Ohio History Journal

Full Text Results For stough

"Joseph Hough, An Early Miami Merchant," by R. Pierce Beaver. Volume 45, Number 1, Janaury, 1936, pp. 37-45.
... JOSEPH HOUGH AN EARLY MIAMI MERCHANT JOSEPH HOUGH AN EARLY MIAMI MERCHANT By R PIERCE BEAVER There were many forces which bound the Miami country to the South--the political dominance of men of southern birth family ties ecclesiastical relations the attitude towards the negro and above all commercial relations The last influenced all the other forces and brought with economic dependence on the South a common way of thinking with it especially in matters of economics and politics This ...

"On the Road in 1835: A Journey of the Reverend James McElroy," edited by Alvin Eustis. Volume 81, Number 3, Summer, 1972, pp. 221-227.
... edited by edited by ALVIN EUSTIS On the Road in 1835 A Journey of the Reverend James McElroy The following letters of Rev James McElroy are addressed to the minister's wife in Delaware Ohio and describe a journey from that town to Lexington Kentucky in 1835 The Episcopalian clergyman had taken a leave of absence from the parish of St Peter's in Delaware in order to serve for a time as agent for the American Bible Society1 James McElroy was born in Ireland in 1805 and studied there for the ...

"The Hero of the Sandy Valley: James A. Garfield's Kentucky Campaign of 1861-1862," Volume 72, Number 1, January, 1963, pp. 3-24, notes 83-85.
... THE THE HERO OF THE SANDY VALLEY JAMES A GARFIELD'S KENTUCKY CAMPAIGN OF 1861-1862 by ALLAN PESKIN In the days when the Indians roamed at will through the mountains of Kentucky they instinctively dreaded this dark and bloody ground Later the white man came first a cautious trickle through the passes then a torrent of settlers with axes rifles and families They cleared the forest shot the game and planted their families in cabins and cities The Indians went away and left Kentucky to ...

"The Preservation of Documents," Volume 2, Number 3, December, 1888, pp. 401-412.
... Popular Errors in Regard to Mound Builders Popular Errors in Regard to Mound Builders 40 1 in the vicinity and to decorate them in such way as they can even though the interments may have taken place many years previously would it be any greater mark of respect or affection to add little by little to a mound under which one of their tribe was buried Will any one possessing the slightest knowledge of the power of hereditary influences pretend that a Logan a Corn Planter a Red Jacket or a host ...

"Benjamin C. Howard and the 'Toledo War': Some Letters of a Federal Commissioner," edited by William D. Hoyt, Jr.. Volume 60, Number 3, July, 1951, pp. 297-307.
... BENJAMIN C BENJAMIN C HOWARD AND THE TOLEDO WAR SOME LETTERS OF A FEDERAL COMMISSIONER by WILLIAM D HOYT JR Associate Professor of History Loyola College Baltimore The Toledo War-a dispute between the state of Ohio and the territory of Michigan over their joint boundary-was reaching its climax and threatening to break out in active hostilities when President Andrew Jackson decided to intervene The area in question was not large a strip of land five miles wide at its western end and eight miles ...

"George Washington at the Great Bend of the Ohio River," by Guy-Harold Smith. Volume 41, Number 4, October, 1932, pp. 655-667.
... GEORGE WASHINGTON AT THE GEORGE WASHINGTON AT THE GREAT BEND OF THE OHIO RIVER GUY-HAROLD SMITH There is a tradition that George Washington took a short cut across the Great Bend of the Ohio River in the autumn of 1770 when he made his journey to the Kanawha River Since Washington went down stream as far as the Kanawha he had to cover that section known as the Great Bend both on the down stream journey and on his return It is only logical that he might want to hasten his journey by cutting ...

