Ohio History Journal

Full Text Results For crawford

"The Pillars of Harrison County," by Joseph T. Harrison. Volume 31, Number 2, April, 1922, pp. 120-127.
... THE PILLARS OF HARRISON COUNTY THE PILLARS OF HARRISON COUNTY BY JOSEPH T HARRISON There are three native pillars of stone in Harrison County Ohio which if their age is reckoned from the date when they first reared their heads above the surrounding landscape are older than Rome older than the Pyramids and older than the Sphinx itself They are located in the north central and southern parts of the county the first two on the tops of hills and the third well down from the top of the adjacent ...

"John James Piatt, Representative Figure of a Momentous Period," by Clare Dowler. Volume 45, Number 1, January, 1936, pp. 1-26.
... JOHN JAMES PIATT REPRESENTATIVE FIGURE JOHN JAMES PIATT REPRESENTATIVE FIGURE OF A MOMENTOUS PERIOD By CLARE DOWLER Biographical and Critical Study The development of Ohio from 1830 to I880 was spectacular It characterized in a fashion the development of the whole nation In this typical region it would be hard to find a more representative man than John James Piatt His life span began as Ohio was emerging out of the wilderness as Johnny Appleseed's trees were bearing abundantly and as the ...

"War in the Streets of Athens," by Marvin Fletcher. Volume 87, Number 4, Autumn, 1978, pp. 405-418.
... MARVIN FLETCHER MARVIN FLETCHER War in the Streets of Athens On an August evening in 1904 terror struck the citizens of the small southeastern Ohio town of Athens Thousands of Ohio National Guard and regular army troops were on joint maneuvers in the area On the evening of August 19 some of the regulars marched into town with the aim of freeing one of their comrades who had been arrested by some national guardsmen and locked in the county jail When the military police tried to stop them the ...

Volume 64, Number 1, January, 1955, pp. 93-124.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Alexandra Gripenberg's A Half Year in the New World Miscellaneous Sketches of Travel in the United States 1 888 Translated and edited by Ernest J Moyne Newark University of Delaware Press 1954 xv225p frontispiece and index This volume recounts the observations of Baroness Alexandra Gripenberg distinguished Finnish journalist author feminist and temperance advocate during a six months' visit to the United States in 1888 The baroness came to America as a delegate to an ...

"Ohio Valley Historic Indian Conference: Papers Read at its First Meeting, November 20-21, 1953, The," Volume 63, Number 2, April, 1954, pp. 151-152.
... THE OHIO VALLEY HISTORIC INDIAN CONFERENCE THE OHIO VALLEY HISTORIC INDIAN CONFERENCE PAPERS READ AT ITS FIRST MEETING NOVEMBER 20-21 1953 In 1951 the board of trustees authorized the staff of the state historical society to set up a project to be known as the Ohio Historic Indian Center As a part of the work of this project a research associate was assigned to a study of the Indians and the campaigns of the Indian Wars 1790-95 The Anthony Wayne Parkway Board has cooperated with the society in ...

"George W. Rightmire, President of Ohio State University," Volume 35, Number 2, April, 1926, pp. 286-290.
... 2 8 6 GEORGE W RIGHTMIRE President of the Ohio State University GEORGE W GEORGE W RIGHTMIRE PRESIDENT OF OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY When Professor George W Rightmire of the College of Law Ohio State University was notified after the resignation of Dr W O Thompson that he had been chosen as Acting President of the University he was perhaps more completely surprised than any other member of the faculty or teaching force of this great institution The notification of his selection was the first ...

"Index to Zeisberger's History of the Northern American Indians," Volume 19, Numbers 1 & 2, January-April, 1910, pp. 174-189.
... INDEX I NDEX A hunters 57 hunted in the spring 57 love of nuts 57 skins of little value Aboriginal Races of North America The 57 King of 58 fond of pigs 58 see Drake seized women and children 58 more Account of the History Manners and common in Iroquois country 58 and Customs of the Indian Nations An panther fight 60 sacrificed to dead see Heckewelder 140 Achewilens a rich man 146 Beard pulled out 12 Achsunnami1unschi Delaware name for Beaver season 13 described 61 scarce sugar maple 48 in ...

"Robert White McFarland," by Frank S. Brooks. Volume 14, Number 2, April, 1905, pp. 170-179.
... ROBERT WHITE McFARLAND ROBERT WHITE McFARLAND FRANK S BROOKS COLUMBUS If all the men who have been so fortunate as to have come under the benign influence of Professor McFarland were each to pay the tribute of laying one stone in his honor no towering modern structure would overlook the pile Such would be a fitting memorial for while indulgent toward many duller minds patiently helping to mould the characters of boys and men much of his incessant work has been among the stars Reluctantly I ...

"Tribute to Dr. W. O. Thompson," Volume 43, Number 3, July, 1934, pp. 292-293.
... 292 Ohio Arch 292 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications at the proper time took action in adopting memorial resolutions on the death of Dr Thompson but has had no formal meeting since the death of Mr Galbreath The resolutions adopted by the Board of Trustees are at hand Mr Secretary will you read them DR LINDLEY It seems fitting that the resolution passed at the time of the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees on January 23 1934 should be read before the members at the Annual Meeting ...

Volume 62, Number 1, January, 1953, pp. 87-108.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS ennsylvania Agriculture and Country Life 1640-1840 By Stevenson Whitcomb Fletcher Harrisburg Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission 1950 xiv605p Paper 250 cloth 300 For two centuries prior to 1840 agriculture dominated the economic life f Pennsylvania and during much of that period the breadbasket of America was replenished from the abundant harvests of her fields In e years that followed 1840 the raising of wheat ceased to be the farmers' ainstay and the dairy ...

