Ohio History Journal

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"Bellamy Nationalism in Ohio 1891 to 1896," Volume 58, Number 2, April, 1949, pp. 152-170.
... BELLAMY NATIONALISM IN OHIO 1891 TO 1896 BELLAMY NATIONALISM IN OHIO 1891 TO 1896 by WILLIAM F ZORNOW Instructor in History Case Institute of Technology One aspect of the Progressive movement which is of special interest is the growth of native radicalism as distinct from imported Marxism In this movement Edward Bellamy became one of the chief spokesmen He was a utopian socialist who believed in planning regimentation efficiency and the nationalization of all industry but he also hoped to ...

"Ohio State Library Centennial," Volume 28, Number 1, January, 1919, pp. 96-114.
... OHIO STATE LIBRARY CENTENNIAL OHIO STATE LIBRARY CENTENNIAL The one hundredth anniversary of the founding of the Ohio State Library was observed on the evening of August 10 1917 No special significance attached to this particular date It is not known just when the State Library first opened It was doubtless available for the use of the general assembly at the regular session which began December 1 1917 Provision had been made for it and the initial supply of books purchased by Governor ...

"The Influence of New England in Denominational Colleges in the Northwest, 1830-1860," by E. Kidd Lockard. Volume 53, Number 1, January-March, 1944, pp. 1-13.
... THE INFLUENCE OF NEW ENGLAND IN DETHE INFLUENCE OF NEW ENGLAND IN DENOMINATIONAL COLLEGES IN THE NORTHWEST 1830-1860 BY E KIDD LOCKARD By the third decade of the nineteenth century New England had come to regard the Northwest as a boundless meadow spiritually whitening for harvest The West itself cognizant of its latent possibilities in secular as well as in ecclesiastical affairs felt the increasing necessity for college-bred churchmen1 The need rose to such proportions that both parties felt ...

"War at Mingo Junction: The Autonomous Workman and the Decline of the Knights of Labor, The," by Elizabeth and Kenneth Fones-Wolf. Volume 92, , Annual, 1983, pp. 37-51.
... ELIZABETH AND KENNETH FONES-WOLF ELIZABETH AND KENNETH FONES-WOLF The War at Mingo Junction The Autonomous Workman and the Decline of the Knights of Labor In early February 1887 workers at the Laughlin and Junction steel plant in Mingo Junction Ohio walked out protesting a violation of traditional work rules Members of both the Knights of Labor KOL and the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers AAISW the men applied to each for assistance While the Amalgamated quickly recognized the ...

"A Newly Discovered Extension of the Newark Works," Volume 45, Number 2, April, 1936, pp. 189-193.
... A NEWLY DISCOVERED EXTENSION OF THE A NEWLY DISCOVERED EXTENSION OF THE NEWARK WORKS By DACHE M REEVES1 The study of aerial photographs of the famous Newark group of prehistoric earthworks resulted in the discovery of a hitherto unknown extension to these works An interesting feature of this discovery is the fact that an important section of the works was found on the Newark flying field This area had been prepared for flying purposes after having been under cultivation for a long period and ...

Volume 64, Number 2, April, 1955, pp. 210-213.
... Historical News Historical News The Hayes Memorial Library has recently acquired some small but important additions to its manuscript collections They include papers of H H Morton and Dr George R Morton Sandusky 7 items 1855-77 papers on the election of 1876 5 items letters of Rutherford B Hayes to the Rev L W Bacon 5 letters 1881-82 photostatic copies from Yale University Library additions to the William and Mary B Claflin papers 22 items 1866-89 a letterbook of General H W Benham 1877-82 ...

"An Example of Political Oratory in 1855," by Mrs. Arthur G. Beach. Volume 39, Number 4, October, 1930, pp. 673-682.
... AN EXAMPLE OF POLITICAL ORATORY IN AN EXAMPLE OF POLITICAL ORATORY IN 1855 BY MRS ARTHUR G BEACH Mr Albert Beveridge has painted a vivid picture of the decade 1850-1860 as a background to his study of Abraham Lincoln There have been preserved at Marietta Ohio a border town some letters and papers written during those years by a student at Marietta College Search through them brought to light an account of one of the stump speeches of Mr Henry A Wise of Virginia which furnishes evidence that ...

