Ohio History Journal

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"Comments, Notes and Reviews," Volume 9, Number 2, October, 1900, pp. 243-252.
... COMMENTS NOTES AND REVIEWS COMMENTS NOTES AND REVIEWS OTHER STATE SOCIETIES During the month of August last the Editor of the Quarterly enjoyed a tour of visitation to many of the State Historical Societies of the Eastern and Middle states A stop of two or three days was made at Washington D C where arrangements were perfected with the Publication Department securing for our Library all government documents pertinent to the purposes and work of our Society We were greatly delighted with ...

Volume 76, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter and Spring, 1967, pp. 79-88.
... BOOK BOOK REVIEWS DEMOCRATIC POLITICS AND SECTIONALISM THE WILMOT PROVISO CONTROVERSY By Chaplain W Morrison Chapel Hill University of North Carolina Press 1967 viii244p index 600 In December 1844 Preston King an influential New York Democrat confessed that after the events of the past year he did not trust the South and Southern men His attitude was shared by another New Yorker G F Kemble who thought that a sectional party was needed to counteract the power of slavery in the Democratic party ...

Volume 34, Binding Supplement, , 1925, pp. 617-628.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV Adams John characterized 30-31 Pacific squadron present 208-209 213 Adams Rufus W Young Gentleman and Press notices 207-213 Lady's Explanatory Monitor 138-141 Scrapped 206-207 The Akron Centennial 522-547 Silver service 207 Akron Day 531-533 Sponsor presents loving cup 213 Balloon race 523-524 Sponsor receives flags 213 D A R Dedication of Tablet by 546 The battleship Ohio launched 1820 press Dedication of Tablet to Industrial notices 213-215 Leaders ...

"Muskingum College Student Rebels in the 'Jazz Age,'" by A. William Hoglund. Volume 76, Number 3, Summer, 1967, pp. 146-158, notes 178-179.
... Musking um C ol le g e S tudent Rebels in the Jazz Age by A WILLIAM HOGLUND During the 1920's Muskingum College of New Concord Ohio experienced student unrest similar to that which engulfed many campuses Never before had the student body challenged so threateningly the school's traditional code of behavior which embodied certain prescribed social moral and spiritual values known as the Muskingum Spirit Originally founded by Presbyterians as a small liberal arts college without formal church ...

"DOCUMENTARY DATA," Volume 53, Number 2, April-June, 1944, pp. 184-185.
... DOCUMENTARY DATA DOCUMENTARY DATA By Bertha E Josephson During the first two months of the current year the Department of Documents has been devoting as much time as possible to an inventory and organization of numerous heterogenous and individual items Because these materials do not belong to any definite collections they have hitherto been neglected yet many of them are of considerable importance and value They are now being sorted and a card catalogue with name and subject crossreferences ...

"Lucy Elliot Keeler," Volume 39, Number 3, July, 1930, pp. 608-612.
... LUCY E LUCY E KEELER Death came to Miss Lucy E Keeler at the Memorial Hospital in Fremont on Tuesday morning March 11 1930 She had been ill since October and had sought relief in a number of hospitals but finally returned to Frement where she gradually grew weaker until her death Funeral services were conducted in the Presbyterian Church of Fremont on the following Thursday Some years before her death a newspaper friend had requested that she prepare a brief sketch of her life and activities ...

"A Century of Voting in Three Ohio Counties," by I. Ridgway Davis. Volume 69, Number 2, April, 1960, pp. 121-156.
... A Century of Voting A Century of Voting In Three Ohio Counties By I RIDGWAY DAVIS BECAUSE VOTING IS OF KEY IMPORTANCE in a democracy analyses of voting behavior on the national and state levels in the United States have been of major interest to students of history and government Comparatively little research however has been forthcoming on the local level In this study the voting records of three Ohio counties Ross Pike and Scioto have been examined for the period 1859-1959 a century of ...

"John W. Bear, 'The Buckeye Blacksmith,'" by Robert Gray Gunderson. Volume 61, Number 3, July, 1952, pp. 262-271.
... JOHN W JOHN W BEAR THE BUCKEYE BLACKSMITH1 by ROBERT GRAY GUNDERSON Associate Professor of Speech Oberlin College On the week end of February 21 1840 twenty-three thousand enthusiastic Whigs crowded into Columbus for the Ohio Whig convention2 A heavy rain drenched the delegates as they milled about seeking quarters in the thriving capital city which that year proudly reported six thousand inhabitants to the bureau of the census The arrangements committee announced that every Whig house in ...

"The Report of the Forty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 43, Number 3, July, 1934, pp. 283-314.
... THE REPORT OF THE FORTY-EIGHTH THE REPORT OF THE FORTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY The forty-eighth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was called to order by President Arthur C Johnson Sr on April 24 1934 with sixty members present MR JO H NSON This is a business meeting of the Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society I promise not to keep you long this morning because I know ...

"Man and Nature in Modern Ohio," Volume 56, Number 2, April, 1947, pp. 144-153.
... MAN AND NATURE IN MODERN OHIO1 MAN AND NATURE IN MODERN OHIO1 by PAUL B SEARS Professor of Botany Oberlin College My theme is law It is a curious paradox that science whose practitioners proudly boast that they take nothing for granted rests upon faith Science is in fact what our theological friends would call an act of faith The faith to which I refer is a profound belief that the universe of our experience is a universe of law and order2 Without a conviction that the world of experience must ...

