Ohio History Journal

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"Report of the Forty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 44, Number 3, July, 1935, pp. 356-396.
... REPORT OF THE FORTY-NINTH ANNUAL MEETING REPORT OF THE FORTY-NINTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY Forenoon Session--10 A M The forty-ninth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was called to order by President Arthur C Johnson Sr on April 23 1935 in the Auditorium of the Museum Eighty-eight members were in attendance MR JOHNSON The minutes of the last Annual Meeting are voluminous and they were published in the QUARTERLY ...

"John W. Bear, 'The Buckeye Blacksmith,'" by Robert Gray Gunderson. Volume 61, Number 3, July, 1952, pp. 262-271.
... JOHN W JOHN W BEAR THE BUCKEYE BLACKSMITH1 by ROBERT GRAY GUNDERSON Associate Professor of Speech Oberlin College On the week end of February 21 1840 twenty-three thousand enthusiastic Whigs crowded into Columbus for the Ohio Whig convention2 A heavy rain drenched the delegates as they milled about seeking quarters in the thriving capital city which that year proudly reported six thousand inhabitants to the bureau of the census The arrangements committee announced that every Whig house in ...

"Dialect Distribution and Settlement Patterns in the Great Lakes Region," by Alva L. Davis. Volume 60, Number 1, January, 1951, pp. 48-56.
... DIALECT DISTRIBUTION AND SETTLEMENT PATTERNS DIALECT DISTRIBUTION AND SETTLEMENT PATTERNS IN THE GREAT LAKES REGION by ALVA L DAVIS Assistant Professor of English Western Reserve University The study of dialect distribution in the eastern United States and in the secondary settlement areas of the Great Lakes Region has now reached a point where it is possible to show some interesting correlations between the linguistic features and the settlement patterns of these regions It is simple perhaps ...

Volume 104, , Summer-Autumn, 1995, pp. 225-239.
... Index Index COMPILED BY LAURA RUSSELL AGRICULTURAL export trade Thomas Kelsey Hardluck Entrepreneur by Daniel Preston 127-141 Akers William J 28 Allen County Memorial Hall Lima Ohio 17 American Pharmaceutical Association 42-84 American Railroad Freight Car From the Wood-Car Era to the Coming of Steel The by John H White Jr rev 201-203 And Gently He Shall Lead Them Robert Parris Moses and Civil Rights in Mississippi by Eric R Burner rev 198-199 Announcement Ohio Medical University 76 ...

"The Hayes Centenary," Volume 31, Number 3, July, 1922, pp. 338-344.
... 338 Ohio Arch 338 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications General J Warren Keifer recently appointed Trustee of the Society and the only living Major General of the Civil War will favor the Society with some very interesting and unrecorded history in an address at this meeting A detailed program will be mailed to the members of the Society THE HAYES CENTENARY The tentative program for the Centenary celebration of the birth of Rutherford B Hayes 1822-1893 the nineteenth President of the United ...

"The Order of the Purple Heart," by Mary McMullin Jones. Volume 52, Number 1, January-March, 1943, pp. 65-71.
... THE ORDER OF THE PURPLE HEART THE ORDER OF THE PURPLE HEART BY MARY MCMULLIN JONES In 1925 the Exeter Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Hampshire published a small book entitled The Order of Military Merit the Honor Badge of the Continental Army In this book is given all that is known about the oldest decoration for valor in existence except the Cross of St George of Russia This brief sketch was compiled with great difficulty as the Book of Merit provided for in General ...

"Politico-Economic Considerations in the Western Reserve's Early Slavery Controversy," by Edward C. Reilley. Volume 52, Number 2, April-June, 1943, pp. 141-157.
... POLITICO-ECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS IN THE POLITICO-ECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS IN THE WESTERN RESERVE'S EARLY SLAVERY CONTROVERSY By EDWARD C REILLEY With the advent of the Panic of 1837 the people of that northeastern section of Ohio known as the Western Reserve seemed for the first time to have suspected that the southern labor system was in some degree responsible for producing their economic woes This viewpoint was but slowly accepted and was not emphasized by its proponents until after the ...

"DOCUMENTARY DATA," Volume 53, Number 4, October-December, 1944, pp. 391-392.
... DOCUMENTARY DATA DOCUMENTARY DATA By BERTHA E JOSEPHSON Contrary to expectations the summer months brought an increase in the activities of this department Not only have the collateral duties of editing been unusually heavy what with the completion of the History of the State of Ohio series the issuing of another volume in the Ohio Historical Collection series and the compilation of a revised list of Publicatio n s in Print and For Sale --all these in addition to the routine editing of Museum ...

"Explorations of the Seip Mound," by William C. Mills. Volume 18, Number 3, July, 1909, pp. 269-321.
... EXPLORATIONS OF THE SEIP MOUND EXPLORATIONS OF THE SEIP MOUND WILLIAM C MILLS The Seip Mound is located within the largest prehistoric earthworks of the Paint Creek Valley known as the Seip Group1 One very large mound and another half its size enclosed with earthworks which form a combination of two circles and a square and five mounds situated outside the earthworks but in close proximity to them constitute the Seip Group This group is located in Paxton Township Ross County about 3 miles east ...

Volume 51, Number 4, October-December, 1942, pp. 259-340.
... OHIO MEDICAL HISTORY 1835-1858 OHIO MEDICAL HISTORY 1835-1858 FURTHER ASPECTS CONTRIBUTION OF OHIO PHYSICIANS TO THE MEXICAN WAR By LEON GOLDMAN MD One of the wars least interesting to and least popular with the people of the United States was of course the Mexican War of 1846 Yet this war should be of some interest to the physician for it was at this time that in spite of great difficulties definite advances were made by medical officers in the army Their conduct in the field went far to ...

