Ohio History Journal

Full Text Results For crawford

"Ohio's Best: The Mobilization of the Fourth Infantry, Ohio National Guard, in 1917," by David G. Thompson. Volume 101, , Winter-Spring, 1992, pp. 37-53.
... DAVID G DAVID G THOMPSON Ohio's Best The Mobilization of the Fourth Infantry Ohio National Guard in 1917 In World War I the United States created and sent to France a massive army which effectively turned the tide of the conflict against Germany Although the American forces were built up from an indispensable cadre of Regular US Army troops and professional officers the National Guard also played an important part Two of the first four American divisions to reach France in 1917 and eventually ...

"History of Auglaize County," Volume 15, Number 3, July, 1906, pp. 394-395.
... 394 Ohio Arch 394 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications productive but Fact as related to this venture may well congratulate itself that here the richest of soil only awaits cultivation The Ohio Magazine will endeavor to afford the people of this state a monthly medium for their enlightenment and entertainment with the aid of the pen brush and camera It will try to stand for Ohio character and represent what is best in Ohio manhood and womanhood It will seek a special sphere in which it ...

Volume 71, Number 2, July, 1962, pp. 164-192.
... BOOK REVIEWS SCHLIEMANN IN INDIANAPOLIS Edited by Eli Lilly Indianapolis Indiana Historical Society 1961 ix95p illustrations appendix and index 500 Heinrich Schliemann is known to all lovers of ancient Greece for his excavations of the site of ancient Troy and for other diggings which established his reputation as the first modern archaeologist Relatively few however know of his visits to the United States and his sojourn in Indianapolis The latter is the main theme of the diary and letters ...

"Ohio Magazine, The," Volume 15, Number 3, July, 1906, pp. 393-394.
... Editorialana Editorialana 393 left little or nothing to be desired in the treatment of his subject To the presentation of his facts he gives logical organization and from the results draws a judicial and convincing conclusion After a painstaking minute and unprejudiced investigation the author sums up the evidence -in his chapter on the Legal Aspects and the Equities - and elicits the verdict that the seating of Mr Hayes was a justifiable compromise of a doubtful perversion of political rights ...

"Library of an Early Ohio Farmer, The," by Robert H. Irrmann. Volume 57, Number 2, April, 1948, pp. 185-193.
... THE LIBRARY OF AN EARLY OHIO FARMER THE LIBRARY OF AN EARLY OHIO FARMER by ROBERT H IRRMANN Assistant Professor of History and Government Denison University Though not among the founding fathers of Blendon Township in Franklin County Gideon W Hart is noted by William Martin one of the county's early historians as among those who subsequently settled there after the initial waves of migration in 1806 and 1808 Born in Hartford Connecticut on July 16 1785 Hart first came to Franklin County in ...

"To Raise Perry's Flagship 'Niagara,'" Volume 14, Number 2, April, 1905, pp. 223.
... Editorialana Editorialana 22 3 longer contemplate buying that property as it had been purchased by Mr A M Woolson who they were glad to learn proposed to preserve the landmark and it was understood would set off a portion to the Daughters of the American Revolution There was also some discussion concerning the proposition that the association acquire possession of the old court house at Maumee which building is located on the spot of the famous Dudley massacre The court house would be a most ...

"Ohio Army Chaplains and the Professionalization of Military Chaplaincy in the Civil War," by Richard M. Budd. Volume 102, , Winter-Spring, 1993, pp. 5-19.
... RICHARD M RICHARD M BUDD Ohio Army Chaplains and the Professionalization of Military Chaplaincy in the Civil War While the study of military chaplains is fascinating if only because of the apparent incongruity of peacemakers serving in an institution of warmakers military chaplaincy during the American Civil War is of particular interest because of the insight it offers into the development of the office of chaplain While chaplains had been appointed by Congress as far back as 1775 their role ...

"David Zeisberger," by John Greenfield. Volume 18, Number 2, April, 1909, pp. 189-198.
... DAVID ZEISBERGER DAVID ZEISBERGER REV JOHN GREENFIELD Memorial delivered Sunday Nov 15 1908 in Nazareth Pa That ye be not slothful but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promisesHebrews 612 Our congregation celebrates today a threefold festival We commemorate first of all the powerful experience made by our Fathers November 13 1741 that Jesus Christ is the Chief Shepherd and Head of the Church We celebrate in the second place our annual congregation festival for it ...

Volume 72, Number 1, January, 1963, pp. 69-82.
... BOOK REVIEWS THE WESTERN JOURNALS OF JOHN MAY OHIO COMPANY AGENT AND BUSINESS ADVENTURER Edited and with an Introduction by Dwight L Smith Cincinnati Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio 1961 xii 176p illustrations bibliography and index 550 John May Boston merchant and Revolutionary War officer was one of the leaders of the Ohio Company of Associates which settled Marietta In 1788 he rode west to the new country on Ohio Company business and in 1789 he returned to the upper Ohio Valley ...

"John H. Klippart, Secretary of the Ohio State Board of Agriculture, 1856-1878," by John F. Cunningham. Volume 61, Number 1, January, 1952, pp. 51-63.
... JOHN H JOHN H KLIPPART SECRETARY OF THE OHIO STATE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE 1856-1878 by JOHN F CUNNINGHAM Dean Emeritus College of Agriculture Ohio State University When a man devotes his abilities and his energy and his vision to developing something that is of fundamental interest to all the people and does such an outstanding job that he wins the hearty acclaim and the profound respect of his generation and when the results of his work become so much a part of our daily living that we regard ...

