... REMINISCENCES OF AN OHIO VOLUNTEER REMINISCENCES OF AN OHIO VOLUNTEER By PHILIP D JORDAN and CHARLES M THOMAS Introduction When Fort Sumter felt the crash of Confederate guns on April 12 1861 a nation knew that an irresistible conflict had at last reached a climax Chattering telegraph keys took the drama of Charleston harbor through the North in frantic haste In the village of Oxford Ohio students of Miami University were gathering for chapel services President John W Hall himself from the ...
... THE OHIO ROAD EXPERIMENT 1913-1916 by WAYNE E FULLER In December 1914 the Signal a Zanesville Ohio newspaper carried a story captioned Jacob Johnson of the West Pike Died Thursday The story was interesting not because Jacob Johnson was renowned but because he was at the time of his death eighty-seven years old and had lived his entire life west of Zanesville near the famous highway which the American people knew as the old National Road but which the people of Zanesville called the West Pike ...
... LOCAL HISTORY-FOUNDATION OF OUR FAITH IN LOCAL HISTORY-FOUNDATION OF OUR FAITH IN DEMOCRACY by S K STEVENS State Historian Commonwealth of Pennsylvania It is not merely a pleasure but a genuine honor to be with you this evening at the capital of the first great state to be carved out of the Northwest Territory with its government framed in accordance with the principles of that outstanding charter of liberties-the Northwest Ordinance Ohio has come a long way since 1803 when its state ...
... THE CLEVELAND CONFERENCE OF 1861 THE CLEVELAND CONFERENCE OF 1861 by WILLIAM B HESSELTINE Professor of History University of Wisconsin and HAZEL C WOLF Instructor in History Manual Training High School Peoria Illinois The outbreak of the Civil War found a nation completely unprepared for the conflict The federal government had neither plans for conducting the war nor an organizational structure for implementing the plans In the first few weeks after Fort Sumter chaos mingled with confusion ...
... PREHISTORIC MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS IN OHIO PREHISTORIC MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS IN OHIO BY MARY HUBBELL OSBURN The prehistoric era of the Indians in North America is an episode in the chronology of man in which Ohio and other portions of the Mississippi Valley play an important role It is in these regions that some of the finest examples of Indian cultures of that period are found Among the many thousands of other art objects found in the Ohio area the remnants of prehistoric musical instruments are ...
... RIVER NAMESAKES OF THE STATE OF OHIO RIVER NAMESAKES OF THE STATE OF OHIO by CAPT FREDERICK WAY JR It is quite probable that no one will know precisely how many steamboats of the western rivers were named to honor the state of Ohio A share at least of those named Ohio honor the river they plied and not the state Actually in only one isolated case is it possible to be sure the state of Ohio was honored and not the river That is the steam towboat Ohio built in 1930 for the Standard Unit ...
... NOTES NOTES Contributors to This Issue Roy F Nichols is Professor of History in the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia Raymond F Fletcher is Business Manager of the Portsmouth Ohio Times Howard H Peckham is Director of the Indiana Historical Bureau and Secretary of the Indiana Historical Society Indianapolis William Alexander Mabry is Professor of History in Mount Union College Alliance Ohio Cathaline Alford Archer Mrs John Clark Archer of Hamden Conn interests herself in local and family ...
... FOUR CYCLES A CENTENNIAL ODE FOUR CYCLES A CENTENNIAL ODE Prepared in commemoration of the centennial anniversary of Pickaway County The Poem is descriptive of Circleville the county seat MAY LOWE PRELUDE The grape vine and the sycamore Cast shadows long and deep On the surface of the river Near whose banks the thousands sleepMen of mystery who from silence Of the dim past settled here Wrought their mighty deeds of valor Left a record written clear Of their learning and their prowess In the ...
... AMERICA'S FIRST WOMAN MAYOR AMERICA'S FIRST WOMAN MAYOR BY ALFRED HEWETSON MITCHELL A native of Ohio who became America's first woman mayor has been honored at Argonia Kansas by a plaque which was erected through the efforts of Kansas club women and dedicated on November 10 1933 Kansas believes in flowers for the living so this plaque was unveiled in the presence of Mrs Susanna M Salter the Ohio-born woman who had made history at the age of twenty-seven when she was elected mayor of Argonia in ...
... THE HERO THE HERO OF THE SANDY VALLEY JAMES A GARFIELD'S KENTUCKY CAMPAIGN OF 1861-1862 -- -- -- -- II by ALLAN PESKIN In the closing weeks of 1861 the customary quiet of the isolated Sandy Valley in eastern Kentucky was disturbed by a ragged column of Confederate soldiers which marched into the state from Virginia headed by an obese general with a famous Kentucky name Humphrey Marshall who vowed to free his state from the grip of northern tyranny Don Carlos Buell the Union commander in the ...
