Ohio History Journal

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"Report of the Committee on Serpent Mound," Volume 35, Number 1, January, 1926, pp. 260-261.
... 260 Ohio Arch 260 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications believing that the people should be accommodated The well is not quite finished The number of people who visit the fort on the Sabbath day runs from 1500 to 2000 Even on last Sabbath dark and gloomy and rainy there were one hundred automobiles present perhaps with five hundred people Our Society must take care of them in the best possible way The present graveled road was built about twenty-five years ago when only poky horses drawing ...

"Minutes of the Ohio Academy of History, Columbus, Ohio , April 13, 1954," Volume 63, Number 3, July, 1954, pp. 283-287.
... MINUTES OF MINUTES OF THE OHIO ACADEMY OF HISTORY Columbus Ohio April 3 1954 The Ohio Academy of History held its annual spring meeting at Columbus April 3 1954 Registration was followed at 10 A M by two concurrent sessions at the Ohio State Museum At one with Robert Hilliard of Ohio Northern University as chairman James H Rodabaugh of the Ohio Historical Society presented a paper on Opportunities for Writing and Research in Ohio History Comments were made by Randolph C Downes of the ...

"Robert C. Schenck and the Emma Mine Affair," Volume 68, Number 2, April, 1959, pp. 141-160.
... Robert C Schenck and Robert C Schenck and The Emma Mine Affair By CLARK C SPENCE THE PLAYER WITH A WORTHLESS HAND had generally better begin by 'raising' when he goes in or else nobody will be likely to believe in his pretended strong hand Thus wrote Robert C Schenck celebrated author of Draw-poker in 18801 Schenck was of course referring to the game on which he was the country's foremost expert but this statement might also have been applied to another area within the field of his ...

"Richland County Historical Society," Volume 16, Number 4, October, 1907, pp. 505-508.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA RICHLAND COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY The ninth annual meeting of the Richland County Historical Society was held in Mansfield Wednesday June 26 1907 Preliminary to the business session a procession was formed in front of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Memorial building and marched to the court house lawn where a short patriotic service was held at the Block-house from the flag staff of which a beautiful flag floated gracefully in the breeze The meeting was called to order ...

"Pre-Historic Earthworks of Richland County," by A. J. Baughman. Volume 10, Number 1, July, 1901, pp. 67-71.
... PRE-HISTORIC EARTHWORKS OF RICHLAND PRE-HISTORIC EARTHWORKS OF RICHLAND COUNTY BY A J BAUGHMAN Secretary Richland County Historical Society Here stand mounds erected by a race Unknown in history or in poets' songs In our own county we see evidences of a pre-historic people whose origin and fate are unknown We know of them only by the monuments they reared in the form of earth-works and as these principally are mounds we call the people who made them Mound Builders The term is not a ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 85, Number 3, Summer, 1976, pp. 263-264.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Rutherford B Hayes Library announced that it will publish a comprehensive microfilm edition of The Papers of Rutherford B Hayes A printed guide will accompany the microfilm edition The edition will include Hayes' genealogical records diaries commonplace books correspondence presidential records Civil War records business papers speeches notes vetoes executive orders and miscellaneous items For further information write to Thomas A Smith Manuscripts ...

"Elias Loomis and the Loomis Observatory," Volume 69, Number 2, April, 1960, pp. 157-170.
... Elias Loomis and the Loomis Observatory Elias Loomis and the Loomis Observatory By BONNIE S STADELMAN ON APRIL 14 1836 the trustees of Western Reserve College in Hudson Ohio made some very significant decisions Their meeting opened with prayer as usual and eventually the discussion turned to the vacancy in the mathematics and natural philosophy department The Rev Jarvis Gregg had been filling this position but he was appointed to the chair of sacred rhetoric making it necessary to appoint a ...

"Ohio's German-Language Press and the Peace Negotiations," by Carl Wittke. Volume 29, Number 1, January, 1920, pp. 49-79.
... OHIO'S GERMAN-LANGUAGE PRESS AND THE PEACE OHIO'S GERMAN-LANGUAGE PRESS AND THE PEACE NEGOTIATIONS BY CARL WITTKE Instructor in American History Ohio State University Long before the conclusion of the armistice all of Ohio's German-language newspapers that had survived the trials and stress of the first years of the war had completed their strategic retreat from a position of open pro-Germanism to one of unswerving loyalty to the cause of America At the beginning of the war it was perhaps to ...

"John A. Bingham," by J. B. Foraker. Volume 10, Number 3, January, 1902, pp. 331-351.
... John A John A Bingham 331 JOHN A BINGHAM ADDRESS OF HON J B FORAKER ON THE OCCASION OF THE UNVEILING OF MONUMENT IN HONOR OF HON JOHN A BINGHAM AT CADIZ OHIO OCTOBER 5 1901 Mr Chairman and Fellow Cit izen s The private life and character of John A Bingham were the special possessions of this community You were his neighbors and friends He came and went in your midst You were in daily contact with him You knew him under all the varying circumstances of his long and eventful career You saw him ...

Volume 69, Number 3, July, 1960, pp. 298-325.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews In the Name of the People Speeches and Writings of Lincoln and Douglas in the Ohio Campaign of 1859 Edited by Harry V Jaffa and Robert W Johannsen Columbus Ohio State University Press for the Ohio Historical Society 1959 xii307p 500 The historically minded are having a field day in these years of the 1950's and 1960's in constant centennial celebration of the events connected with the Civil War Real contributions to the literature of history are emerging which will be ...