"General Simon Kenton," (with introduction by Orton G. Rust) Volume 45, Number 1, January, 1936, pp. 46-67.
... GENERAL SIMON KENTON GENERAL SIMON KENTON By ALBERT L SLAGER Introduction By ORTON G RUST There are Homeric men in every age men filled with the spring of life superabundant a perpetually flowing fountain of youth men whose every action attracts the attention of their fellow men and whose lives count for human progress Simon Kenton was such a man Tradition as well as history has placed him among the strong the swift the brave an explorer of hitherto unexplored regions and a pathfinder for the ...

"Third Ohio Volunteer Cavalry: A View from the Inside, The," by Stephen Z. Starr. Volume 85, Number 4, Autumn, 1976, pp. 306-318.
... STEPHEN Z STEPHEN Z STARR The Third Ohio Volunteer Cavalry A View from the Inside Anyone sufficiently interested in a Civil War regiment to make an intensive study of its history would normally begin with the Official Records Its 128 ponderous volumes contain a bare chronicle telling where the regiment was at any given time which larger units it was a part of from time to time and what its varying fortunes were in the scouts expeditions skirmishes fights and battles in which all or parts of it ...

"Braddock's Defeat," Volume 58, Number 2, April, 1949, pp. 171-184.
... BRADDOCK'S DEFEAT BRADDOCK'S DEFEAT by JOHN SCHLEBECKER Hiram College One of the things with which the reader of early American history is most impressed is the remarkable courage and wisdom of the American soldier The Europeans it seems just did not understand the ins and outs of forest fighting Only the American seemed to know that effective fighting on the frontier was by necessity done from behind trees History books are full of pictures of minute men shooting redcoats but they do not have ...

"Treaty of Greenville, The" (Treaty of Greenville Centennial) by Samuel F. Hunt. Volume 7, Number 2, January, 1899, pp. 218-240.
... 218 Ohio Arch 218 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications THE TREATY OF GREENVILLE ADDRESS OF HON SAMUEL F HUNT DELIVERED ON THE OCCASION OF THE CENTENNIAL OF THE TREATY OF GREENVILLE AUG 3 1895 AT GREENVILLE O Mr President Ladies and Gentlemen of Darke Cou nt y Fellow Citize ns One hundred years have passed since that eventful day in August when the treaty of Greenville was signed The different nations of Indians present and parties to the treaty consisted of one hundred and eight Wyandots ...

Volume 70, Number 1, January, 1961, pp. 64-69.
... Historical News Historical News THE RUTHERFORD B HAYES LIBRARY has recently published in mimeograph form a twenty-page annual report of the director of research Watt P Marchman He reports the addition of more than a thousand books in the library's field of interest and several hundred manuscript items Included in the latter are a veto message of President Hayes with notations in his own hand a collection of articles about Hayes by Frank G Carpenter and a William Cullen Bryant letter A ...

"Anthony Wayne His Indian Campaigns," by Kathleen Mierka. Volume 54, Number 4, October-December, 1945, pp. 386-391.
... THE ANTHONY WAYNE ESSAY CONTEST THE ANTHONY WAYNE ESSAY CONTEST The Anthony Wayne Memorial Legislative Committee during the winter of 1944-45 in cooperation with the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society and the Ohio State Department of Education sponsored a contest among the public parochial and private schools in Ohio on the subject of Anthony Wayne and the Indian Wars in Ohio 1790-1795 Several thousand students from all over the State entered the contest Winning essays in the ...

"Barclay Coppoc," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 30, Number 4, October, 1921, pp. 459-481.
... BARCLAY COPPOC BARCLAY COPPOC BY C B GALBREATH Barclay Coppoc according to the family genealogist was born in Butler Township Columbiana County Ohio January 4 1839 At the age of eleven years he went with the family to Springdale Iowa He grew up into a delicate looking slender youth but wiry venturesome and fearless as the story of his life will show Soon after the family reached Iowa a younger sister Lydia died of consumption the oldest brother Levi and another sister Maria became invalids ...

