... Minutes of the Meeting Minutes of the Meeting Of the Ohio Academy of History Columbus April 14 1956 The Ohio Academy of History held its spring meeting at the Ohio State Museum on Saturday April 14 1956 The morning session devoted to American history was conducted by Clarence P Gould of Youngstown College George W Knepper of the University of Akron presented a paper entitled Policemen or Protectors The British Standing Army in America 1760-1768 and Virginia B Platt of Bowling Green State ...
... Editorialana Editorialana 1 23 ALFRED R M cI NTIRE Hon Alfred R McIntire died on Monday September 21 1903 near Jewelsburg Colorado while a passenger upon a train from Emmett Idaho to his home at Mt Vernon He was born July 14 1840 on a farm near Mt Hope Holmes county Ohio and at the age of fourteen removed with his parents to Knox county and settled upon a farm near Fredericktown His ancestors on both the paternal and maternal sides were Irish His grandfathers emigrated to America and his ...
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The National Historical Publications and Records Commission is pleased to announce that The Ohio Historical Society is one of more than 10000 institutions and organizations throughout the country participating in the production of a Directory of Repositories of Historical Records The guide which will provide summary information on historical records of all types in as many repositories as possible is expected to include many more institutions than any prior ...
... Garfield and Hayes Political Leaders of the Gilded Age by ALLAN PESKIN They are linked together in the public mind Garfield and Hayes along with Grant Arthur and Harrison--bearded Presidents for a Gilded Age To Thomas Wolfe They were the lost Americans their gravely vacant and bewhiskered faces mixed melted swam together Which had the whiskers which t il e burnsides which w as wh ich 1 Others besides Wolfe have had difficulty in sorting out the men from behind their beards Garfield and Hayes ...
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Baseball The Early Years By Harold Seymour New York Oxford University Press 1960 viii373p illustrations bibliographical note and index 750 The author of this important volume started as a bat boy with the Brooklyn Dodgers earned a PhD in history at Cornell and now is an associate professor in a New York college He knows and loves his baseball and he knows his American history and so he has given us what is without question the best book on the subject In the present ...
... ROGER D ROGER D BRIDGES John Sherman and the Impeachment of Andrew Johnson In Irving Brant's recent study of the impeachment process by the United States Congress he characterized the Radical Republican attempt to remove Andrew Johnson from the presidency in 1868 as the most insidious assault on constitutional government in the nation's history It was Brant charged carried on in direct violation of the limitations deliberately placed in the Constitution to prevent such a happening If it had ...
... THE STRATEGIC BACKGROUND OF THE THE STRATEGIC BACKGROUND OF THE NORTHERN SOLOMONS CAMPAIGN by JOHN MILLER Assistant Chief Pacific Unit Historical Division Department of the Army Behind nearly every military operation of the second World War lay months of careful planning In the South Pacific for example the preparations for the seizure of New Georgia a battle in which Ohio's 37th Division distinguished itself occupied the planning staffs of several army and navy headquarters for six months The ...
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Detroit's First American Decade 1796-1805 By F Clever Bald University of Michigan Publications History and Political Science Vol XVI Ann Arbor Mich University of Michigan Press 1948 276p including bibliographical essay and index 450 This is far more than a study of a few neglected years in the early history of a great metropolis interesting only to the local pride school of history enthusiasts the zealous antiquarians and the patient genealogists Here is local history ...
... Editorialana Editorialana 337 OHIO SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION On Saturday April 18 1903 the Ohio Society Sons of the American Revolution held its annual meeting at the Great Southern Hotel Columbus Ohio There was a goodly attendance of members from various parts of the state The usual reports of officers and committees were heard and in the afternoon the election of officers occurred resulting in the following President Colonel James Kilbourne Columbus Vice-Presidents Isaac F Mack ...
