Ohio History Journal

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Volume 75, Number 1, Winter, 1965, pp. 55-66.
... BOOK R EVIEWS THE MAKING OF URBAN AMERICA A HISTORY OF CITY PLANNING IN THE UNITED STATES By John W Reps Princeton N J Princeton University Press 1965 xv574p illustrations maps bibliography and index 2500 This massively documented beautifully illustrated book is a masterful historical survey of a long-neglected subject John Reps professor of city and regional planning at Cornell University has successfully traced from European antecedents through colonial and nineteenth-century experiments the ...

"The Kirtland Phase of Mormonism," by W. J. McNiff. Volume 50, Number 3, July-September, 1941, pp. 261-268.
... THE KIRTLAND PHASE OF MORMONISM THE KIRTLAND PHASE OF MORMONISM By W J MCNIFF Kirtland Ohio was but a stepping stone for the Mormons as they restlessly pushed on towards the setting sun Somewhere in the West they planned a city of Zion Their leader prophesied a land of milk and honey gleaming with alabaster towers where righteousness would reign in the hearts of man The Kirtland phase came as an interlude between the future Zion of Missouri and the scornful attitude of the New Yorker In 1 827 ...

Volume 66, Number 2, April, 1957, pp. 200-228.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Government and Administration of Ohio By Francis R Aumann and Harvey Walker American Commonwealth Series edited by W Brooke Graves New York Thomas Y Crowell Company 1956 xiv489p frontispiece appendix bibliography and index 595 Students of Ohio's government have had their task greatly facilitated in the 1950's by the publication of two volumes In 1953 Professor Albert Rose of the University of Dayton published his Ohio Government State and Local In 1956 Professors ...

"Suggestions for a Plan of County Organization: Charles Dick Lays the Groundwork for the Campaign of 1896," edited by Thomas E. Felt. Volume 69, Number 4, October, 1960, pp. 367-378.
... Suggestions for a Plan of County Suggestions for a Plan of County Organization Charles Dick Lays the Groundwork for the Campaign of 1896 Edited by THOMAS E FELT CAMPAIGN textbooks for the party faithful have been used to inspire electoral success for close to a hundred years in this country and were the document published below just another one of this familiar species it would deserve no particular notice But this is a campaign textbook with a difference Where its more conventional brothers ...

"Doctor Henry Solomon Lehr," Volume 32, Number 1, January, 1923, pp. 289-293.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 289 Reviews Notes and Comments 289 in his Cincinnati speech Later on March 21 1864 he quoted from this message to a labor delegation that called upon him in Washington stating in conclusion that he had not changed his views on this subject DOCTOR HENRY SOLOMON LEHR A great educator to whom Ohio owes much has passed away At four o'clock on Monday morning January 29 1923 Dr Henry S Lehr aged eighty-five founder and former president of Ohio Northern University died at ...

"Raisch-Smith Site, An Early Indian Occupation in Preble County, Ohio, The," by Ross Moffet. Volume 58, Number 4, October, 1949, pp. 428-441.
... DIARY OF JOHN BEATTY 427 DIARY OF JOHN BEATTY 427 persons present authorized their names to be signed to the constitution when it should be properly transcribed paid two dollars each as a membership fee and then after an informal talk adjourned to meet at the call of the President I have been reading to day three very interesting and able articles The first by Andrew D White President of Cornell University entitled The Nineteenth Century to the Twentieth in which he condemns the spirit of ...

"Carl Schurz and Rutherford B. Hayes," Volume 65, Number 4, October, 1956, pp. 337-355.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 65 NUMBER 4 OCTOBER 1956 Carl Schurz and Rutherford B Hayes By CARL WITTKE The German Revolution of 1848 ended in the emigration of large numbers of political refugees to the United States Among them were men of substance social standing and education young intellectual radicals fresh from the universities and older more reserved agitators for reform whose dreams of a united republican Germany were shattered by the military ...

"Exploration of the Tremper Mound," by William C. Mills. Volume 25, Number 3, July, 1916, pp. 263-398.
... EXPLORATION OF THE TREMPER MOUND EXPLORATION OF THE TREMPER MOUND WILLIAM C MILLS The Tremper mound is situated five miles north of the city of Portsmouth on the west side of the Scioto river in Rush township Scioto county Ohio The land upon which it is located is a part of the estate of Senator William D Tremper Portsmouth which consists of more than seven hundred acres of the rich bottom lands at the confluence of the Pond creek and Scioto valleys The immediate site of the mound is a level ...

"Principles Without Program: Senator Robert A. Taft and American Foreign Policy," by John E. Moser. Volume 108, , Summer-Autumn, 1999, pp. 177-192.
... JOHN E JOHN E MOSER Principles Without Program Senator Robert A Taft and American Foreign Policy When it came to domestic policy there was very little that was confusing about Senator Robert Alfonso Taft of Ohio 1889-1953 A die-hard conservative Taft remained up until his death a convinced enemy of Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal and the assault on the Constitution which he believed it to represent So solid were his political credentials that he came to be known widely as Mr Republican defining ...

"An Ethnohistorian's Viewpoint," Volume 63, Number 2, April, 1954, pp. 166-171.
... AN ETHNOHISTORIAN'S VIEWPOINT AN ETHNOHISTORIAN'S VIEWPOINT by ERMINIE W VOEGELIN During the past half century or throughout the period that anthropology has been an academic discipline in American universities all branches of the subject--physical anthropology ethnology and archaeology anthropological linguistics and folklore-- have put much emphasis upon original field research No student of anthropology is considered professionally fully trained until he or she has had actual experience in ...

