Ohio History Journal

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"Local History in Our Public Schools," Volume 18, Number 4, October, 1909, pp. 422-431.
... 422 Ohio Arch 422 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications FOURTH SESSION At the Saturday morning meeting President Randall turned the program over to Prof F P Goodwin of Woodward High School Cincinnati who conducted the meeting in the interest of teachers of history After some preliminary remarks regarding the value of local history as illustrative of national movements and of methods designed to utilize it in this way Mr Goodwin introduced the chief speaker of the morning Prof Arthur W Dunn ...

Volume 66, Number 4, October, 1957, pp. 418-421.
... Historical News Historical News Virginius C Hall director of the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio since 1945 died in Cincinnati on June 8 1957 after a brief illness Mr Hall a native of North Carolina and a graduate of Trinity College Duke University came to Cincinnati in 1923 where he engaged in the advertising business and later in stockbroking until 1934 In that year he joined the faculty of the Cincinnati Country Day School and then in 1942 became a master in the French ...

Volume 57, Number 3, July, 1948, pp. 323-328.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Missie An Historical Biography of Annie Oakley By Annie Fern Swartwout Blanchester Ohio 1947 298p illustrations Cloth 350 This little volume written by a niece of Annie Oakley has all the thrills but none of the fiction of the paper-back success stories which for many years have fascinated the American reading public The author against a background of local environment traces the life and activities of America's most famous markswoman Annie Oakley Phoebe Ann Moses the ...

"Doings of the Executive Committee," Volume 15, Number 3, July, 1906, pp. 386-390.
... 386 Ohio Arch 386 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications who with two sons now grown to manhood Philip C and Wm J survive the decease of husband and father His demise was universally and sincerely mourned by his fellow-citizens for he had done much for the commercial and intellectual advancement of Chillicothe Ohio's honored first capital His funeral was attended by all classes of citizens and he was buried on Friday morning June 22 in the beautiful little cemetery upon the hill where lie the ...

"Index to 'History of Ohio Indians,'" Volume 27, Number 4, October, 1918, pp. 580-602.
... 580 Index 580 Index PART i 1 l History of Ohio Indians A Arizofia Cliff Dwellers in 290 293 InAdams county prehistoric earthworks in dian tribes in 299 471 508 Arkansas Indians built mounds in 503 Adena Mound Socie-ty explores 466 culArmstrong Col John expedition against ture of builders 467 471 472 485 Indians 1756 337 496-498 Articles of Confederation North West Agriculture prehistoric 482 Territory organized under 410 Alabama Tecumseh visits Creeks in Ashland county earthworks in 471 435 ...

"Thomas Ewing, Sr.: Ohio's Advocate for a National Bank," by Abby L. Gilbert. Volume 82, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter-Spring, 1973, pp. 4-24.
... ABBY L ABBY L GILBERT Thomas Ewing Sr Ohio's Advocate for a National Bank Thomas Ewing Sr lawyer Ohio Senator and Cabinet officer who asserted we must have a National Bank and Abbott Lawrence Massachusetts industrialist politician statesman and philanthropist who firmly believed the currency of this wide extended country never could be properly regulated without some great central controlling power over the State banks were very influential in the attempt to charter a third national bank in ...

"Ohio's Only Witchcraft Case," by Albert Douglas. Volume 33, Number 1, January, 1924, pp. 205-214.
... OHIO'S ONLY WITCHCRAFT CASE OHIO'S ONLY WITCHCRAFT CASE BY ALBERT DOUGLAS The following report of a quaint and amusing case tried some one hundred years ago in Gallia County was originally published in the Scioto Gazette of Chillicothe The young lawyers who opposed one another in the trial afterwards became distinguished in the legal and political annals of Ohio Samuel F Vinton the then Prosecuting Attorney of Gallia County was born of Revolutionary stock at Lynn Massachusetts September 25 ...

"Address of E. O. Randall" (Big Bottom Monument) Volume 15, Number 1, January, 1906, pp. 21-26.
... Big Bottom and Its History Big Bottom and Its History 21 the rocky fortresses of the Appalachians Puritan and Cavalier looked down together upon the fair valley of the Ohio To them it was as the revelation to the prophet on Pisgah - the Promised Land They were permitted to enter But to hold it they fought with stubborn tenacity Every foot was contested But forward went this army across the prairies of Indiana and Illinois until the smoke curled from the settler's cabin on the banks of the ...

"Abstract of the Sermon on 'The Presbyterians of Ohio'," by Sylvester F. Scovel. Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 211-220.
... The Presbyterians of Ohio The Presbyterians of Ohio 211 ABSTRACT OF THE SERMON ON THE PRESBYTERIANS OF OHIO BY REV SYLVESTER F SCOVEL PRESIDENT OF WOOSTER UNIVERSITY WOOSTER OHIO PREACHED IN THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Christian is a cosmopolitan Every land is his fatherland since God is his father So every Christian is brother to all other Christians Yet we may have a just concern which shall be special for our country and our church We have a century of Presbyterian experience behind ...

"Development of Nursing in Ohio," by Anne L. Austin. Volume 50, Number 4, October-December, 1941, pp. 351-365.
... DEVELOPMENT OF NURSING IN OHIO DEVELOPMENT OF NURSING IN OHIO By ANNE L AUSTIN RN The Period of Unorganized Development Early Backgrounds The early backgrounds of nursing history in Ohio are in the realm of the unknown If one is to judge how nursing was done from the time of the Indian tribes to that of the first records one must assume that the history followed a similar development here as elsewhere It is known that the Eries the Shawnees the Wyandots and the Delawares were the chief tribes ...

