Ohio History Journal

Full Text Results For crawford

"Ohio-Origin and Significance of the Name," Volume 29, Number 4, October, 1920, pp. 472-474.
... 472 Ohio Arch 472 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications who had an opportunity to be present at the sessions or read the reports in the public press Colonel Galbraith was elected Department Commander at the first state convention of the American Legion held in Ohio He was elected National Commander on September 29th two years to the day after he performed the act of heroism which won for him the Distinguished Service Cross His citation for this honor reads For extraordinary heroism in action ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 89, Number 4, Autumn, 1980, pp. 439-442.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries Recent promotions appointments and awards within the professional community of Ohio historians include Arnold Snyder PhD candidate at McMaster University has joined Bluffton College as an assistant professor of history and philosophy Gary A Hunt formerly of Boston University replaced Richard W Ryan as Department Head of the Ohio University Library's Archives and Special Collections Department as of July 1 1979 David E Kyvig Associate Professor at the ...

"The 1937 Steel Labor Dispute and the Ohio National Guard," by John F. Shiner. Volume 84, Number 4, Autumn, 1975, pp. 182-195.
... JOHN F JOHN F SHINER The 1937 Steel Labor Dispute and the Ohio National Guard The spring and early summer of 1937 were troubled times in northeastern Ohio On May 25 in an effort to gain company recognition the Steel Workers Organization Committee SWOC of the newly created Congress of Industrial Organization CIO struck the plants of two of Ohio's major steel producers Republic Steel and Youngstown Sheet and Tube Both of these corporations had numerous mills in Trumbull Mahoning and Stark ...

"Reminiscences of an Ohio Volunteer," Volume 48, Number 4, October, 1939, pp. 304-323.
... REMINISCENCES OF AN OHIO VOLUNTEER REMINISCENCES OF AN OHIO VOLUNTEER By PHILIP D JORDAN and CHARLES M THOMAS Introduction When Fort Sumter felt the crash of Confederate guns on April 12 1861 a nation knew that an irresistible conflict had at last reached a climax Chattering telegraph keys took the drama of Charleston harbor through the North in frantic haste In the village of Oxford Ohio students of Miami University were gathering for chapel services President John W Hall himself from the ...

Volume 61, Number 3, July, 1952, pp. 301-310.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies ALLEN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Lima James A MacDonell President The meeting of the society in March was addressed by Rabbi Milton Schulman who spoke on The Clothing Industry in the Midwest 1850-1870 in April a former resident of Allen County James O Montague now of Milwaukee Wisconsin spoke on Seventy Years In and Out of Allen County The April issue of the Reporter included an article on Bicycling in Lima 1880-1894 by Ferne M Longsworth It ...

"The Herbert Bigelow Case: A Test of Free Speech in Wartime," Volume 81, Number 2, Spring, 1972, pp. 108-121.
... HERBERT SHAPIRO HERBERT SHAPIRO The Herbert Bigelow Case A Test of Free Speech in Wartime On October 28 1917 Cincinnati minister the Reverend Herbert Bigelow was kidnapped in Newport Kentucky shortly before he was to address a Socialist antiwar meeting there He was forced into a waiting automobile and driven across the county line into Kenton County where he was severely beaten After being turned loose by the vigilantes Bigelow made his way to a nearby house and was taken back across the Ohio ...

Volume 70, Number 3, July, 1961, pp. 262-282.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Under the Flag of the Nation Diaries and Letters of a Yankee Volunteer in the Civil War Edited by Otto F Bond Columbus Ohio State University Press for the Ohio Historical Society 1961 308p illustrations and appendices 500 In view of the tidal wave of Civil War publications now threatening the reading public and the historical profession many readers may recoil at the prospect of fresh printings of soldiers' diaries from either side of the conflict This book published ...

"Dunmore Treaty, The," Volume 31, Number 4, October, 1922, pp. 591-592.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 591 Reviews Notes and Comments 591 THE DUNMORE TREATY In the hope that some trace might be discovered of the Dunmore Treaty to which references were made in the meeting of the McGuffey Society at the Logan Elm an account of which is published in this issue Governor James E Campbell President of the Society on August 3 addressed a letter to the American Ambassador at London England to which he has received the following answer DEAR SIRI have been instructed by the ...

"A Flight Across Ohio: The Escape of William Wells Brown from Slavery," by W. Edward Farrison. Volume 61, Number 3, July, 1952, pp. 272-282.
... A FLIGHT ACROSS OHIO THE ESCAPE OF A FLIGHT ACROSS OHIO THE ESCAPE OF WILLIAM WELLS BROWN FROM SLAVERY by W EDWARD FARRISON Chairman Department of English North Carolina College at Durham It was January 1 1834 On the previous night Captain Enoch Price a commission merchant and steamboat owner of St Louis Missouri had arrived on his steamer The Chester in Cincinnati This was a pleasure as well as a business trip and on it the captain had brought his family and also several of his house slaves ...

"Grant Cabin," by Henry Clyde Shetrone. Volume 46, Number 1, January, 1937, pp. 103-104.
... GRANT CABIN GRANT CABIN By HENRY CLYDE SHETRONE Removal of the cabin in which General Ulysses S Grant was born to its original site at Point Pleasant Ohio celebrated with fitting ceremonies on October 4 1936 is of two-fold significance Not only does it constitute a timely tribute to another of Ohio's eminent citizens but since the cabin as such has been completely restored and interiorly refurnished mostly with actual Grant items it perpetuates a typical historic pioneer home Every effort is ...

