Ohio History Journal

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"The Corwin Amendment in the Secession Crisis," by R. Alton Lee. Volume 70, Number 1, January, 1961, pp. 1-26.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 70 NUMBER 1 J A N U A R Y 1961 The Corwin Amendment In the Secession Crisis By R ALTON LEE THE ELECTION of a Republican president in November 1860 on a platform opposed to further extension of slavery sparked the secession of South Carolina from the United States Between December 20 1860 and February 1 1861 the other six cotton states followed South Carolina out of the Union Never since the world began was there a more ...

"'God's Scourge': The Cholera Years in Ohio," by Donald A. Hutslar. Volume 105, , Summer-Autumn, 1996, pp. 174-191.
... DONALD A DONALD A HUTSLAR God's Scourge The Cholera Years in Ohio Introduction Between 5 August and 23 September 1834 fifty-six residents of the small Ohio village of Zoar Tuscarawas County died of cholera Zoar was the home of a communal society of about three hundred German Separatists persons who had differed with the doctrine of the Lutheran Church and migrated to the United States During the summer of 1834 a boat on the Ohio Canal stopped at Zoar with one sick passenger Mr Allen Wallace he ...

"Address of Loren E. Sowers," Volume 39, Number 1, January, 1930, pp. 28-30.
... 28 Ohio Arch 28 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications master introduced Mrs Herbert Backus Vice-President General of the Daughters of the American Revolution RESPONSE OF MRS HERBERT BACKUS Mr Toastmaster Distinguished Guests and Friends A story was told me the other day of a farmer who took unto himself his second wife He brought her to the home of her predecessor After some time had elapsed she told him that she needed some new shoes that all her shoes were worn out He said Well Samantha ...

"A Question of Authorship: The Ephraim George Squier-Edwin Hamilton Davis Controversy," by Terry A. Barnhart. Volume 92, , Annual, 1983, pp. 52-71.
... TERRY A TERRY A BARNHART A Question of Authorship The Ephraim George Squier-Edwin Hamilton Davis Controversy In 1848 Ephraim George Squier a young ambitious eastern journalist and Dr Edwin Hamilton Davis a prominent western physician and antiquarian laid claim to world attention with publication of their classic monograph Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley As the first scholarly publication of the fledgling Smithsonian Institution the appearance of this Great American Work1 was a ...

"Private Collections of Manuscripts," by Frank T. Cole. Volume 18, Number 4, October, 1909, pp. 399-401.
... Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical Association Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical Association 399 we need most in this great work of rescue and preservation Mr President Ladies and Gentlemen are more Lyman C Drapers-men who with knapsack on their backs are not only willing but anxious to go on foot if need be many miles to the left and to the right to secure a journal a diary a memorandum an autograph letter that shall be preserved and become a priceless document to those who are to come ...

"Ohio History Conference, The," Volume 39, Number 2, April, 1930, pp. 411-468.
... THE OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE THE OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE In order to formally launch the new and enlarged program of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society particularly as it concerns local and county historical societies colleges and universities and juvenile interests a state-wide Conference was called for Friday February 7 to which all members of the Society and all others interested were invited Special invitations were extended to all the local historical societies in the ...

"The Professional Education of Pioneer Ohio Physicians," Volume 48, Number 3, July, 1939, pp. 189-197.
... THE PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION OF PIONEER THE PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION OF PIONEER OHIO PHYSICIANS By FREDERICK C WAITE PHD The early location of physicians for practice in Ohio was coincident with the establishment of settlements and since these settlements began on the Ohio River it was in that region that were found the first resident physicians late in the eighteenth century The northern part of the state was settled somewhat later the northwestern area last of all In the Western Reserve of ...

"First Court in Ohio, The," Volume 26, Number 2, April, 1917, pp. 302.
... 302 Ohio Arch 302 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications THE FIRST COURT IN OHIO From the American Pioneer The first court held northwest of the river Ohio under the forms of civil jurisprudence was opened at Campus Martius Marietta September 2d 1788 It will be remembered that on the preceding 7th of April General Rufus Putnam with forty-seven men had landed and commenced the first permanent settlement in what is now the state of Ohio General Harmar with his regulars occupied Fort Harmar ...

"Fort St. Clair," Volume 35, Number 4, October, 1926, pp. 634-637.
... 634 Ohio Arch 634 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications The custodian reports that during the year twenty-two thousand visitors to the park have registered and he estimates that fully as many more did not register making at least forty-four thousand people who visited the park during the year This is the largest number of visitors in a single year in the history of the park This may be due in part to the improved road from Hillsboro to Peebles which passes by the park Signed W H COLE WM C ...

"Chase and the Governorship: A Stepping Stone to the Presidency," by Frederick J. Blue. Volume 90, Number 3, Summer, 1981, pp. 197-220.
... FREDERICK J FREDERICK J BLUE Chase and the Governorship A Stepping Stone to the Presidency In January of 1854 Senator Salmon P Chase of Ohio wrote what he would soon refer to as the most valuable of my works1 The Appeal of the Independent Democrats helped to set in motion a series of events that led to the formation of the Republican party It also played a major role in Chase's own career as the new party soon offered him its nomination for Governor of Ohio For Chase however election as ...

"The Semi-Colon Club of Cincinnati," Volume 73, Number 1, Winter, 1964, pp. 13-26, notes 57-58.
... THE SEMI-COLON CLUB THE SEMI-COLON CLUB OF CINCINNATI by LOUIS L TUCKER Among the holdings of the Cincinnati Historical Society1 is a box of manuscripts containing 126 documents and a single volume of a shortlived magazine titled The Semi-Colon which consists of three numbers2 These two source materials represent the sole remains of the Semi-Colon Club a literary society that flourished in Cincinnati during the 1830's and 1840's 3 The activities of this club constitute a significant chapter in ...