"Hocking Valley Railroad Promotion in the 1870's: The Atlantic and Lake Erie Railway," Volume 81, Number 4, Autumn, 1972, pp. 263-278.
... DAVID G DAVID G TAYLOR Hocking Valley Railroad Promotion in the 1870's The Atlantic and Lake Erie Railway Industrialization had begun in Ohio before the Civil War and after a war-imposed delay promised to accelerate rapidly thereafter The Panic of 1873 however stalled the process substantially and destroyed many small industrialists and businessmen With the elimination of the financially weaker businessmen the way was paved for reorganization of the state's railroad coal mining and iron ...

"Annual Meeting of the Trustees," Volume 24, Number 4, October, 1915, pp. 578-582.
... 578 Ohio Arch 578 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications proceedings and looked forward with pleasure to his closer connection with its work There being no further business before the Society upon motion it adjourned The president announcing that the annual meeting of the trustees would immediately follow ANNUAL MEETING OF THE TRUSTEES SOCIETY BUILDING SEPTEMBER 24 1915 There were present Messrs G F Wright E O Randall E F Wood D J Ryan B F Prince H E Buck L P Schaus G F Bareis J E Campbell W ...

"Scientific Management and Welfare Work in Early Twentieth Century American Business: The Buckeye Steel Castings Company," by Mansel G. Blackford. Volume 90, Number 3, Summer, 1981, pp. 238-258.
... MANSEL G MANSEL G BLACKFORD Scientific Management and Welfare Work in Early Twentieth Century American Business The Buckeye Steel Castings Company At 5 o'clock Tuesday afternoon the first heat was turned off from one of the furnaces in the new works of the Buckeye Malleable Iron and Coupler Company in South Columbus Someone gave a signal and in a minute everyone in the building and out of it was on hand to watch the great crane as it lifted the smoking ladle and carried it to the furnace Then ...

"Early Cincinnati's 'Unprecedented Spectacle,'" Volume 79, Number 1, Winter, 1970, pp. 5-17.
... EARL IRVIN WEST EARL IRVIN WEST Early Cincinnati's Unprecedented Spectacle When Isaac G Burnet Cincinnati's newly elected mayor called a meeting of the city's leading citizens for Tuesday night April 7 1829 to make arrangements for a debate between Robert Owen and Alexander Campbell this can be considered an official sanction for the extraordinary event that was being planned1 Robert Owen social reformer lecturer and founder of the then defunct communitarian colony at New Harmony Indiana had ...

"Ohio Buckeye, The," Volume 29, Number 3, July, 1920, pp. 275-281.
... THE OHIO BUCKEYE THE OHIO BUCKEYE In a pamphlet entitled Ohio Emblems and Monuments compiled by the editor of the QUARTERLY in 1906 i s an account of the Ohio Buckeye which is here reproduced in adapted form It is somewhat singular but true nevertheless that the average Ohioan is not able to point out with certainty the tree whose name is the soubriquet of his state In the popular descriptions fact and fancy science and oratory are so promiscuously blended that there is nothing remarkable in ...

"Study of Notable Ohioans, A," by Harry R. Stevens. Volume 47, Number 2, April, 1938, pp. 159-167.
... A STUDY OF NOTABLE OHIOANS A STUDY OF NOTABLE OHIOANS By HARRY R STEVENS In the past three or four years there have been published many social studies of genius Data have been accumulated analyzed and interpreted problems have been defined and some answers attempted1 Underlying much of this seems to be the criticism formulated a century ago by De Tocqueville that American society being a democracy naturally tended to inhibit the development of genius individuality and leadership That challenge ...

