Ohio History Journal

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"Zachariah T. Smith," Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 492-494.
... 492 Ohio Arch 492 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications ZACHARIAH T SMITH The following article is the expression of respect to the memory of Z T Smith by J L Lewis and published in an Upper Sandusky newspaper Mr Smith was for many years a life member of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society and was potently interested in securing the proper legislation for the appropriation for the erection of a building for the Society's Museum and Library It has oft been said that 'Tis not ...

"Shall the Constitution Be Preserved?," by Robert D. W. Connor. Volume 44, Number 3, July, 1935, pp. 311-325.
... SHALL THE CONSTITUTION BE PRESERVED SHALL THE CONSTITUTION BE PRESERVED1 By ROBERT D W CONNOR When a distinguished Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States not long ago mournfully lamented that the decision of the Court in the Gold Clause Case had destroyed the Constitution of the United States he merely echoed an opinion that has been expressed by dissenting jurists in every generation from the days of John Marshall to those of Charles Evans Hughes In the earlier period it was the ...

"Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, April 4, 1941, 1941," Volume 50, Number 3, July-September, 1941, pp. 230-232.
... MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY APRIL 4 1941 The Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society met at noon Friday April 4 1941 in the Trustees Room of the Ohio State Museum President Johnson presided over the meeting attended by the following trustees Messrs Eagleson Fleischmann Florence Rightmire Spencer Spetnagel Wittke and Wolfe Director Shetrone ...

"Ohio's Unsung Penitentiary Railroad," by Walter Rumsey Marvin. Volume 63, Number 3, July, 1954, pp. 254-269.
... OHIO'S UNSUNG PENITENTIARY RAILROAD OHIO'S UNSUNG PENITENTIARY RAILROAD by WALTER RUMSEY MARVIN Had James Thurber spent his youth in Columbus two generations before he did he would now be regaling us with anecdotes about a curious little railroad operation that enlivened the city for a few years By antiquarians and connoisseurs of the early iron horse it is sometimes whimsically hailed as the first railroad into Columbus a palm that more literal-minded scholars award to the Columbus and Xenia ...

"Nationality Groups in Cleveland Politics," by Wellington G. Fordyce. Volume 46, Number 2, April, 1937, pp. 109-127.
... NATIONALITY GROUPS IN CLEVELAND POLITICS NATIONALITY GROUPS IN CLEVELAND POLITICS By WELLINGTON G FORDYCE The importance of the immigrant in the political life of Cleveland was recognized at an early date both by their own leaders and by native born politicians The foreigner realizes the value of team play and may organize for spoils but he has frequently shown independence and has voted a split ticket With the increase in naturalization which has taken place since the war the foreign vote has ...

"The Department of History and Archaeology in the Ohio Centennial, at Columbus, September 4 to October 19, 1888" by A. A. Graham. Volume 2, Number 4, March, 1889, pp. 541-547.
... THE DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY AND THE DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY In the Ohio Centennial at Columbus September 4 to October 19 1888 THIS department was organized to embody a distinctive feature in the Ohio Centennial i e to exhibit in one place articles illustrative of the growth made in Ohio's history To do this properly it was decided to group all articles into classes regardless of ownership each class typical of a distinct idea This made a collective exhibit and hence all ...

Volume 72, Number 3, July, 1963, pp. 243-256.
... BOOK REVIEWS THE HEARTLAND OHIO INDIANA ILLINOIS By Walter Havighurst Regions of America Series edited by Carl Carmer New York Harper amp Row 1962 xi 400p map illustrations bibliography and index 595 This book portrays and interprets the history achievements and character of the area which became Ohio Indiana and Illinois from the coming of the French to the present Professor Havighurst understands that the area has a favorable location and that it is rich in natural resources He is also aware ...

"History of the Astronomical Pier at Miami University," by Robert White McFarland. Volume 41, Number 2, April, 1932, pp. 321-324.
... PROFESSOR ROBERT WHITE McFARLAND'S PROFESSOR ROBERT WHITE McFARLAND'S HISTORY OF THE ASTRONOMICAL PIER AT MIAMI UNIVERSITY A recent issue of the Alumni News Letter of Miami University published the history of the Astronomical Pier at Miami University Oxford Ohio as it was written by Professor Robert White McFarland with a quill pen in 1904 and sent to Dr Clyde Fisher an alumnus of that institution and now curator of astronomy and visual instruction at the American Museum of Natural History New ...

"Remarks on Address by Dr. Sparks," by T. C. Mendenhall. Volume 32, Number 2, April, 1923, pp. 312-313.
... 312 Ohio Arch 312 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications REMARKS ON ADDRESS OF DR SPARKS BY DR T C MENDENHALL Mr President and Members of the Society I had a story to tell this afternoon but in view of the late hour I have begged the Chairman to let me off As he insists on not doing so I will put off my story for a future day and speak very briefly of a thought that has been in my mind while listening to the extremely interesting paper of Dr Sparks and the very impressive address of General ...

"Explorations of the Seip Group of Pre-Historic Earthworks," Volume 40, Number 3, July, 1931, pp. 343-509.
... EXPLORATIONS OF THE SEIP GROUP OF PREEXPLORATIONS OF THE SEIP GROUP OF PREHISTORIC EARTHWORKS BY HENRY C SHETRONE AND EMERSON F GREENMAN CONTENTS Prefatory Note Introductory The Earthworks in General Structural Aspects of the Central Mound The Primary Mound The Retaining Walls The Floor Crematory Basins Depressions Pits and Post-molds Burial Platforms Burials and Deposits of Major Interest The Great Multiple Burial Burials 2-7 The Burnt Offering The Ceremonial Cache Burials 1 10 1 9 26 28 32 ...