"Tod B. Galloway: Buckeye Jongleur, Composer of 'The Whiffenpoof Song,'" by Richard Theodore Boehm. Volume 83, Number 4, Autumn, 1974, pp. 256-282.
... RICHARD THEODORE BOEHM RICHARD THEODORE BOEHM Tod B Galloway Buckeye Jongleur Composer of The Whiffenpoof Song How did the music for Yale's famous Whiffenpoof Song come to be composed by an Amherst College grad in Central Ohio And how did the Columbus tune come to be matched to a New Haven college verse thence grow to become a part of the common heritage of the world of American music The answers emerge from a varied skein starting with homesick British soldiers serving in Victoria's India ...

"Paul Laurence Dunbar and William Dean Howells," Volume 67, Number 2, April, 1958, pp. 95-108.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 67 NUMBER 2 A P R I L 1958 Paul Laurence Dunbar and William Dean Howells By JAMES B STRONKS IN THE SUMMER OF 1896 William Dean Howells then the most influential author and critic in the United States favorably reviewed a book of poems by a young Dayton Negro Paul Laurence Dunbar The review in the Harper's Weekly of June 27 1896--by a happy coincidence it was Dunbar's birthday--instantly and dramatically created a national reputation for ...

"The Autobiography of James Hall, Western Literary Pioneer," edited by David Donald. Volume 56, Number 3, July, 1947, pp. 295-304.
... DOCUMENT DOCUMENT THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF JAMES HALL WESTERN LITERARY PIONEER edited by DAVID DONALD Instructor in History Columbia University Collecting data for his projected Cyclopaedia of American Literature Evert A Duyckinck in 1855 addressed the most prominent living writers in the United States requesting pertinent biographical and bibliographical information One of the most interesting replies came from James Hall veteran Cincinnati editor and author Taking time from his duties as bank ...

"Sketches of Life Members," Volume 4, Annual, January, 1896, pp. 452-481.
... SKETCHES OF LIFE MEMBERS SKETCHES OF LIFE MEMBERS ANDERSON JAMES HOUSE-Born March 16 1833 at Marion O Son of Judge Thomas Jefferson Anderson and Nancy Dunlevy Educated in public schools and the Marion Academy and Ohio Wesleyan University Graduated from law department of the Cincinnati College in 1854 immediately began practice Elected Mayor of Marion in 1855 and later Prosecuting Attorney of the county Married in 1856 to Princess A Miller Appointed March 1865 by President Lincoln United States ...

"No Harmony in Kendal: The Rise and Fall of an Owenite Community, 1825-1829," by Richard J. Cherok. Volume 108, , Winter-Spring, 1999, pp. 26-38.
... RICHARD J RICHARD J CHEROK No Harmony in Kendal The Rise And Fall of an Owenite Community 18251829 In a widely publicized discourse in the Hall of Representatives at the United States Capitol Robert Owen announced to an 1825 audience which included the nation's president president-elect and congress that the implementation of his new social system would bring about a virtual state of millennium within the nation and ultimately the world By establishing his plans at New Harmony Indiana he told ...

"Thomas Worthington, Pioneer Business Man of the Old Northwest," by Alfred B. Sears. Volume 58, Number 1, January, 1949, pp. 69-79.
... THOMAS WORTHINGTON PIONEER BUSINESS MAN OF THOMAS WORTHINGTON PIONEER BUSINESS MAN OF THE OLD NORTHWEST1 by ALFRED B SEARS Professor of History University of Oklahoma Thomas Worthington was born in the Shenandoah Valley near the site of the present town of Charles Town West Virginia in 1773 He was the grandson of the Quaker immigrant John Worthington Gentleman who came to America in 1714 and after some sixteen years residence near Philadelphia settled on a three-thousand-acre farm in Berkeley ...

"What An Historical Building Should Do For Pittsburgh," by Clarence S. Brigham. Volume 22, Number 1, January, 1913, pp. 111-119.
... Ohio Valley Hist Ohio Valley Hist Ass'n Fifth Annual Meeting 1 11 believe unique in receiving an annual appropriation 5000 from the city government to aid in its educational propaganda In truth there is no reason whatever why this example should not generally be followed by large American cities Exactly the same argument used in behalf of the school system can and should be urged for the historical society But such a society state or local can lay slight claim to official aid if it be not ...

"'Nothing to Advertise Except God': Christian Radio and the Creation of an Evangelical Subculture in Northeast Ohio, 1958-1972," by Jay D. Green. Volume 106, , Summer-Autumn, 1997, pp. 171-191.
... JAY D JAY D GREEN Nothing to Advertise Except God Christian Radio and the Creation of an Evangelical Subculture in Northeast Ohio 1958-1972 How I praise God for friends like you exclaimed an excited Elise Marshall in a 1961 letter There have been times in my life when I felt very lonely Now I have many friends who love my precious Lord the same as I do and I have sweet fellowship with each one of you even though I may never see you1 Testimonials like this were frequent in the 1960s among an ...

Volume 102, , Winter-Spring, 1993, pp. 40-76.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Selected Letters of Charles Sumner Volume One 1830-1859 Edited by Beverly Wilson Palmer Boston Northeastern University Press 1990 xxxvii 538p illustrations editing principles chronology abbreviations list of recipients notes 13000 per set The Selected Letters of Charles Sumner Volume Two 1859-1874 Edited by Beverly Wilson Palmer Boston Northeastern University Press 1990 vii 703p illustrations notes index 13000 per set Literary giant Henry James dubbed him the ...