Ohio History Journal

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"Last Contributed Article: Newspapers Read by the Ohio Pioneers," Volume 29, Number 2, April, 1920, pp. 145-153.
... Emilius Oviatt Randall Emilius Oviatt Randall 14 5 LAST CONTRIBUTED ARTICLE The following contribution was the last written by Mr Randall for publication It appeared in the issues of The Ohio Newspaper for November and December 1919 NEWSPAPERS READ BY THE OHIO PIONEERS Maxwell's Centinel of the Northwestern Territory its Contemporaries and Immediate Successors -Journals Now More Than a Century Old BY EMILIUS 0 RANDALL LL D Journalism led the van of literary culture in its advance into the ...

"Report on the Present Condition of Mounds and Earthworks in Ohio," Volume 1, Number 4, March, 1888, pp. 341-348.
... REPORT ON THE PRESENT CONDITION OF REPORT ON THE PRESENT CONDITION OF MOUNDS AND EARTHWORKS OF OHIO HAVING been appointed by the Ohio Arch ae ological and Historial Society Chairman of a Committee to consider the necessity and the means of preserving the prehistoric mounds and earthworks of Ohio I arranged last summer to spend a week in company with Judge C C Baldwin of Cleveland in making a tour of inspection which should enable us to supplement investigations which we had previously made ...

"Blennerhassett," Volume 1, Number 2, September, 1887, pp. 127-163.
... BLENNERHASSETT BLENNERHASSETT1 I BLENNERHASSETT TRUTH is not only stranger than fiction but often sadder than the grimmest fancy can portray Few pages of American history present more of the picturesque and none offer so much of the pitiful as do those that tell the story of Blennerhassett This man whom Parton the would-be whitewasher of Aaron Burr calls eccentric romantic idle and shiftless descended from choice Irish stock The source of his blood is traced to the times of King John Harman ...

"The Western Reserve Historical Society," by Elbert J. Benton. Volume 54, Number 2, April-June, 1945, pp. 96-103.
... THE WESTERN RESERVE HISTORICAL SOCIETY THE WESTERN RESERVE HISTORICAL SOCIETY By ELBERT J BENTON As the Western Reserve Historical Society has passed the three score and ten commonly allotted as the span of human life having recently celebrated its seventy-fifth birthday it would seem to have attained a respectable age The record however shows that there are twenty-two historical societies in the United States which were founded more than one hundred years ago One who is familiar with the ...

"Dialect Distribution and Settlement Patterns in the Great Lakes Region," by Alva L. Davis. Volume 60, Number 1, January, 1951, pp. 48-56.
... DIALECT DISTRIBUTION AND SETTLEMENT PATTERNS DIALECT DISTRIBUTION AND SETTLEMENT PATTERNS IN THE GREAT LAKES REGION by ALVA L DAVIS Assistant Professor of English Western Reserve University The study of dialect distribution in the eastern United States and in the secondary settlement areas of the Great Lakes Region has now reached a point where it is possible to show some interesting correlations between the linguistic features and the settlement patterns of these regions It is simple perhaps ...

"New York Historical Society Building," Volume 14, Number 2, April, 1905, pp. 221-222.
... Editorialana Editorialana 221 Society Wednesday evening and a reception Thursday afternoon by President and Mrs Harper at their residence corner of Fifty-ninth street and Lexington avenue President Harper is an Ohio man and was formerly connected with Muskingum College at New Concord His wife is also a Buckeye and when a girl lived in Mansfield She is the daughter of the Rev David Paul who was the pastor of the Mansfield United Presbyterian Church from 1858 until 1864 when he resigned to ...

"Charles Burleigh Galbreath," Volume 43, Number 2, April, 1934, pp. 123-129.
... CHARLES BURLEIGH GALBREATH CHARLES BURLEIGH GALBREATH BY HENRY C SHETRONE Charles Burleigh Galbreath--1858-1934 A simple statement this of itself but on second thought it becomes much more than a mere epitaph For a human life to span three-quarters of a century is sufficiently unusual but when the life of a Charles Burleigh Galbreath parallels the most remarkable threequarter century period the world has known the result is epochal Time of itself like an unheard sound in the wilderness means ...

Volume 67, Number 4, October, 1958, pp. 384-408.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews PR Politics in Cincinnati Thirty-Two Years of City Government Through Proportional Representation By Ralph A Straetz New York New York University Press 1958 xvii312p bibliography and appendix 500 From an early day the political history of Cincinnati has been a study in contrasts The home of such notable national figures as Edward McLean Joseph B Foraker William Howard Taft Nicholas Longworth Judson Harmon and Robert A Taft it also numbers among its sons such divergent ...

"Nicotiana: An Ethnologic, Historic and Literary Novelty," by Henry Clyde Shetrone. Volume 46, Number 1, January, 1937, pp. 81-102.
... NICOTIANA NICOTIANA AN ETHNOLOGIC HISTORIC AND LITERARY NOVELTY1 BY HENRY CLYDE SHETRONE The complete story of man his institutions activities and habits cannot be compiled solely from documentary evidence Man's physical origin and the spinning of the threads which were to determine the pattern of his behavior antedate by ages his realization of the importance of intentional records Such purposeful records moreover constituting what is popularly known as history supply only the latter chapters ...

"German Book Trade In Ohio Before 1848, The," by Robert E. Cazden. Volume 84, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter-Spring, 1975, pp. 57-77.
... ROBERT E ROBERT E CAZDEN The German Book Trade In Ohio Before 1848 In the summer of 1796 Jonathan Zane and his brothers as part payment for lands received from the United States Government began to hew a pack trail from the Ohio River at Wheeling to the later site of New Lancaster Ohio through to Chillicothe and on to a point opposite Maysville Kentucky on the Ohio River For a long while this trail called Zane's Trace was the only route connecting Kentucky with the East along it trod many ...

