... CAMP CHARLOTTE SITE MARKED CAMP CHARLOTTE SITE MARKED A granite monument erected near the site of Camp Charlotte bears a bronze tablet with the following inscription CAMP CHARLOTTE Near this spot -- the famous Treaty was made between Lord Dunmore Governor of Virginia and Chief Cornstalk of the Shawnees and Allied Tribes in October -- 1774 This Camp was named Charlotte after the Queen of England Erected by the Pickaway Plains Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution 1774 1928 This monument ...
... MINUTES MINUTES 0F THE Sixth Annual Meeting of the Society HELD IN COLUMBUS FEBRUARY 18 AND 1 9 18 91 Thursday February 19th the society came to order in the State Library There being present the following members Wm E Moore of Columbus A A Graham of Columbus N S Townshend of Columbus H A Thompson of Westerville J A Anderson of Columbus L B Wing of Newark Geo F Bareis of Canal Winchester A R McIntire of Mt Vernon D J Ryan of Portsmouth J J Janney of Columbus S S Rickly of Columbus Thos E Van ...
... The Siege of Fort Meigs The Siege of Fort Meigs 315 THE SIEGE OF FORT MEIGS BY H W COMPTON The construction of Fort Meigs by General William Henry Harrison in the early spring of 1813 and its siege by the British general Proctor and the renowned chief Tecumseh in May of that year was one of the important incidents in the war of 1812 But few of those who now look at the ruins of Fort Meigs slumbering upon the high grassy plateau opposite the village of Maumee can realize the fearful struggle ...
... ST ST CLAIR'S DEFEAT AN ORATION DELIVERED BY JUDGE SAMUEL F HUNT ON THE CENTENNIAL OF THE DEFEAT OF GENERAL ARTHUR ST CLAIR AND ON THE OCCASION OF THE RE-INTERMENT OF THE DEAD WHO FELL IN THE ENGAGEMENT ON THE BATTLEFIELD FT RECOVERY O OCT 16 1891 It is said that for more than six hundred years after the battle of Morgarten the Swiss peasantry gathered on the field of battle to commemorate those who had fallen for freedom We have assembled to-day in the same spirit to do honor to the gallant ...
... BRADY'S LEAP BRADY'S LEAP BY E 0 RANDALL In what is known as Tract 29 issued in 1875 by the Western Reserve Historical Society the tradition-as the Tract calls it-of Brady's leap is related That a famous leap by Brady was made at the place generally designated as the site there is little or no doubt The time and attending circumstances of the achievement are much in dispute and wrote Mr L V Bierce in 1856 the numerous traditions respecting Brady's Leap across the Cuyahoga River and many other ...
... Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical Association Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical Association 183 Records of the Synod of Pittsburgh 1802-1832 Centenary Memorial Volume of Presbyterianism in Western Pennsylvania Papers by Darlington and Veech History of Pittsburgh by N B Craig 1851 History of Pittsburgh by Sarah H Killikelly 1906 History of Pittsburgh by Erasmus Wilson 1898 EARLY RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS IN THE MUSKINGUM VALLEY BY C L MARTZOLFF OHIO UNIVERSITY The dominant note in the ...
... 492 Ohio Arch 492 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications From the ruins of this first estate we have the smiling landscape the green grass the fertile fields of waving grain We have the advantages ease comfort conveniences luxuries of modern civilization For the generation that first came to this goodly land and rough-hewed the way there is lasting remembrance and perpetual honor In their lives there was a seriousness of purpose that is not characteristic of the later generation In the midst ...
... Unveiling of the Cresap Tablet Unveiling of the Cresap Tablet 141 vation of their historic sites mounds circles squares and the tokens of a bygone civilization found therein To you and to your keeping we present this Tablet and are happy in so doing We realize that you and the great State of Ohio are leading in the procession of progress To you the custodian of the glories of the past peoples records and their trophies of valor we consign this Tablet and leave it under your protection and that ...
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA VOL XVIII No4 OCTOBER 1 909 AVERY'S HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES Volume VI of A History of the United States and its People by Elroy M Avery is just received In elegance of paper and mechanical effect in richness of illustration maps charts fac-similes of documents and reproductions of paintings in original colors this volume is fully equal to its predecessors We have in notices of the previous volumes sufficiently commented upon the typographical character of the ...
... THE BEGINNINGS OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE THE BEGINNINGS OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY By THOMAS N HOOVER Rufus Putman never attended a university but fathered the first institution for higher learning in the Northwest Territory He seldom if ever went to school but contributed much to the cause of education His mother when Rufus was still a small boy inflicted upon him an undesirable domineering illiterate step-father who required the lad to work all day and denied him a ...
