Ohio History Journal

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Volume 69, Number 2, April, 1960, pp. 183-187.
... Historical News Historical News THE ELEUTHERIAN MILLS-HAGLEY FOUNDATION in c ooperation with the University of Delaware is again offering two fellowships in American history and museum training The fellowships carry an annual stipend of 1800 renewable for the second year and lead to a master's degree The fourteenth annual spring exhibition at the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio The Turn of the Century Cincinnati from 1890 to 1910 will be held from April 22 through June 26 Leslie H ...

"Samuel Finley Vinton," by Madelene Vinton Dahlgren. Volume 4, Annual, January, 1896, pp. 231-262.
... Samuel Finley Vinton Samuel Finley Vinton 231 SAMUEL FINLEY VINTON BY MADELENE VINTON DAHLGREN It was peculiarly characteristic of the patriotic unselfishness that was the dominating principle of the public career of Samuel F Vinton that he never paused while laboring with unremitting zeal for his country to prepare any journal or written notes of any kind that might assist the biographer to give the story of his own life Unaided therefore by that light which he himself could best have thrown ...

"Ohio Banking Institutions, 1803-1866," by A. B. Coover. Volume 21, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1912, pp. 296-320.
... OHIO BANKING INSTITUTIONS 1803 TO 1866 OHIO BANKING INSTITUTIONS 1803 TO 1866 BY A B COOVER A bank as we understand and use the word is simply a plan of organizing capital by which the full benefits of the latter are secured The separate means of individuals are united together and a large sum thus constituted is hired out at interest to those who need it This combination and the manner of its use may be compared to a dam across a valley and the accumulation in one body the water of separate ...

"Address of Hon. D. K. Watson (Laying Corner Stone of The Society's Building)," Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 428-431.
... 428 Ohio Arch 428 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications wigwam dared to be raised upon its soil on account of danger of some enemy A little later the Algonquin as well as the Iroquois returned to this country in small tribes and grew but there was another enemy rising up against them the English and the French particularly the English For about twenty years they struggled for the occupation of this territory and the English finally succeeded but the Indian was determined to hold it and ...

"The Civil War Lithographs of Alfred Edward Mathews," (Collections and Exhibits) by Elizabeth R. Martin. Volume 72, Number 3, July, 1963, pp. 230-242.
... COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS AND EXHIBITS THE CIVIL WAR LITHOGRAPHS OF ALFRED EDWARD MATHEWS by ELIZABETH R MARTIN THE CIVIL WAR lithographs of the Ohioan THE CIVIL WAR lithographs of the Ohioan Alfred Edward Mathews in the Ohio Historical Society collections are representative of the contribution made by the soldier artist to the pictorial record of the Civil War No war before or since has been so fully portrayed by amateurs and professionals in the art media of its time--oil water color ...

"Truth about Cincinnati's First Library, The," by Dorothy V. Martin. Volume 53, Number 3, July-September, 1944, pp. 193-208.
... THE TRUTH ABOUT CINCINNATI'S FIRST LIBRARY THE TRUTH ABOUT CINCINNATI'S FIRST LIBRARY By DOROTHY V MARTIN This essay proposes to lay a ghost--not a very important one but in its day its brief day a ghost that aroused partisans and parties and involved men in high places It is the ghost of Cincinnati's first library We might doubt that it ever existed even as a mere proposition outside of legend except for three meager records which have managed to survive for more than a century Two of these ...

"Washington Gladden and the Labor Question," by John L. Shover. Volume 68, Number 4, October, 1959, pp. 335-352.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 68 NUMBER 4 OCTOBER 1959 Washington Gladden and The Labor Question By JOHN L SHOVER WHEN THE REV WASHINGTON GLADDEN of Springfield Massachusetts published a book called Working People and Their Employers in 1876 he was invading a controversial field considered the domain only of opportunists like Ben Butler or radicals like Wendell Phillips In a day when influential religious periodicals could label organized laborers ...

"The Coffin of Edwin Coppock," by Thomas C. Mendenhall. Volume 30, Number 4, October, 1921, pp. 452-456.
... THE COFFIN OF EDWIN COPPOCK THE COFFIN OF EDWIN COPPOCK BY THOMAS C MENDENHALL There has recently been added to the collection of John Brown relics in the museum of The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society another concerning which I have been requested to tell the following story On the morning of the tenth of April 1865 I left my room which was over the Farmers' National Bank on Main Street Salem Ohio intending to proceed to the High School in which I was a teacher But I did not ...

Volume 67, Number 2, April, 1958, pp. 158-187.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Adena People No 2 By William S Webb and Raymond S Baby with chapters by Charles E Snow and Robert M Goslin Columbus Ohio State University Press for the Ohio Historical Society 1957 xi123p illustrations map chart tables bibliography and index Paper 300 This attractive well organized and well executed volume summarizes the current views of the authors concerning the Adena people and their culture in the Ohio Valley Data from forty-nine new Adena sites for the most ...

"Legislature of the Northwestern Territory, 1795," Volume 30, Number 1, January, 1921, pp. 13-53.
... LEGISLATURE OF THE NORTHWESTERN LEGISLATURE OF THE NORTHWESTERN TERRITORY 1795 The legislative authority in the territory of the United States northwest of the Ohio was vested in the governor and judges of that territory by the Ordinance of 1787 The minutes of the meeting of the Legislature held in Cincinnati in the summer of 1795 have been preserved in the Centinel of the Northwestern Territory where they were published in that year Only one copy of the file of this paper containing these ...

