Ohio History Journal

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"The Legal Requirements for Medical Practice-An Attempt to Regulate by Law and the Purpose Behind the Movement," Volume 48, Number 3, July, 1939, pp. 181-188.
... THE PIONEER PHYSICIANS OF OHIO THE PIONEER PHYSICIANS OF OHIO THEIR LIVES AND THEIR CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE STATE 1788-1835 THE LEGAL REQUIREMENTS FOR MEDICAL PRACTICE--AN ATTEMPT TO REGULATE BY LAW AND THE PURPOSE BEHIND THE MOVEMENT By DONALD D SHIRA AB MD In discussing the legal requirements for medical practice during the period from the first official settlement of the Northwest Territory to the repeal of all laws designed to regulate the practice of physic and surgery in ...

"A History of Public Archaeology in Ohio," Volume 98, , Summer-Autumn, 1989, pp. 101-130.
... P P NICK KARDULIAS A History of Public Archaeology in Ohio Introduction The Ohio Historical Society OHS marked its 100th anniversary in 1985 During the century of its existence this organization has served as the steward of public archaeology in the state Therefore now is an appropriate time to review the development of archaeological concerns in Ohio by outlining the major accomplishments and deficiencies of the OHS and other institutions in carrying out their role as caretakers of Ohio's ...

"Rare Manuscripts Added," Volume 40, Number 3, July, 1931, pp. 542-548.
... 542 Ohio Arch 542 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Mr Simpson has had three able assistants physically strong and industrious who have done much of the heavy work involved in moving the newspaper files and keeping them in order with no expense to the Society except that in furnishing to each of these workers one meal a day He has gotten along harmoniously and pleasantly with these assistants and from this source has succeeded in getting a service that would have cost the Society ...

"The 1802 Constitutional Convention and Status of the Negro," Volume 81, Number 1, Winter, 1972, pp. 15-37.
... HELEN M HELEN M THURSTON The 1802 Constitutional Convention and Status of the Negro What does the 1802 Ohio constitution say regarding freedom suffrage and citizen rights for negroes and mulattoes1 How were decisions made at the constitutional convention Who were the decision-makers Since even today confusion exists in historical studies on these questions it is hoped that answers in some degree can be obtained from a vote by vote study of the eight major motions concerning the negro that were ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 102, , Winter-Spring, 1993, pp. 35-39.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Spring Meeting of the Ohio Academy of History will be held Friday and Saturday 23-24 April 1993 at Wittenberg University The Oral History Association will hold its 1993 Annual Meeting on November 4-7 1993 at the Birmingham Raddison Hotel in Birmingham Alabama For more information write to Kim Lacy Rogers Department of History Dickinson College Carlisle Pennsylvania 17013-2896 The Forest History Society announces the availability of Alfred D Bell Jr ...

"The Ohio Road Experiment, 1913-1916," by Wayne E. Fuller. Volume 74, Number 1, Winter, 1965, pp. 13-28, notes 70-71.
... THE OHIO ROAD EXPERIMENT 1913-1916 by WAYNE E FULLER In December 1914 the Signal a Zanesville Ohio newspaper carried a story captioned Jacob Johnson of the West Pike Died Thursday The story was interesting not because Jacob Johnson was renowned but because he was at the time of his death eighty-seven years old and had lived his entire life west of Zanesville near the famous highway which the American people knew as the old National Road but which the people of Zanesville called the West Pike ...

"Address of C. L. Martzolff" (Big Bottom Monument) Volume 15, Number 1, January, 1906, pp. 17-21.
... Big Bottom and Its History Big Bottom and Its History 17 ADDRESS OF C L MARTZOLFF It is said that a minister's text is but a peg upon which to hang his sermon If I were a minister the peg upon which I would hang this speech would be found among the jewels of the wonderful mines of King Solomon - The Book of Proverbs Remove not the ancient landmark which thy fathers have set Man has ever been a monument builder When the Israelites fought with the hosts of Amalek when the hands of Moses were ...

"Warren King Moorehead," Volume 48, Number 1, January, 1939, pp. 83-84.
... WARREN KING MOOREHEAD WARREN KING MOOREHEAD Warren King Moorehead noted archaeologist and director of the Department of American Archaeology of Phillips Academy Andover Massachusetts for thirty-one years died in the Massachusetts General Hospital Thursday January 5 1939 Dr Moorehead who had retired from Phillips Academy in June 1938 was taken ill while on a European tour and had been in poor health following his return Dr Moorehead was a life member of the Ohio State Archaeological and ...

Volume 58, Number 4, October, 1949, pp. 476-486.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Joseph Benson Foraker An Uncompromising Republican By Everett Walters Ohio Governors Series I Columbus Ohio History Press Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society 1948 xiii 315p illustrations bibliography and index 350 Ohio during the closing decades of the turbulent nineteenth century was in many ways the hub of national politics The state had produced a simply amazing number of legislative giants and private individuals who knew how to stand quietly in ...

"Dentistry and Dental Education," Volume 49, Number 4, October, 1940, pp. 386-397.
... DENTISTRY AND DENTAL EDUCATION DENTISTRY AND DENTAL EDUCATION By EDWARD C MILLS D D S F A C D To obtain a true concept of dentistry and dental education during the period under consideration it is necessary to present a general summary of previous conditions and of the qualifications activities and contributions of some of the pioneers in dentistry which ultimately developed into the present system of dental education The course of empire has ever been westward--and this truism may apply in ...