Volume 39, Binding Supplement, , 1930, pp. 855-871.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX Abbott Lyman 612 Ball Flamen 542 596 772 Abolition in Ohio 727 762-764 Ball Mary 668 Adair --- --- 692 Ball Sarah 668 Adams Fort See Fort Adams Banks General Nathaniel P 571 578 Ake H Ross 21 31 Barbee General --- --- 48 50 Akron Ohio 504 Barefoot Charles R 21 32 Akron Law 97-98 176-186 384 Barnes Rev Charles E 611 Allen Governor Cyrus M 792 Barney Hiram supports Chase 521 527 Alum Creek Friends' Settlement 479-502 575 urges Chase for Cabinet ...

Volume 72, Number 2, April, 1963, pp. 155-166.
... BOOK REVIEWS INDEPENDENT HISTORICAL SOCIETIES AN ENQUIRY INTO THEIR RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION FUNCTIONS AND THEIR FINANCIAL FUTURE B y W alter Muir Whitehill Boston The Boston Athenaeum 1962 Distributed by Harvard University Press xviii593p index 1250 For some years now historical-society journals one after another have been undergoing a transformation of format style and content into imitation popular magazines declared the New-York Historical Society annual report for 1961 Ohioans concerned ...

"The Accomplishments and Future Program of the Ohio Historical Records Survey Project," Volume 50, Number 3, July-September, 1941, pp. 277-292.
... THE ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND FUTURE PROGRAM THE ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND FUTURE PROGRAM OF THE OHIO HISTORICAL RECORDS SURVEY PROJECT By JAMES H RODABAUG H Beginnings The Ohio Historical Records Survey Project began operations in February 1936 It was organized and operated by the supervisors of the Writers' Project until November 1936 when it became an independent part of Federal Project No 1 In September 1939 Congress abolished the Federal projects after which the Ohio survey was established as a State ...

"Partisanship in the Ohio House of Representatives, 1900-1911: An Analysis of Roll-Call Voting," Volume 106, , Summer-Autumn, 1997, pp. 146-170.
... JOHN M JOHN M WEGNER Partisanship in the Ohio House of Representatives 1900-1911 An Analysis of Roll-Call Voting Students of legislative behavior have long had a penchant for examining the workings of the United States Congress foreign parliaments and other national assemblies They have paid less attention to state legislatures Despite a growing interest in subnational legislative bodies research on state legislatures is still in its infancy1 Lack of attention by historians to this area of ...

"Address of Ivor Hughes (Dedication of Hayes Memorial)," Volume 25, Number 4, October, 1916, pp. 425-431.
... Dedication of the Hayes Memorial Dedication of the Hayes Memorial 425 instructed in the orderly management of public business All are on their best behavior a fraternal friendship is cultivated virtuous and temperate habits are encouraged and the best of our social instincts are called into play The festive organizations convivial clubs and the like are not safe places of resort for all natures No man can be worse for the associations of Odd Fellowship and their kindred organizations Most men ...

"Ohio Academy of History Sessions, April 7, 12:30 P.M., Deshler-Wallick Hotel; 2:30 P.M., Ohio State Museum Auditorium, A. Sellew Roberts, Presiding," Volume 48, Number 2, April, 1939, pp. 126-127.
... 126 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY 126 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY during the past year Mr Johnson President Mr Eagleson First VicePresident Mr Lindley Secretary and Mr Miller Treasurer be reelected for the coming year and that the secretary be instructed to cast the ballot for their re-election This motion seconded by Mr Spetnagel was unanimously approved Mr Johnson asked that the secretary draft letters to the two retiring members of the Board of Trustees Mr ...

Volume 58, Number 2, April, 1949, pp. 240-244.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Detroit's First American Decade 1796-1805 By F Clever Bald University of Michigan Publications History and Political Science Vol XVI Ann Arbor Mich University of Michigan Press 1948 276p including bibliographical essay and index 450 This is far more than a study of a few neglected years in the early history of a great metropolis interesting only to the local pride school of history enthusiasts the zealous antiquarians and the patient genealogists Here is local history ...

Volume 105, , Winter-Spring, 1996, pp. 94-115.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Indiana History A Book of Readings Compiled and edited by Ralph D Gray Bloomington Indiana University Press 1995 xiv 442p index 3995 cloth 2295 paper None of the states of the Old Northwest has more persistently embodied the Midwestern middle-class ideal of small towns and commercial agriculture than Indiana Unlike Ohio Illinois Michigan or Wisconsin Indiana did not develop a huge industrial center No Chicago Cleveland Milwaukee Detroit or Cincinnati emerged in the ...

"William Davis Gallagher," by W. H. Venable. Volume 2, Number 2, September, 1888, pp. 309-326.
... WILLIAM DAVIS GALLAGHER WILLIAM DAVIS GALLAGHER Concluded from Volume I Page 375 The new literary comet thus announced was pathetic repetition still another Literary Journal and Monthly Review edited by L A Hine and referred to by him some years later as my first literary wreck It was published at Nashville Tennessee and conducted nominally by E Z C JudsonNed Buntline In those years of prosperity and constant pen-wielding Mr Gallagher's muse was liberal Then it was that the poet caring more ...

Volume 93, , Summer-Autumn, 1984, pp. 185-205.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Dangerous Relations The Soviet Union in World Politics 1970-1982 By Adam B Ulam New York Oxford University Press 1983 vi 325p notes index 2500 In a recent study of American diplomatic historiography Jerald Combs had some difficulty deciding if Adam Ulam had revisionist leanings or belonged firmly to the orthodox camp No such doubts could follow from Ulam's most recent study a continuation chronologically of his Expansion and Coexistence and the Rivals Ulam sees a ...