Ohio History Journal

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"Homeopathy and Sexual Equality: The Controversy Over Coeducation at Cincinnati's Pulte College, 1873-1879," by William Barlow and David O. Powell. Volume 90, Number 2, Spring, 1981, pp. 101-113.
... WILLIAM BARLOW AND DAVID 0 WILLIAM BARLOW AND DAVID 0 POWELL Homeopathy and Sexual Equality The Controversy Over Coeducation at Cincinnati's Pulte Medical College 1873-1879 The number of women physicians in the United States increased dramatically during the late nineteenth century From a mere 200 or less in 1860 their ranks swelled to over 7000 by 19001 In Ohio the number of female doctors grew from 42 to 451 in the last three decades of the century2 Although reliable statistics are not ...

"Exploration of the Tremper Mound," by William C. Mills. Volume 25, Number 3, July, 1916, pp. 263-398.
... EXPLORATION OF THE TREMPER MOUND EXPLORATION OF THE TREMPER MOUND WILLIAM C MILLS The Tremper mound is situated five miles north of the city of Portsmouth on the west side of the Scioto river in Rush township Scioto county Ohio The land upon which it is located is a part of the estate of Senator William D Tremper Portsmouth which consists of more than seven hundred acres of the rich bottom lands at the confluence of the Pond creek and Scioto valleys The immediate site of the mound is a level ...

"America's First Woman Mayor," by Alfred Hewetson Mitchell. Volume 53, Number 1, January-March, 1944, pp. 52-54.
... AMERICA'S FIRST WOMAN MAYOR AMERICA'S FIRST WOMAN MAYOR BY ALFRED HEWETSON MITCHELL A native of Ohio who became America's first woman mayor has been honored at Argonia Kansas by a plaque which was erected through the efforts of Kansas club women and dedicated on November 10 1933 Kansas believes in flowers for the living so this plaque was unveiled in the presence of Mrs Susanna M Salter the Ohio-born woman who had made history at the age of twenty-seven when she was elected mayor of Argonia in ...

Volume 67, Number 1, January, 1958, pp. 68-94.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Financing Unemployment Compensation Ohio's Experience By Edison L Bowers Paul G Craig and William Papier Bureau of Business Research Monograph Number 89 Columbus Ohio State University College of Commerce and Administration 1957 xx 314p bibliography 400 An important function of state government in the industrialized society of our day is the organization and administration of an effective system of unemployment compensation Ohio which is well on the way to becoming the ...

"Brand Whitlock and the City Beautiful Movement in Toledo, Ohio," by Shirley Leckie. Volume 91, , Annual, 1982, pp. 5-36.
... SHIRLEY LECKIE SHIRLEY LECKIE Brand Whitlock and the City Beautiful Movement in Toledo Ohio We are hearing much of the city beautiful in these days wrote Brand Whitlock in 1912 Hardly a city or a town that has not its commission and its plans for a unified treatment of its parks for a civic center of some sort-in a word its dream To Whitlock who had recently appointed a second Toledo City Hall and Civic Center Commission these were the expression of that divine craving in mankind for harmony ...

"The Ohio Delegation at the National Republican Convention of 1888," Volume 56, Number 3, July, 1947, pp. 228-241.
... THE OHIO DELEGATION AT THE THE OHIO DELEGATION AT THE NATIONAL REPUBLICAN CONVENTION OF 1888 by EVERETT WALTERS Instructor Department of History Ohio State University When Governor Joseph Benson Foraker of Ohio arrived at Chicago on June 16 1888 to attend the National Republican Convention he found his fellow delegates in confusion Despite the Ohio delegation's commitment to Senator John Sherman by the state convention of 1887 there was evidence that certain delegates might break their pledge ...

