Ohio History Journal

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"Test for the Ohio National Guard: The Cincinnati Riot of 1884, A," by Mark V. Kwasny. Volume 98, , Winter-Spring, 1989, pp. 23-51.
... MARK V MARK V KWASNY A Test for the Ohio National Guard The Cincinnati Riot of 1884 Riots have been a part of our history since the colonial days Crowds clashing with civil and military authorities violence in the streets and the deaths of citizens at the hands of law enforcement agencies-these are not unknown in the history of the United States The Cincinnati Riot March 28-30 1884 contained all of these elements For three days citizens police and soldiers of the Ohio National Guard ONG fought ...

"Ohio Representative John M. Vorys and the Arms Embargo in 1939," by David L. Porter. Volume 83, Number 2, Spring, 1974, pp. 103-113.
... DAVID L DAVID L PORTER Ohio Representative John M Vorys and the Arms Embargo in 1939 During the last few years Congress increasingly has favored a reduction in American commitments to foreign nations This action has reversed a long-standing policy of globalism stemming from World War II Congress probably has not witnessed such widespread noninterventionist sentiments since shortly before World War II when the legislative branch refused to repeal the arms embargo or permit munitions sales to ...

"Alfred R. McIntire," Volume 13, Number 1, January, 1904, pp. 123-124.
... Editorialana Editorialana 1 23 ALFRED R M cI NTIRE Hon Alfred R McIntire died on Monday September 21 1903 near Jewelsburg Colorado while a passenger upon a train from Emmett Idaho to his home at Mt Vernon He was born July 14 1840 on a farm near Mt Hope Holmes county Ohio and at the age of fourteen removed with his parents to Knox county and settled upon a farm near Fredericktown His ancestors on both the paternal and maternal sides were Irish His grandfathers emigrated to America and his ...

Volume 65, Number 1, January, 1956, pp. 86-110.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Social Ideas of the Northern Evangelists 1826-1860 By Charles C Cole Jr New York Columbia University Press 1954 268p bibliography and index 425 Charles C Cole Jr has written an objective and well-balanced account of the relation between leading evangelical clergymen and the reform movements which characterized the several decades before the Civil War The author recognizes that the evangelists were above all concerned with the problem of individual salvation Their ...

"West, The," "The West in American History," by John Lee Webster. Volume 24, Number 2, April, 1915, pp. 170-186.
... THE WEST IN AMERICAN HISTORY THE WEST IN AMERICAN HISTORY JOHN LEE WEBSTER President Nebraska Historical Society History is to a nation what the faculty of memory is to individuals the basis of all our experience and by means of experience the source of all improvement History knows all things contains all things teaches all things not in winged words which strike the ear without impressing the mind but in great and striking actions The spirit of the world itself is but a great and unending ...

"John Brown's Last Letter," by Clarence S. Gee. Volume 40, Number 2, April, 1931, pp. 185-189.
... JOHN BROWN'S LAST LETTER JOHN BROWN'S LAST LETTER BY CLARENCE S GEE John Brown of Harper's Ferry fame sat in his prison cell in Charlestown Virginia now West Virginia on the morning of December 2nd 1859 well aware that he had not long to live His trial had resulted in a verdict against him and he was sentenced to die on this date In papers recently restored to the files of the Circuit Court in Charlestown we find the original verdict We the Jury find the defendant John Brown the prisoner at ...

"Who Were the Mound Builders?," by J. P. MacLean. Volume 13, Number 1, January, 1904, pp. 91-96.
... WHO WERE THE MOUND BUILDERS WHO WERE THE MOUND BUILDERS J P MACLEAN PH D An ancient and unknown race of people possessing a welldeveloped type of civilization once inhabited the valleys of the Ohio and Mississippi This race has left no written history but the testimony of its existence and advancement in the arts and sciences is attested in the stupendous structures consisting of mounds walled enclosures and domestic implements which have long attracted the attention of observers scientists ...

"The Middle West and the Coming of World War I," by Arthur S. Link. Volume 62, Number 2, April, 1953, pp. 109-121.
... THE MIDDLE WEST AND THE COMING THE MIDDLE WEST AND THE COMING OF WORLD WAR I by ARTHUR S LINK Associate Professor of History Northwestern University It is difficult to avoid elaborating the obvious in describing the general attitude of the leaders and people of the Middle West toward the European War from its outbreak until the intervention of the United States in 1917 Nourished as they had been upon a tradition of the uniqueness of American democratic virtue and upon the concept of the ...

"Newspapers in Battle: The Dayton Empire and the Dayton Journal During the Civil War," by Carl M. Becker. Volume 99, , Winter-Spring, 1990, pp. 29-50.
... CARL M CARL M BECKER Newspapers in Battle The Dayton Empire and the Dayton Journal During the Civil War Throughout the Civil War as Union armies fought and bled Northern newspapers opposing and supporting the Lincoln administration engaged in a war of words that sometimes triggered violence on the home front Especially in the Middle West the Peace Democrats or Copperheads as these ultra-conservative Democrats came to be known employed the press for a continuing assault on Lincoln and his ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 33, Number 1, January, 1924, pp. 215-226.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR DR THOMAS CORWIN MENDENHALL Dr Thomas Corwin Mendenhall died at his home in Ravenna Saturday March 22 He was a member of the first faculty of the Ohio State University and a life member of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society A brief sketch of his life was published in the QUARTERLY of the Society for October 1921 He delivered the annual address at ...