"Address of W. H. Hunter" (Big Bottom Monument) Volume 15, Number 1, January, 1906, pp. 29-30.
... Big Bottom and Its History Big Bottom and Its History 29 we consider that but for this custom and the preservation of these monuments and tablets much that we now recognize and accept as historic truths would have been lost to us and all future generations it is matter of earnest congratulation upon our part that this monument which we are met here to-day to dedicate has been donated to and has been formally accepted by the Archaeological and Historical Society of Ohio For we feel and know ...

"Temperance, Benevolence, and the City: The Cleveland Non-Partisan Woman's Christian Temperance Union, 1874-1900," by Marian J. Morton. Volume 91, , Annual, 1982, pp. 58-73.
... MARIAN J MARIAN J MORTON Temperance Benevolence and the City The Cleveland Non-Partisan Woman's Christian Temperance Union 1874-1900 Here they come now fifty redoubtable and respectable women prayer books in one hand and umbrellas in the others for it looks like rain on this March morning of 1874 in Cleveland Ohio They are striding vigorously down Euclid Avenue headed for the several saloons on Public Square which they intend to close down with their hymns and fervent prayers They are the ...

"Story of the Firelands," Volume 14, Number 1, January, 1905, pp. 98.
... 98 Ohio Arch 98 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications STORY OF THE FIRELANDS The following interesting account of the Firelands is taken from the West Liberty Banner Unnumbered native Ohioans not to speak of hundreds of thousands of residents of the state from foreign lands and other states of the union must have wondered why a fertile and productive tract in northern Ohio a district which in no way hints of the ravages of fire should be called the Firelands Among all the vicissitudes of ...

"Chase and the Governorship: A Stepping Stone to the Presidency," by Frederick J. Blue. Volume 90, Number 3, Summer, 1981, pp. 197-220.
... FREDERICK J FREDERICK J BLUE Chase and the Governorship A Stepping Stone to the Presidency In January of 1854 Senator Salmon P Chase of Ohio wrote what he would soon refer to as the most valuable of my works1 The Appeal of the Independent Democrats helped to set in motion a series of events that led to the formation of the Republican party It also played a major role in Chase's own career as the new party soon offered him its nomination for Governor of Ohio For Chase however election as ...

Volume 56, Number 4, October, 1947, pp. 451-457.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Jonathan Draws the Long Bow By Richard M Dorson Cambridge Mass Harvard University Press 1946 274p 450 This reviewer used to enjoy the old story told in Licking County of how a remarkable providence once saved a sleepy pioneer resident of Granville from drowning in the rampaging waters of Raccoon Creek The villager drove into town late one pitchdark stormy night and did not learn until the next day that the planking of the bridge he crossed had been washed away by the ...

Volume 67, Number 1, January, 1958, pp. 68-94.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Financing Unemployment Compensation Ohio's Experience By Edison L Bowers Paul G Craig and William Papier Bureau of Business Research Monograph Number 89 Columbus Ohio State University College of Commerce and Administration 1957 xx 314p bibliography 400 An important function of state government in the industrialized society of our day is the organization and administration of an effective system of unemployment compensation Ohio which is well on the way to becoming the ...

Volume 77, Number 4, Autumn, 1968, pp. 164a-170a.
... 164 OHIO HISTORY 164 OHIO HISTORY A key maneuver in Hayes's attempt to implement his Southern policy was the appointment of Frederick Douglass as Marshal of the District of Columbia--a move which seems to have reconciled both white and black to the Hayes administration82 Hayes himself chose to look upon the appointment of Douglass as symbolic of an intention to upgrade the Negro in the eyes of the nation83 Douglass caused quite a stir after a bare month in office when he made a speech in ...

"Ohio in the Presidential Election of 1824," Volume 26, Number 2, April, 1917, pp. 153-224.
... OHIO IN THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 1824 OHIO IN THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 1824 INTRODUCTORY NOTE The characterization of the period of Monroe's presidency as the Era of Good Feeling has done much to obscure the true nature of the decade 1815-1825 It has been rather generally thought of as a period in which the Jeffersonian Republican party so completely dominated that the rival presidential candidates of 1 824 represented substantially the same principles and policies Recent scholarship ...

"William T. Sherman and the Conservative Critique of Radical Reconstruction," by George C. Rable. Volume 93, , Summer-Autumn, 1984, pp. 147-163.
... GEORGE C GEORGE C RABLE William T Sherman and the Conservative Critique of Radical Reconstruction Paradoxes abound The avenging angel of the Union whose army made not only Georgia but the Carolinas howl became the generous conciliator after Appomattox The insecure general who loathed partisan machination was sucked into the maelstrom of Washington politics The arch-enemy of the Confederacy turned into the friend of his fallen foes A superb subject for psychological analysis William Tecumseh ...

"The Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society Annual Reports," Volume 52, Number 3, July-September, 1943, pp. 205-216.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL REPORTS Due to the fact that the annual meetings of the various Ohio educational conferences usually held the first week in April and the meetings of the Columbus Genealogical Society and the Committee on Medical History and Archives were not held this year the annual History Conference was cancelled for 1943 and arrangements were made only for the annual business meeting of the Society scheduled ...