Ohio History Journal

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"Fort Meigs, Fort Miami and Fallen Timbers," Volume 35, Number 4, October, 1926, pp. 639-640.
... Forty-First Annual Meeting 639 Forty-First Annual Meeting 639 be given to the portion dealing with Fallen Timbers The State and Federal Governments fell short in their appropriation for that park Mr Sherman and I conferred and I suggested that as Fallen Timbers is practially at Toledo's threshold the people of Toledo should join in carrying out the plan Mr Sherman agreed to undertake to raise 25000 It has been a long drawn out fight would have discouraged anybody except Mr Sherman I think he ...

"The Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio: Its Resources," (Collections and Exhibits) Volume 71, Number 3, October, 1962, pp. 254-261.
... THE HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO ITS RESOURCES by LOUIS LEONARD TUCKER PICTURE A VICTORIAN structure with dingily lighted rooms which are filled with antiquated display cases containing such items as Grandma Wiggins' dress of 1872 a piece from the keelboat that transported Ebenezer Smith our town's first settler a fire helmet worn by a volunteer who fought our town's greatest fire in 1867 Fill out this scene with two or three woman curators of octogenarian vintage who have an ...

"Joseph Green Butler, Jr." Volume 37, Number 1, Janaury, 1928, pp. 193-198.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 193 Reviews Notes and Comments 193 owners through whose hands it has passed in the long period since it was originally written They have recorded in it quaint receipts accounts and other matters of little or no value today For a time it appears to have been used as a copy-book It is however in spite of these insertions a venerable interesting and legible document which throws strong sidelights on the activities of the frontier army during this interesting period ...

"A Lost Portrait? Frank Duveneck Paints Elizabeth Blackwell," Volume 85, Number 4, Autumn, 1976, pp. 319-325.
... NANCY SAHLI NANCY SAHLI A Lost Portrait Frank Duveneck Paints Elizabeth Blackwell Frank Duveneck was probably Ohio's best known artist during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and is certainly one whose reputation has been sustained to the present day Born in Covington Kentucky in 1848 he began his career decorating churches in the United States and Canada In 1870 he traveled to Munich to study with Wilhelm von Diez returning three years later to Cincinnati By 1877 Duveneck's ...

"George Wells Knight," Volume 41, Number 2, April, 1932, pp. 352-359.
... GEORGE WELLS KNIGHT GEORGE WELLS KNIGHT Dr George Wells Knight joined the Faculty of the Ohio State University in 1885 He served as teacher of History in that institution to within a short time of his death which occurred Wednesday morning February 10 1932 In this long and uninterrupted service his teaching and personality left an impression upon a large number of students who in their turn will transmit it in an ever widening circle of influence When he came to accept a position in the ...

Volume 80, Number 1, Winter, 1971, pp. 73-79.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Rise of Warren Gamaliel Harding 18651920 By RANDOLPH C DOWNES Columbus Ohio State University Press 1970 x 734p notes bibliography and index 1750 At long last the historiography of Warren Gamaliel Harding has reached the point where two thorough and scholarly books have appeared The statement refers to The Rise of Warren Gamaliel Harding 1865-1920 by Randolph C Downes and The Harding Era Warren G Harding and His Administration by Robert K Murray The road to this ...

"Favorable Action of the General Assembly on Budget of the Society," Volume 32, Number 3, July, 1923, pp. 530-541.
... FAVORABLE ACTION OF THE GENERAL ASFAVORABLE ACTION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY ON BUDGET OF THE SOCIETY The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society is gradually coming into full recognition as one of the important educational agencies of the state Evidence of this fact is found in the recognition accorded it by the General Assembly of the state at its last regular session Its place among the institutions of the state was recognized when the trustees of the Ohio State University granted ...

"State's Function in Promoting the Cultivation of its History, The," by Alexander C. Flick. Volume 35, Number 3, July, 1926, pp. 445-463.
... Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial 445 Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial 445 closer relationships they can now be put aside The spirit of the times has changed The suggestion is offered stripped of details but in its larger aspect it carries no thought of physical or financial consolidations no thought of interference no abandonment of individual activities May we not hope that in the very spirit of this meeting here today there will be shown the seed of united unselfish wellordered ...

"Migrations and Their Lessons," by Washington Gladden. Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 178-195.
... 178 Ohio Arch 178 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications VOL 3 MIGRATIONS AND THEIR LESSONS SERMON PREACHED IN THE OPERA HOUSE SUNDAY BY WASHINGTON GLADDEN OF COLUMBUS By faith Abraham when he was called obeyed to go out unto a place which he was to receive for an inheritance and he went out not knowing whither he went-Heb ix 8 This is the first notice in ancient records of that great movement westward which occupies so many chapters of the history of the human race From that unknown country ...

"'The Family System of Common Farmers': The Early Years of Ohio's Reform Farm, 1858-1884," by Robert M. Mennel. Volume 89, Number 2, Summer, 1980, pp. 279-322.
... ROBERT M ROBERT M MENNEL The Family System of Common Farmers The Early Years of Ohio's Reform Farm 1858-1884 In late January 1858 the Hocking Cottage the first family building of the Ohio Reform Farm was pronounced perfectly dry and ready for occupancy Soon thereafter Acting Commissioner Superintendent Charles Reemelin escorted the first inmates nine of the better disposed boys from the Cincinnati House of Refuge to the Lancaster institution1 The school proposed to reform juvenile delinquents ...