"The Decline of Epidemics in Ohio," Volume 55, Number 4, October-December, 1946, pp. 310-337.
... NOTES NOTES Contributors to This Issue Roy F Nichols is Professor of History in the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia Raymond F Fletcher is Business Manager of the Portsmouth Ohio Times Howard H Peckham is Director of the Indiana Historical Bureau and Secretary of the Indiana Historical Society Indianapolis William Alexander Mabry is Professor of History in Mount Union College Alliance Ohio Cathaline Alford Archer Mrs John Clark Archer of Hamden Conn interests herself in local and family ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 34, Number 4, October, 1925, pp. 611-616.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR A LIFE OF WILLIAM ALLEN William Allen A Study in Western Democracy By Reginald C McGrane Columbus Ohio The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society 1 925 279 p William Allen was one of those political luminaries who never quite attained the brilliance of a star of the first magnitude in the political firmament of his state and nation Very nearly but never ...

Volume 63, Number 1, January, 1954, pp. 77-111.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Guide to the Manuscript Collections in the Library of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society By Elizabeth C Biggert Columbus Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society 1953 x-153p index Paper 150 cloth 250 The social economic and political history of Ohio is well represented in the manuscript collections of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Library which totals approximately 1500000 separate pieces This library is the repository ...

"Failure of Michael Baldwin: A Case Study in the Origins of the Middle-Class Culture on the Trans-Appalachian Frontier, The," by Andrew R. L. Cayton. Volume 95, , Winter-Spring, 1986, pp. 34-48.
... ANDREW R ANDREW R L CAYTON The Failure of Michael Baldwin A Case Study in the Origins of MiddleClass Culture on the TransAppalachian Frontier In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries it became fashionable to publish massive volumes detailing the histories of individual Midwestern counties Very often these books were the products of the cooperative efforts of several county residents who employed a topical rather than a chronological approach to their subject With the obvious goal ...

"Checklist of Major Research-in-Progress and Completed Masters and Doctors Degrees on Topics Relating to Ohio," Volume 81, Number 1, Winter, 1972, pp. 51-60.
... compiled by compiled by PATRICIA B GATHERUM Checklist of Major Research-in-Progress and Completed Masters and Doctors Degrees on Topics Relating to Ohio REFERENCE WORKS AR NOLD G ARY J An Inventory to the Microfilm Edition of the Washington Gladden Papers at the Ohio Historical Society MSS Processor Ohio Hist Society CHACE LAURA L and ALICE M VESTAL Guide to Manuscripts at the Cinci nn ati Histo ri cal Society Librarians Cincinnati Hist Society DITTBRENNER CURTIS H and PAU L D YON Guide to ...

"List of Accessions," Volume 48, Number 2, April, 1939, pp. 101-106.
... OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 101 OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 101 for the purpose of recapturing the lost arts of prehistoric man in the utilization of flint and other lithic materials and for the establishment of a laboratory of actual materials to be used for purposes of comparison This project it will be recalled was financed by Messrs Arthur C Johnson and H Preston Wolfe pending other sources of support The Director had hoped that the Lithic Laboratory might become a ...

"Joint Committee Plans for Archival Surveys," Volume 43, Number 3, July, 1934, pp. 301-306.
... Report of the Forty-eighth Annual Meeting 301 Report of the Forty-eighth Annual Meeting 301 JOINT COMMITTEE PLANS FOR ARCHIVAL SURVEYS By T R SCHELLENBERG It is quite obvious to research students that in the past thirty years the amount of printed matter has increased in geometric ratio Today students are literally engulfed with a mass of materials many of which are printed on a cheap wood-pulp paper which crumbles to dust after a few decades but which reflect quite accurately the passing ...

"Report of Field Work," by W. C. Mills. Volume 8, Number 3, January, 1900, pp. 309-344.
... REPORT OF FIELD WORK REPORT OF FIELD WORK BY W C MILLS CURATOR PREFACE It is the purpose of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society to visit different sections of the State each year for explorations upon the mounds and village sites It is apparent to all that the mounds and earthworks are fast being leveled by the encroachment of agriculture and the relic hunter who under the stimulus of commercial enterprise tears the mounds down and forever blots out evidence which would ...

"Addresses Before the Ohio State Archaeological Society," Volume 6, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1898, pp. 430-463.
... ADDRESSES BEFORE THE OHIO STATE ADDRESSES BEFORE THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY The public meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was held in the House of Representatives Columbus Ohio at eight o'clock p m March 3 1898 General Brinkerhoff presiding ADDRESS OF GENERAL BRINKERHOFF LADIES AND GENTLEMEN-Before introducing the speakers of the evening it is proper for me as chairman perhaps to say a few words in regard to the origin and purpose of the Ohio State ...

"Flatboating Down the Ohio and Mississippi, 1867-1873: Correspondence and Diaries of the William Dudley Devol Family of Marietta, Ohio," edited by Robert Leslie Jones. Volume 59, Number 3, July, 1950, pp. 287-309.
... FLATBOATING DOWN THE OHIO AND MISSISSIPPI FLATBOATING DOWN THE OHIO AND MISSISSIPPI 1867-1873 Correspondence and Diaries of the William Dudley Devol Family of Marietta Ohio PART I edited by ROBERT LESLIE JONES Professor of History Marietta College I The phrase flatboating down the Ohio is apt to evoke a mental picture of an immigrant family setting off from Pittsburgh aboard a broadhorn or of a group of backwoodsmen from almost any tributary taking advantage of the spring freshets to get their ...