"Unveiling Greenville Tablet," Volume 15, Number 4, October, 1906, pp. 499-503.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA FORT STEPHENSON CELEBRATON August 2d 1906 was the ninety-third anniversary of the gallant defense of Fort Stephenson the site of which is now the center of the attractive and enterprising city of Fremont The heroic and unparalleled holding of the little stockade fort by Major George Croghan on August 2d 1813 against some two thousand British troops under General Proctor and an equal number of Indian braves under Chief Tecumseh is one of the most memorable events not ...

"History of the Democratic Party Organization in the Northwest, 1824-1840," Volume 24, Number 1, January, 1915, pp. 1-120.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS HISTORY OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY ORAGNIZATION IN THE NORTHWEST 1824-184 0 BY HOMER J WEBSTER PH D Department of History University of Pittsburgh NOTE In the preparation of this work the writer has received very helpful suggestions from Professor Frederic L Paxson of the University of Wisconsin while in every part of the work he has received invaluable assistance from his wife-Edith Francisco Webster To both of these he desires to express here ...

"Immigrant Institutions in Cleveland," by Wellington G. Fordyce. Volume 47, Number 2, April, 1938, pp. 87-103.
... IMMIGRANT INSTITUTIONS IN CLEVELAND IMMIGRANT INSTITUTIONS IN CLEVELAND By WELLINGTON G FORDYCE The immigrant's church has been the strongest single force in preserving his racial solidarity Like the Pilgrim fathers the immigrants brought with them their Bibles hymn books clergy and churches These churches were strongly attached to the homeland depending upon it for literature and clergy Political and social antagonisms have been aroused among native Americans and the immigrant's religious ...

"OHS Committee Report: Ash Cave," Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 585-586.
... Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting 585 Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting 585 umes of which was completed some time ago is still passing through the press As originally planned this work was to have been completed in four volumes When the fourth volume was in type it was found that enough manuscript remained for a fifth volume This we learn from the printer is in type awaiting the index to the entire work Increased appropriations for the Publications of the Society were allowed by the last General Assembly ...

"The Akron Centennial: July 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 1925," by Edwin W. Brouse. Volume 34, Number 4, October, 1925, pp. 522-547.
... THE AKRON CENTENNIAL THE AKRON CENTENNIAL JUL Y 1 8 19 20 21 22 23 1925 BY EDWIN W BROUSE The plans for the Centennial found their first public expression in the appointment of an executive committee of seven men and women by Mayor D C Rybolt The Mayor was selected chairman of this committee This Committee spent much time in constructive work both in formulating plans and in digesting the multifarious suggestions which were offered to them As a result of this preliminary work two additional ...

"Address of Hon. Charles W. Fairbanks" (Croghan Celebration) Volume 16, Number 1, January, 1907, pp. 27-30.
... The Croghan Celebration The Croghan Celebration 27 ADDRESS OF HON CHARLES W FAIRBANKS VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES I am gratified indeed to be present and participate with you for a brief while upon this historic occasion I have not come to make a formal speech nor did I come to make you a speech at all According to the programme I am to indulge only in a few remarks What I shall say to you shall be born of the moment I have brought with me no well-turned phrases I have come simply to ...

"John W. Bricker Reflects Upon the Fight for the Bricker Amendment," Volume 87, Number 3, Summer, 1978, pp. 322-333.
... edited by edited by MARVIN R ZAHNISER John W Bricker Reflects Upon the Fight for the Bricker Amendment John W Bricker long a prominent name in the politics of Ohio and the United States will forever be known to students of American history as the author of a proposed amendment to the Constitution1 Popularly called the Bricker Amendment this Senate Joint Resolution was first introduced on September 14 1951 as Senate Joint Resolution 102 Following extensive consultation Senate hearings and much ...

"William Medill's War with the Indian Traders, 1847," by Robert A. Trennert, Jr.. Volume 82, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter-Spring, 1973, pp. 46-62.
... ROBERT A ROBERT A TRENNERT JR William Medill's War with the Indian Traders 1847 William Medill's tenure as Commissioner of Indian Affairs in the Polk administration came at the critical time of continental expansion which resulted in forceful removal of the Indian from lands desired by white settlers Soon after he took office Medill attempted to make some basic reforms in policy governing relations with the Indians One of the most controversial aspects of his reforming activities as ...

"Attempts to Preserve National Cultures in Cleveland," Volume 49, Number 2, April, 1940, pp. 128-149.
... ATTEMPTS TO PRESERVE NATIONAL CULTURES ATTEMPTS TO PRESERVE NATIONAL CULTURES IN CLEVELAND By WELLINGTON G FORDYCE Historically the social activities of the foreign born in Cleveland present a somewhat confused picture Certain of their activities represent an attempt to preserve their native culture Some of these have the active support of native Americans for the purpose of exploiting the wealth of culture represented in the various nationality groups in the city A second purpose of this ...

"Index to Minutes of Thirty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Society," Volume 30, Binding Supplement, , , pp. 571-573.
... INDEX TO MINUTES OF THE THIRTY-SIXTH ANNUAL INDEX TO MINUTES OF THE THIRTY-SIXTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SOCIETY Adkins C L presentation of model of Crabbe C C author of bill providing Civil War steamboat by 521 for publication of Diaries and Letters Alexander Mrs T B 502 of Rutherford B Hayes 504 Archaeological collections and specimens Curry W L 503 report of committee presented to the Society 519-520 on Fort Laurens by 532-533 Bareis George F 503 presides at Darby Franklin H 534 meeting of ...