"Address of Basil Meek" (Hayes Dedication) Volume 25, Number 4, October, 1916, pp. 470-474.
... 470 Ohio Arch 470 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications fortunate in view and it was through his suggestion and influence that increased provisions were made for the insane that the graded system was introduced into the penitentiary and that many other prison reforms were instituted Among the most important acts of this humanitarian statesman was the founding of the Reform School for Girls at Delaware To him more than any one man in Ohio can be credited the promotion and success of the ...

"Pre-Historic Map," Volume 18, Number 4, October, 1909, pp. 577-578.
... Editorialana Editorialana 577 PRE-HISTORIC MAP Concerning the archaeological atlas of Ohio now being prepared by The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society under the direction of W C Mills Curator of the Society the Associated Press has given out the following statement Work on the archaeological atlas of Ohio a work unique of its kind in the history of literature is about one-fourth completed but so quietly has it been in progress that few if any persons outside the membership of ...

"Mound City Group," Volume 35, Number 4, October, 1926, pp. 641-645.
... Forty-First Annual Meeting 641 Forty-First Annual Meeting 641 PRELIMINARY REPORT ON THE WORK OF RESTORING AND PARKING OF THE MOUND CITY GROUP IN CAMP SHERMAN ROSS COUNTY OHIO Under instruction of the Director the Curator of Archaeology spent the month of October 1 9 25 on the preliminary work of restoring the Mound City Group of Prehistoric Earthworks located in Camp Sherman Chillicothe Ohio preparatory to converting the area turned over to the Society by the War Department into a State Park ...

Volume 87, Number 4, Autumn, 1978, pp. 485-499.
... Index Index ABOLITIONISM The Southern Strategy of the Liberty Party by Stanley C Harrold Jr 21-36 books on rev 97-99 Academic freedom The 1951 Speaker's Rule at Ohio State by Steven P Gietschier 294-309 Action journal of the Ohio Farmer-Labor party 427 Adrian Michigan temperance crusade in 399 Aeschbacher WD book rev 463 Affairs of State Public Life in Nineteenth Century America by Morton Keller rev 102 Afro-American and the Second World War The by Neil A Wynn rev 111 Age of Urban Reform New ...

"Travel Notes of a Mid-Nineteenth Century Frenchman," by Bertha Ruth Leaman. Volume 51, Number 2, April-June, 1942, pp. 101-118.
... TRAVEL NOTES OF A MID-NINETEENTH TRAVEL NOTES OF A MID-NINETEENTH CENTURY FRENCHMAN By BERTHA RUTH LEAMAN Extended travel and a great variety of experience had left the curiosity of Jean Jacques Ampere a learned Frenchman of the mid-nineteenth century unsatisfied consequently in search of new information he came to America1 Landing in New York the French visitor traveled through the New England States went to Montreal and Quebec journeyed to Niagara Buffalo and Detroit and then proceeded to ...

"NOTES" Volume 52, Number 1, January-March, 1943, pp. 94.
... NOTES NOTES Contributors to this Issue RICHARD G MORGAN is curator of archaeology H HOLMES ELLIS assistant curator of archaeology is now in war production work ROBERT GOSLIN was formerly a museum assistant in archaeology MRS HOWARD JONES MARY MCMULLIN JONES is president of the Ohio History Day Association EL M ER E NOYES is studying for his doctorate in history at the Graduate School of Ohio State University A Communication November 13 1942 Mr Charles M Thomas Department of History Ohio State ...

"A Public Official as a Muckraker: Brand Whitlock," by Neil Thorburn. Volume 78, Number 1, Winter, 1969, pp. 5-12, notes 67-68.
... A Public Official A Public Official as a Muckraker BRAND WHITLOCK by NEIL THORBURN One would not expect to find the name of Brand Whitlock on a list of muckrakers Yet several articles he wrote while mayor of Toledo and his most successful novel The Turn of the Balance are so typical of the muckraking literature popular in the first decade of the twentieth century that the resemblance cannot be a coincidence Whitlock thought of himself primarily as an author not a politician although today he ...