"Some Ohio Aspects of Military Nursing, 1861-1945," by Mary Jane Rodabaugh. Volume 61, Number 4, October, 1952, pp. 339-351.
... SOME OHIO ASPECTS OF MILITARY NURSING 1861-1945 SOME OHIO ASPECTS OF MILITARY NURSING 1861-1945 by MARY JANE RODABAUGH Managing Editor Ohio Nurses Review The history of modern nursing in the United States has its beginnings in the Civil War At the outbreak of the Civil War there was no group of trained nurses in the United States but after the first battles the demand for nursing service became imperative Secretary of War Cameron appointed Dorothea Lynde Dix-already well known for her work as ...

"The First Constitution: What Influenced its Adoption and its Influence on Ohio," Volume 12, Number 1, January, 1903, pp. 11-23.
... Centennial Celebration Centennial Celebration 11 The court house square was soon covered with stone and lumber for the present building but the corner stone was not laid until July 12th 1855 when the Hon Thomas Scott and myself had the honor of delivering addresses on the occasion from a point where the northeast pillar of the portico now stands Such was my personal connection with the building on whose frontage we have this day placed a tablet commemorating 'The site on which stood the first ...

"Introduction," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 32, Number 1, January, 1923, pp. 1-6.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS INTRODUCTION A wide interest attaches to everything that is said or written of Abraham Lincoln Ohioans will be pleased to review the authentic historic record that links his name and fame with the Buckeye state The monograph on the following pages presents for the first time in chronological order Lincoln's contact with Ohio and the relation of our state and its prominent public men to the crisis through which our Nation passed in the Civil ...

"Dr. James H. Salisbury and the Salisbury Diet," by Clyde L. Cummer. Volume 59, Number 4, October, 1950, pp. 352-370.
... DR DR JAMES H SALISBURY AND THE SALISBURY DIET by CLYDE L CUMMER MD The life of James H Salisbury should be of interest to the historically minded for three reasons The first and least is that he devised and popularized a dietary regimen still remembered almost half a century after his death The second is that he was a pioneer exponent of the germ theory of disease and carried out laborious and painstaking investigations The third and tragic one is that had he persisted in his researches for ...

"Some 'Memoranda of the Locust Season in Ohio 1855,'" edited by Rendell Rhoades. Volume 70, Number 2, April, 1961, pp. 152-156.
... Some Memoranda of the Locust Some Memoranda of the Locust Season in Ohio 1855 Edited by RENDELL RHOADES THE FIRST CHATTEL I ever remember buying at a public sale was a bushel of books This was in August 1931 at the John L West farm about three miles north of Hillsboro in Highland County Ohio The lot consisted of such choice items as a history of the modern world up to 1828 a volume of funereal poetry a running account of Greek mythology and an old-fashioned bound copybook containing a few ...

"Study of the Oklahoma Eccentric Flints, A," by H. Holmes Ellis. Volume 49, Number 2, April April, 1940, pp. 121-127.
... A STUDY OF THE OKLAHOMA ECCENTRIC FLINTS A STUDY OF THE OKLAHOMA ECCENTRIC FLINTS By H HOLMES ELLIS Since March 1936 when they were first called to the attention of the general public7 the Oklahoma eccentric flints have presented a puzzling archaeological phenomenon Dr Forrest E Clements1 collaborating with Mr Alfred Reed Jr wrote the only satisfactory account of the find and the circumstances surrounding it but due to lack of time and facilities he was unable to carry out a detailed analysis ...

"'Quiet Independence': The Western Vision of the Ohio Company, A," by Andrew R. L. Cayton. Volume 90, Number 1, Winter, 1981, pp. 5-32.
... ANDREW R ANDREW R L CAYTON A Quiet Independence The Western Vision of the Ohio Company Speculative schemes and idealistic visions merged in postRevolutionary America to produce many new towns in the rapidly expanding Northwest Territory A group of New England veterans of the American Revolution organized as the Ohio Company of Associates established the first such community on April 7 1788 at the confluence of the Ohio and Muskingum rivers some 200 miles downstream from Pittsburgh They called ...

"Prospectus for a History of the State of Ohio," Volume 47, Number 3, July, 1938, pp. 249-259.
... PROSPECTUS FOR A HISTORY OF THE STATE OF PROSPECTUS FOR A HISTORY OF THE STATE OF OHIO CARL WITTKE Edit o rin -C h ief EDITORIAL COMMITTEE HARLOW LINDLEY C hairm an CARL W I TTKE WILLIAM T UTTER An Announcement Ohio has been strangely backward in the preservation of her historical material and in the writing of her history With the exception of Roseboom and Weisenburger's History of Ohio published in 1934 there is not a single history of the state which meets the standards of scientific and ...

"General Benjamin Rush Cowen," Volume 18, Number 2, April, 1909, pp. 149-156.
... GENERAL BENJAMIN RUSH COWEN GENERAL BENJAMIN RUSH COWEN W H MACKOY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW CINCINNATI The death of General Benjamin Rush Cowen January 29 190 8 at his home in Cincinnati removed one who during the eventful and critical period beginning with the nomination of General Fremont for the Presidency in 1856 and ending with the inauguration of President Hayes in 1877 was a prominent actor in the affairs of his party his state and the United States and whose public services entitle him to high ...

"General Mason and his Letter On Railroads," by B. F. Prince. Volume 17, Number 3, July, 1908, pp. 254-258.
... GENERAL MASON AND HIS LETTER ON RAILROADS GENERAL MASON AND HIS LETTER ON RAILROADS B F PRINCE Almost every community of considerable size and age has furnished one or more characters who have been prominent for a life and acts that were for the good of that special locality and often for the state or nation at large One who stood in this threefold relation was Hon Samson Mason of Springfield Ohio Mr Mason was born in the state of New York in 1793 He attended the public schools of the day ...