... Haverkamp Summer-Autumn 2001 pp 121-135 Copyright 2001 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved This article is presented page by page with footnotes according to the original print version If a sentence seems to end abruptly scroll down to continue with the next page Roosevelt and Taft How the Republican Vote Split in Ohio in 1912 By Michael Haverkamp click to view full image We stand at Armageddon and we battle for the Lord Teddy Roosevelt told supporters outside the Republican ...
... Haverkamp Summer-Autumn 2001 pp 121-135 Copyright 2001 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved This article is presented page by page with footnotes according to the original print version If a sentence seems to end abruptly scroll down to continue with the next page Roosevelt and Taft How the Republican Vote Split in Ohio in 1912 By Michael Haverkamp click to view full image We stand at Armageddon and we battle for the Lord Teddy Roosevelt told supporters outside the Republican ...
... The Chillicothe Germans by LA VERN J RIPPLEY For nearly a century an element of German culture could be observed in the community life of Chillicothe Ohio Until World War I brought an abrupt end to the general use of their language the Germans developed their own churches schools publications cultural societies and special activities on a scale comparable with other Ohio localities Now however half a century later the Chillicothe Germans as an ethnic group are little more than a dim memory ...
... REPORT OF FIELD WORK REPORT OF FIELD WORK BY W C MILLS CURATOR PREFACE It is the purpose of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society to visit different sections of the State each year for explorations upon the mounds and village sites It is apparent to all that the mounds and earthworks are fast being leveled by the encroachment of agriculture and the relic hunter who under the stimulus of commercial enterprise tears the mounds down and forever blots out evidence which would ...
... DORAMAE O'KELLEY DORAMAE O'KELLEY Late Nineteenth Century Courthouse Architecture in Northwestern Ohio As one drives through northwestern Ohio the most impressive object to be seen on the skyline of many communities might be the massive towered form of the county courthouse Often the city's largest and most distinguished example of architecture these courthouses were all built in the last thirty years of the nineteenth century The importance these structures held for the people of the county ...
... New Light from a Lincoln Letter New Light from a Lincoln Letter On the Story of the Publication Of the Lincoln-Douglas Debates By ROBERT S HARPER AN ABRAHAM LINC O LN LETTER that adds another link to the chain of known events that led to publication in Columbus in 1860 of the Lincoln-Douglas Debates lies unheralded in the library of the Ohio Historical Society It sheds a little more light on what David C Mearns chief of the manuscripts division of the Library of Congress Lincoln authority and ...
... A CENTURY OF STATEHOOD A CENTURY OF STATEHOOD ADDRESS BY GEORGE K NASH On the evening of Saturday December 27 1902-the members of the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce participated in their Annual Christmas Dinner It was an elaborate banquet held in the spacious hall of the Chamber of Commerce Many distinguished speakers were present among them being Major-General Henry C Corbin Major-General Samuel B M Young Major-General Adna R Chaffee Hon John G Milburn of Buffalo One of the speakers of the ...
... CAPTAIN HYATT CAPTAIN HYATT Being the Letters Written During the Years 1863-1864 to His Wife Mary By Captain T J Hyatt 126th Ohio Volunteer Infantry1 Edited by Hudson Hyatt Here are the letters written by an officer at the front during the War Between the States to his wife Though only one side of the correspondence has been preserved through the ensuing years it is sufficient for us to learn the vicissitudes of his love for his wife and their two small boys of the problems of debts and new ...
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Better Known as Johnny Appleseed By Mabel Leigh Hunt Philadelphia and New York J B Lippincott Co 1950 212p 250 History is a mixture of legend and fact And of the two legend is the more important For it is what people think happened or say happened not what actually did happen that becomes significant over a period of time Truly no matter how close to an historical fact the research scholar may come the mass of people do not pay heed to him They believe the fiction ...
... JUDGE TOURGEE AND RECONSTRUCTION JUDGE TOURGEE AND RECONSTRUCTION By RUSSEL B NYE Albion Winegar Tourgee Ohioan novelist political thinker soldier editor jurist and diplomat was a man whose comments upon the political and social questions of the late nineteenth century form an interesting chapter in the development of American thought Born in Williamsfield Ohio in 1838 of Huguenot German and Yankee stock he spent a normal boyhood amid the farms and villages of northern Ohio1 After study at ...
