Ohio History Journal

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"Editorialana," Volume 10, Number 3, January, 1902, pp. 388-394.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA HISTORICAL STUDIES The value of historical knowledge and study is being more and more appreciated especially as relates to the beginning and career of our own illustrious country and state Concerning this subject Professor Wallace N Stearns of Wesleyan University Delaware Ohio makes some most timely suggestions which we herewith publish cordially approving the same and recommending their consideration by our readers and especially by all educators In endeavoring to ...

"Rarey Mansion, The" (A Poem) by Sara Lowe Brown. Volume 35, Number 3, July, 1926, pp. 565-566.
... THE RAREY MANSION BY SARA LOWE BROWN Dear old mansion crowning the hill Sweetest of memories cling to you still Memories of the Rareys brave and good Who cleared the acres dense with wood They gathered brush from the wilderness wide And wearying home at eveningtide The mansion built at the edge of the wood Where a lowly cabin once had stood They tilled the soil and sowed the grain They chopped the logs to burn under the crane Spinning and weaving by candle-light They labored late in the winter ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 39, Number 4, October, 1930, pp. 845-854.
... REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR THE MOUND BUILDERS A chorus of cordial appreciation greets the sumptuous volume entitled The Mound Builders by Henry Clyde Shetrone Director of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Promptly on its appearance from the press the following appreciative review appeared in the Cincinnati Enquirer THE MOUND BUILDERS THE MOUND BUILDERS By Henry Clyde Shetrone D Appleton amp Co New York Ohio should be proud that it is ...

"Minutes of the Fall Business Meeting of the Ohio Academy of History, Tiffin, October 12, 1956," Volume 66, Number 1, January, 1957, pp. 87-89.
... Minutes of the Fall Business Meeting Minutes of the Fall Business Meeting Of the Ohio Academy of History Tiffin October 12 1956 The fall meeting of the Ohio Academy of History was held at Heidelberg College The president of the Academy Dr Grover C Platt called the business meeting to order and requested Dr Robert W Twyman of Bowling Green to act as temporary secretary for the purpose of taking minutes Thirty persons were present The president called the attention of those assembled to the fact ...

"An Early American Crusader: Norton Strange Townshend," by John F. Cunningham. Volume 53, Number 4, October-December, 1944, pp. 355-370.
... AN EARLY AMERICAN CRUSADER AN EARLY AMERICAN CRUSADER NORTON STRANGE TOWNSHEND1 By JOH N F CUNNINGHAM Writing to G Sprague corresponding secretary of the Ohio State Board of Agriculture in 1854--just ninety years ago--a young physician of Lorain County Ohio said I send you facts and observations relating to agricultural education also a brief notice of an attempt to establish an agricultural college in Ohio We will not stop to demonstrate but will take it for granted that agricultural ...

"'Quiet Independence': The Western Vision of the Ohio Company, A," by Andrew R. L. Cayton. Volume 90, Number 1, Winter, 1981, pp. 5-32.
... ANDREW R ANDREW R L CAYTON A Quiet Independence The Western Vision of the Ohio Company Speculative schemes and idealistic visions merged in postRevolutionary America to produce many new towns in the rapidly expanding Northwest Territory A group of New England veterans of the American Revolution organized as the Ohio Company of Associates established the first such community on April 7 1788 at the confluence of the Ohio and Muskingum rivers some 200 miles downstream from Pittsburgh They called ...

"Homes of Ohio Governors," Volume 12, Number 3, July, 1903, pp. 330-331.
... 330 Ohio Arch 330 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications Wayne's Expedition against the Indians The awards were made to Irma Shupe Robert Cowden and Wilbur Conover as first second and third respectively The one by Miss Shupe was published in the Dayton Daily Journal of May 5th It is a most scholarly and comprehensive account of that dramatic dashing campaign by the intrepid Wayne No campaign in early American history is more thrilling in its character or more potent in its results It was ...

Volume 47, Number 3, July, 1938, pp. 260-272.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS And Then the Storm By Sister M Monica New York Longm ans Green amp Co 1937 231 p 250 Few foreigners have been privileged to study Spain from so many and widely different viewpoints as the author of And Then the Storm and little escaped her discerning and compassionate eyes Chaperoned by the two charming sisters of Don Juan de Cardenas the then Spanish ambassador at Washington Sister Monica had intimate contact with the old aristocracy and found the Spanish women kind ...

"Minutes of the Ninth Annual Meeting," Volume 4, Annual, January, 1896, pp. 403-413.
... MINUTES MINUTES OF THE NINTH ANNUAL MEETING STATE LIBRARY ROOM STATE CAPITOL COLUMBUS OHIO February 20 1894 The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society met in annual session with the President Gen Roeliff Brinkerhoff in the chair The following members were present Gen Roeliff Brinkerhoff President Mansfield Rev Wm E Moore Vice President Columbus S S Rickly Treasurer Columbus E O Randall Secretary Columbus Prof Geo F W right Oberlin Judge W J Gilmore Columbus George F Bareis Canal ...

"Remarks of I. N. Sturtevant, D. D." (Marietta Centennial) Volume 2, Number 1, June, 1888, pp. 138-139.
... REMARKS OF I REMARKS OF I N STURTEVANT DD I HAV E an ambition to speak on this occasion I wish to make a statement in the line of what has been said to-day which it may be bold for me to make and yet there is a fire in my bones that will not let me rest unless I make it I have looked to-day on the cemeteries here the burial places of the Indians-nothing left of these but the monuments of their day the cemetery where sleep the dead the soldier heroes of four wars and somehow filled as I have ...

