Ohio History Journal

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"Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society: May 30, 1914," Volume 23, Number 4, October, 1914, pp. 380-406.
... TWENTY-NINTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO TWENTY-NINTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY MAY 30 1914 The twenty-ninth annual meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was held in the Trustees' room of the building of the Society Columbus Ohio at 10 A M Saturday May 30th Memorial Day The following members were present Mr J W Harper Mr D H Gard Mr W H Scott Mr F W Darby Mr B F Prince Mr Almer Hegler Mr Calvin Young Mr James E Campbell Mr E ...

"On Negro History," (Essay and Comment) by Randolph C. Downes. Volume 78, Number 3, Summer, 1969, pp. 213-214.
... ESSAY AND COMMENT 213 ESSAY AND COMMENT 213 sued however when the ruling class was so divided and inept or so committed to the use of sporadic unsuccessful force that it was unable to respond creatively to the challenges in time to produce peaceful reform The new youth class if indeed it can be defined as such presents a challenge to society to put into practice the best of its social political and religious ideals Nevertheless the youth class itself faces formidable tests Youth always has ...

Volume 59, Number 4, October, 1950, pp. 452-468.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS James Wickes Taylor A Choice Nook of Memory The Diary of a Cincinnati Law Clerk 1842-1844 Edited by James Taylor Dunn Columbus Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society 1950 xi 85p Paper 150 James Wickes Taylor lawyer author journalist librarian consular officer was an interesting figure in the early history of Ohio Minnesota and the Canadian Northwest For fourteen years Taylor lived in Ohio then he moved to Minnesota where he resided a similar length of time ...

"Timothy Walker: Blackstone for the New Republic," by M. Paul Holsinger. Volume 84, Number 3, Summer, 1975, pp. 145-157.
... M M PAUL HOLSINGER Timothy Walker Blackstone For the New Republic In the generation before the Civil War few persons within the state of Ohio were as nationally renowned as Timothy Walker of Cincinnati During the so-called Golden Age of American Law between 1820 and 1860 Walker from his adopted home on the banks of the Ohio River wrote probably the most widely read legal treatise of nineteenth century America the Introduction to American Law A founder of the Cincinnati Law School the first ...

"The Battle of Lake Erie: September 10, 1813," by Mrs. John T. Mack. Volume 10, Number 1, July, 1901, pp. 38-45.
... 38 Ohio Arch 38 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications THE BATTLE OF LAKE ERIE September 10 1813 BY MRS JOHN T MACK It was a fair morning in September a gentle breeze was blowing down the lake rippling the water A little American fleet lay peacefully at anchor in the beautiful island-locked bay of South Bass Island its brave young commander and sturdy men anxiously waiting for the sign of a coming hostile sail A few days before with the Union Jack vauntingly flying they had passed the British ...

"New Light from a Lincoln Letter on the Story of the Publication of the Lincoln-Douglas Debates," by Robert S. Harper. Volume 68, Number 2, April, 1959, pp. 177-187.
... New Light from a Lincoln Letter New Light from a Lincoln Letter On the Story of the Publication Of the Lincoln-Douglas Debates By ROBERT S HARPER AN ABRAHAM LINC O LN LETTER that adds another link to the chain of known events that led to publication in Columbus in 1860 of the Lincoln-Douglas Debates lies unheralded in the library of the Ohio Historical Society It sheds a little more light on what David C Mearns chief of the manuscripts division of the Library of Congress Lincoln authority and ...

"The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society in a Changing World," Volume 54, Number 3, July-September, 1945, pp. 223-229.
... THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTHE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY IN A CHANGING WORLD By JAMES H RODABAUGH These are critical times when every institution must look well within itself and ask Are we necessary Is our purpose worthy Do we contribute to the welfare of a people at war Have we fulfilled our social obligations Are our plans for the future well considered and in step with social transformations Reduced to its simplest terms the purpose of the Ohio State ...

"Pursuing Peace: Arthur Morgan and Ohio's League to Enforce Peace, 1915-1920," by Aaron D. Purcell. Volume 109, , Winter-Spring, 2000, pp. 24-46.
... AARON D AARON D PURCELL Pursuing Peace Arthur Morgan and Ohio's League to Enforce Peace 1915-1920 From the beginning of World War I in 1914 until the United States entered the war in 1917 a significant number of domestic peace societies emerged These organizations raised funds influenced politicians cultivated public interest and by the end of the war in many cases rallied for President Woodrow Wilson's League of Nations proposal During the war years the largest most effective and best ...

"Publisher's Information and Table of Contents" Volume 111, 97-100, Summer-Autumn, 2002, pp. 97.
... AboutSA2002 Summer-Autumn 2002 Contents Editorial Staff and Advisory Board Instructions for Authors OHS Board of Trustees PDF of these pages Click page numbers to view articles PDF links are also provided for printing articles Can't read PDFs Get Adobe Acrobat Reader ARTICLES 101 Visions of America 17871501788 The Ohio of Reverend Manasseh Cutler by Louis W Potts PDF of this article 121 The Political Judge Justice John McLeans Pursuit of the Presidency by Thomas E Carney PDF of this article ...

"The 'Little Steel' Strike: Conflict for Control," by Michael Speer. Volume 78, Number 4, Autumn, 1969, pp. 273-287.
... MICHAEL SPEER MICHAEL SPEER The Little Steel Strike Conflict for Control Historically strikes in the American iron and steel industry have been bloody affairs The 1892 Homestead strike and the 1919 steel strike stand as outstanding examples of industry's militant refusal to share the power of decision-making with labor representatives for steel management such strikes provided what amounted to an opportunity for crushing an incipient union movement By the mid-1930's however the conflict ...