"Did the Mound Builders Have Horses?," Volume 14, Number 4, October, 1905, pp. 469-470.
... Editorialana Editorialana 469 DID THE MOUND BUILDERS HAVE HORSES Did the Mound Builders Have Horses is the subject of an editorial in the last issue of the American Sportsman March 2 The discovery of the skeleton of a horse dug up in the state of Nebraska started a discussion to which a number of the most eminent archeologists of the country have contributed their opinions Dr Phyle treated the subject at length in an essay some time ago The editorial is as follows A horseman is curious to know ...

"The Humiliation of Henry Ward Beecher in the West," Volume 58, Number 1, January, 1949, pp. 94-100.
... THE HUMILIATION OF HENRY WARD BEECHER IN THE HUMILIATION OF HENRY WARD BEECHER IN THE WEST by DAVID MEAD Assistant Professor of English Michigan State College In the columns of Ohio's newspapers of nearly a century ago lies the dramatic account of Henry Ward Beecher's rejection as a lecturer by the indignant citizens of the West a story which has not been revealed by the biographers of the great Eastern divine Not that Beecher was the first celebrity to be humiliated by Ohio's lecture public ...

"A Century of Statehood," Volume 12, Number 1, January, 1903, pp. 25-29.
... A CENTURY OF STATEHOOD A CENTURY OF STATEHOOD ADDRESS BY GEORGE K NASH On the evening of Saturday December 27 1902-the members of the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce participated in their Annual Christmas Dinner It was an elaborate banquet held in the spacious hall of the Chamber of Commerce Many distinguished speakers were present among them being Major-General Henry C Corbin Major-General Samuel B M Young Major-General Adna R Chaffee Hon John G Milburn of Buffalo One of the speakers of the ...

"Ohio in Knee Pants," by Virginius C. Hall. Volume 56, Number 1, January, 1947, pp. 1-15.
... OHIO IN KNEE PANTS OHIO IN KNEE PANTS by VIRGINIUS C HALL Director Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio Mr Chairman Ladies and Gentlemen Here in Columbus on December 31 1831 there was formed the first historical society west of the mountains That Society the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio later removed to Cincinnati So in coming to Columbus as the representative of that Society I am coming back to the birthplace back to the old home town back to our raising It seemed to ...

"The Early Theater in Columbus, Ohio, 1820-1840," by Lucile Clifton. Volume 62, Number 3, July, 1953, pp. 234-246.
... THE EARLY THEATER IN COLUMBUS OHIO THE EARLY THEATER IN COLUMBUS OHIO 1820-1840 by LUCILE CLIFTON Associate Professor of English Ball State Teachers College Muncie Indiana The citizens of Columbus Ohio which was founded one hundred and forty some years ago have attended plays for at least one hundred and thirty of those years and had a flourishing theater as early as the mid-1830's The first western theatrical circuits followed the natural trade routes down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers As ...

"In Search of the Mound Builders: The State Archaeological Association of Ohio, 1875-1885," by Terry A. Barnhart. Volume 107, , Summer-Autumn, 1998, pp. 125-170.
... TERRY A TERRY A BARNHART In Search of the Mound Builders The State Archaeological Association of Ohio 1875-1885 If the State Archaeological Association of Ohio is at all remembered today it is as the forerunner of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society That organization emerged from the wreckage of the earlier state archaeological association on March the 12th and 13th 1885 and has been known as the Ohio Historical Society since 1954 The significance of Ohio's first state ...

"John Sherman and the Impeachment of Andrew Johnson," by Roger D. Bridges. Volume 82, Numbers 3 & 4, Summer-Autumn, 1973, pp. 176-191.
... ROGER D ROGER D BRIDGES John Sherman and the Impeachment of Andrew Johnson In Irving Brant's recent study of the impeachment process by the United States Congress he characterized the Radical Republican attempt to remove Andrew Johnson from the presidency in 1868 as the most insidious assault on constitutional government in the nation's history It was Brant charged carried on in direct violation of the limitations deliberately placed in the Constitution to prevent such a happening If it had ...

"Ohio 'Farmer-Labor' Movement in the 1930s, The," by Hugh T. Lovin. Volume 87, Number 4, Autumn, 1978, pp. 419-437.
... HUGH T HUGH T LOVIN The Ohio Farmer-Labor Movement in the 1930s Throughout the 1930s a generation of American radicals sought unsuccessfully to build a viable third party on the considerable political terrain that lay to the left of the New Deal coalition Their failure in the greatest of all American depressions has long been accounted either a tribute to the resiliency of the two-party system and the political skill of Franklin Roosevelt or a confirmation of the utopian chiliastic character ...

"Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 659-663.
... Annual Meeting of Board of Trustees 659 Annual Meeting of Board of Trustees 659 MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY MUSEUM AND LIBRARY BUILDING COLUMBUS OHIO OCTOBER 8 1927 1100 A M The meeting was called to order by President Johnson There were present Messrs Johnson Thompson Wood Furniss Orton Bareis Laylin Goodman and Florence and Mrs Dryer Trustee Emeritus Prince Secretary Galbreath and Director Mills were also ...

"Salmon P. Chase and the Election of 1860," Volume 39, Number 3, July, 1930, pp. 515-607.
... SALMON P SALMON P CHASE AND THE ELECTION OF 1860 BY DONNAL V SMITH CHAPTER I CHASE IN THE CAMPAIGN OF 1 86 0 I shall ever strive to be first wherever I may be let what success will attend the effort So wrote Salmon P Chase in 1830 then a young attorney practicing with the famous Wirt firm in Washington1 Shortly after he moved to Cincinnati the Queen City of the West there to begin a life of political activity which in a few short years took him through the various changes of the old Whig party ...