... THOMAS BUCHANAN READ AND THE CIVIL WAR THOMAS BUCHANAN READ AND THE CIVIL WAR The Story of Sheridan's Ride by HARVEY S FORD Head Librarian TOLEDO BLADE The phenomenal popularity of Sheridan's Ride lasted a long time Few poems have taken such a hold on the American people nor have there been many so well liked It is true that its popularity today is not what it once was and Sheridan's Ride does not appear as often as it used to in the textbooks for high school literature courses No longer is it ...
... PROFESSOR EDWARD ORTON PROFESSOR EDWARD ORTON 1829-1899 A MEMORIAL ADDRESS BY WASHINGTON GLADDEN The genealogical history of The Orton Family in America a book of which Dr Edward Orton was the author begins with this paragraph The surname ORTON is neither a common nor an unusual one It is a name that could be heard without surprise in any community of English descent It occurs in the directories of many cities of the country and can probably be found in many towns of the United States that ...
... 586 Ohio Arch 586 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications REPORT OF THE SECRETARY The Secretary submitted the following reports of officers and committees The past year has been one of unusual activity in every department of the work of the Society Evidence of this fact is detailed in the reports of the officers and committees herewith submitted It is hoped that the members of the Society will read at least once each of these reports They exhibit generous and devoted effort and substantial ...
... Dedication of the Hayes Memorial Dedication of the Hayes Memorial 4 39 ask each and every one of you to register here on this consecrated spot a solemn vow to preserve this nation forever and forever to the American - peaceably if we can forcibly if we must but for America America forever and forever Mr Charles R Williams of Princeton biographer of Rutherford Birchard Hayes then delivered the following address ADDRESS OF CHARLES R WILLIAMS We are met today to signalize the formal dedication of ...
... 284 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY 284 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY but it has been customary to present these memorials at the time of the Annual Meeting as well This committee with Dr George W Rightmire as chairman assisted by Mr Freeman T Eagleson prepared the following memorial IN MEMORIAM LOWRY FRANCIS SATER TRUSTEE OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY Lowry Francis Sater was born on June 15 1867 near what is now New Baltimore Butler County ...
... STEVEN P STEVEN P GIETSCHIER The 1951 Speaker's Rule at Ohio State Like many public institutions of higher learning The Ohio State University's support for the principles of academic freedom has often been limited by the political and social views of those who have shaped its destiny Because of the university's location in the state capital and certainly because of its dependence upon a penurious General Assembly for funding Ohio State has over the years generally reflected its origins as a ...
... Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical Association Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical Association 16 1 commemorated in our own beautiful memorial building holding his library and numerous family relics while his remains with those of his wife lie beneath the family monument on the beautiful knoll in Spiegel Grove which is approached only by traversing the original Harrison trail of the war of 1812 As coworkers in this field of historic investigation we welcome you to our capital and lay open ...
... 228 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY 228 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY in Europe and we are becoming politically alive in every direction that there exists as never before the possibility of cultivating such a higher form of political science and history This new political science will not aim primarily at dictating political decisions but prepare the ground for such decisions it will reveal and illuminate combinations in the realm of politics and history which ...
... 212 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY 212 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY stalled Lithic Laboratory and assisted generally in routine duties in the Museum The Department of Natural History completed the rearrangement of the bird and mammal study collections conducted work on a series of distribution maps on orthoptera and Ohio mammals collected more than 10000 specimens of Ohio insects received numerous accessions of birds mammals reptiles amphibia and insects from ...
... 432 Ohio Arch 432 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications blood in his veins Senator Curtis of Kansas also points with pride to his Indian ancestry HISTORIC MEDALLIONS The Greenville Advocate of February 22 contains an extended article by Mr George A Katzenberger announcing the moving of the Second National Bank of Greenville to its new building on the 24th of that month The new home of the bank has appropriate medallions prints of which were distributed on post cards These are described in ...
... Editorialana Editorialana 22 3 longer contemplate buying that property as it had been purchased by Mr A M Woolson who they were glad to learn proposed to preserve the landmark and it was understood would set off a portion to the Daughters of the American Revolution There was also some discussion concerning the proposition that the association acquire possession of the old court house at Maumee which building is located on the spot of the famous Dudley massacre The court house would be a most ...