"Report of the Building Committee for the Library and Stack-Room Addition the Hayes Memorial Building, Spiegel Grove State Park, Fremont, Ohio," Volume 31, Number 4, October, 1922, pp. 623-627.
... Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting 623 Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting 623 diers of Ohio who served in the World War also a similar resolution adopted October 18 1921' The approval of the State Architect has been secured to this partial construction Bids for the erection of this building are being opened at 1000 A M today Plans for the completed building and for that portion to be built at once are submitted for the inspection of the Society Studies for the proposed sculptural features of the front ...

"Literary Bequests in Early Ohio Wills," by Gerald S. Greenberg. Volume 102, , Winter-Spring, 1993, pp. 20-34.
... GERALD S GERALD S GREENBERG Literary Bequests in Early Ohio Wills Introduction It is not surprising that besides the family Bible few books or libraries are mentioned in early Ohio wills for life on the frontier demanded that one devote full attention to life's essentials For most this meant the acquisition of a piece of land and the construction of a home It is such proprietary bequests therefore that dominate early Ohio wills One does discover however that the early doctors and lawyers of ...

Volume 76, Number 3, Summer, 1967, pp. 164-171.
... BOOK BOOK REVIEWS AMERICA'S FRONTIER HERITAGE By Ray Allen Billington Histories of the American Frontier Series edited by Ray Allen Billington New York Holt Rinehart and Winston Inc 1966 xiv302p end notes and bibliography 575 In his Westward Expansion one of the standard texts on the westward movement to 1900 Ray Billington traces in narrative fashion and with near encyclopedic detail the history of the United States from the Atlantic to the Pacific The two shortest chapters are the first ...

"Sarah Elizabeth Reynolds," Volume 32, Number 3, July, 1923, pp. 542-546.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR DEATH OF HONORABLE DANIEL J RYAN Early Friday morning June 15 1923 Daniel Joseph Ryan Vice President of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society breathed his last He had been in poor health for some time but the end came unexpectedly He passed without pain from the repose of sleep to the repose of death This announcement brings sadness to the members of ...

Volume 58, Number 2, April, 1949, pp. 219-230.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies ALLEN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Lima James A MacDonell President The society has recently received two additions to its file of historical and genealogical materials the bill book of Hollister Bliss and Lytle a general store at Delphos from September 1850 to August 1854 and a five-volume compilation of Ohio gravestone inscriptions made by Charles Wagner of Columbus Mr Wagner's work contains thirty thousand inscriptions from grave markers in ...

"Visit to the Ohio State Prison in 1837, A," edited by Merton L. Dillon. Volume 69, Number 1, January, 1960, pp. 69-72.
... A Visit to the Ohio State Prison in 1837 A Visit to the Ohio State Prison in 1837 Edited by MERTON L DILLON ONE OF THE MANY SOCIAL PROBLEMS that demanded solution in the early nineteenth century was how best to deal with convicted criminals The answer provided by the system inaugurated in 1823 at the state prison at Auburn New York enjoyed great vogue among penal reformers and set the fashion in American prison administration for the next half century The Auburn system required the isolation ...

"Commerce and Culture, The Pattern in Ohio: An Address," Volume 66, Number 3, July, 1957, pp. 269-277.
... Commerce and Culture Commerce and Culture The Pattern in Ohio An Address By HARLAN HATCHER I extend my most cordial personal greetings to my fellow members of the Ohio Historical Society with which I had the pleasure of working for so many years and which has done me honor in the past and which has especially honored me today by inviting me to come once more and share in this annual meeting of our Society I am pleased indeed to do so In fact any reasonable excuse that brings me back to a place ...

"Ohio Magazine, The," Volume 15, Number 3, July, 1906, pp. 393-394.
... Editorialana Editorialana 393 left little or nothing to be desired in the treatment of his subject To the presentation of his facts he gives logical organization and from the results draws a judicial and convincing conclusion After a painstaking minute and unprejudiced investigation the author sums up the evidence -in his chapter on the Legal Aspects and the Equities - and elicits the verdict that the seating of Mr Hayes was a justifiable compromise of a doubtful perversion of political rights ...

"Clement L. Vallandigham Views the Charleston Convention," by James W. Geary. Volume 86, Number 2, Spring, 1977, pp. 127-134.
... JAMES W JAMES W GEARY Clement L Vallandigham Views the Charleston Convention The Democratic National Convention which opened at Charleston South Carolina on April 23 1860 provided the setting for one of the most significant turning points in American history The delegates who gathered at this southern city to select a presidential candidate and a platform failed in both efforts Radical southerners refused even to consider a program of popular sovereignty as defined by Stephen A Douglas the ...

"Development of Nursing in Ohio," by Anne L. Austin. Volume 50, Number 4, October-December, 1941, pp. 351-365.
... DEVELOPMENT OF NURSING IN OHIO DEVELOPMENT OF NURSING IN OHIO By ANNE L AUSTIN RN The Period of Unorganized Development Early Backgrounds The early backgrounds of nursing history in Ohio are in the realm of the unknown If one is to judge how nursing was done from the time of the Indian tribes to that of the first records one must assume that the history followed a similar development here as elsewhere It is known that the Eries the Shawnees the Wyandots and the Delawares were the chief tribes ...