"Newton D. Baker and the Adult Education Movement," Volume 95, , Summer-Autumn, 1986, pp. 119-132.
... RAE WAHL ROHFELD RAE WAHL ROHFELD Newton D Baker and the Adult Education Movement In 1921 Newton D Baker returned from his cabinet position to practice law in Cleveland Ohio his adopted hometown He had completed the mammoth job of organizing the nation to fight a war and then of dismantling the bulk of the war machine when the fighting was over Before going to Washington as Woodrow Wilson's Secretary of War Baker had been a progressive Cleveland politician serving as city solicitor during Tom ...

Volume 63, Number 3, July, 1954, pp. 296-318.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Howells amp Italy By James L Woodress Jr Durham N C Duke Uni versity Press 1952 xiv223p frontispiece portrait bibliography and index 350 Of late years there appears to be a trend toward a strong revival of interest in the life and writings of William Dean Howells an Ohio boy whose first years were rooted in journalistic experience on various Ohio newspapers including his father's and particularly with the Ohio State Journal in Columbus In this first book-length study ...

"'A Baptism of Power and Liberty': The Women's Crusade of 1873-1874," by Ruth Bordin. Volume 87, Number 4, Autumn, 1978, pp. 393-404.
... RUTH BORDIN RUTH BORDIN A Baptism of Power and Liberty The Women's Crusade of 1873-1874 Throughout the winter of 1873 and 1874 a grass roots women's temperance crusade swept through Ohio the Midwest and parts of the East Thousands of women marched in the streets prayed in saloons and organized their own temperance societies in hundreds of towns and cities of the American heartland The Crusade had an immense impact on these women Cut loose from the quiescence and public timidity that was their ...

"General Session, 8:00 P.M., April 7, University Hall, O.S.U., Arthur C. Johnson, Sr., Presiding," Volume 48, Number 2, April, 1939, pp. 137-138.
... OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 137 OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 137 of the Ohio State University was attended by over fifty persons representing the various organizations cooperating in the Ohio History Conference H C Shetrone director of the Society presided introducing Mrs Janet Wethy Foley of Akron New York who gave an address on An Adventure in Genealogy in which she related her own and her husband's experiences in adopting genealogy as their profession General Session 800 P M ...

"NEWS AND NOTES" Volume 71, Number 3, October, 1962, pp. 262-266.
... NEWS and NOTES SEVERAL LANDMARKS in American history which are of importance to Ohio historiography and which were published many years ago have been reprinted in a series called American Classics in Political Economic and Literary History being issued by Frederick Ungar Publishing Co Inc of New York They are My Autobiography by S S McClure The Acquisition of Political Social and Industrial Rights of Man in America by John Bach McMaster The Literature of the Middle Western Frontier by Ralph ...

"The Department of History and Archaeology in the Ohio Centennial, at Columbus, September 4 to October 19, 1888" by A. A. Graham. Volume 2, Number 4, March, 1889, pp. 541-547.
... THE DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY AND THE DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY In the Ohio Centennial at Columbus September 4 to October 19 1888 THIS department was organized to embody a distinctive feature in the Ohio Centennial i e to exhibit in one place articles illustrative of the growth made in Ohio's history To do this properly it was decided to group all articles into classes regardless of ownership each class typical of a distinct idea This made a collective exhibit and hence all ...

"Randall, the Journalist," by James W. Faulkner. Volume 29, Number 2, April, 1920, pp. 112-115.
... 112 Ohio Arch 112 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications The years in which Professor Randall taught were previous to the introduction of the Case system in the Colleges of Law In a degree he anticipated this method of teaching He had familiarized himself with a large number of the important decisions of the courts in cases where commercial paper was the cause of the litigation In addition he had the happy faculty of developing by hypothesis a well constructed controversy His students from ...

"A Documentary History of Ohio" by A. A. Graham. Volume 2, Number 3, December, 1888, pp. 423-429.
... A DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF OHIO A DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF OHIO Few American States possess a more national history or one embodying a greater variety of interests than Ohio The centennial celebrations that have lately been held within her borders commemorative of the beginning Of the Northwest Territory were more than local in character They embodied ideas that have a marked bearing on our National history The settlement at Marietta on the Muskingum on that April morning one hundred years ago was ...

"Melodrama in Ohio: Avery Hopwood and Boss Cox of Cincinnati," by Arno L. Bader. Volume 70, Number 2, April, 1961, pp. 145-151.
... Melodrama in Ohio Melodrama in Ohio Avery Hopwood and Boss Cox of Cincinnati By ARNO L BADE R W HEN THE OHIO PLAYRIGHT Aver y Hopwood died in 1928 his reputation was that of an immensely successful writer of light comedies and bedroom farces which had brought him a fortune If anyone remembered that as a youngster he had written The Powers That Be a serious play attacking civic corruption and political bossism that fact was not mentioned in his obituaries Yet for one week in 1907 The Powers ...

Volume 56, Binding Supplement, , 1947, pp. 459-485.
... INDEX INDEX The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly VOLUME LVI ABBOTT FREELAND K 449 American Heritage 201 Abbott John S C cited 352 American Historical Review article by A Ablamowicz Madame ----- musician Nevins in 114 34 43 American Hotel Cleveland 254 Abolition study of 312 American Journal of Science and Arts Abolitionists and Kossuth 245 255 cited 53 Academies 13 in Franklin Co 327 American Journal of the Medical Sciences See also Schools Colleges and uni360 375 versities ...