... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Ohio Academy of History annual meeting will be held on Friday and Saturday April 26-27 1991 at Capital University in Columbus Ohio For details concerning the meeting contact Clayton R Koppes OAH Program Committee Oberlin College Department of History Oberlin Ohio 440741095 The Second Annual University of Cincinnati Social History Conference invites interested scholars to submit papers in social history broadly defined as any aspect of the history of ...
... DEDICATION OF MEMORIAL BUILDING DEDICATION OF MEMORIAL BUILDING OVER THE GRANT COTTAGE AT STATE FAIR GROUNDS The Grant Memorial Building enclosing the Grant cottage at the State Fair Grounds was dedicated September 3 1896 This ceremony had been planned for the forenoon of that day but a heavy rain made it necessary to postpone the program until the afternoon when fair weather greeted the large crowd assembled estimated at over four thousand people The program included addresses by Governor ...
... Race Principles and Policy of Rutherford B Hayes by GEORGE SINKLER When Rutherofrd B Hayes came to the presidency the race problem was waiting in all its urgency The subject was by no means new to him As an Ohio Congressman at the very beginning of his political career he endorsed the Radical program of reconstruction In unemotional terms this meant having a penchant for Negro rights and the preservation of the political power of the Republican party though not necessarily in that order1 A ...
... PHILIP BEVAN--MINOR POET OF OHIO PHILIP BEVAN--MINOR POET OF OHIO BY PHILIP B JORDAN That portion of the history of the United States known as the Middle Period spanning the years 18121850 is remarkable among other things for the conception and development of an intense pride in the nation itself and in the cultivation of a spirit of nationalism which preserved its intensity until well past the Civil War period Politically this pride and affection for country expressed itself in the ...
... PROCEEDINGS 287 PROCEEDINGS 287 MR STOUT To honor Mr Sater I think it would be very fitting that these resolutions become a part of the Minutes of our Society Will someone make a motion to that effect A motion was made by Mr Spetnagel and seconded by Mr Roof that these resolutions be made a part of the Minutes of the Society The motion was unanimously carried Mr Spetnagel chairman of the Nominating Committee then made the following report Speaking for your Nominating Committee I wish to ...
... A Report on the First Ohio Institute A Report on the First Ohio Institute on Local and State History By ROBERT C WHEELER Imagine turning people away from a meeting on history Yet it actually happened at Newark this fall on October 30 at the first Ohio Institute on Local and State History One hundred fifty persons from forty-two Ohio communities representing thirty-five local and county historical societies and museums squeezed and elbowed their way into the Newark Mound Builders Country Club ...
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Dangerous Relations The Soviet Union in World Politics 1970-1982 By Adam B Ulam New York Oxford University Press 1983 vi 325p notes index 2500 In a recent study of American diplomatic historiography Jerald Combs had some difficulty deciding if Adam Ulam had revisionist leanings or belonged firmly to the orthodox camp No such doubts could follow from Ulam's most recent study a continuation chronologically of his Expansion and Coexistence and the Rivals Ulam sees a ...
... 492 Ohio Arch 492 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications ZACHARIAH T SMITH The following article is the expression of respect to the memory of Z T Smith by J L Lewis and published in an Upper Sandusky newspaper Mr Smith was for many years a life member of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society and was potently interested in securing the proper legislation for the appropriation for the erection of a building for the Society's Museum and Library It has oft been said that 'Tis not ...
... Historical News Historical News The Alexander Hamilton Bicentennial Commission established by congress in 1954 for the celebration of the two-hundredth anniversary of Hamilton's birth in 1957 is pursuing a comprehensive program of memorial exercises publications activities in the field of education and public affairs commemorative exhibitions and the issuance of special coins stamps and medals Its publication program is well under way with Columbia University undertaking to edit and publish a ...
... THE MIDDLE WEST AND THE COMING THE MIDDLE WEST AND THE COMING OF WORLD WAR I by ARTHUR S LINK Associate Professor of History Northwestern University It is difficult to avoid elaborating the obvious in describing the general attitude of the leaders and people of the Middle West toward the European War from its outbreak until the intervention of the United States in 1917 Nourished as they had been upon a tradition of the uniqueness of American democratic virtue and upon the concept of the ...