"The Separatist Society of Zoar. An Experiment in Communism-From its Commencement to its Conclusion," by E. O. Randall. Volume 8, Number 1, July, 1899, pp. 1-105.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS THE SEPARATIST SOCIETY OF ZOAR AN EXPERIMENT IN COMMUNISM -FROM ITS COMMENCEMENT TO ITS CONCLUSION BY E O RANDALL LL M SECRETARY OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY It is somewhat singular if indeed not really significant that just at this time while the views of Edward Bellamy1 are attracting world-wide attention and receiving an enthusiastic acceptance almost startling in its extent one of the most complete and perhaps most ...

Volume 103, , Summer-Autumn, 1994, pp. 202-221.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Scott Nearing An Intellectual Biography By John A Saltmarsh Philadelphia Temple University Press 1991 xii 337p illustrations notes manuscript sources bibliography index 3995 Loving and Leaving the Good Life By Helen Nearing Post Mills Vermont Chelsea Green Publishing Company 1992 197p illustrations selected bibliography 1995 Charlotte Perkins Gilman A Nonfiction Reader Edited by Larry Ceplair New York Columbia University Press 1991 xi 345p notes bibliography index ...

"Memorial Building (Dedication of Hayes Memorial), The," Volume 25, Number 4, October, 1916, pp. 475-484.
... Dedication of the Hayes Memorial Dedication of the Hayes Memorial 475 THE MEMORIAL BUILDING The Memorial Building a beautiful structure of classic architecture stands among the great trees to the north of the Hayes Residence facing the entrance from Hayes Avenue It is of light grey Ohio sandstone from the Amherst quarries and of ample proportions Broad steps between bronze pedestals bearing ornamental lights lead up to the pillared portico and great bronze doors Upon entering the building the ...

Volume 70, Number 2, April, 1961, pp. 157-160.
... Historical News Historical News A GENERAL REORGANIZATION of the headquarters staff of the National Trust for Historic Preservation has been announced by Robert Garvey Jr executive director William J Murtagh formerly assistant to the director now heads a newly created department of education and Mrs Helen Duprey Bullock formerly historian and editor directs the department of information which issues Preservation Ne w s a new monthly publication Newly appointed to the staff is Robert G Stewart ...

"Remarks of I. N. Sturtevant, D. D." (Marietta Centennial) Volume 2, Number 1, June, 1888, pp. 138-139.
... REMARKS OF I REMARKS OF I N STURTEVANT DD I HAV E an ambition to speak on this occasion I wish to make a statement in the line of what has been said to-day which it may be bold for me to make and yet there is a fire in my bones that will not let me rest unless I make it I have looked to-day on the cemeteries here the burial places of the Indians-nothing left of these but the monuments of their day the cemetery where sleep the dead the soldier heroes of four wars and somehow filled as I have ...

Volume 80, Number 1, Winter, 1971, pp. 73-79.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Rise of Warren Gamaliel Harding 18651920 By RANDOLPH C DOWNES Columbus Ohio State University Press 1970 x 734p notes bibliography and index 1750 At long last the historiography of Warren Gamaliel Harding has reached the point where two thorough and scholarly books have appeared The statement refers to The Rise of Warren Gamaliel Harding 1865-1920 by Randolph C Downes and The Harding Era Warren G Harding and His Administration by Robert K Murray The road to this ...

"The Eclectic of St. Clairsville," by Philip D. Jordan. Volume 56, Number 4, October, 1947, pp. 387-391.
... THE ECLECTIC OF ST THE ECLECTIC OF ST CLAIRSVILLE by PHILIP D JORDAN Professor of History University of Minnesota and Research Associate Minnesota Historical Society For decades the charming village of St Clairsville named in honor of a stiff-necked soldier and governor who opposed Buckeye statehood played an important role in determining the development of the Northwest country Other Ohio communities-- classic-tinged Marietta Cincinnati the Queen City of seven hills sturdy ...

"Note-Historical," by R. W. McFarland. Volume 11, Number 1, July, 1902, pp. 153-154.
... NOTEHISTORICAL NOTEHISTORICAL R W M'FARLAND OXFORD OHIO People familiar with the early annals of the West know something of Simon Kenton They know also of the rivalry between him and Leitchman for the hand of a young lady-that Kenton was unsuccessful in his suite-that there was a fight in consequence and that in the first encounter Kenton again lost but in the second by wrapping Leitchman's long hair about a sapling Kenton won and so severely beat his opponent that thinking him fatally injured ...

Volume 68, Number 4, October, 1959, pp. 422-444.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Life of Mr Justice Clarke A Testament to the Power of Liberal Dissent in America By Hoyt Landon Warner Cleveland Western Reserve University Press 1959 ix232p frontispiece bibliography and index 500 In the past few years there has been a marked revival of interest in the United States Supreme Court as is shown by the flood of articles monographs and books that have appeared on the court and its members Such interest may reach a high point when the full-length study ...

"The Anti-Gallows Movement in Ohio," Volume 54, Number 2, April-June, 1945, pp. 104-112.
... THE ANTI-GALLOWS MOVEMENT IN OHIO THE ANTI-GALLOWS MOVEMENT IN OHIO By ALBERT POST The criminal codes of colonial America were based on those of England but in the New World where the social structure and traditions were less binding these codes were modified by reducing the number of capital crimes In England during the eighteenth century over two hundred felonies were capital while in the North American colonies the average number was about twelve With the publication in 1764 of the Essay on ...