"Thomas Buchanan Read and the Civil War: The Story of 'Sheridan's Ride," by Harvey S. Ford. Volume 56, Number 3, July, 1947, pp. 215-227.
... THOMAS BUCHANAN READ AND THE CIVIL WAR THOMAS BUCHANAN READ AND THE CIVIL WAR The Story of Sheridan's Ride by HARVEY S FORD Head Librarian TOLEDO BLADE The phenomenal popularity of Sheridan's Ride lasted a long time Few poems have taken such a hold on the American people nor have there been many so well liked It is true that its popularity today is not what it once was and Sheridan's Ride does not appear as often as it used to in the textbooks for high school literature courses No longer is it ...

"Disharmony in the Harding Cabinet: Hoover-Wallace Conflict," Volume 75, Numbers 2 & 3, Spring and Summer, 1966, pp. 126-136, notes 188-190.
... DISHARMONY IN THE HARDING CABINET HOOVER-WALLACE CONFLICT by EDWARD L SCHAPSMEIER and FREDERICK H SCHAPSMEIER The campaign of 1920 was a twofold success for the Republican Party Warren G Harding brought the Grand Old Party back into national power and he succeeded in reuniting the party The rupture of 1912 had been healed The cabinet represented all factions During Harding's presidency party harmony was sustained by balancing the desires of the Progressive and conservative wings -- neither ...

"The Indian's Head," by Henry Bannon. Volume 30, Number 1, January, 1921, pp. 71-74.
... THE INDIAN'S HEAD THE INDIAN'S HEAD HENRY BANNON The white man when he first crossed the Allegheny Mountains and entered the Ohio Valley found many crude drawings of the figures of men and beasts on the rocks along the Guyandotte and Ohio rivers Of course it is not positively known whether these pictures were the work of Indians or of some tribes that preceded the Indians On the Kentucky shore about opposite the foot of Bond Street Portsmouth Ohio there still stands one of these inscribed ...

"The MacGahan Monument: A Dedication at New Lexington," Volume 21, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1912, pp. 215-244.
... THE MACGAHAN MONUMENT THE MACGAHAN MONUMENT A DEDICATION AT NEW LEXINGTON MacGahan was preparing to attend and write up the International Congress at Berlin when declining to abandon a sick friend at Constantinople he was himself attacked with the malignant fever that had prostrated his friend and died after a few days' illness June 9 1878 In the year 1884 his remains at Constantinople were disinterred and brought by the United States steamer Powhatan to this country In New York city the ...

"Aboriginal History of Butler County," by J. P. MacLean. Volume 1, Number 1, June, 1887, pp. 64-68.
... ABORIGINAL HISTORY OF BUTLER COUNTY ABORIGINAL HISTORY OF BUTLER COUNTY AFTER a brief popular discussion of the evidences of pre-glacial man in France England and New Jersey Mr MacLean spoke of the analogy between the situation of the gravel terraces along the Miami in Butler county and those in which the remains of man have been found in the other places referred to Like the terraces on the Delaware at Trenton New Jersey where Dr C C Abbott had found rough stone implements of pre-glacial age ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 32, Number 1, January, 1923, pp. 282-294.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR REMINISCENCES OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN DR GEORGE T HARDING Dr George T Harding who is a Civil War veteran recently recalled a pleasant visit to Abraham Lincoln At the conclusion of his war service he and a few of his comrades called at the White House A colored attendant told them that the President was very busy but that if they would wait awhile they would have an ...

Volume 86, Binding Supplement, , 1977, pp. 307-318.
... Index Index COMPILED BY NANCY SUMMERS ACCINELLI Robert D on Harding 113 Colonial Frontiersman Explorer and Adams and Jefferson A Revolutionary Indian Agent rev 138-39 Dialogue by Merrill D Peterson 136 Bain George W book rev 204-05 Adams Charles Francis 242-44 246 Bancroft Thomas Chief Inspector of Adams John Quincy 157 165-66 167n Mines 17 Agricultural Adjustment Administration Barefoot Preacher The comp by Mrs 272 N E Lamb and revised by J F BurAgricultural and Mechanical College The nett ...

"Nouvelles du Scioto-The Story of a Fraud," Volume 78, Number 4, Autumn, 1969, pp. 261-272.
... edited by edited by HENRY J YEAGER Nouvelles du Scioto The Story of a Fraud The original settlement of what is now southern Ohio at the end of the eighteenth century was marred by scandalous treatment of the French immigrants by the promoters of the Scioto Land Company Through its agency in Paris the company using misleading information sold land to Frenchmen eager to settle in America The Parisians suffered considerable physical hardship on their voyage to say nothing of the mental anguish in ...

"Painters and Patrons: The Fine Arts in Cincinnati, 1820-1860," by Kathleen M. Dillon. Volume 96, , Winter-Spring, 1987, pp. 7-32.
... KATHLEEN M KATHLEEN M DILLON Painters and Patrons The Fine Arts in Cincinnati 1820-1860 In short we should foster western genius encourage western writers patronize western publishers augment the number of western readers and create a western heart1 -Daniel Drake 1833 Dr Daniel Drake a Cincinnati physician and public benefactor made his plea for a distinctly western culture at a gathering of Ohio and Kentucky teachers in 1833 If the arts received public support Drake believed Cincinnati and ...

"The Lecompton Issue in Knox County Politics: Division of the Democracy, 1858" Volume 81, Number 3, Summer, 1972, pp. 157-192.
... LORLE A LORLE A PORTER The Lecompton Issue in Knox County Politics Division of the Democracy 1858 The division of the Democratic party in 1857-58 over the issue of the Lecompton Constitution for Kansas proved to be a decisive turning point in American history President James Buchanan by accepting this semi-fradulent attempt to admit Kansas into the Union as a slave state bitterly divided the only remaining national party Senator Stephen A Douglas the Little Giant opposed the constitution and ...