"Waiting for the War's End: The Letter of an Ohio Soldier in Alabama After Learning of Lincoln's Death," edited by Louis Filler. Volume 74, Number 1, Winter, 1965, pp. 55-62, notes 75-76.
... waiting for waiting for THE WAR'S END the letter of AN OHIO SOLDIER IN ALABAMA after learning of LINCOLN 'S DEATH edited b y LOUIS FILLE R Holiday Ames was a forty-three-year-old blacksmith in Ashland Ohio when he answered President Lincoln's call of July 1 1862 for three hundred thousand three years troops1 Made a second lieutenant in Company B of the newly organized One Hundred and Second Ohio Volunteer Infantry and promoted to first lieutenant before the year ended he served with his ...

"Zane's Trace," by Clement L. Martzolff. Volume 13, Number 3, July, 1904, pp. 297-331.
... ZANE'S TRACE ZANE'S TRACE CLEMENT L MARTZOLFF The first road maker in our country was the buffalo His successor was the Indian Instinct told the buffalo where to make his path Nature which is another name for instinct prompted the red man in marking his trail The white man came and reason told him that the red man and the buffalo had selected the driest shortest and most practicable routes of migration This is only another way of saying that the geography of any country determines its history ...

"Address of Mr. Frank Tallmadge (Dedication of the Logan Elm)," Volume 22, Number 2, April, 1913, pp. 295-302.
... Dedication of the Logan Elm Dedication of the Logan Elm 295 chief Leatherlips who lies buried on the spot where he was killed about fifteen miles northwest of Columbus A significant feature of the program was an address by Mr Frank Tallmadge of Columbus a lineal descendant of Colonel Cresap the man that Logan believed to be responsible for the massacre of his family Mr Tallmadge sought to show that the Red Man was mistaken and spoke as follows ADDRESS OF MR FRANK TALLMADGE Roll back-my soul-to ...

"General George A. Custer," Volume 15, Number 3, July, 1906, pp. 341-353.
... GENERAL GEORGE A GENERAL GEORGE A CUSTER JUDGE RICHARD M VOORHEES If after a lapse of twenty-three centuries the world still looks with respectful emotion on the mound which protects the dust of that phalanx of Spartan heroes who fought and fell at Thermopylae while resisting the tide of Persian invasion and in rescuing the land of popular liberty of letters and arts from a ruthless foe surely no apology is needed for claiming an hour's thoughtful consideration of the life character and ...

"Services of the Ohio Company in Defending the United States Frontier from Invasion," by William P. Cutler. Volume 1, Number 3, December, 1887, pp. 283-287.
... SERVICES OF THE OHIO COMPANY IN DEFENDSERVICES OF THE OHIO COMPANY IN DEFENDING THE UNITED STATES FRONTIER FROM INVASION WHEN General Putnam undertook the superintending of the Ohio Company and landed with his organized force of pioneers at Marietta on April 7th 1788 he assumed a more important and difficult task than that of opening a wilderness for cultivation and providing houses and homes for settlers On his way out from Massachusetts he stopped over in New York and made himself thoroughly ...

"Josiah Harmar and His Indian Expedition," Volume 55, Number 3, July-September, 1946, pp. 227-241.
... JOSIAH HARMAR AND HIS INDIAN EXPEDITION JOSIAH HARMAR AND HIS INDIAN EXPEDITION By HOWARD H PECKHAM When the Revolutionary War ended the new United States of America faced a problem that is acutely familiar to us today Nobody wanted to remain in the Army or Navy At the conclusion of the Revolution there were probably 20000 to 30000 men under arms The single unifying aim of the war -- independence from Great Britain - - appeared to have been won at least on the battlefield Acknowledgement of ...

"Pittsburgh A Key to the West During the American Revolution," by James Alton James. Volume 22, Number 1, January, 1913, pp. 64-79.
... 64 Ohio Arch 64 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications and of course there is a constant demand for new vessels Further along after traversing a portion of the Ohio river the same author writes The boats which float upon the Ohio river are various--from the ship of several hundred tons burden to the mere skiff Very few if any very large vessels however are now built at Pittsburgh and Marietta but the difficulties incident to getting them to the ocean have rendered such undertakings infrequent ...