"Randall, Archaeologist and Historian," by James E. Campbell. Volume 29, Number 2, April, 1920, pp. 93-96.
... Emilius Oviatt Randall Emilius Oviatt Randall 93 Mr Williams in presenting Gov James E Campbell said Conspicuous as Mr Randall was in many different and varied activities there is one field in particular where he stood pre-eminent and that was the field of archaeology Fine as he was in literary ability he there had his rivals happy as he was as an after-dinner speaker and toastmaster others there ventured to challenge his superiority but in knowledge of the early history of Ohio and of its ...

"The Civil War Lithographs of Alfred Edward Mathews," (Collections and Exhibits) by Elizabeth R. Martin. Volume 72, Number 3, July, 1963, pp. 230-242.
... COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS AND EXHIBITS THE CIVIL WAR LITHOGRAPHS OF ALFRED EDWARD MATHEWS by ELIZABETH R MARTIN THE CIVIL WAR lithographs of the Ohioan THE CIVIL WAR lithographs of the Ohioan Alfred Edward Mathews in the Ohio Historical Society collections are representative of the contribution made by the soldier artist to the pictorial record of the Civil War No war before or since has been so fully portrayed by amateurs and professionals in the art media of its time--oil water color ...

Volume 94, , Winter-Spring, 1985, pp. 82-115.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews A Covenant with Power America and World Orderfrom Wilson to Reagan By Lloyd C Gardner New York Oxford University Press 1984 xv 251p notes note on sources and further reading index 2295 Somehow it seems consistent with the character of this book that the author tells us his purpose at the end rather than the beginning Each chapter is really an 'essay' or think-piece and together they form a cluster around the principal themes of the liberal state its supporters and the ...

"Old Fort Industry," by S. S. Knabenshue. Volume 12, Number 2, April, 1903, pp. 126-127.
... OLD FORT INDUSTRY OLD FORT INDUSTRY BY S S KNABENSHUE Editorial in Toledo Blade January 24 1903E O R Fort Industry existed that is there are men still living who can recall its remains But that is all we know about it In boyhood they saw the clay bluff afterward cut down which occupied the site of the block bounded by Summit Water Monroe and Jefferson streets On its summit some six or eight doors north of Monroe street was an excavation which had apparently been a cellar under a cabin and at ...

"Whitelaw Reid in Columbus," by Edward L. Taylor. Volume 18, Number 4, October, 1909, pp. 513-519.
... WHITELAW REID IN COLUMBUS WHITELAW REID IN COLUMBUS EDWARD L TAYLOR Whitelaw Reid's first experience as a correspondent for a newspaper was in Columbus It began late in April or in May 1861 Before that time he had been for a few years the proprietor and editor of the Xenia Torchlight a paper published weekly at Xenia Ohio In the fall or early winter of 1860 his health not being good he disposed of that paper and went to Minnesota where he spent the winter for his health It is my recollection ...

"Morus Multicaulis, or, Silkworms Must Eat," by Robert Price. Volume 45, Number 3, July, 1936, pp. 265-272.
... MORUS MULTICAULIS OR SILKWORMS MUST EAT MORUS MULTICAULIS OR SILKWORMS MUST EAT By ROBERT PRICE Acres of mulberry trees--multitudes of silkworms--mills booming--a corner on the world's silk market It would be a fantastic dream indeed for an Ohioan today a vision such as this of wealth to be derived from a monopoly on raw silk but in 1836 such hopes were stirring hundreds of people not only in Ohio but throughout the East and South By 1838 at least seven states Massachusetts Pennsylvania ...

"Remarks of James B. Yaw (MacGahan Monument)," Volume 21, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1912, pp. 224-225.
... 224 Ohio Arch 224 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications speaker's stand were also seated Judge M H Donahue of the Ohio Supreme court and Hon Randolph W Walton and Mrs Paul MacGahan The veil which consisted of a Bulgarian and American flag was presented to Dr Bozovosky and Paul MacGahan The detachment of O N G formed a guard of honor about the grave and the famous Seventh regiment band discoursed several appropriate selections REMARKS OF JAMES B YAW J A MacGahan a son of Perry County lies ...

"Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio," by Charles T. Greve. Volume 35, Number 3, July, 1926, pp. 473-481.
... Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial 473 Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial 473 tions in manuscripts newspaper files and local history being especially notable ADDRESS OF CHARLES T GREVE At the conclusion of Mr Cathcart's address which was liberally applauded Professor Siebert introduced Mr Charles T Greve Secretary of the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio and well-known author who spoke as follows Mr Chairman and Our Hosts The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical ...

"Report of the Local Historical Societies," Volume 49, Number 3, July, 1940, pp. 239-241.
... OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 239 OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 239 moved that the members of the Society assembled in annual business meeting memorialize the members of the General Assembly and the members of the Finance Committee in particular to make a more careful study of the needs and requirements of the Society and give the biennial budget presented more adequate consideration and approval The motion was unanimously carried The Nominating Committee unanimously recommended ...

"Grant Tablet Dedication: Address of Governor Andrew L. Harris," Volume 18, Number 3, July, 1909, pp. 380-384.
... GRANT TABLET DEDICATION GRANT TABLET DEDICATION ADDRESS OF GOVERNOR ANDREW L HARRIS At Point Pleasant Ohio the birth place of Ulysses S Grant there was dedicated on Wednesday October 2d 1907 a tablet to the memory of the great general and president Many distinguished citizens participated and of the several speeches that of Governor Harris was especially in sympathy with the occasion-EDITOR On this occasion I am doubly honored It is my privilege to respond to an inspiring address of welcome ...