Volume 58, Number 4, October, 1949, pp. 476-486.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Joseph Benson Foraker An Uncompromising Republican By Everett Walters Ohio Governors Series I Columbus Ohio History Press Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society 1948 xiii 315p illustrations bibliography and index 350 Ohio during the closing decades of the turbulent nineteenth century was in many ways the hub of national politics The state had produced a simply amazing number of legislative giants and private individuals who knew how to stand quietly in ...

"Contributions of Ohio Physicians to the Inventions of the Period, 1835-1858," Volume 49, Number 4, October, 1940, pp. 315-321.
... OHIO MEDICAL HISTORY OF THE PERIOD OHIO MEDICAL HISTORY OF THE PERIOD 1835-1858 CONTRIBUTIONS OF OHIO PHYSICIANS TO THE INVENTIONS OF THE PERIOD 1835-1858 By DONALD D SHI R A M D When the chairman of this section suggested the title of this paper it seemed to be a relatively easy assignment Offhand one would naturally assume that many Ohio physicians must have conceived and perfected inventions outside the field of medicine However such does not seem to be the case Evidently most physicians ...

Volume 81, Number 1, Winter, 1972, pp. 61-70.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States Richard Nixon 1969 Washington DC Office of the Federal Registrar National Archives and Records Service General Services Administration 1971 lii 1081p appendices and index 1450 Most students of the history of the United States particularly those working in the recent period have long since found this continuing series to be a valuable research tool one to which they can turn with confidence for a standard and ...

Volume 73, Number 3, Summer, 1964, pp. 188-195.
... BOOK REVIEWS INDEX TO THE WILLIAM McKINLEY PAPERS The Library of Congress Presidents' Papers Index Series Washington Manuscript Division Reference Department Library of Congress 1963 x482p introduction and appendices 325 An index often is thought of as merely a finding list but this one functions in numerous ways Its most important functions are three-fold it testifies it terrifies and it teaches First as to its testimony It testifies to a growth in recognition of historical needs --by ...

"James Leffel: Double Turbine Water Wheel Inventor," by Carl M. Becker. Volume 75, Number 4, Autumn, 1966, pp. 200-211, notes 269-270.
... JAMES LEFFEL DOUBLE TURBINE WATER WHEEL INVENTOR by CARL M BECKER Though the evolution of steam engines in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries was a dramatic advance in the development of prime movers waterpower mechanisms retained substantial importance in the industrial growth of western Europe and the United States Indeed European and American inventors were substantially improving conventional water wheels and developing new kinds of fluid mechanisms Much of NOTES ARE ON ...

"Sources of the Names of the Counties of the Western Reserve," by Frederick C. Waite. Volume 48, Number 1, January, 1939, pp. 58-65.
... SOURCES OF THE NAMES OF THE COUNTIES SOURCES OF THE NAMES OF THE COUNTIES OF THE WESTERN RESERVE By FREDERICK C WAITE An examination of the names of the eighty-eight counties in Ohio shows that over half of these names commemorate individuals such as signers of the Declaration of Independence generals in the Revolutionary War early presidents of the United States and statesmen of the early period of our national history A considerable number of county names are of Indian origin Part of these ...

"Odyssey of Petroleum Vesuvius Nasby, The," by David D. Anderson. Volume 74, Number 4, Autumn, 1965, pp. 232-246, notes 279.
... THE ODYSSEY OF PETROLEUM VESUVIUS NASBY by DAVID D ANDERSON After more than a century the American Civil War remains garbed in tragedy and pathos heroes and hero worship sentiment and cynicism as it has been since the guns fell silent and the printing presses began to pour out a still unabated torrent of memoirs histories and biographies As an age of heroes it is resplendent with the names of Lincoln Grant Lee Sherman Sheridan -- and Petroleum Vesuvius Nasby Perhaps the least remembered of ...

"The Early Historical Writings of James Ford Rhodes, 1885-1886," by Robert Cruden. Volume 69, Number 2, April, 1960, pp. 171-178.
... The Early Historical Writings of The Early Historical Writings of James Ford Rhodes 1885-1886 By ROBERT CRUDEN JAMES FORD RHODES the Cleveland-born historian of the Civil War and Reconstruction periods is perhaps Ohio's most significant contribution to American historiography His seven-volume History of the United States from the Compromise of 1850 to the Final Restoration of Home Rule at the South in 1877 New York 1892-1906 written in a spirit of sectional reconciliation remains an impressive ...

Volume 62, Number 1, January, 1953, pp. 87-108.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS ennsylvania Agriculture and Country Life 1640-1840 By Stevenson Whitcomb Fletcher Harrisburg Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission 1950 xiv605p Paper 250 cloth 300 For two centuries prior to 1840 agriculture dominated the economic life f Pennsylvania and during much of that period the breadbasket of America was replenished from the abundant harvests of her fields In e years that followed 1840 the raising of wheat ceased to be the farmers' ainstay and the dairy ...

"Baseball in its Adolescence," Volume 61, Number 2, April, 1952, pp. 111-127.
... BASEBALL IN ITS ADOLESCENCE BASEBALL IN ITS ADOLESCENCE by CARL WITTKE Chairman o f the Department o f History and Dean of the Graduate School Western Reserve University In 1939 Americans celebrated the centenary of their national pastime because a baseball commission created in 1907 to settle the hotly disputed question of who originated the modern game awarded the honor to Abner Doubleday A number of writers continue to insist that Alexander Cartwright of New York City drew up the first ...