"Origin of the Phase, 'Keep the Ball Rolling,'" by Thomas J. Brown. Volume 14, Number 4, October, 1905, pp. 444-445.
... 444 Ohio Arch 444 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Again page 279 The French settlers did not locate at the mouth of the Scioto but at Gallipolis See Laws of the U S Vol 2 page 503 On page 276 it is stated that Mount Logan is on Paint Creek Mount Logan is on the east side of the Scioto nearly two miles northeast of the Court House in Chillicothe and is miles away from Paint Creek which is west of the Scioto Page 286 College Hill is named from two colleges College Corner with similar ...

"Cincinnati Through English Spectacles: A British Diplomat's Confidential View in 1945," Volume 81, Number 4, Autumn, 1972, pp. 279-291.
... edited by edited by THOMAS E HACHEY Cincinnati Through English Spectacles A British Diplomat's Confidential View in 1945 In the months immediately following the Second World War British consuls stationed throughout the United States forwarded to the London Foreign Office a substantial number of telegrams memoranda and dispatches regarding the climate of American opinion toward England What Winston Churchill had called the Grand Alliance seemed in the judgment of many of these diplomats to be ...

"Study of the Oklahoma Eccentric Flints, A," by H. Holmes Ellis. Volume 49, Number 2, April April, 1940, pp. 121-127.
... A STUDY OF THE OKLAHOMA ECCENTRIC FLINTS A STUDY OF THE OKLAHOMA ECCENTRIC FLINTS By H HOLMES ELLIS Since March 1936 when they were first called to the attention of the general public7 the Oklahoma eccentric flints have presented a puzzling archaeological phenomenon Dr Forrest E Clements1 collaborating with Mr Alfred Reed Jr wrote the only satisfactory account of the find and the circumstances surrounding it but due to lack of time and facilities he was unable to carry out a detailed analysis ...

"Mark Hanna's Goal: American Harmony," by Gerald W. Wolff. Volume 79, Numbers 3 & 4, Summer-Autumn, 1970, pp. 138-151.
... GERALD W GERALD W WOLFF Mark Hanna's Goal American Harmony 'A man who won't meet his men half-way is a G d fool' declared Mark Hanna one day in 1894 He was referring to the Pullman strike and the fact that troops had been sent to end it That terse profane comment tells a great deal about Hanna He was above all else a pragmatist with a canny ability to successfully adjust to changing conditions Twenty years previously when his coal mines were struck troops had been brought in--with disastrous ...

Volume 35, Binding Supplement, , 1926, pp. 671-688.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV Aboriginal Pottery of the Eastern United 33 111 Imitation bear teeth Mound States 1 26 25 77 92 94 General 154 156 158Abraham Lincoln The Prairie Years 1 62 Beaver teeth Mound 25 80 434 Fossil teeth Mound 1 17 Jaws 163Adena culture 553 164 Mound 25 76 Panther teeth Adornment Objects of personal 149-189 Mound 25 76 82 92 Raccoon teeth Altars 22 footnote Mound 4 34 154 Mound 25 68 154 American Anthropologist 7 Shark teeth Mound 1 18 Wild cat American ...

Volume 68, Number 3, July, 1959, pp. 307-333.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews American Minds A History of Ideas By Stow Persons New York Henry Holt and Company 1958 xii467p suggestions for further reading and index 750 Here is a book with which all who are interested in American social and intellectual history should be acquainted It is designed partly as a text and partly as an interpretive essay a duality which since Parrington has become almost standard practice witness the work of Curti Gabriel and Schneider As the most recent effort to ...

"A Survey of Publications on the History and Archaeology of Ohio, 1969-1970," Volume 78, Number 4, Autumn, 1969, pp. 288-296.
... compiled by compiled by HELEN M THURSTON A Survey of Publications on the History and Archaeology of Ohio 1969-1970 ARCHAEOLOGY BRITT CLAUDE JR The Hopkins Sites Multi-Component Sites in Miami County Ohio Ohio Archaeologist XVIII October 1968 124-128 GOODMAN KENNETH C A Proposed Standard for Denoting Loci of Features and Artifacts in Archaeological Explorations and Excavations Ohio Archaeologist XVIII October 1968 134-135 HOFFMAN MICHAEL Archaeological Surveys in the Central Ohio River Valley ...