... 30 Ohio Arch 30 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications VOL 4 AN EARLY ABOLITION COLONY AND ITS FOUNDER BY A A GRAHAM About nine miles north of the capital of Ohio is a village the foundation of which marks an important epoch in the history of Ohio The conflict between freedom and slavery began before the successful growth of the young republic was assured Thrifty New Englanders were waiting the encroachment of slavery and among them were men not afraid to lift up their voices in loud and ...
... Editorialana Editorialana 161 mouth begin to move and approaching the immobile features silent for centuries he placed his ear to the stone lips and heard a sound like a subdued murmur you're another As Artemus Ward would say of this controversy of the critics it would be funny if it were not serious The Mound Builders builded better than they knew Their works are food for thought and subjects for study Certain it is that they were a vast and enterprising and interesting race whence and ...
... INDIANS IN UNION COUNTY INDIANS IN UNION COUNTY BY COLONEL W L CURRY In 1797 before a white settler had found a home in the tract of country now forming the county of Union a town was laid out on a large scale in what is now Darby Township on the south side of Big Darby Creek by Lucas Sullivant who named it North Liberty Doubtless Mr Sullivant expected his town would at some not distant day be a busy metropolis but he ruined its prospects by laying out in August of the same year 1797 the town ...
... 276 Ohio Arch 276 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications VoL 3 with its annual receipts from members' dues interest sale of publications etc will keep it on a plane with the best societies in the country and enable it to do its full share of usefulness The General Assembly has provided for the purchase and preservation of that remarkable earth-work--Fort Ancient-in the Little Miami valley It is the largest and most extensive prehistoric remains now in Ohio The move was most commendable and ...
... 526 Ohio Arch 526 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications and accoutrements Wayne could not safely go directly down and thereupon he dug an oblique shelf-road in the breast of the declivity downward -- eastward a distance of about one hundred feet and thereby the army descended to the floor of the valley and crossed the stream The shelf-road is not the pitch It is the expedient made in breast of the pitch or declivity It is a very interesting well-preserved remnant of Wayne's Preble Trail It ...
... PONTIAC'S CONSPIRACY PONTIAC'S CONSPIRACY BY E 0 RANDALL For a century and a half 1600-1750 France and England had been rivals for the possession of the fairest part of the North American continent Each nation had acquired a fixed tenancy but the extent of those respective holdings was unequal France by her discoveries and occupancies had preempted Canada the region of the Great Lakes and the Ohio and Mississippi valleys England through her colonies the New England Coast from near the Gulf of ...
... MIAMI UNIVERSITY CALVINISM AND THE ANTIMIAMI UNIVERSITY CALVINISM AND THE ANTISLAVERY MOVEMENT 1 By JAMES H RODABAUGH Miami University is a daughter of the Old Northwest Its origins may be traced to the land grant made by Congress to John Cleves Symmes in 1787 According to the contract among the lands of the Symmes Purchase one township was to be reserved for an academy or college After years of controversy and litigation during which Symmes sold the reserved lands Congress in 1803 granted in ...
... FRIENDS AND THE SHAWNEE INDIANS AT FRIENDS AND THE SHAWNEE INDIANS AT WAPAKONETA By HARLOW LINDLEY About the beginning of the last century two bands of Shawnee Indians are known to have been settled on lands in the vicinity of the present town of Wapakoneta Ohio In the year 1809 these Indians began to receive attention from the Friends of Ohio Yearly Meeting In order to assist them in adopting civilized modes of living they built for them a saw and grist mill on their lands and some of the ...
... UNVEILING OF THE SOLDIERS' MEMORIAL TABLET UNVEILING OF THE SOLDIERS' MEMORIAL TABLET ON THE HAYES MEMORIAL BUILDING AT SPIEGEL GROVE BY LUCY ELLIOT KEELER The Ninety-eighth Anniversary of the birth of Rutherford B Hayes Nineteenth President of the United States 1877-1881 and at the time of his death January 17 1893 the honored president of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was celebrated with ceremonies of unusual interest on October 4 192 0 at Spiegel Grove Fremont Ohio ...
... HISTORIC WORTHINGTON HISTORIC WORTHINGTON MIRA CLARKE PARSONS One hundred years ago in the month of October the quiet of the wilderness where Worthington now stands was broken by the arrival of forty families under the leadership of James Kilbourne The journey had occupied more than six weeks They came from Granby and Simsbury Conn representing many trades and occupations and bringing the hope and courage needed in founding a new home in a strange land The previous year their leader and Nathan ...