"A Wilsonian Paradox," by Phillip R. Shriver. Volume 63, Number 2, April, 1954, pp. 147-150.
... A WILSONIAN PARADOX A WILSONIAN PARADOX by PHILLIP R SHRIVER Historians are often prone to conjecture What might have happened if-- Perhaps no other event in the history of the United States has been the subject of as much hindsight speculation as this nation's refusal to join the League of Nations after the conclusion of the first World War Not a few historians have suggested that World War II was in large degree made inevitable when the United States declined to assume the role of world ...

Volume 69, Number 4, October, 1960, pp. 398-420.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Baseball The Early Years By Harold Seymour New York Oxford University Press 1960 viii373p illustrations bibliographical note and index 750 The author of this important volume started as a bat boy with the Brooklyn Dodgers earned a PhD in history at Cornell and now is an associate professor in a New York college He knows and loves his baseball and he knows his American history and so he has given us what is without question the best book on the subject In the present ...

"Recent Address of James Edwin Campbell," Volume 34, Number 1, January, 1925, pp. 29-62.
... RECENT ADDRESSES OF RECENT ADDRESSES OF JAMES EDWIN CAMPBELL HOW AND WHEN OHIO BECAME A STATE On the third day of September 1783 a treaty of peace was concluded at Paris between Great Britain and the United States of America The commissioners on behalf of the United States were Benjamin Franklin John Jay and John Adams who had negotiated it and Henry Laurens who arrived from captivity in the Tower of London just in time to sign it There had been nearly two years of vexatious wrangling over the ...

"The Decline of Epidemics in Ohio," Volume 55, Number 4, October-December, 1946, pp. 310-337.
... NOTES NOTES Contributors to This Issue Roy F Nichols is Professor of History in the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia Raymond F Fletcher is Business Manager of the Portsmouth Ohio Times Howard H Peckham is Director of the Indiana Historical Bureau and Secretary of the Indiana Historical Society Indianapolis William Alexander Mabry is Professor of History in Mount Union College Alliance Ohio Cathaline Alford Archer Mrs John Clark Archer of Hamden Conn interests herself in local and family ...

"Land in the Old Northwest: A Study of Speculation, Sales, and Settlement on the Connecticut Western Reserve," by Brian Harte. Volume 101, , Summer-Autumn, 1992, pp. 114-139.
... BRIAN HARTE BRIAN HARTE Land in the Old Northwest A Study of Speculation Sales and Settlement on the Connecticut Western Reserve Settlers who came to the American West from the Northeast carried with them a vision of what their new lives would involve The act of moving to the West required a leap of faith a presumption that they could convert their vision into reality Despite their uncertainties these pioneers were aware of and depended on certain existing parameters that would stabilize their ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 86, Number 4, Autumn, 1977, pp. 278-280.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries Nelson Lichtenstein has been named the new editor of Ohio History He received his BA from Dartmouth and his PhD from the University of California Berkeley He has published articles in Labor History Radical America New Politics and the Dictionary of American Biography Editor of the recently published The Kennedy Years and The Johnson Years two volumes in the Facts on File Political Profile series Dr Lichtenstein served as lecturer in history at The Ohio State ...

"Chase and the Election of 1860," by Donnal V. Smith. Volume 39, Number 3, July, 1930, pp. 769-844.
... CHASE AND THE ELECTION OF 1860 CHASE AND THE ELECTION OF 1860 BY DONNAL V SMITH Continued from July QUARTERLY CHAPTER IV THE CHASE BOOM On New Year's Day 1864 the New York World lamented that the dawn of the last year of the most mournfully memorable presidential term in the annals of the Nation should still find the country rent asunder by civil convulsions It gave no hint of support for the President and his Cabinet they would have to be enlightened by the unmistakable voice of the people ...

"The Centennial of Miami University," Volume 18, Number 3, July, 1909, pp. 322-344.
... THE CENTENNIAL OF MIAMI UNIVERSITY THE CENTENNIAL OF MIAMI UNIVERSITY A H UPHAM PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH MIAMI UNIVERSITY The third week of June was marked by a highly significant and somewhat unusual occasion down in the southwest corner of Ohio Miami University old mother Miami was celebrating the completion of her first centenary of corporate existence and he r children unto the third and f o u r t h generation came from the corners of the earth bringing t r i b u t e of congratulation a n d g ...

Volume 62, Number 4, October, 1953, pp. 409-435.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Woodland Sites in Nebraska By Marvin F Kivett Nebraska State Historical Society Publications in Anthropology No 1 Lincoln Nebraska State Historical Society 1952 102p 30 plates maps and bibliography Paper 200 This is a report on previously unpublished excavations in sites generally assignable to the Woodland Pattern in Nebraska as well as a discussion and summary of existing evidence on the place of Woodland in the Plains area The presence of Woodland manifestations in ...

"The Formation of the Eclectic School in Cincinnati," Volume 51, Number 4, October-December, 1942, pp. 279-288.
... THE FORMATION OF THE ECLECTIC SCHOOL THE FORMATION OF THE ECLECTIC SCHOOL IN CINCINNATI By RALPH TAYLOR MD It is now more than a century since the first Eclectic College was organized in Ohio and the century mark for the Eclectic Medical Institute will soon be reached It is difficult to visualize the social domestic and commercial life of the country when these schools were founded The writer doubts if one can thoroughly visualize Ohio without a single college of any appreciable size instead ...