"A Cleveland Drug Store of 1835," by Howard Dittrick. Volume 55, Number 4, October-December, 1946, pp. 338-345.
... A CLEVELAND DRUG STORE OF 1835 A CLEVELAND DRUG STORE OF 1835 by HOWARD DITTRICK MD Editorial Director the Cleveland Clinic Cleveland This presentation outlines many activities of an early Cleveland druggist with some mention of contemporary patrons and customs The information is based upon a manuscript volume which was presented recently to the Howard Dittrick Museum of Historical Medicine in the Cleveland Medical Library Written in long hand the book deals with drugs medicine and a number of ...

"Thomas Corwin and the Sectional Crisis," by Norman A. Graebner. Volume 86, Number 4, Autumn, 1977, pp. 229-247.
... NORMAN A NORMAN A GRAEBNER Thomas Corwin and the Sectional Crisis Thomas Corwin viewed the sectional crisis of 1860 with consternation but scarcely with surprise For a dozen years this conservative Ohio politician had warned Americans that the sectional struggle over slavery in the territories would one day propel the nation into a bloody civil war In his dramatic speech to the Senate of February 11 1847 he had predicted that the annexation of Mexican territory would unleash sectional forces ...

Volume 70, Number 2, April, 1961, pp. 161-187.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Charles Summer and the Coming of the Civil War By David Donald New York Alfred A Knopf 1960 xvii392xxiv p illustrations bibliography and index 675 The War for the Union By Allan Nevins Volume II War Becomes Revolution New York Charles Scribner's Sons 1960 xiv557p illustrations maps bibliography appendices and index 750 Charles Sumner played a prominent role in the Civil War era as an abolitionist senator from Massachusetts before the war as chairman of the committee ...

"Statue of the Prehistoric Basket Weaver," Volume 38, Number 3, July, 1929, pp. 567-569.
... Minutes of the Annual Meeting 567 Minutes of the Annual Meeting 567 of the earth my people urged me to make four requests-First that the flame of their fireplace may not sway to and fro sickness Second that their weapon may be sharpened on both sides Success in war Legends say that there was once a race that had a sharp bony structure growing out on both sides of their forearms for use in war Third that the number of days I left behind me may be proportionately divided among my relatives ...

Volume 95, , Summer-Autumn, 1986, pp. 137-160.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Organized for Prohibition A New History of the Anti-Saloon League By K Austin Kerr New Haven Yale University Press 1985 xvii 293p illustrations notes note on sources index 2500 The vineyards of temperance history have been well worked Since its organized beginnings in the 1820s temperance reform has appealed to countless thousands of Americans old and young female and male wealthy and poor liberal and conservative Consequently the movement has had a diversity a ...

"General Edward Orton, Jr.," Volume 35, Number 4, October, 1926, pp. 656-661.
... 656 Ohio Arch 656 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications tees to go forward with the completion of this building and it has been decided to ask the Legislature at its next session for an appropriation sufficient to carry out that policy That having been decided the next step in the project is to prepare a tentative plan upon which to base estimates in asking for the necessary appropriation General Orton having done such a remarkable piece of work for this organization as Chairman of the ...

"Address of Congressman Overmyer (Dedication of Hayes Memorial)," Volume 25, Number 4, October, 1916, pp. 460-462.
... 460 Ohio Arch 460 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications technic Institute the Brooklyn Institute the Missouri Historical Society the Florida State Museum the president of Tufts College the National Society of D A R etc ADDRESS OF CONGRESSMAN OVERMYER Congressman A W Overmyer of the 13th Ohio District who came from Washington D C expressly to take part in the dedicatory exercises then delivered the following address Fortunate indeed are all of us who have been permitted to witness this ...