor of the Territory of the United States Northwest of the River Ohio and the young Jeffersonian Republicans of that Territory in 1799-1803 which resulted in the birth of a new state to the Federal Union There is no part of the history of the U S Territory northwest of the Ohio River more interesting than the story of the controversy between its ...

"Newton D. Baker and the Adult Education Movement," Volume 95, , Summer-Autumn, 1986, pp. 119-132.
... RAE WAHL ROHFELD RAE WAHL ROHFELD Newton D Baker and the Adult Education Movement In 1921 Newton D Baker returned from his cabinet position to practice law in Cleveland Ohio his adopted hometown He had completed the mammoth job of organizing the nation to fight a war and then of dismantling the bulk of the war machine when the fighting was over Before going to Washington as Woodrow Wilson's Secretary of War Baker had been a progressive Cleveland politician serving as city solicitor during Tom ...

Volume 70, Number 2, April, 1961, pp. 161-187.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Charles Summer and the Coming of the Civil War By David Donald New York Alfred A Knopf 1960 xvii392xxiv p illustrations bibliography and index 675 The War for the Union By Allan Nevins Volume II War Becomes Revolution New York Charles Scribner's Sons 1960 xiv557p illustrations maps bibliography appendices and index 750 Charles Sumner played a prominent role in the Civil War era as an abolitionist senator from Massachusetts before the war as chairman of the committee ...

"Twenty Years at Hiram House," by Judith A. Trolander. Volume 78, Number 1, Winter, 1969, pp. 25-37, notes 69-71.
... Twenty Years at Hiram House by JUDITH A T RO LANDER Toward the end of the nineteenth century the settlement movement reached the United States Hull House the most outstanding and second oldest settlement was established in Chicago in 1889 The first social settlement in Cleveland to actually do settlement work as such was Hiram House founded in 18961 Today however Hiram House has been largely forgotten partly because George Bellamy the founder and director throughout its existence published ...

"General Session, 10:00 A.M., April 6, Ohio State Museum, Frank A. Livingston, Presiding," Volume 49, Number 3, July, 1940, pp. 275-276.
... OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 275 OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 275 mind gave way completely Wolfley begged his superiors to grant him leave and return him to Ohio Two days later on May 7 1844 the surgeon was admitted to the sick list as mentally deranged24 When the Decatur put in at Porto Praya Wolfley's commander determined to leave him in the hands of the United States Agent for the Cape Verde Islands The town of Porto Praya rests on a table-land high above the harbor of St Jago ...