"Ohio's Monument to General Anthony Wayne Unveiled: Address of H. Ross Ake," Volume 38, Number 4, October, 1929, pp. 596-598 .
... 596 Ohio Arch 596 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications for regret nor yet a wrongful act although the methods employed were not always beyond reproach It was not in the scheme of things that such a vast and fertile country should remain the abode of a handful of savages -- perhaps never more than 50000 in number the advance of civilization demanded the change and the Indian gave way to civilization and today But he was an Ohioan just the same who lived loved fought and died on Ohio soil ...

"James Edwin Campbell: In Memoriam," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 34, Number 1, Janaury, 1925, pp. 2-28.
... JAMES EDWIN CAMPBELL JAMES EDWIN CAMPBELL IN MEMORIAM BY C B GALBREATH James Edwin Campbell is dead in his 81st year His sudden death is a great shock to this community and fills our hearts with profound sorrow He had just returned home from a testimonial dinner to former Federal Judge John E Sater When the dinner was over he chatted with old friends I'll live to be a hundred he remarked as he smiled and talked with them One hour later he was stricken His two daughters and his son Andrew O ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 31, Number 1, January, 1922, pp. 98-104.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR HISTORY OF THREE HUNDRED AND TWENTYSECOND FIELD ARTILLERY AND SKETCH OF ITS COLONEL History of the 322nd Field Artillery Yale University Press New Haven The Society is under obligations to Colonel A B Warfield who commanded the 322nd Field Artillery of the National Army in the World War made up almost entirely of Ohio troops The frontispiece of this interesting and ...

"Rufus Putnam House at the Campus Martius Museum, The," (Collections and Exhibits) by Daniel R. Porter. Volume 73, Number 3, Summer, 1964, pp. 183-187.
... COLLECTIONS AND EXHIBITS the RUFUS PUTNAM HOUSE at the Campus Martius Museum by DANIEL R PORTER THE RUFUS PUTNAM house at the Campus Martius Museum State Memorial is the most outstanding architectural combination of New England tradition and frontier necessity preserved in Ohio today The house exemplifies as well the military and domestic challenges which faced the pioneers who established Marietta the first authorized United States settlement in the Old Northwest It was natural that New ...

"What Mark Hanna Said to Attorney General Watson," by Thomas E. Felt. Volume 72, Number 4, October, 1963, pp. 293-302, notes 344.
... You have been in politics long enough to know that no man in public office owes the public anything In these or closely similar words Mark Hanna is alleged to have advised the attorney general of Ohio in 1890 to drop an antitrust suit against the Standard Oil Company Historians looking for a succinct illustration of how the late nineteenth century's robber barons and their vassals operated in the political field have found the alleged remark invaluable It first did duty in the Democratic ...

"James M. Ashley and the Presidential Election of 1856," by Robert F. Horowitz. Volume 83, Number 1, Winter, 1974, pp. 4-16.
... ROBERT F ROBERT F HOROWITZ James M Ashley and the Presidential Election of 1856 When the name James M Ashley of Toledo Ohio is mentioned one usually thinks of the vindictive impeacher of President Andrew Johnson but Ashley's contributions to the history of mid-nineteenth century America transcend this one event This becomes evident from studying his activities in connection with the 1856 presidential election Ashley played a prominent part in establishing the machinery for a national ...

"Kossuth Before Ohio Legislature," Volume 12, Number 2, April, 1903, pp. 114-119.
... KOSSUTH BEFORE OHIO LEGISLATURE KOSSUTH BEFORE OHIO LEGISLATURE Copy of an address delivered before the General Assembly of Ohio February 6 1852 by Louis Kossuth the Hungarian Patriot His appearance before the Assembly was by invitation and after its delivery a Committee was appointed to wait upon him and procure the manuscript of the address This was secured with the autograph of Kossuth and is now preserved in the State Library This publication is made from the original manuscript-E O R MR ...

"Celebration at Campus Martius," Volume 37, Number 3, July, 1928, pp. 598-604.
... 598 Ohio Arch 598 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Zane by W O McCluskey Unveiling of Monument by Mrs Catherine Long granddaughter of Elizabeth Zane followed by addresses by Howard F Sedgwick and Major H A Dargue both of Washington D C The program concluded with the singing of America CELEBRATION AT CAMPUS MARTIUS In 1917 the General Assembly of Ohio passed an act authorizing the purchase from Miss Minerva Tupper Nye of the portion of the old Campus Martius site in Marietta on which the ...

"Inequality Amidst Abundance: Land Ownership in Early Nineteenth Century Ohio," Volume 88, Number 2, Spring, 1979, pp. 133-151.
... LEE SOLTOW LEE SOLTOW Inequality Amidst Abundance Land Ownership in Early Nineteenth Century Ohio As the great trans-Appalachian West opened to settlement in the years after the founding of the Republic Americans saw in the virtually unlimited lands of the interior the promise of a prosperous citizenry and a healthy body politic Most believed that those rights declared self-evident in the ringing words of the Declaration of Independence must be firmly grounded in a social fabric characterized ...

"Robert Hamilton Bishop, Pioneer Educator," Volume 44, Number 1, January, 1935, pp. 92-102.
... ROBERT HAMILTON BISHOP1 ROBERT HAMILTON BISHOP1 PIONEER EDUCATOR By JAMES H RODABAUGH One hundred and twenty-five years ago in 1809 the Legislature of the State of Ohio granted the charter which led to the organization of Miami University at Oxford Ohio This institution was built on lands granted in trust by the Federal Government to the State of Ohio for use primarily by the inhabitants of the John Cleves Symmes' Purchase For fifteen years after its founding Miami University remained ...