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS List of Documents Concerning the Negotiation of Ratified Indian Treaties 1801-1869 Compiled by John H Martin Special List No 6 Washington National Archives 1949 iii 175p appendix One of the most ambitious archival endeavors in progress today is being conducted by the United States through its National Archives The methods of record keeping employed are efficiently designed to make possible a maximum use by scholars and government officials To obviate the necessity of ...
... NOTES ON THE PREVENTION OF COMMUNICABLE NOTES ON THE PREVENTION OF COMMUNICABLE DISEASES IN COLUMBUS 1890-1945 by HERBERT M PLATTER MD In the fall of 1893 I opened an office for the general practice of medicine in Columbus and was elected secretary of the Columbus Academy of Medicine which position I held for more than six years Columbus Medical College had just merged with Starling Medical College but Ohio Medical University opened its doors and thus there were at that time two medical ...
... 520 Ohio Arch 520 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications but they love it more because they have seen its crimson colors reproduced in the blood of America We love this country but they love it more because they have seen the sacrifices which have made it what it is and while we hope that we will have peace we are going to claim our right and recognize our right under any circumstance at any time to protect our homes our loved ones our country and our flag to maintain American institutions ...
... Howells' Campaign Biography Howells' Campaign Biography Of Rutherford B Hayes A Series of Letters Edited by LEO P COYLE In 1860 William Dean Howells wrote the campaign Lives and Speeches of Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin his first venture in the field of biography Sixteen years later his literary position assured Howells again projected a campaign biography This time the subject was Rutherford B Hayes who occupied the White House from 1877 to 18811 The second campaign book avowedly ...
... THOMAS A THOMAS A EDISON VISITS HIS BIRTHPLACE The village of Milan Erie County Ohio has acquired nation-wide and world-wide fame as the birthplace of one of the great inventors of the age Thomas Alva Edison was born there February 11 1847 A more extended sketch of this famous son of Ohio is reserved for the future It is the purpose here to record briefly a recent visit of Edison to the place of his birth on Saturday August 11 1923 He came in company with Henry Ford and Harvey S Firestone the ...
... Historical News Historical News TH E FIRST ANNUAL American history award of the Mississippi Valley Historical Association went to Donald F Warner professor of history at Wisconsin State College The presentation of the one thousand dollar prize was made on April 23 at the annual meeting of the association in Denver Colorado Dr Warner's winning entry entitled The Idea of Continental Union Agitation for Annexation of Canada to the United States 1849-1893 will be published in early 1960 by the ...
... EDGAR C EDGAR C REINKE Meliorem Lapsa Locavit An Intriguing Puzzle Solved Adorning the handsome facade of The Ohio State University's William Oxley Thompson Library in Columbus are four central halfcolumns of a piano nobile that encloses a shallow balcony in three bays Supporting the half-columns are four inscribed stone corbels each in the form of a shield The figures on these shields depict respectively from left to right the Great Seal of the United States the Great Seals of the Northwest ...
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS James Wickes Taylor A Choice Nook of Memory The Diary of a Cincinnati Law Clerk 1842-1844 Edited by James Taylor Dunn Columbus Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society 1950 xi 85p Paper 150 James Wickes Taylor lawyer author journalist librarian consular officer was an interesting figure in the early history of Ohio Minnesota and the Canadian Northwest For fourteen years Taylor lived in Ohio then he moved to Minnesota where he resided a similar length of time ...
... 508 Ohio Arch 508 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications It will not be disturbed by wars and revolutions but it will tower sublime while monarchies totter and fall it will stand majestic immutable the American Republic Applause ADDRESS OF THEODORE E BURTON Following the address of Colonel Cole President Johnson said I wish I might possess some of this inspiring oratory of the last speaker in making these introductions However my limitations leave me only the power to say in simple way that ...
... CARL M CARL M BECKER Newspapers in Battle The Dayton Empire and the Dayton Journal During the Civil War Throughout the Civil War as Union armies fought and bled Northern newspapers opposing and supporting the Lincoln administration engaged in a war of words that sometimes triggered violence on the home front Especially in the Middle West the Peace Democrats or Copperheads as these ultra-conservative Democrats came to be known employed the press for a continuing assault on Lincoln and his ...