... HARDING ADMINISTRATION HARDING ADMINISTRATION AND RECOGNITION OF MEXICO by EUGENE P TRANI A long period of turmoil in Mexico temporarily came to an end in December 1920 with the assumption of the presidency by General Alvaro Obregon It thus seemed to be a ripe time for the reopening of diplomatic relations between Mexico and the United States and settlement of American claims against the Mexican government President Woodrow Wilson however by this time in his lame-duck period in office reacted ...
... MATTHEW OYOS MATTHEW OYOS The Mobilization of the Ohio Militia in the Civil War Fort Sumter's fall in April 1861 broke like a thunderclap over Ohio Overnight fervent patriotism replaced months of indecision regarding Southern secession When President Abraham Lincoln called for 75000 militia on April 15 thousands of enthusiastic Ohioans rushed forward Among this mass the state's militia played an important role in the first weeks of mobilization At the heights of state government officials ...
... UNPUBLISHED LETTERS OF DR UNPUBLISHED LETTERS OF DR DANIEL DRAKE By ALICE MCGUFFEY RUGGLES In the winter of 1847-48 Dr Daniel Drake then professor at the Louisville Medical Institute dashed off late at night after strenuous days of teaching and research the Reminiscential Letters to His Children published in 1879 in the Ohio Valley Historical Series under the title Pioneer Life in Kentucky This little book is the most vivid first-hand account of a pioneer boyhood in that region ever written ...
... 328 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY 328 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY DOCUMENTARY DATA BY BERTHA E JOSEPHSON Among comments evoked by the April-June issue was a suggestion that researchers might like to learn more about the private papers of Ohio governors in possession of this department The official or public executive correspondence from 1803 to 1 928 and from 1941-1944 are under custody here as State Archives For the period from 1803-1878 there is an unpublished ...
... THE PILLARS OF HARRISON COUNTY THE PILLARS OF HARRISON COUNTY BY JOSEPH T HARRISON There are three native pillars of stone in Harrison County Ohio which if their age is reckoned from the date when they first reared their heads above the surrounding landscape are older than Rome older than the Pyramids and older than the Sphinx itself They are located in the north central and southern parts of the county the first two on the tops of hills and the third well down from the top of the adjacent ...
... JOHN JAMES PIATT REPRESENTATIVE FIGURE JOHN JAMES PIATT REPRESENTATIVE FIGURE OF A MOMENTOUS PERIOD By CLARE DOWLER Biographical and Critical Study The development of Ohio from 1830 to I880 was spectacular It characterized in a fashion the development of the whole nation In this typical region it would be hard to find a more representative man than John James Piatt His life span began as Ohio was emerging out of the wilderness as Johnny Appleseed's trees were bearing abundantly and as the ...
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Taft Story By William S White New York Harper amp Brothers 1954 x282p illustrations and index 350 Within certain limits William S White a very able New York Times Washington correspondent has produced a useful study of the late Senator Taft It should be added quickly however that the limits are indeed limited The book does not pretend to be a biography in fact it is without documentation woefully out of balance and loosely put together Still there emerges a ...
... DONALD A DONALD A HUTSLAR God's Scourge The Cholera Years in Ohio Introduction Between 5 August and 23 September 1834 fifty-six residents of the small Ohio village of Zoar Tuscarawas County died of cholera Zoar was the home of a communal society of about three hundred German Separatists persons who had differed with the doctrine of the Lutheran Church and migrated to the United States During the summer of 1834 a boat on the Ohio Canal stopped at Zoar with one sick passenger Mr Allen Wallace he ...
... JOHN F JOHN F SHINER The 1937 Steel Labor Dispute and the Ohio National Guard The spring and early summer of 1937 were troubled times in northeastern Ohio On May 25 in an effort to gain company recognition the Steel Workers Organization Committee SWOC of the newly created Congress of Industrial Organization CIO struck the plants of two of Ohio's major steel producers Republic Steel and Youngstown Sheet and Tube Both of these corporations had numerous mills in Trumbull Mahoning and Stark ...
... STEPHEN C STEPHEN C FOX Politicians Issues and Voter Preference in Jacksonian Ohio A Critique of an Interpretation Two recent studies of the Jacksonian era which devote either substantive or exclusive attention to Ohio James R Sharp The Jacksonians versus the Banks Politics in the States after the Panic of 1837 and Donald J Ratcliffe The Role of Voters and Issues in Party Formation Ohio 1824 have been welcomed as valuable additions to our understanding of political activity in an important but ...