... THE NAMING OF MARIETTA THE NAMING OF MARIETTA By JOSEPHINE E PHILLIPS Our city is called Mari-etta was the brief postscript by which General Samuel Holden Parsons informed his friend Manasseh Cutler of the important event1 On the following day in a letter to his wife he explained more fully Our city's name in honor of the Queen of France is composed of her two Christian names--Marie Antoiniette2 In the manuscript record book of the Ohio Company3 the announcement was made with flourishes and ...
... FRANK P FRANK P VAZZANO Martin Davey John Bricker and the Ohio Election of 1936 There's something wrong in Columbus With those words John W Bricker the Republican nominee for governor of Ohio opened the 1936 campaign against his Democratic opponent Martin L Davey Bricker's declaration more an accusation than a challenge initiated a contest destined to become one of the meanest in the history of Ohio But the campaign did more than that it generated a bitter personal feud between two of the ...
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Kensington Stone A Mystery Solved By Erik Wahlgren Madison University of Wisconsin Press 1958 xiv228p illustrations bibliography and index 500 Few artifacts of American history have aroused as much interest as the Kensington stone This stone with its runic inscriptions supposedly discovered by a Minnesota farmer in 1898 has been the subject of several books by Hjalmar Holand No American scholar has taken the trouble to examine in detail the case which Holand has ...
... ASA S ASA S BUSHNELL REV J W ATWOOD Asa S Bushnell was born in Rome New York September 16 1834 and died in Columbus Ohio January 15 1 90 4 He came of a family long and honorably identified with the history and life of New England which included in its membership Horace Bushnell of Hartford one of the most forceful and original thinkers that America has produced its greatest theologian with the exception of Jonathan Edwards a great citizen and a profound scholar The family settled in ...
... RUTHERFORD B RUTHERFORD B HAYES AND THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Letters contributed by CURTIS W GARRISON RAINBOW OHIO Dec 2nd 1891 GEN R B HAYES Dear General As you are one of the Trustees of the Ohio State University and as I wish to act intelligently in the coming Legislature in all matters concerning it I take the liberty of asking your counsel in the case While I have not the least doubt that the Trustees and managers of that institution have done all in their power to build it up yet they ...
... WHISTLE-STOPPING Through Ohio by RICHARD O DAVIES Ohio played an important role in returning Harry S Truman to the White House in 1948 Prior to the election he had been foredoomed to defeat by all reputable political seers Ohio was seen as being safely within the Republican fold and was supposedly prepared to take part in a nationwide Republican blitz Elmo Roper for example quit taking samples of voter preference as early as September 9 with the comment that only a political convulsion could ...
... Editorialana Editorialana 397 tive of the cereal native to the American Continent But one of the most interesting of the displays brought here by Mr Mills clearly proves that these mound builders a race very different from the Indian grew this corn before the Indian drove them South It had been a question said the Ohio man whether the mound builders were agriculturists Now see these charred remains of grain They were dug from an old village site adjacent to one of the principal Ohio mounds ...
... 574 Ohio Arch 574 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications terial down to this Library The task now seems so large that it seems to this committee unlikely that the consolidation can be effected before the summer of 1925 The intervening months will be used in preparing plans securing the appropriation doing the physical work and rearranging the Society's books and material all of which is preliminary to receiving the University's collection The situation with regard to Museum of Natural History ...
... ADDRESSES BEFORE THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEADDRESSES BEFORE THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY AT MARIETTA APRIL 5 AND 6 IN CONNECTION WITH THE CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION ANNUAL ADDRESS OF PRESIDENT F C SESSIONS THE invitation to hold the third annual meeting of this Society in Marietta came with singular appropriateness It is certainly gratifying to those of us who have seen the movement to celebrate this occasion properly to be permitted to participate in these exercises The few ...
... Minutes of the Meeting Minutes of the Meeting of the Ohio Academy of History Columbus April 2 1955 The annual spring meeting of the Ohio Academy of History was held at the Ohio State Museum April 2 1955 Two sessions were scheduled for 10 A M The chairman of one Wilfred E Binkley of Ohio Northern University introduced Charles B Forcey of Miami University who presented a paper entitled Progressivism Forerunner of Fascism Remarks were offered by Louis Filler of Antioch College and Thomas LeDuc of ...