"The Process of Voluntary Association: Organizing the Ravenna Temperance Society, 1830," by Marc L. Harris. Volume 94, , Summer-Autumn, 1985, pp. 158-170.
... MARC L MARC L HARRIS The Process of Voluntary Association Organizing the Ravenna Temperance Society 1830 With attention beginning now to focus on voluntary association as a characteristic feature of pre-Civil War American life it is important not to lose sight of the phenomenon of voluntary organization as itself a historical problem One aspect of this problem that particularly needs discussion is a complex of issues arising from the extraparliamentary nature of voluntary groups This aspect ...

"Negro Self-Improvement Efforts in Ante-Bellum Cincinnati, 1836-1850," Volume 78, Number 3, Summer, 1969, pp. 179-187, notes 223-225.
... Negro Self-Improvement Negro Self-Improvement Efforts in Ante-Bellum Cincinnati 1836-1850 by Richard W Pih In recent years various historians particularly Leon F Litwack in his North of Slavery have focused on the speciousness of the North Star Legend of Yankee tolerance and benevolence toward the free Negro prior to the Civil War Numerous state studies on this subject have been made but work on the local urban level appears neglected Even though Carter G Woodson admirably pioneered an ...

"Behind Lincoln's Visit to Ohio in 1859," Volume 60, Number 1, January, 1951, pp. 28-47.
... BEHIND LINCOLN'S VISIT TO OHIO IN 1859 BEHIND LINCOLN'S VISIT TO OHIO IN 1859 by EARL W WILEY Professor of Speech Ohio State University The wheels of Buckeye politics were set spinning on September 1 1859 That was the day when the Ohio Statesman published in Columbus tardily and reluctantly released the announcement that Senator Stephen A Douglas would barnstorm in Ohio during the Ranney-Dennison campaign then off to a running start Its editor George W Manypenny was chairman of the Democratic ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 87, Number 2, Spring, 1978, pp. 207-209.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries A number of scholarly meetings of interest to Ohio History readers will be held in April The Ohio Academy of History holds its annual spring meeting April 28-29 at the Fawcett Center for Tomorrow on the Ohio State University campus Ashland College hosts the regional-state meeting of the history honorary society Phi Alpha Theta on April 22 and a week later on April 29 the Ohio Academy of Medical History holds its annual meeting at the Howard Dittrick Museum ...

"Baker on the Fifth Ballot? The Democratic Alternative: 1932," Volume 75, Number 4, Autumn, 1966, pp. 226-246, notes 273-277.
... BAKER ON THE FIFTH BALLOT THE DEMOCRATIC ALTERNATIVE 1932 by ELLIOT A ROSEN A study of history's might-have-beens is often more interesting and informative than one would suspect from the bare recital of what happened For in addition to the zest of narrative it has the delight of speculation Very often the threads which lead to a great decision are intertwined with other strands which if they had prevailed might have brought about an entirely different aftermath What would have been the ...

"Dunmore Treaty, The," Volume 31, Number 4, October, 1922, pp. 591-592.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 591 Reviews Notes and Comments 591 THE DUNMORE TREATY In the hope that some trace might be discovered of the Dunmore Treaty to which references were made in the meeting of the McGuffey Society at the Logan Elm an account of which is published in this issue Governor James E Campbell President of the Society on August 3 addressed a letter to the American Ambassador at London England to which he has received the following answer DEAR SIRI have been instructed by the ...

"Address of Gen. R. Brinkerhoff" (Big Bottom Monument) Volume 15, Number 1, January, 1906, pp. 26-27.
... 26 Ohio Arch 26 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications three hundred thousand soldiers in the great Civil War that was to cement and weld into one indissoluble federation the nation the forefathers made independent With filial reverence we erect monuments of marble and tablets of brass upon the sites most memorable in the storm and stress of the early pioneer days But greater than all the memorials of art to noble founders are the products of industry progress prosperity and humanity which ...

"Favorable Action of the General Assembly on Budget of the Society," Volume 32, Number 3, July, 1923, pp. 530-541.
... FAVORABLE ACTION OF THE GENERAL ASFAVORABLE ACTION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY ON BUDGET OF THE SOCIETY The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society is gradually coming into full recognition as one of the important educational agencies of the state Evidence of this fact is found in the recognition accorded it by the General Assembly of the state at its last regular session Its place among the institutions of the state was recognized when the trustees of the Ohio State University granted ...

"James R. Garfield: The Making of a Progressive," Volume 74, Number 2, Spring, 1965, pp. 79-89, notes 143-145.
... James R Garfield the making of a progressive by JACK M THOMPSON One of the leaders in the movement to bring Theodore Roosevelt back to the presidency in 1912 was a now rather obscure Ohioan named James R Garfield The second son of President James A Garfield he was Roosevelt's secretary of the interior from 1907 to 1909 and the Progressive candidate for governor of Ohio in 1914 A prominent figure on the Ohio and national scenes at the height of the progressive movement he found the ascent to ...

"Origin of Public Education in Ohio, The," by William McAlpine. Volume 38, Number 3, July, 1929, pp. 409-447.
... THE ORIGIN OF PUBLIC EDUCATION IN OHIO THE ORIGIN OF PUBLIC EDUCATION IN OHIO BY WILLIAM MC ALPINE M A A certain very excellent history of education says that in Ohio public education was a victory of the New England element over the other parts of Ohio's population In the same work there are certain maps taken from Mathews' Expansion of New England Certain parts of the state where the New England population is supposed to have predominated are marked white The remainder is black The ...