"A Question of Authorship: The Ephraim George Squier-Edwin Hamilton Davis Controversy," by Terry A. Barnhart. Volume 92, , Annual, 1983, pp. 52-71.
... TERRY A TERRY A BARNHART A Question of Authorship The Ephraim George Squier-Edwin Hamilton Davis Controversy In 1848 Ephraim George Squier a young ambitious eastern journalist and Dr Edwin Hamilton Davis a prominent western physician and antiquarian laid claim to world attention with publication of their classic monograph Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley As the first scholarly publication of the fledgling Smithsonian Institution the appearance of this Great American Work1 was a ...

Volume 57, Binding Supplement, , 1948, pp. 449-476.
... INDEX INDEX The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly Volume 57 ABB UT FRANCIS E LL IN sGWOO U article on American AgrictulItrist Langstroth conin Northwest Ohio Quarterly 434 tributed to 154 Abbotts' Bridge 238 American Anti-Slavery Society 29 and Abell Aaron I 182 coalition sith abolition forces 165-166 Abolition and abolitionists 2 165-174 opposed to formation of abolition party 177-178 in Western Reserve 24-47 167 the Presbyterian Church and 120 121 American Ble Jotritl cited ...

"Archer Butler Hulbert," by Charles B. Galbreath. Volume 43, Number 4, October, 1934, pp. 465-470.
... ARCHER BUTLER HULBERT ARCHER BUTLER HULBERT BY CHARLES B GALBREATH1 The numerous acquaintances and friends of Archer Butler Hulbert have heard with regret the news of his death This is especially true in Ohio where he lived many years where he finished his college education at Marietta where he commenced his literary career at Columbus and where he taught for a time in his alma mater Though born in another State his interest in Ohio and her uncomparable history was sympathetic and abiding We ...

"Vatralsky's Tribute to MacGahan," Volume 9, Number 1, July, 1900, pp. 141-147.
... Comments Notes and Reviews Comments N otes and Reviews 141 the contrary A shade of pathetic and almost tragic sadness was cast over the proceedings of the of the meeting by the fact that only a few short hours before the wires across the wide waters had flashed the news that General Roberts with the British troops had occupied Pretoria meaning that it was the beginning of the end for the plucky but all too rash Dutch descendants in the African republic and that England's star of empire was ...

"Lynching and Law and Order: Origins and Passage of the Ohio Anti-Lynching Law of 1896," by David A. Gerber. Volume 83, Number 1, Winter, 1974, pp. 33-50.
... DAVID A DAVID A GERBER Lynching and Law and Order Origin and Passage of the Ohio Anti-Lynching Law of 1896 Americans are increasingly discovering that the United States has had a relatively lawless and violent history and that the problem of violent social disorder has continually plagued the nation The truth of this assertion as well as its implication for a deeper understanding of the country's social processes have tended to elude liberal scholars bent on tracing the steady progress of ...

"Crossroads: The Xenia Tornado, A Retrospective View," by Donald A. Hutslar. Volume 83, Number 3, Summer, 1974, pp. 192-211.
... edited by edited by DONALD A HUTSLAR Crossroads The Xenia Tornado A Retrospective View It is possible to factually document the cataclysmic tornado which cut a path through southwestern Ohio on the third of April 1974 Pictures can show the destruction words convey the impressions of the participants There will be many publications of this nature What is difficult perhaps impossible to impart is the break in historic continuity such an event will produce particularly in a community such as ...

"Learning and Piety in Ohio Colleges, 1900-1930," by Sherman B. Barnes. Volume 70, Number 3, July, 1961, pp. 214-243.
... Learning and Piety in Learning and Piety in Ohio Colleges 1900-1930 By SHERMAN B BARNES FACED WITH AN expanding subdivision of knowledge growing vocational ambitions and increasing enrollments in the early decades of the present century Ohio colleges began to find difficulty in keeping in balance their traditional system of combining learning with religious faith When President Barrows hoped that Oberlin would never become a place where God is politely bowed out of the classroom he observed ...

"Winesburg Revisited and Wine Baron's Castle," by Martin Scholten. Volume 75, Number 1, Winter, 1966, pp. 35-37.
... 36 OHIO HISTORY 36 OHIO HISTORY WINE BARON'S CASTLE Marblehead Peninsula Lake Erie Low thunderheads like distant nebulous hills Hovering on the horizon and the lake In silvered calm reflective eye of summer Casting on earth and sky a spell of vast And brooding quiet -- almost as if time Were an unchanging landscape and its motions With those of wind and weather all suspended That was the afternoon we found the house Known to us only by vague history And local legend then an echoing shell Of ...

"Nullification in Ohio" by Daniel J. Ryan. Volume 2, Number 3, December, 1888, pp. 413-422.
... NULLIFICATION IN OHIO NULLIFICATION IN OHIO TWELVE years before the famous resistance of South Carolina to Federal authority the State of Ohio through the solemn acts of her Legislature attempted and succeeded for a time to nullify the laws of the United States and to disobey the decisions of her courts It was not merely a legislative nullification but it wa s a complete destruction of Federal standing within the State The United States Courts and the United States Banks were denied the ...

Volume 53, Number 4, October-December, 1944, pp. 393-411.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS American Political Parties Their Natural History By Wilfred E Binkley New York Alfred A Knopf 19 43 389p 375 This book presents a keen and careful analysis of American political parties from the development of Federalism to the Republican prospects in 1944 It is not a history of politics and elections Indeed one finds not very much about national conventions events of campaigns Congressional debates and White House preand post-election politics The red-fire the horse ...